name : kim saerom.
nicknames : 
cold maknae : her other members along with her fans call her this because of her appearance. saerom doesn't smile a lot, so she often is seen as cold because of her straight face that she usually has on. she also has a shy personality, and she doesn't know how to deal with it, so sometimes her responses are short which are mistaken for cold or uninterested. 

— brat : her other members call her this as well. saerom is naturally quiet and shy when she's in public or around people that she does not know well, but when she is around her member
vocals - aoa's seolhyun
rap - red velvet's yeri
s, she automatically warms up to them and shows them the real her, the real saerom. she is sometimes called a brat by them because of her ego. she thinks because she is a maknae, she can convince any of her older members to do what she wants them to do, to get whatever she wants with them. at times she also seems to have an attitutude, but a playful attitude, and because of this, her members will call her a brat.
star : saerom's stage name is byeol, which also means star when it is translated into english. her other members, sometimes fans, and people that are under the same company as her group call her this name. saerom likes it a lot, and she can't help the smile that spreads across her face whenever she's walking down the hallway and someone calls out "star!" to her.

birthplace & hometown : hong kong, china & busan, korea
languages : 

— chinese : her native language. fluent.
— korean : second language. fluent.
english : an extra language she was encouraged to learn by her father. not fluent, but decent and knows enough to get her by if she was stuck in a town that was filled with people who only spoke english.

faceclaim : gfriend's sinb.
back-up : hello venus' yoonjo.
height & weight : 110 pounds & 5'3"
bloodtype : A
appearance : appears cold to mostly everyone. she usually has her straight face on, though tries to lighten up and smile more whenever she goes on a variety show or is interviewed. saerom has long, chesnut colored hair that's parted, but if she wanted bangs, she could style them and leave out a few strands at the front. her skin is very pale and milky as she doesn't like to go out in the sun a lot. her eyes are a dark brown color. saerom blushes very easily, so most of the time she is caught with slightly tinted cheeks. 
style : various styles. it all depends on saerom's mood. most of the time saerom will dress casually. a pair of ripped jeans and a nice warm sweater is her favorite. when she's feeling more dressy, she'll causally wear floral printed dresses, which is also her favorite, and maybe a thing cardigan to go along with it to add more to her outfit. when saermon is leaning more to her lazy side, she'll comfortably wear a pair of her favorite grey sweatpants along with her oversized black hoodie. saerom mostly wear's the converse brand, but also likes to wear slim vans and different colored toms as well as flats.

traits : very shy, stubborn, and confident when it comes to her talents or winning over her older members. positive, helpful, and friendly although she's shy.
personality : saerom is a very shy girl who would rather hide in bed all day than go out and meet other people. she's naturally introverted, though she tried her very best to change that once becoming an idol. she is still pretty quiet when going out and appearing on different shows or interviews, but she at least tries to give her best smile that she can muster up. despite her cold appearing, saerom has a very warm heart towards the people she loves. she enjoys helping others and giving the best advice she can when it comes to problems that others are having. she likes to see things in a more positive light then negative, and she likes to look forward to the good things that come in life rather than spending time sulking because of the bad things. 

when she finally opens up, like she did to her members once she got used to being around them all the time and living with them, she becomes much more talketive and sometimes has a lot of things she has to say. this girl can be very stubborn when it comes to certain things, like getting what she wants from her members. she's not very good at aegyo, so she uses other methods of getting her way. she comes off as cocky sometimes because of her confidence, but that doesn't mean that she is confident in everything about herself. 

background : kim saerom comes from a middle class family and is an only child. being the only child born from her parents, they wanted her to strive and be her best. she was encouraged to do many different things, like learn different languages ( such as english, like her father wanted her to ), and trying new things. she began to get into music when she decided to try out a music class during her first year of middle school. she discovered her talent of singing, and continued to sing while making great imrpovement. she sung all the time around the house and it wasn't long before her parents noticed her new hobby. she discovered a liking to rap as well practiced until she thought she was good enough. she taught herself how to sing and rap, and her music class helped her a lot with her skills. 

saerom was born in hong kong, but was moved to korea when she was one years old. her mother is chinese, and her father is korean. they moved to korea because they thought it would be better to live in her father's homeland. she first lived in daehu but lived in busan for most of her life, but soon moved to korea after she got accepted into bighit. during her years as a child, when she attended elementary, she told her classmates how her mother was chinese and her father was korean, and told them that was why she had a chinese name, being the naive child she was. she was proud of being a mixed race, but her school mates didn't seem to think so. during all her years of elementary, she was bullied for being half chinese. she had to endure it for a few more years until her family finally moved to busan. after moving, they decided to let her use her father's surname and have a korean name to prevent this issue from happening again. she no longer mentioned that she was mixed with chinese and considered herself korean. her chinese name is lin mei ai. 

in her first year of middle school, saerom heard that there would be auditions for the popular entertainment jyp. saerom new that her cousin on her father's side, jaebum, was in that company and recently debuted under the duo jj project, later on debuted under got7. she wanted to try out for the company, hoping just a little that she'd get in and be with her cousin, but mostly just for the experience. unfortunately, she did not make it past the last round. her cousin knew that she auditioned as she had got in touch with the busy guy and told him about it, so he wanted to make it up to her and attempt to make her feel better about it. they started to spend time together when him and jinyoung were done with promitions and had more time to themselves. this seemed to be a mistake though, as one day, they were caught and taken pictures of ands soon it was released all over the internet. her friends asked her about it, but she always denied and pretended that it wasn't her in the photos. the scandal became more exagerrated as people started to think her and jaebum were dating. she couldn't reveal that he was her cousin, so she stayed low and waited until everything died down. she decided not to audition for any more entertainment companies for a year. 
( for this, her problem could be that the scandal resurfaces again and people start to believe that she was the one in the scandal, and she has conflict with revealing it was her and if she sould also reveal that jaebum of got7 is related to her. )

then in her second year, she heard that there would be auditions again, but this time, for a different comapny. bighit was looking for more trainees and she pondered about the offer. when she headed back home and thought about whether she should try to audition again or not, her mother found out about the auditions when she came into her room to check on her and of course, her mother encouraged her to audition. taking the chance, she showed up on the day of the auditions, showing off her skills for singing and rapping and passed all rounds of her audition. finally, she started her life as a trainee of bighit.

upon debuting in kiss, she become known as the member who was cold or didn't talk much like her other members. people soon started to criticize her for being so 'cold' and not saying much on broadcasts. she was hated a bit by a few people because she seemed so closed off and uninterested, so she tried her best to open up and show them her good side. the hate died down soon enough and she continued to work on her image as a less cold idol. 

family : 

— lin meixin : mother + 42 & owner of a flower shop = very close to saerom and is very supportive of her daughter. 
im jaesuk : father+ 45 & business manager = not as close to saerom as her mother, but also supportive of his daughter and encourages her a lot. 
im jaebum : cousin on her father's side + 22 & got7's leader = they were very close when they were younger kids. since saerom was an only child, her parents figured she'd need someone to play with so she often went over to her aunt and uncle's place and played with jaebum. once he became a trainee and debuted with got7, they spent a lot less time with each other, especially after their scandal.
your character
friends : 
joy : friend + 19 & red velvet member = she once met joy on a music show and they clicked instantly. both being maknaes ( joy used to be red velvet's maknae once ) they could relate because of their young age and lots of things they haven't experienced yet, so they got along very well.
bts : label-mate + group under bighit = saerom doesn't know how, but she found herself becoming friends with the members of bts, depsite their age range and all of them being older than her. her other members were friends with them too, so naturally she became friends with them as well, especially after debuting. sometimes they'd practice together, whether it was singing or dancing and they were mostly invited to their celebrations. saerom is closer to some of the members than others ( jungkook, jimin, and hoseok ).

trivia : 
likes / anything that's sweet (candy, cookies, cake, etc. ), the color pink, things that are bright, has a little obsession with the fictional character rilakkuma, likes to write lyrics though she never intends on using them, likes being close with her members ( hugging, holding hands, staying by their sides )

dislikes / darkness, onions, tomatoes, peppers ( she's very picky ), things that are spicy, being ignored and looking down upon, being judged, people who are too loud, being physically close to people she doesn't know or doesn't like being around, being touched by people she doesn't know well

stage name : byeol + despite her outside appearing cold, saerom is a bright person as seen by her members and managers / people who work under bighit, hence the name, which means 'star' in english. 
persona : cold maknae
position : vocalist + rapper + maknae
talent twin : 

dancing - fx's krystal
variety - twice's mina
trainee duration - 2012 - 2015
trainee life fun, but sometimes hard. she had to give a lot of effort into improving on everything, even singing and rapping. she sometimes struggled when she coulding get the lines of a song right, or couldn't dance the choreography that was taught to her. she had a lot of trouble with her dancing, but she worked hard for it, and she was very glad that the hard work was paid off after finally debuting.

love interest - jeon jungkook
occupation - bts' maknae
age - 19
backup - jung hoseok

personality - this kid is a dork. he sometimes acts stuck up to his hyungs, just like saerom with her members. he likes to playfully look down upon them, although he is the youngest. he loves making the people around him laugh, so you'll often see him actin dorky and doing things that would be considered so stupid that you can't help but laugh. in some ways, he is the opposite of saerom. he's more outgoing, and maybe that's one of the reasons why saerom admires him so much.
history - when saerom was sitll a trainee and had trouble with her dancing, she became stumped and sat upon the floor of the company's dance room. it was late into the night, and saerom didn't feel like leaving the room until she got that one step right. she didn't expect someone to walk into the room so late, though. jungkook was finally finished with some recording and was on his way back when he noticed the dance room's light was still on. he walked inside to check who was there, and seeing the unfamiliar trainee, he quickly bowed and introduced himself, saerom doing the same. after he asked why she was staying so late and getting her answer, he decided to try to help her. once she finally got the move down, she thanked jungkook and became very grateful to him. since then, he often met her in the practice rooms to help her out, and they started to become close. 

though saerom is pretty shy, jungkook managed to get her to come out of her shell. these two often playfully bicker with each other. the others like to teasingly call them a married couple, and they both act as if it was the most disgusting thing in the world to be seen as a couple. they sometimes have these 'moments' where instead of fighting, they value their time together and friendship with each other. it's something that could be completely understood by the two of them without words. jungkook became proctive over saerom as they became closer and he won't let anyone touch her, as in hug or hold her, and he won't let anyone else bicker with her except for himself. the two are pretty dense when it comes to their romantic feelings about each other, so it goes unnoticed for a very long time, all though their members practically pointed it out like it was a sore thumb. 
interactions - like a "married couple", very playful, often fights in a playful way, sometimes they end up in a poke war trying to poke each other until one of them gives up and gets angry, purposely annoys each other, they're very comfortable in each other's presence and sometimes have a bit too much of skinship. 
status - best friends

comments & scene requests : thank you for reading my application! if you pick my character, i only request that jungkook and saerom end up dating sooner or later. ( probably more later since they are very dense and are blind as a bat ) 
password : big hit


name: im saerom
ethnicity: half korean, half chinese 
DATE OF BIRTH: april 1st, 1999
FACE-CLAIM : gfriend's sinb


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