If You Need Solace

Music is literally the best remedy to any bad day. So I have rounded up some pretty awesome playlists that help me get by my bad days. Feel free to check it out and comment if you liked them. I do not own any of them.


Kpop Mashup by

BTS, EXO, EXID, kpop, korean, mashup

The mashups are pretty, beautiful, and fun. I usually listen to this when I am going through extreme stress from school.


Mellow Nights by


Idk why this made me so sad, especially the exo piano covers. They are so beautiful. When Goodbye started playing, the feels hit me so hard that I was close to tears. If you watched Miracles of Cell No. 7, you'll know what I'm talking about. The movie is beautiful and heart-wreching just like this playlist.



This is it for now. If I find nicer playlists, I'll be sure to make another blog post about. Tell me how you thought of it. :)





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musiclover123 #1
YAAASSS!!! Mellow Nights....I fell in love with this one!!