Fanfic Overflow

Hey guys! I just found this website : fanfic overflow 

It was AFF's partner, I actually went to visit the website and created an account there, however, I don't see any differecnes at all except that all shops (graphics, reviews, advertisements etc...) are banned from that website. 

Is it same owner who created AFF and went on the create FanFic Overflow?


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hanley #1
Obviously aff is much better...
I think the site is where we can post all the non Kpop related fics, but I still see a few of them there, so I'm not sure. It's pretty quiet there, maybe because it doesn't have much members like AFF?
I feel like I saw the old version of aff. But there are shops on that site, just found few.
Yeah it is the same owner.
He created roleplay republic too
I never knew, but I think I'll prefer AFF. Don't think we'll find much kpop fanfic on there.
Plus... that old layout tho xD
bobjo1913 #6
Just checked it, i like aff better ㅋㅋ
bobjo1913 #7
Really? I should go and take a look at fanfic overflow