Any good shows on the tv?


Can someone recomend me a good show on tv to watch? Like fantasy, romance or/and mystery? Or just a show you really like?


I'm already watching:

  • Castle - One of my favorite shows of all time. Crime Solving drama with a lot of humour and a slash of romance.  The characters have AMAZING chemistry. I'll support Caskett until the day I die. *starts singing "I will go down with this ship"*
  • Suburgatory - A sit-com. I don't normally enjoy stuff like this, but this is just fantastic. The characters are all loveable and hysterical.
  • The Mentalist - Crime Solving/mystery kind of show. I'm only on the first season, but so far so good. Kimball Cho/Tim Kang is HOT! and he's sarcastic and all over aaaawsome *worships*
  • CSI Las vegas. Crime Solving/mystery again. My first love, I have 8 of the seasons on dvd so far. It's not the same after Grissom left though.

Any genre is welcomed :3

Just no Gossip Girl/One three hill/The Hills etc. kind of shows.




There's no business like Cho-Business!


I will go down with this ship!



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Yoochunswifey #1
I think so...
His character is so fun and loveable, with the best dry humour too!
Kimball Cho/Tim Kang is hot? O_O