“She held her head in her hands.” 

Has anyone else thought of her head sliding down to her hands (miraculously... HAIL PHYSICS! #cozlawsdontdefineme) when they read that sentence?

Anyway, I want some advice or opinions on an acronym I just made up. It's for an idea I had months ago that I just saw again while I was cleaning my, um, notes. It was one of my favorite ideas and honestly, I don't even know what went through my head for me to think of such an idea. It's not even that avant-garde and I don't really have much to add...yet. Even if I do write the story, there's also the courage part. I have a really hard time sticking to previous commitments unless the goal I have to reach is really important to me. So if I don't really have some kind of clear, defined goal, I just happen to be super lazy. Maybe it's my house, man. I mean, WHO WOULDN'T BE COMFORTABLE IN THEIR HOUSE ON THEIR BED WHILE WEARING THEIR PJ'S? And when I'm comfortable, I really do feel lazy. I think thoughts like, “Why do I have to do anything? *falls down to the floor* Can't I just hug Molly and Emily and my favorite silk pillow for the rest of my life and talk to them?” LOL. 

SO anyway, I just really wanted an opinion on this. My friends don't really have my writing at the top of their priorities right now so...people on the Internet? How are you?

And finally, the acronym: (LOL why do I always take so long with stuff?)

POW!Pranksters Of the World


POOW!Pranksters' Only Organization in the World?

Personally, I think the second one's better. It has more comic effect than the first one. The first one's sort of...lame. Like “I just put this together at the very last minute and couldn't think of anything else” lame. (Haha, way to be easy on yourself. <)

I know I have my opinion on this acronym already, but I just wanted to hear other opinions, whelp, even suggestions. Or maybe your own stories about pranks or pranks that you WISHED you did or WISH to do in the future. Plus, even if I don't write it, do you think it sounds great already, just from the acronym? Like it's going to be fun if it were to be written?

I'm not really fun or generally a jokester in person so to WRITE a story of people being pranksters would be SO MUCH irony...AND SO MUCH FUN. 

...Did I use the word ‘irony’ correctly? DOESN'T ANYONE ELSE THINK THAT WHENEVER THEY HAVE TO USE THE WORD IRONY? LIKE WHAT IS IRONY? GOOGLE, HELP ME. You're either with me or against me. SO HELP ME.  OTL Too much caps. I think I'm gonna vomit...RAINBOWS! Yay! (When they see puke, has anyone ever thought, “Why isn't vomit colored rainbow and why doesn't it smell like *insert favorite dessert*?)

RAAAANNDDOOOOOMMMM YAY DAY! (Hehe. That's catchy, if I do say so myself.)


P.S. No matter how many times people define the word ‘irony’ to me, I don't understand. I can't wrap my head around it for a long time. I'll understand the concept of it temporarily, but then a few months later, I'd have to ask the question again. :3 


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Second option!!! *Q* You really gonna write this?!
(And yes, irony is used the right way - aint gonna bother explaining; for some miraculous reason, I understand the meaning, but -ignoring the fact that I'm an author- I find it hard to explain myself)
Also, aint you just a bright blob of sunshine all hyper and random when you're at home? ^X^