『방탄 소녀 단』— 김유비

YUBI : kim yubi
aimashou : tilda : 8-10
full name  kim yubi   [ 김유비 ]
[ bee / bibi ] those two names are either shorter or cuter names of yubi. bee also comes from the fact that her favourite colour is yellow and hates the colour black so it's a cute nickname to with.
[ totoro ] from her love of all studio ghibli films, yubi's friends nicknamed her totoro because when she started out training at bighit, yubi had a totoro keychain on her training bag.
birthdate  march 15, 1995
birthplace + HOMETOWN  seoul, south korea
ethnicity  korean
[ korean ] fluent : yubi has stayed in korea for all her life and speaking korean was the norm for her because, well she lives in south korea. 
[ japanese ] intermediate : as a kid, yubi loved the japanese culture. she wanted to try every japanese food and watch animes with her brother. because she could not read subtitles fast enough, yubi's dad taught her the language. however yubi speaks slowly to ensure that she speaks correctly.
[ english ] basic : she started learning english when she had first met minah. because the older girl had lived in australia and spoke english. since minah had already knew or started learning japanese and korean, yubi wanted to learn english so that the two were equal.
faceclaim  kim dasom
backup  halla
height & weight  166cm & 46kg
bloodtype  a+
appearance  yubi is a relatively average heighted girl. she has long smooth legs and arms which are slightly on the thin side. yubi has natural pale skin and often gets sunburns instead of tans, because of this for promotions - yubi would stick out within the group. the girl also has eyes like a doe and has plump pink lips. her current hair is chest length and the colour of chocolate brown. however, she doesn't mind if it's cut short and dyed black (shake it promotions).
style  yubi's style consists of oversized sweaters and tight jeans. she loves the way that tops feel when they are loose so you can move around and the way that tights fit around your legs easily. her clothes are often a pale, pastel colour or dark and grunge. she usually wears sneakers everywhere because they are easiest for walking and are useful in unexpected situations. 
your style is your personality, you wear and use it everyday
traits  loud, cheerful, benevolent, decent.
          fanatical, careless, disruptive, uncritical.
yubi is considered one of those so called energy pills. she's loud and cheerful, always trying to make everyone happy or smile. but could she be loud because her grandparents could not hear very well? either way, if you hear yubi being quiet or mumbling, then somethings wrong with her. yubi has kind manners too, and she respects people's opinions and comments. she quite honest too and has kind intentions, trying not to use anyone for her own profit. 
though when yubi is concerned, she gets overly concerned and ends up pestering you until you give her a solid answer. this could make her disruptive but the main reason yubi is disruptive is because she's often loud. like her brother, yubi is careless and oblivious with her surroundings and sometimes gets lost in buildings and sometimes in text. because of her traits to be kind to everyone, yubi is an uncritical person and will not be harsh to anyone.
background  as a child, yubi grew up in the tough suburban city of seoul. yubi often went out with her older brother and venture out into the streets, no doubt finding delicious food along the way. but when yubi grew older, around the age of eight, she grew symptoms of asthma. her parents were worried for her, mainly because asthma was a problem in a city like seoul and had her tested out. it turned out that yubi had acute bronchitis, which is when your airways are swollen and produce mucus which in turn, makes it hard to breathe and produce asthmatic symptoms. to help get rid of the sickness, yubi moved to the boseong county where it was relatively easier to breathe.
in boseong county lived kaelin's grandparents, who made green tea for the town. yubi stayed there for a few months until the sickness went away but over her life, it came back in unpredictable times but it was usually once every two years. sometimes, it would take months to recover but the majority of times that yubi had gotten sick it took her only a few weeks since her immune system has steadily grown stronger.
when yubi was sixteen, she decided to go audition for bighit to have a chance of becoming a singer. since her family realised that her sickness was going to be with her forever, they wanted her to do the things she wanted to do before she was too sick to do so or even develope a serious version of bronchitis. the rest is history, well not really. 
- green tea
- ballads, intrumentals and sounds of nature
- toys or fluffy pillows
- ice cream, ice blocks and popsicles
- days when it's not too hot or cold
- colouring pages
- animals
- dead silence or being alone
- school
- sweat
- being sick
- mess
- summer
- sour foods
- sightseeing 
- napping
- dancing
- her lips is her casual thing to do
- rubbing her wrists together when she's nervous
- yubi has a fear of people being homophobic
she loves skinship 
- yubi can't stand pain so she has to ask the members to hold her hand while she waxes her legs because it's like giving birth to a child to yubi
- she goes to minah if she has trouble doing anything
- has a low immune system
- not very good at cooking or housework
- yubi knows how to make green tea from the leaves
- has at least stole one thing off the members since debut
- she did not originally like the idea of the hiphop concept.
- cuddles in her sleep and so she has a turnip pillow to hug with
FAMILY IS MY HOME, friends are my towns and enemies are the dark lands
[ brother ] kim youngjae is the only son of the kim family. he's a bit oblivious of people and his surroundings but a good person nethertheless. youngjae used to take yubi out and wander the streets for food despite always getting a scolding by the end of it. he currently has a girlfriend, lee miyoung who yubi hates. he is a 25 year old studying to become a doctor. 
[ parents ] yubi's parents are kim kisung and kim ahrae. they are both highschool sweethearts and work as businessmen in the same company. the two love both thier children from the bottom of their hearts and will ensure anything that will make them happy but safe at the same time. except anything that involves murder or the black market, ahrae and kisung aren't that crazy.  
[ grandparents ] kim gayun and kim jinyoung are yubi's grandparents. they live in the boseong county as green tea leaf pickers despite their old age. their a funny couple who tease yubi with affection. sometimes jinyoung will pull a classic magic trick on yubi from when he learnt it in his childhood. when bts debut, the two will turn on their radio and listen to her songs and when they do, with their frail voices, yell out and say that it's their grand-daughter's songs! embarrasing really. 
[ the ultimate loser ] yubi's schoolmate, jang hyojin is labelled the ultimate loser. not that the twenty year old girl actually cares about the nickname, it's given to her because hyojin is absolutely scared of everything and always states before yubi or someone tries to make her do something new, "yeah stop, i'm a loser who's scared of everything."
baby face ] the baby face of yubi's friends is jang hyorin and yes, hyojin and hyorin are related. hyorin is hyojin's older sister but looks like she is younger than her, hence the nickname baby face. hyorin is the more outgoing one and loves trying new things out. because she wasn't as acadmically smart and failed her classes, she stayed back a year and that was how hyorin was stuck in the same class as her sister and yubi.
whiny brat ] this person, yubi does not like. lee miyoung. this woman is youngjae's girlfriend and she always brags how she's dating a very handsome young man. behind his back and whenever she's alone with yubi, miyoung likes to in an unkind manner and makes yubi very uncomfortable. miyoung is like the step-mother and in yubi's case - the evil girlfriend of my oblivious brother. 
if you had wanted to be me, i'd rather be you instead
stage name  yubi
persona  bangtan's teddy bear
position  vocalist, dancer     [ jimin ]
backup  vocalist, visual     [ jin ]
fanclub  yureshii! &  #ff6666  :  yubi had chosen that as her fanclub name because ureshii is japanese for happy and add a 'y' for her name at the start. she wants her fans to be happy!
talent twin(s) 
[ vocal ] red velvet's wendy   - twice's sana
[ dance ] former glam's jiyeon   - 4minute's gayoon
[ rap ] exid's junghwa   - none
note; i put a rap twin because jimin had rapped a small line in 'no more dream' and therefore her rap twin is very minor.
trainee years  six years
TRAINEE life  of course, it wasn't an easy road for yubi to take when she was accepted into bighit. as a fourteen year old fragile girl, yubi tried to stay in the shadows and learn by herself because she was scared people wouldn't accept her because she had heard that trainees were very harsh with each other. although that changed when she met minah. afterwards, yubi loosened up and made acquaintances throughout her trainee life. 
she loves me, she loves me not
love interest  ryu minah
backup love interest  none
PERSONALITY  ryu minah is a very optimistic, caring and protective girl. you'll expect her going around and taking care of everyone, even the staff and other members. she's hard working when it comes to training but often neglects herself while taking care of others. when the group is performing or recording, minah can get anxious but when it's time to tell her members about improvement, she'll waste no time telling them on what they need to do. it's not harsh, it's just ryu minah.
background  minah and yubi first met in the bighit company building. yubi, at the time had just recovered from her illness and was coughing just a bit when minah had spotted her. instinctively, minah went to yubi and asked her if she was okay. the both of them, now realising that they might have overreacted a bit in being a tad concern both had a conversation together. then it lead to them being best friends. it was only a few months before bighit had announced that they were going to create a second girl group that yubi had unintentionally confessed to minah. the said girl, who then realised that she had started to think of yubi the same way accepted her confession, although it was accidental and the two had begun their relationship. 
relationship  to them, being intimate is just how they express their love to each other but somehow they only kiss in private because to be honest, yubi fears that the public will not approve of their relationship because south korea is slightly homophobic. because of this fear that yubi has, minah makes sure not to spill their relationship into the open, especially in front of the camera. although the members and the trustworthy crew members know about their relationship, they feel very comfortable with yubi and minah hugging, holding hands, nuzzling and feeding each other the entire time and acts like it's casual in the dorms - because it is. before they go on stage whenever minah gets nervous, yubi will sometimes give minah a little massage to calm her down. 
when fans spot the two together, they point out they look cute together and earned cute couple names like #mibi or even #chibi couple because mibi sounds loosely like chibi and chibis are cute.
the end is actually not the end
comments  please tell me if you enjoyed yubi or if there is anything wrong :)
scene request(s) 
- the male bts members meet up with female bts members as a trainee greeting and bts goes to their counterpart, "what if we debut instead of you girls as bts?" because that will be funny / breaking the 4th wall in applyfics
- cute mibi moments
- yubi's bronchitis comes back during the end of bts's comeback ( only for a few weeks ) because the group had been travelling near people who smoked
suggestion(s)  bangtan tv :)
password  pink princess jin
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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