ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ CHOOㅤ :ㅤ정세론 (WIP)



aimashou • tilda • 7-10


the basics.

name » jung saeron  /  정세론


» minnie mouse + who calls her that
» saejung + although saeron was an academic child, even she has her faults. when she was little and was learning how to write, saeron mixed the letters for jung and ron and accidently wrote her name as 'ron saejung'. her parents kept this as a moment to embarrass her for future moments.
» flower girl + this nickname has to do with saeron once being a flower girl for her uncle's wedding but also because hoseok felt that the name that he had been given, 'flower boy' felt weird so he calls her 'flower girl' to match.



BIRTHDAY » march 7th, 1999 

birthplace & hometown » seoul, south korea

ethnicitY » korean


» korean ; fluent ; saeron was born and raised in south korea and therefore is great at speaking and writing in the language. 

» english ; intermediate ; saeron takes english classes in highschool and takes her studies very seriously. she found it easy to learn the language but is not fluent because she has only been learning it for three years.

face claiM » laboum's yulhee

backup face claim » twice's chaeyeon


style » optional. words and pictures are loved

" look at it in a new perspective, it's more different "

" do i still need to blossom? or am i wilting away? "


the girl next door.


plotline » the brain

STAGE NAME » saron ; just because it's missing a letter, doesn't mean the name is incorrect. saeron chose to not use her real name because there was already a well known actress with the same name and it would be a hassle sharing the same 'stage' name as her. plus, she was told that people with the name 'saron' have the inner need for peacefulness and the understanding of the world, which is almost exactly like saeron in a way.

STAGE PERSONA » the little mouse ; 'though little, she can be quite quick to think and act'. this was one of the things bang pd had to say about her after meeting her several times. the first part - little comes from saeron's height and how little her presence is noticed. the mouse part represents saeron's timid side since mice are known to be quite shy. 


POSITION » main dancer, vocalist

BACKUP PLOTLINE » the everything 

BACKUP POSITION » lead dancer, face



three years altogether

» one year at sm entertainment
» two years at bighit entertainment



» although saeron's priority at the age of thirteen was education, she didn't take her training as seriously as she did at other things. she believed there are better options of jobs that are more suited for her but having training for the entertainment world would expand her pool of jobs in the future. 'totally' not to be closer to her 'friend' hoseok. but at the end of the year, she couldn't handle all the pressure from her family, school and the sm entertainment staff so instead quit the trainee program. because saeron tended to keep to herself more at this age, she kept most of her hardships of training to herself even though her training regimen was harsh.


» saeron didn't plan on coming back onto the entertainment scene, even though it was just the training period, but hoseok insisted that she did because her dancing skills was extraordinary, at least to him, so she wanted to do it for the last time. since she had less subjects to work on in school, saeron was able to train more and actually started to enjoy the fun of training. she never really got to be an background actress in any music videos in both sm entertainment and bighit as saeron never really gave out her consent to be in a music video in the first place.


the girl next door.


plotline » the brain


» agreeable, considerate, helpful
» unhurried, casual, reserved
» bland, cowardly, vulnerable


once you are alone with saeron, you'll find your time with her pleasurable and peaceful. she'll make small talk with you at the most but won't talk about anything that would make someone uncomfortable or bored. at times, people will go to saeron as she is some sort of stress relief because she won't complain about someone's ranting because it's their time and it's not to be interrupted. this coincides with her considerate trait, since saeron is thoughtful and cooperative with most people and would not try to harm or hurt someone intentionally and accidently too. being helpful is one of saeron's top priorities; she just loves helping people and watching them improve or succeed in what they do - often neglecting herself in some instances.


most people know that saeron likes to take her time whilst doing activities or learning things. she finds it very unorganised when someone makes you learn piles of subjects or when you're having peer pressure for being behind on something. her casual personality makes it seem like saeron is not concerned about anything but she is actually more easy-going than the latter option. with saeron wanting to just take her time with everything, her easy-going trait fits perfectly. in most cases, you'll find saeron by herself. it's not like she has any friends but it's that she just likes to be alone. saeron likes to take things in from a distance and prefers to be alone; though it doesn't mean she likes to be lonely all the time.


saeron is always in the background for most things. because of her soft features, she's always overlooked in crowds and her almost-too-friendly personality is often forgotten. adding to her lack of presence, saeron is always intimidated by others and likes to do things one-on-one instead of a group. for example; when she wants to help out a junior, saeron will do it with the junior alone and not with a group. however this can be bad for saeron as she does tend to not speak with her group of friends. the only exception to this is when saeron is performing something, where she is fully emersed in the performance. as a child, saeron never really learnt to be independent. she doesn't know how to defend herself and takes a long time to heal after something drastic happens to her. this makes saeron conscience and cautious of people and her surroundings by habit.


» tap dance ; saeron has done tap dance since she was young and still does it to this very day. its her little hidden talent as some people like to call it and saeron's skills in this dance category is very high.
» green tea ; she absolutely loves green tea. it makes her calm down at the most but she loves the flavour; give her green tea mocha, green tea icecream or green tea everything but she'll remember you for the rest of her life.

» long hair ; saeron used to have really long hair as a child and loved it but one day, someone stuck gum into it and saeron had to cut all of it off because of the gum. ever since then, she didn't want to grow out her hair long.

» laugh ; it takes a long time for someone to get on a very personal level with saeron but once you're on that level, you can make her laugh easily. in other words; saeron doesn't laugh very much.
crushes ; because of saeron's love interest, people will think that her crush is j-hope but it's actually not because saeron addresses hoseok by just calling him hoseok.
subjects ; her favourite subjects at school are history and philosophy while physical education and science are her least favourite.
drama? ; saeron is quite horrible at drama and can barely act. since she's been told to be herself for most of her life while trying to fit in, saeron can't seem to act like a different person.
introvert ; it's no secret that saeron is an introvert. her personality explains it all.
more reasoning ; saeron's blood type is a+ which gives more evidence that saeron is an introvert because some say in korea that people with type a blood is generally more kinder and are sometimes an introvert.
instruments ; she knows how to play the piano well and likes replicating a song on the piano.
hearing ; instead of using music sheets to play, saeron would just often hear the song and figure out the keys.


home is where your heart is.


saeron is an only child, born to her parents jang yeonhee and jang sunghoon. she lived in a small comfy house in the streets of seoul and grew up with her childhood and neighbour, jang hoseok (more in the l/i section) since a young child, saeron was always taught to have good manners and do well academically. when saeron was around the age of eight, saeron's mother persuaded her to learn how to dance and so she took tap dance lessons. her teachers for dance were surprised by saeron's ability to learn the steps quickly and was even put into the showcase after a few months of being in the dance class. soon after, saeron learnt other styles of dance like hip-hop and contemporary but tap dance was her main. 

she had overall good grades but saeron wanted to be in the shadows. saeron often stayed behind at school to study and to help other students and sometimes teachers. her parents were worried at first, since saeron would come home late but once they realised that she was infact helping others they allowed her to come home late if she was studying or helping others. her life isn't spectacular as some people; it was always school then studying, helping others and dance before she spent time with her family. even saeron's room is quite bare since she rarely spends time for herself and spoils herself. the only thing that her parents insisted on getting for saeron was a piano. it stands right in the corner of the living room and everyone has a go at playing it, though saeron goes on it more than her parents combined.




"mother and father always bicker on who gets the last pizza slice."

jung hyorin and jung gongchan are saeron's parents. 



"both really pretty and talented...it's just...they're strange."

meet the chang twins.



"sometimes i wonder how we even met."




the one and only.

love interest » jang hoseok
face claim » yeo jingoo

backup love interest » none


personality » hoseok is your typical next-door-neighbour type of guy. he loves to joke and make people laugh, often hurting himself in the proccess but he really wouldn't notice. saeron might have influenced hoseok to become more helpful and so that trait came to be. he can be quite selfish and greedy regarding his belongings, food and certain people - saeron.  he wouldn't admit it, but hoseok gets flustered very easily and how you would know is because he would blush brightly quickly.


love story 

» hoseok and saeron has a long history. the two were originally neighbours and hoseok would come over to her house when his parents were out for the day. since hoseok and saeron were also the same age; their parents wanted them to become close so they would eventually become friends. at first it wasn't the case because during hoseok's first time staying over at saeron's house, he had ripped saeron's favourite dress and that led her to disliking him. but because of that, hoseok always tried to redeem himself to her. 

» when saeron and hoseok was at the age of seven, hoseok's parents announced that they were moving abroad due to their jobs. around that time, saeron had enough of hoseok's mission to redeem himself and had wanted to forgive him but since the jang family was busy at the time with moving and packing away; she instead waited until they were free of schedules. unfortunately, hoseok's family moved away before she could forgive him properly. ever since hoseok had moved abroad, saeron had learnt they moved to somewhere in north america (canada specifically), and had unintentionally pushed him to the back of her mind but the thought of him would sometimes come to her during the weirdest of times. 


» during her last year of middle school, it was announced that a new student was coming to attend her school which was considered strange because it was literally the last year of school for saeron's grade. the new student would attend saeron's class and it turned out to be hoseok! shocked, the boy cheerfully dragged her out of lunch to tell her what had happened while he was abroad. his parents worked in canada as korean translators and migration lawyers while hoseok attended school. during the past few months, he auditioned online for sm entertainment and was accepted but was living in an apartment near saeron's school. hoseok was living alone but was living off his parent's money for the meantime. even so, the two retained their relationship with a new start.  


last words.

comments/suggestions » i know my character isn't going to get chosen for sure by glancing and skimming by the rest of the other's apps but i stil want to complete this since it means a lot to me. and thank you for giving this story back it's life and potential :)   <3

scene requests 

» the members go off in the middle of the night in search of snacks
» they play a game of wink murderers and everyone just dies dramatically  


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calmjong #1
so many people is applying for choo omg