Someday, Someday

Yeobo, this is for you. Saranghae :) <3


I’m sitting here, thinking of you…even though there’s a million things I should do. Yet, nothing matters because everything pales in comparison to you.

Something about you makes me freeze, makes me blush.

Is it love? Could it be? It must be…otherwise the world wouldn’t disappear with a single word from you.

Thousands of miles separate us --- why must reality be so harsh? All I want is to touch your hand, to hold you close and feel you hug me back. But alas, it cannot be, at least not now.

We’ve made promises, we’ve made vows. Our day will come, so you say…and so I’ll wait.

Maybe someday our wishes will come true. After all, isn’t a dream a wish your heart makes?

You’re in my dreams, so you know what that means…It’s you. It’s you. It’s you. My heart, it’s beating for you. For you. For you.

Since it’s you…forever I will wait. You’re worth the world and more. You make me smile.

You’re my sun, my oxygen.

We met by a trick of faith and now look --- I’m in love.

Everything that’s happened has led me to you. We’re in a circle, dancing around the truth. Have I told you? You’re the reason behind everything. You’re my smile, my heart. You know me when few have cared to look. You broke through all my defenses. You’re more than special to me.

Girl, you’re under my skin. Don’t leave. Someday I’ll give you more than my simple words. Maybe a ring. Maybe --- maybe someday.

For now, I’ll just keep daydreaming about when my dreams will be real. I can see it now, you and me, walking down a sunlight road.

I’ll wait but only for you. After all, you say not to gear, someday we’ll be.”

I chose to believe, to have faith that someday will come.

When everyone’s around, I’ll say for the world to hear, “Someday, someday.”

Because someday will come, it has to. I need you to be complete.

I hope you know you’re my everything…maybe I’ll finally get to whisper the truth in your ear.

Someday, someday…

Someday you’ll know exactly how I feel inside.



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ilovekorea #1
So sweet appa..<br />
you want to propose to me? kekeke
__U1__ #3
:)<br />
So sweet. Lucky Valie ;)