So Over Gtop

I am legit so ing sick of GTop. It is everywhere- it clogs up the feed on my tumblr dash and Twitter. I've been so oversaturated tese past few years and I'm just done.


Not to mention a bunch of selfish, ungrateful, rabid GTop fans ran off a brilliant writer and amazing friend from this site.


I'm planning on unsubscribing to a lot of GTop stories.


I'll finish out what I'm subscribed to, but I don't know if I'm going to keep subscribing to my friends' new stories.


I migh still write the occasional birthday drabble, but other than that, I'm done.


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Stormyweather #1
Fanfic bullying is should not be allowed!! Tell your friend not to let anyone make her stop doing something that she loves to do! If just a few people read her story, continue to write just for them! The hell with the rest. Fighting!! :-) :-) :-)
Oh, love. Don't be mad, please. *gives you a loooooooooong hug*
Maybe I'm not subscribed to the right people because I see more Nyongtory than I've ever seen GTOP. Guess it just works out like that.
Whoa munkey. What happened? Running someone off for something they write is extremely uncool.