My mess of a PSA to Silent Readers (and readers in general)

I appreciate you. 

Every number, every view, every sub or up vote. I recognize you and I love you.

But that doesn't stop the silence from killing me. 

I mean I know I don't have anything to complain about, I still get subs and attention to my fics but it takes a while when I see the notification for "new comments". 

Real talk, maybe one of the reasons I post so many one shots at once while still having on going stories is so I can fill a void inside my heart at the silence on those fics. 

I personally post one shots more so I don't have to worry about updating in the back of my mind but also because I wouldn't question why one chapter has more comments than others, why one chapter has no comments at all. 

Y'all know why I do author's notes? So I can interact with readers. Like hey, "hope you liked it" literally translates to "let me know please". Its like the politest way for me to say it because I've stopped sort of asking for comments/up votes, etc. I say things to talk to you guys, inform you, so do me a favour and read them. 

So yo readers! All readers! Specially ones who aren't writers AT ALL. 

A comment gives us life especially one that actually connect with the damn chapter. 

You know how a fire doesn't keep burning if you don't add wood? Its the same concept with being a writer.

However those comments that say "update soon!" That's like a cup of water over our metaphorical fire. What the hell, please don't. 

We're human. 

At the end of the day, writing a fanfic is NOT a priority.

Wanna know why?

I can't speak for all the writers out there but for me, it's a hobby. I LITERALLY GET NOTHING OUT OF THIS and I do it simply for the love of writing and kpop. Its something that de-stresses me and I have such a burning passion for writing you guys don't even know which is probably why I'm on a mood rollercoaster like every other day because I want to be a publishing author one day so this site is my test run and... I don't want to finish that statement because I'm too sad to.

Anyways what I'm saying is we have no obligations to finish fics, to make quicker updates, to change our stories to meet your expectations, to write about popular pairings or idols. 

If you think we should, well you.


Those stories belong to us, we put our soul into them, our heart to make something that was created in our minds. 

Like honestly I can say my fics are my horcruxes. //shot//

I'm now going to talk about that emotional roller coaster I was referring to. 

Writing is hard. 

Whether that be for an essay, a project, a speech, etc. 

It's difficult and no one can tell me otherwise.

The variation of difficulty can be different though, but for me fic writing can be easiest thing in the world one day, and then BOSS LEVEL HARD the next. 

So motivation is so nice. So so nice. 

Ever run before? And have people cheer on the sides? 

See someone score a goal and the crowd goes wild?

Finishing just ONE chapter alone is a goal in my book, but when I look at my reader audience and see no one standing up to clap-its harsh and makes me wonder if I should have made that goal in the first place. 

If you need another picture, let me do it kpop style since it seems like a language that everyone understands here:

Imagine your favourite idol group performing their title track of their newest comeback on stage. They've perfected the moves, they've memorized the lyrics, made sure they weren't pitchy, all smiley for the camera.

They are tired of the work and effort they put in, they hadn't sleep fully in a while, but they did it, their comeback is STRONG

Except when you look at the audience, not a lightstick is bouncing in sight, not a single fan girl scream is heard. 

Its worse when your idol group has finished and the song has ended because THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING. 

That my friends, the people of AFF, is like what writing is like. 

All we want is to be acknowledged for what we do. 

Those groups you admire so much, they became trainees and worked to be an idol because that was their dream, but the reason why they still perform and put in that hard effort? It's because of fans. 

So you readers are our fans. 

That's why we love you all with no exceptions. 

But it hurts.

Like I get that stories can stop interesting people anymore, or they forgot the plot, need to catch up, and readers can be just as busy to not read updates but bro, if you're reading a story and you like it please say so. 

Don't stop because there are a lot of other people who would do it for you, don't stop because you feel like you would be repeating what someone else is saying. 

Just start, and don't stop. 

I mean I notice my readers. So much. The ones who sub all the time (like the significant difference between total subs and unique subs on my stories make me happy tbh), the ones that comment all the time, or up vote everything. I remember your usernames, and y'all light up my world when I see you. 

I will never thank you enough for giving my stories a chance, for reading them and liking them. 

I mean that's why I have such ups and downs. 

Case in point this whole freaking blog, I basically started out angry and insanely sad and now I'm just appreciative. It goes with the territory I guess. 

But seriously, nurture the authors behind that story you're reading. 

I may sound needy when I say this about myself but I yearn for care and attention. ;_; especially with stories I put ALOT of thought into. Like I NEED that validation. I AM INSECURE EVEN THOUGH I LOVE WRITING OKAY. 

One comment from one reader will not substain me. I will like you and probably wonder why you stopped commenting more and then wonder how ty my story must be. 

A bunch of comments from the same reader will make me love them but not my story because why only one? Why the same ones when I have about 10x times the subs? Where are y'all at? How you liking my story? I see the views but like hello how are you???

A bunch of comments from a bunch of readers. The ideal case but its a hopeless pipe dream right now.  

Like I am so bitter I advertised on my stories when I hadn't finished it because while I got more subs and more comments on that day, when I posted a new chapter--the comparison makes me salty. That's not even me talking about how I compare myself to other people out there sometimes and wonder why they get more attention.

Confession: I like my style, I KNOW I HAVE MY OWN WAY OF WRITING so I shouldn't compare but what did others do that I didn't?

This is why I hate popularity but if being popular means more attention fic wise then so be it. 

You know some readers are probably going to justify that writers of books don't get feedback like we do. 

Yeah true, but those writers get money from the books they publish. 

The money for us? You guys, your comments okay. 

So literally what we are providing for you guys is free. 


Seriously fanfic writing is so lovely and we're so lucky to have internet and good writers so we can read all about characters and worlds that are created. 

Shout out to all you fanfic writers, thank you

Jeez, it's past midnight now and I've rambled on for 1k because I literally did not stop to edit or pay attention to what I'm writing because I'm saying everything that has been stewing inside of me for weeks. This is my truth right here and its a mess. 

I'm pretty sure I repeated myself alot lol. Whoops. 

But I'm posting this because I'm tired of keeping it inside of me, like it, here you go. 



Also quick thing, problems matter. Every single of one them does so don't undervalue them because you compared it to something else. It hurts you someway so it does matters. You matter, whoever you are and whatever problem you have. 


Finally thank you to those who might read through this. I applaud you. 


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This is a part of the reason I almost left AFF in 2014. I mean, I get comments (the amount depends on the story) but I'm just a greedy comment and I always want feedback. Your rant is completely justified and I agree with everything you ranted about.

But you know what's better than comments? My love and you have that in copious amounts. <333333333
oh my god honestly i was going to make a blogpost bc how truly pissed i am to a few of my readers (some were being rude to me) and i think this blogpost literally mentioned everything i had in mind.

do u mind if i link ur post to my blogpost IF i ever get the chance to make one?
ahaha I agree, although I actually feel bad that I haven't even managed to work through my schedule to squeeze in an update, but hopefully I'll be able to update soon (my last one was last August or even way before that smh)


Most of us, yes, like you've said, do it as a hobby. I myself do it as another form of speaking (I'm not good with words, so I practice it with my writing), and there are some who actually take writing as their priority, so, uhh, bother *them* instead? LMAO please don't, don't bother people to update, they have other important things they should be doing (for example me, I have to download Illustrator so I can start with my homework already), okay?

I just love it when people comment, okay, like asking me how I'm doing, or yeah, things they noticed in the chapters (that's mostly me, but c'mon) and it's actually fun to see new comments or replies, too!!
I agree. I love recieving comments. But it seems that my readers are either all silents ones or they are just lazy idk. They are all special to me. But I would really love it if they comment and not just "please update soon".
Yes to all this. No comments is a pain. It's one of the major reasons (other than being plagiarized) that I put most of my fics on invitation-only. I only want people who want to read, like actually want to read, to read, because these are the people who make it that much more worthwhile to share. Not to write. I'd do that regardless of anything, I can't not write, but the sharing - that's optional. And I only want to share with people who are willing to take the extra ten seconds to say whether what I've put my heart and soul into has had any kind of effect on them.
Blogs need a thumbs up button ... you are totally speaking my mind! I love writing so much but I get tired of publishing because of the small feedback I receive despite the big number of subscribers I have. Also, it is a matter of popular pairings and whether you use a lot of or nor and that . I am grateful that we have review shops here at least but I would love to receive more comments on my stories. I even squeezed in an update during my exam phase but no one seemed to care.
When I told my lamia lupus readers (a fic with popular pairings and a pretty good plot and flow and character development that still doesn't get over 10 comments for a chapter despite 700+ aubs) I would quit, they suddenly commented a lot but after my update it went back to the old state.
It is no fun anymore to update at all.
can I share your blog?
Eep I went through this whole thing and ended up turning my one shots on 'members only' so I wouldn't even get notified for subscribers lol. The comments section is just dry if you don't meet the requirements clichéd fics. You will get comments for those lol try it as an experiment. Trust me; I know, cuz I write too! I took a very long hiatus too cuz writing became a burden at some point and just kinda came back. :o
I like your rant by the way! I empathise 100%
I feel like anything I say and do will patronize you and I won't even tolerate that BS "don't let it get to you" because that's not what life is about. Life, writing, work, and just will get to a person. You are not a damn machine.
surgicalfocus #9
Although I'm satisfied with the amount of comments I get and can't personally complain, I agree with this so much. I get that sometimes people are shy, or there are language barriers, but there isn't really any other excuse for not commenting when you read a fic. Reading takes up enough time, what's another few seconds to simply say you enjoyed it -- or maybe offer some feedback if you're so inclined. I really hate the thought of writers being discouraged from writing (or in some cases, stopping altogether) because they don't get many -- or any -- responses to a fic. And although I don't read fics that often these days, I always leave a comment when I do, because I do know what it's like to work really bloody hard on something for little or no reward.

Also, the 'update soon!!1!' thing? So rude! I don't write chaptered fics anymore (not for that reason, I'm just too lazy), but I know how hard it is to write an ongoing story, sometimes with only a vague idea of how it will end, and to have to put up with pressure from people to update constantly on top of it is just too much. And then people wonder why good fic writers are dropping like flies lol..

That said, I encourage you to not take it personally, and continue writing to please yourself. When you mentioned that you get literally nothing out of writing -- well, I'm sure that isn't true, because like you said yourself, you love doing it. There must be a part of you that loves the process for what it is, regardless of any validation you may or may not get, otherwise you'd have given up long ago. When you write with this in mind, I think it shows in your writing, and that's when it gets to the point that people find it very hard to leave without saying something, because they can feel that love you have for the craft itself in every word you write. Good luck with everything, I'll have to check out your stories sometime soon (it's the least I can do after all the lovely comments you've left on mine) xx
ficsystem #10
I like reading fanfics but tbh i like reading comments more.weird but thats true. idk i just want to upvote this blog post Show me the button. And i hope you feel better after this. Thanks for sharing your hard work. your fanfics i read are fab! I wish you gain more love more comments!
2am-ramen #11
I think people might get motivated to comment more once they know that it raises their karma points up o_o'
Just kidding xD (But it's true!)
But totally agree with you :3
I read this!!! (Raise my hand!!) And I really really really understand every single things you said...I'm so sorry for my lacks of comments Sarah...I love your stories...every single stories you have here including the one that I don't read yet because I know you are one amazing and talented writer.....and I really really really love to comment but sometimes my English is so limited and I don't know how to describe my feelings...I hope in the future I'll be more active in giving my love (comments) to you...:-) stay happy and keep writing awesome stories dear!!!
Woah, your metaphors!! Preach it. I don't even have anything else to say, just preach it. Amen.
I always find myself leaving comments pretty much just spouting anything that I thought of while reading the fic... because I know that that's the kind of comment I would enjoy getting hahaha something that proves a real person with a real life has taken an interest to what has been written and appreciates it. Because I do appreciate the fanfics people write and share online with the rest of us. Because I know what it's like to have at least 50 plot bunnies spread around in memos and word documents and have only ever posted about 5 things.
It is ultra pressuring to get 'update pls' comments.. but those are the kind that I can kinda ignore now? I see no particular interest taken to my fic through a comment like that that is on nearly every ongoing fanfic out there, so why should I take it to heart? But the ones I really can't deal with are the 'will you update?/when will you update?' Because I have no schedule for this.. it really is, like you said, a hobby. The gain should be personal and its nice to know its been appreciated by others too when you decide to share some of the writing.
I think authors make the mistake of promising updates or thinking that surely they can continue this story- the first chapter was so easy! Who cares if you dont know where its going... right? ahhh all too often that happens and its why I havent posted a new fanfic in at least half a year. If I had a finished oneshot I wouldnt hesitate to share it because, yeah, there are no next chapters expected from me haahah
Maybe the new comment point system will help... I'm not entirely sure how much anyone really cares for gaining the points for the moment.. but maybe it'll become a social standing within the aff community and people will be fighting to leave the best comment hhaahaha X'D