What hurts the most

You know what hurts the most?


When you say you care.

When you say you love me.

When you say you'll be there.

When you say I mean something.

When you say I'm important.

When you say I'm a good person.

When you say you need me.

When you say you want me around.

When you say you're mine, whatever the situation.

When you say you won't leave me.


It all hurts.

Because I know it's all a lie.

Because I've never been anything to you.

I've never meant anything to you.

I never have.  I never will.


So I die.  I go.  I leave.

And then you stand there, with tears in your eyes.

And say how I was perfect and how you wish I was still here.

Even though I'm not here, it still hurts.

Because it's still a lie.


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Huhu~ heartbreaking... <3