Losing the Motivation to Write...

This is really for anyone (if anyone) who was wondering where I've been. I haven't posted anything outside of my request shop in a little while, the last thing was my Halloween fic so I haven't written a non request piece in over 3 months. Over the last few weeks we've had huge storms that have been messing with my internet connection so I've had had a fair amount of time to work on writing but I can't motivate myself to do it.

I mean requests are fine I still write those and really enjoy them but I can't think of anything I want to do away from them. Even stepping away from fanfics I just can't get myself to write. I don't know if it maybe has something to do with editing an old fic that has put me off a little, it was kinda bad and very, very long but I can't say for sure.

So basically what I'm saying is I'm still here, but I've just got nothing to post right now. This may change soon with a change to my circumstances but odds are it will be a while before I post something new.

Not the most interestig blog post so I'm sory for that but just incase anyone was wondering what was going on.


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