hmn... do you ever...?


do you ever reread your old fics and think, "wow, my writing used to be so much better what happened"?


idk i was rereading NRSB earlier, especially the prologue chapter, and noticed how concise but. hmn... poetic and pretty?? my writing used to be. and then i found files of my old exo fics back in 2012 and saw how nice my writing style was before. like usually people improve the more they write but i think i got worse orz.

i just feel like my writing style isn't as good as it was back then. i'm not talking about the plots, but how i write the stories out. idk. those of you who have read my older fics (NRSB, the krisyeol fic, even the first half of LD) and my newer fics, do you think my writing style got worse? ):


idk it's like an hour before my first class for the new semester but i'm just here being depressed at how poor my writing has become lol T__T



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Hmmmmmmm....... I think it's just normal to 'kind of change style'.... U_U
I'm not someone who writes but I draw/sketch (well, used to) OTL and I did see the change on it. T_T I may not have been satisfied with it at first but then I got used to it then I eventually like it. (Practice makes perfect)
Kind of a trial/error thing that you do until you're satisfied with it/fits 'you' (I'm having difficulty in expressing here! Oh! the struggle)
Anyway, I did see a slight change on the way you write but it's okay.
Keep on trying until you see what style really satisfies you....\ {¤_¤}/
It depends also when your inspired!
Like when i draw, i may have made a lot of sketches but there's always something special / satisfaction when I'm inspired (even if it is only one sketch). I can all throw all of it save that one!

Fighting! Baci!
ok but if ur writing give me cookies but since u dont want to means your writing is good
uhmm.. I think it did change at some point depend on what genre you were writing.. for example i love how you write NRSB with poetic style, when life became unbearable or gettin hard people always tend to become more mellow?? but in LD i sense some dangerous feels as i persume and hope that the feels exist in any Mafiaau genre, you could bringing it out quite well and along with the character growing you did changed your style to accomodate the character's feeling but it sholud be done, but tbh i never thought that your style got worse.
shoelaceuu #4
I was reading a few of your old ones and new ones and they're all really good! I haven't noticed any change and if you did, they're still good af lol I was embarrassed of all my old fics and deleted them.
myungyeol92 #5
NRSB!!! Can't get over it... It s an awesome fic... I don't think u hav changed ur style... Maybe it's just wid all other things in life... U seem to be used to the writing... It happens... But ur stories r perfect...
I love your writing style, so I don't think that your fics now are any worse or better than your earlier ones. But I do know what you mean. I looked back at my old stories and I cringed so bad. ^0^
Ohteiwanmei #7
tbh if your writing style changed or got worse I really wouldn't notice. Your stories are wonderful as they are no matter what in my opinion and I'm not just saying that
cloudiersky #8
I think I've commented this in the love killer story before: i think the conversations between characters are very rigid and a little fake, staged....
Usually for other authors i might have ignored that but i've read and reread all your fics, i know you can do better
yes! I totally read my old story and wonder where the funny tone went as time goes on.
If it helps, I really haven't noticed any significant differences between your old and new fic, although I do think there's something about the writing in NRSB that was very pretty. Or maybe it's just because I've reread it so often that certain lines just stick with me. XD

On writing in general, though, I think sometimes writers focus on getting the plot out and moving things forward, or on writing dialogue (both of which are the "meat" of a story), and occasionally "style" gets sacrificed. Which, I want to emphasize, is not necessarily a bad thing, because sometimes writing with "style" means overthinking it, you know? imo it's easier to get stuck that way because you become more worried about how to write something rather than just writing it at all. I think when you're writing freely, a natural style will come with it. And! You can always go back and edit, looking things over with fresh eyes and making stylistic changes then, if you wish. Or ask a friend to beta read and provide you with feedback?

Anyway, all this is to say that I think your style is fine and natural (and also quite distinctive), but if you're feeling down about it, there are def things you can do to get even better! Have heart ^^ you're a great writer with particular talents for creating sizzling chemistry between characters, keeping your readers guessing with plot twists and cliffhangers, and (my favorite reason and why I keep coming back for more) nailing the emotional elements (or as kids say these days, "hitting me right in feelz").
I'm actually the opposite lol. Well at least with my grammar and sentence structure. And I cringe at the cheesiness sometimes lol.

I think my writing has gotten better, but the inspiration to write has dulled a lot. I'm trying to figure out how to bring it back
Hahahahahaha i also read my old work nd keep a check on my see if im going right or not.....nd to be honest....i question why am i doing this? not good.... depressing myself.....but then i read comments from the readers nd realize that ....hey! Im not that not useless.....someone is loving my work. point is.
ITS ONLY IN YOUR HEAD that the quality of ur work is going down the drain....but thats not the case! You are doing great!
Nd u are one of my fav authors ....that inspired me write my own fics.
Nd although it requires time and energy..... I love doing it as much. ^_^
All those imaginations .....turning into solid form.....and shared with really satisfying.
So no. Your doing great. Dont doubt ur writing.
I also do that sometimes... go back n read my old fics and be impressed that I managed to write that well, but -aniii don't feel depressed >~~< It's not a completely bad thing, yeah?