40 Questions Tag

Lost_in_chocolate tagged all their friends so here I am~

I tag anyone who reads this~


Describe your comfort zone--a "typical you" fic

Generally something humorous, often non-au or just ordinary au with some usually dotted around the place


Is there a trope you haven't tried your hand at yet, but really want to?

Well I've never really tried fantasy but I would like to some time, I just never really get any ideas for it


Is there a trope you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole?

I wouldn't say so. I mean I'm really bad with the whole angsty-death thing but I have tried it before and can't say I avoid it per-se


How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?

A few. I'm currently thinking on a VIXX Wontaek one shot and there's an EXO fic I'm wanting to write. I'm still working on it but all I'll say for now is that it isn't my usual happy style~


Share one of your strengths

I retain number-related information easily


Share one of your weaknesses

I have difficulty deal with new people or any situation concerning such a thing


Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

He pulled back harshly on the other’s hair from behind so his head was tipped back and closer to Taekwoon’s mouth. He then spoke, directly into the other’s ear, his voice little more than a whisper though it still held all of the force that his actions did. “Say that again…I want to hear it louder…” he said, his voice barely audible even beside the other’s ear as he was.

“Please…” Wonshik breathed, his voice shaking in what was one part want, two parts need.

“Please what…?” Taekwoon asked him, a somewhat amused hint appearing in a voice that was otherwise laced with fake obliviousness. “Begging is all well and good but I need to know what you’re begging for…” he said, though his tone betrayed that he quite clearly knew already.

“…You just want to hear it from my mouth, don’t you…” Wonshik said, a tinge of annoyance dripping through his voice.


this is something I wrote yesterday while kinda annoyed about something and idk I'm just really pleased with it


Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes and explain  why you're proud of it.

there's two from my fanfic TVATCTexts that amuse me in the second chapter-


S.Coups: Hey guys

S.Coups: We're going on a trip

Seungkwan: in our favorite rocket ship?

Jeonghan: No, Seungkwan, you've just been doing far too many of those dubsmash things

Seungkwan: Well I'm sorry that the old woman has no humor

Jeonghan: Did you just call me an old woman?

Seungkwan: No?

Jeonghan: I will set Jihoon on you.

Seungkwan: Seungcheol-hyung, your wife is threatening me with Jihoon-hyung~

S.Coups: Jeonghan, no threatening the kids

Jeonghan: But he called me an old woman

The8: I love how neither of them argue that Jeonghan-hyung is Seungcheol-hyung's wife

Vernon: That's because they've accepted their fate as the eomma and appa of this group




Jun: I have to ask why every conversation concerning you four always has in it

Mingyu: Not my fault I have a drive unlike the old woman

Jihoon: Same here

Wonwoo: Not my fault I have a boyfriend with a drive unlike the old woman

Hoshi: Same here

Jeonghan: Yah! I am not old you brats!

Jeonghan: I'm only a full year and a month older than Jihoon!

Jihoon: So?

Jeonghan: I have a perfectly good drive, I'll have you know.

Jeonghan: And how do you know I don't have a boyfriend?

Vernon: Because I'm with Joshua-hyung?

Jeonghan: Why does everyone think I like Jisoo?

Joshua: Because you do?

Jeonghan: Sorry, Jisoo, but I don't have a thing for you

Jun: You don't?

Jeonghan: I don't.

Jun: Oh, okay~^^

The8: I'm sat right next to him

The8: He's grinning his off right now

Jeonghan: Who taught you that language, Minghao?

The8: Hansol

Vernon: What?

Joshua: Hansol

Vernon: Whaaaat?

Joshua: Language

Vernon: Sorry, Hyung...


Which fic has been the hardest to write?

the first chapter of 'Of Cliches and Coffee Shop AU' took me a while to write- getting the banter between Chanyeol and Baekhyun just right was harder than you might think it was


Which fic has been the easiest to write?

probably 'Ships, Games and Relationship, Oh My!'. It may have been word vomit but it was word vomit that was easy to write


Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?

Just a hobby, though I do adore it~ My passion lies with other things~


Is there an episode above any other that inspires you just a little bit more?

Music. If I've had a good idea it was probably music that spawned it. Like my Taoris- that was entirely inspired by Crown and Runnin'


What's the best writing advice you've ever come across?

Don't really bother going through each and every detail before you write. Just write and see where the story takes you, sometimes even you'll be surprised and that's the most enjoyable part. That way your characters really take on a life of their own.


What's the worst writing advice you've ever come across?

'you have to make a plan first!'


If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?

then it would be the one I STILL haven't written yet 'Kis Chase (I'm sorry I'll try to actually get that one up at some point!)


If you could write only one pairing for the rest of your life, what pairing would it be?

Meanie. They're versatile and fun to write. Maybe Soonhoon bc Jihoon's sass is lie


Do you write your story from start to finish or do you write the scenes out of order?

I write from start to finish but if I have a good idea for something later on I will write that first and fit it in where necessary


Do you use any worksheets or outlines?

nothing besides my initial idea


Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement.  Do you have a muse?

my muse is as I said my music. It inspires me for most of what I write.


Describe your perfect writing conditions.

it depends but for certain pairings or fics they require certain moods. I write better Wontaek when I'm pissed off and better Soonhoon when I'm in a kinda sassy sarcastic sort of mood (which is most of the time to be honest-)


How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?

I write it then spell check it then it's up


Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style?

This is really old so it's an anime fanfiction but sure-


The girls eyes snapped open as she regained consciousness, she surveyed her surroundings, where on earth am I? she thought more to the point… who am I? she pondered this for a moment but no matter how much she thought about it she couldn't recall anything from before the past few minutes.

The girl

This sure is one strange place I thought, sitting down cross-legged on the floor, I was uncomfortable but that was to be expected from a place like this. What is this place anyway? Seeing as these questions weren't going to be answered any time soon, that much was obvious, I decided to take a look at myself, I was dressed in a grey, dirtied rag of a dress, just long enough to cover me, I have a kind of sandy greyish kind of blonde hair, a nice colour I thought to myself.




The girl’s eyes snapped open, wide for a moment before relaxing only a little, as she regained consciousness. As she surveyed her surrounding, nothing rang a bell with her and all she could help but think was ‘where on earth am I?’. She thought harder on this, trying to recall something, anything before it hit her. ‘I have more important things to worry about before I think about where I am…like who I am…’. Continuing to think on it did very little for her as she discovered that she had no memory whatsoever of anything previous to her abrupt awakening so she instead decided to at least try answering the first of her questions.

The girl


This is certainly a strange place if I ever saw one…Uncomfortable too. But then really, can you expect any less from a floor made of stone? Yeah. Didn’t think so. I looked around from my cross-legged position on the floor to discover that there was literally nothing here. Nothing. No indication of where I was, hell there wasn’t even sunlight. Woo me. Since looking around the room aimlessly seemed to be getting me absolutely nowhere, I decided instead to take a look at myself, since I could remember what I looked like about as much as I could remember anything else. Which was zilch. I was dressed in what looked like a grey, dirtied rag that hadn’t been washed in years and was barely large enough to cover me fully. It made me question how long I was here to say the least. My hair was a tangled mess falling to around shoulder length, though I assumed it would be longer had it not been matted the way it was, making me again question the length of time I had spent in this place already. Oh well. At least it’s a nice colour from what I can see. A nice, sandy dark-ish blonde colour. Could definitely be nice if I had access to a hair brush , shampoo, conditioner and a shower.


If anything, all this says is that I've gotten way way more sassy and that apparently shows in my writing it would seem-


If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?

Well I can't say I have any. All of my fanfictions are fairly new. Might rewrite playboy though. Not too please with some parts of it.

Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?

Nope, even my old fanfics from 2013 are still there on Fanfiction.net under LittleMissOtaku-Fanfiction (the thing I rewrote is taken from one - 'In the Clutches of a Spider'


What do you look for in a beta?

Don't use them but if I did it would be someone who really knows my writing style well enough to edit while still keeping it very me if you get my drift?


Do you beta yourself?  If so, what kind of beta are you?

I used to beta for a friend, just going through, correcting grammar and suggesting better phrases to use.


How do you feel about collaborations?

I wouldn't mind one but again it would have to be someone with a similar style to me


Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.

Tegwi-Panda - her sense of humor is golden

AnimeCujo on AO3 is an anime fanfiction writer and on of the first I ever discovered

Myungjin just writes such amazing fanfiction and is writing my favorite seventeen fanfic - 'Falling For You' ('tis meanie based and is an emotional rollercoaster and I love it so muhc-)

If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?

aha, I feel like I'd never do then justice XD


Do you accept prompts?

Love prompts


Do you take liberty with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

only if it's non-au and even then not really overly so. With a few things of course but mainly speaking I enjoy giving the characters and interactions my own sort os spin to make them more personal to my writin style.


How do you feel about ?

Might be considered a ty writer for this but I love writing and reading it alike~


How do you feel about crack?

99% of my ships are crack ships


What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?

I'm not keep on non-con being romanticised but a fanfiction containing it can be good if done right.


Would you ever kill off a canon character?

If the plot required it. But I rarely write angst so probably not


Which is your favorite site to post fics?

This one


Talk about your current WIPs.

well with TVATC they're in england right now and more couples shall be popping up and it's just gonna be their usual derping and my usual word vomit to be honest- looking forwar dto writing the junhan and jisol scenes tho-


Talk about a review that made your day.

someone told me not long ago thsat TVATC is their favorite fanfiction on this site and I was so happy you have no clue-


Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?

I have never recieved a rude review thankfully but if I did I would just ignore it to be honest


Write an alternative ending to [a fic of yours] (or just the summary of one).

well my taoris is entirely based on the idea of you not knowing what was a dream and what was reality. Think inception. So depending on what you want to believe he could wake up with Kris next to him again or he could not. Depends on how angsty you want to be with it really.


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