Beta Reader

Ok, so since I at intros I'll get right to it!
How does one aqquite a beta reader?

I ask this mainly because I think I may really like one or two to help me out.
Grammar and spelling is my worst point, not that my writing is very good to begin with.
And the reason why I put off updating so much is simply because I feel bad that I never bother to read over and check my spelling and such.
That and I can never give an unbiased opinion to the flow and plot of my own fics.
So I was thinking that perhaps a beta reader would help me, though I have four fics, a beta for just my favorite two would be amazing.
So it anyone knows a beta or could perhaps maybe do it for me I'd be really super grateful!
I'd even gift you some karma if you'd like!!


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shadowjjong #1
I'd definitely beta for you, it's one of my skills! Just ask me anytime, I'd be happy to!^^
InspiritBear #2
I'd like to beta for you if you want :)