this is...

what did Tzuyu possibly do to end up with this? i feel so sad for her... she had to release a public apology video for a mistake she did.

all she did was change flags, people. she held up the Taiwanese flag instead of the Chinese flag. 

this is legit racism.

i hate this.


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chanberry #1
I still think it's wrong for Tzuyu to receive all that hate. She's just a kid :/
chanberry #2
I told my dad about this and he told me the story between China and Taiwan (too long to explain, google it or smth) and he said although it might not be Tzuyu's fault, JYP could have been paid to do it... The whole thing is bigger than it appears and the Chinese government aren't dumb.
As ridiculous as it sounds, not everyone is the angel we see on TV.

Moreover I could be wrong so please don't cuss me out ><
Just thought I'd share what I know.
Where did she hold up the Taiwan flag? If it was in China I can see the political issue with it....