It gets worse.

It's one of those days again (or in my case, WEEKS) where in nothing goes right with whatever I'm doing. Be it school, at home, or at the grocery. First, last week I had a class that finished at 08:45pm. That wasn't bad, until a certain someone decided to invade my personal space no matter how hard I try to keep a distance (dude just can't take a hint even when I literally just told him I'm not interested), followed me halfway to my home and flooded my messenger account. Then, when I thought everything's gonna run smoothly from there, I had a stomach flu that lasted for four in days (with the diarrhea and vomitting, thank you very much)! I could not even have a decent meal without puking everything! Oh, and to top it all of, my computer got tons of viruses! --> (might've have been my fault, I just had to download a certain software that I beed for school and I was desperate!!) 😭


So now I have to fix it to be able to do some work AND update OS=NP. It's a good thing I am now recovering from my stomach flu. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Just when I thought the worst is over, I now have the common cold. I've been sneezing since this morning but the meds doesn't seem to be working (I don't know the hell why?!). So I'm stuck at home, miserable. It's a good thing that most of the fanfics that I have been reading updated today. ^^


Well, I'm off to reading now. I need me some TaeNy feels to get through this annoying series of unfortunate events. Wait, did I mention that I also lost my keys to the house yesterday? Good thing my dad was home. I am seriously starting to believe the universe is conspiring against me.

COME ON, UNIVERSE! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST (WORST) SHOT!! no, just kidding. Please don't. I've had enough already. 😭😷


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