✩ Miracle's ✩ Choi DamBi


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Choi DamBi 
Background information
Age   23
Birthdate   January 4, 1995
Birthplace + Hometown Los Angeles, California, USA
Seoul, South Korea
  • Korean-American

  English: Fluent - Born in the US.    Attended elementary school there.  Continues to speak it with her sibilings  and dad.
  Korean: Fluent - Learned a bit when  little, but perfected while continuing her  studies in Korea. 
 Japanese: Semi-fluent - Began  learning in her previous agency. After  leaving continued taking classes in  college. 
 Chinese: Beginning - Decided to take  up lessons after the acting lessons  went on a hiatus. Good pronunciation,    but  still can't communicate at all.

  •  NaBi: She loves butterflies. Given by  her sibilings and fans. Can easily  socialize in any group of people. But is  sensitive towards others opinios.
  •  BiBi: Given by Heechul because he  was too lazy to call her full name.  Frequently used by him and the  youngest members of Miracle. 
  •  DuBu-Bi: Given by Shindong and  Leetuck during a trainee discussion  amongst members.  DuBu means tofu,  she has a ligth complextion like tofu.  Determined and dedicated lke hard tofu,  but soft and squishy at heart for those  she cares for. Often used by the SuJu  members except for Heechul.
     Gabby: Her english name is Gabriella.  Her close english speaking friends call  her this. As well as Henry and Siwon.
  • O


  • NICKNAME: Lexi



Beneath it you're beautiful.

  • FACECLAIM: Red Velvet Seulgi
    link link link link link
  • BACKUP FACECLAIM:  APink Hayoung
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  • APPEARANCE: (Height: 165 cm. Weight: 50kg ) Model like body with long legs and flat stomach , but has some small and noticable curves. Rather tall in height, enjoys the liberty of not having to wear heels at all times, but loves wearing them just the same. She has a nice pale complextion and does not mind a slight tan on her skin. Enjoys having both her hair up or down. Be it up in a ponytail or bun and down straigth or wavy. Prefers having her hair in layers and shoulder or mid-back length. Her hair color does change every so often, but only to different shades brown or golden brown (Fo now, who knows what SuJu might have in mind). She uses as little makeup as necessary, usually only wearing mascara, eye liner, and lip balm. She frequently get a mani-pedi, but always keeps it simple. A manageable nail length, french tip or solid color, and maybe a few rinestones when shes in the mood. She really tries to take care of her skin and hair by drinking plenty of water, limiting her time in the sun, eating right, and sleeping enough. Again, she tries, that doesnt mean she actually keeps at it especially with the sleeping bit. Despite her quiet  appearance, this "good girl" boast two wrist tattos (Rigth / Left ) and one in the back of her right ear. She also has three piercing on each ear. Others might say shes crazy for getting them, but she sees them as art and ways to express herself.  

    STYLE:  People regard her a fashionista, she calls it whatever she feels like wearing. But if she did have to use specific words casual chic or comfort couture would be it. They are outfits she feels can be worn anytime of the day, that are both work appropriate and casual. All she has to do is change her shoes from heels to sneakers and the clothes still look complete. And yes she does carry an extra pair of shoes just in case, rumor has it that she even keeps some sandals or flats in her bag!  She enjoys wearing what she pleases. Anything from dresses, skirts, shorts, jeans she loves; just leggings aren't her cup of tea. though he really enjoys wearing them for dance practice. Boots and sneakers are her favorite. While heels and sandals are her guilty pleasure. She's not too fond of flats, thus only wearing them occasionally. Always making sure to have  a cardigan or sweater within reach so she can be ready for an unexpected meeting. She loves the chilly weather because she gets to wear long or short overcoats or jackets and scarves. She loves to accessorize with simple jewelry and headbands. Wearing prescribed contact lenses when working and wearing her eye glasses when she's tired or feels lazy putting her contacts  on. For practice and dorms are usually what she finds first, like a graphic T-shirt, sweats, shorts, leggings, often a crop top with a tank top on top. Alwas wears a hoodie or long sleeve plaid to use as a sweater. She makes sure to wear sneakers or practice unless the dance requires heels.

I've got a wild heart.


Damb is hardworking, respectful, and sometimes gets in trouble eventhough she really didn't mean to. Might seem shy at first, but can be outgoing and fun when comfortable and excited. Is highly affectionate and caring towards those she finds dear. At times reserved and rather thoughtful. She likes thinking things thru, and is passionate about what she wants. Adaptable to any sudden change or situation, is witty and silly with her comebacks and comments. Friendly and approachable allows for those younger and older than her to confide in her and be their close friend.She is confident in her abilities, but tactful and couscious of her actions. Rather patient and tolerant of her dongseangs and hyper mentors. When in a good mood sometimes joins the younger members in causing mischief. Is self-couscious and insecure of her poential as a result of her experience in her pevious agency. Acting helps hide her anger and other emotions, but all that repressed anger suddenly burst and its better for others to stand out of her way. 


I want to live like it's only me.

BACKGROUND:  Dambi was born January 4, 1995 in Los Angeles, California. Her parents hadmet in korea and married there, they already had a son. Her family had just settled in after moving from Korea due to her dads work.  While her dad worked at a community college her mom gave piano and singing lessons from home. She had an older brother and both were being taken cared of by their grand parents when both parents were busy. The year she turned three was the year the famnily welcomed a new baby boy. At age four, Dambi began learning piano from her mom and by her dads and grandmas request, she also joined a community cheer team. Her mom wanted to spend time with her and her dad wantd her to gain some courage and athleticism. She and her brothers attended a public school on weekdays and on weekends would attend a korean school to learn korean and korean history. And at both school Dambi's studying skills were just a bit above average.  Dambi grew to love playing piano and won a few competitions. Cheerleading allowed her to create many friends and not be afraid to try again. And both activities sparked a passion and love for a crowds cheers. Growing up listening to her mother's singing lessons, she naturally picked up singing, but declined receiving lessons from her mom. A month after her 10th birthday, her family moved back to korea. Her dad got a jod at a university and her mom quickly found a job as well. She began classes at an elementary school and later a performance middle school were she continued her piano lessons and took up singing lessons as well. After much begging, she was allowed to join a competitive cheerleading club in the city, were she unfortunately suffered a slight knee injury from a missed landing. Luckily it wasnt a serious injury and just required rest not cheer for a good five months and in that time she focused on her piano and singing. In August of 2010, her school held a showcase were she was scouted by a JYP representative. She participated in the private audition with five others from her school and was one of two accepted, officially beginning training in September. Dambi gave up her cheerleading and continued her studies while training. Later attending Seoul Arts High School along with other active idols and trainees, a few who she befriended.  Dambi graduated from high school and was accepted into Dongguk University as a photograhy major. While training under JYP, Dambi discovered her surprisingly good acting abilities. She was really good that company excecutives tried countless times to convince her to consider an acting debut instead, but Dambi was dead set on debuting as an idol not an actress. After being considered, but not selected as a candidate for Twice, she began doubting a singing debut and considered an acting one instead. So to clear her mind she opted to leave and finished her studies in photography at Dongguk University and decide what to then. She left JYP in July 2015, much to the sadness of her friends and teachers, as well as the dissmay of the agency in losing a potentially great actress. Her family supported her decision and her youngwest brother even offered to leave his training at Woollim as well. She thanked him,but told him that she'd make it somehow. Dambi focused on her studies and even took up a part-time job at a cafe with a friend there. Dambi  took the time to think what she really wanted to do and she really wanted to peform infront of a crowd. But relized that it would be hard to be an idol especially at her age, but  fortunately fate was on her side. One day while on her way to her part-time job at a cafe from school, she stunbled upon a KBS Radio mini festival and was persuade to perform with her co-worke and friend. Unbeknownst to her Ryeowook of Super Junior  saw the performance and grew interested in Dambi. He followed her to her job were he scouted her for SJ Label, after much thinking ofcourse, but Dambi had not reallygiven up on beinng an idol and considered this her last chance. She auditioned and much to her surprise was immediately casted, began training just as fast in July of 2016. Dambi quit her cafe part-time job and later graduated, so her whole time and energy was spent training. She wanted to prove her previous agency excecuttives wrong, and to do so she needed to practice her singing and dancing, plusmaster her acting abilities. She woud do both, not be either an idol or an actres, but be an idol and actress.

TRAINEE LIFE:  At JYP - Began training in August 2010, some of the trainees there were the future members of Got7, Day6, and Twice. Some of the othe members of these groups joined later on. Thanks to Dambi's experience in cheerleading, dance lessons were easy to adjust to. Vocal training was easy to follow due to her previous lessons at school and the piano lessons, scaling was manageable. Dambi began taking Japanese lessons provided by the company. For the first year or so, there was a steady and noticible improvement in all her trainings. Especially in her variety lessons, she was more natural now. Half way thru 2011, the vocal trainer recomended acting lessons for her singing emotions to come out. What was unexpected was her natural talent in acting. Evaluations kept happening and she kept improving, but her acting stood out. Dambi saw two of her closest friends debut as JJ Project in 2012, and believed her turn would come soon. But as her training continued, the teachers call it a slup period, basiclly Dambi was stuck, her skills had really not changed  much compared to others. The only things that did improve were her japanese and her acting.  This was when the excecutives began their insistance on an acting debut instead of a singing debut. But Dambi remained firm in debuting as a singer,as did many of her trainers and even JYP himself. Acccording to them, many go thru a bit of a slump, but if one can figh thru it and push themselves they can grow more and become stronger. and thus two more years went by and Dambi saw more of her close friends debut in Got7. There were rumors of a girl group debut spreading soon after, but eventhough it was true the idea was scrapped due to agreement issue with excecutives and JYP. Dambi continued to train and even participated as an exra in a few JYP artist MVs. As time passe by, Dambi grew older and noticed that there went many trainees her age left and began to doubt her chance at debut. When 2015 arrived, news of JYP's trainee reality show brought hope to many girl trainess especially to Dambi. All this time, Dambi had only improved slightly in her lessons, and the company excecutives kept pushing her to agree to an acting debut. They knew she would be great and garner much attention and popularity, but she kept declinig. The excecutives wanted her as an actress, so they kept placing her name lower in the list of debut candidates. Her name was later posted on the notice board as a potential candidate for SIXTEEN, but was later broken hearted whe she did not make the final cut for the show.  Dambi watched more of her friends prepare for their debut, while she was stuck training. Her chances at debut grew thin and when the next evaluatuion came on June 1st, she almost agreed for an acting debut, almost. But instead thought it over for the rest of the month and even talked with her close company Sunbae  about it and made a decision. So at the July eveluation insted of performing, Dambi announced her leave as a JYP trainee and gave her thanks. It took a week to get her things out of the trainee dorm she boarded, sort out paper work, and say her good byes to her saddened friends and teachers. Dambi had to promise to attened every Seoul event they had and text them back when they messaged.

At Label SJ - Damibi began her training in August 2016. When discussing what she wanted to focus on, Dambi asked if she could train to be both an idol and actress. She explained this has been one of the reasons in her leaving JYP, they wanted her to pick one when she wanted to do both. Leeteuk agreed on the condition she worked hard since SuJu's name was on the line and to prove her previous agency wrong, Dambi can be both an idol and an actress. Dambi readily agreed, so when she wasn't at school she was at the company training, usually being the last one to leave. And once she graduated from college, she spent as much time as she could practicing, be it by herself or with the other trainees. With the guidance of the SJ vocal line and her determination, Dambi expanded her vocal range and lung capacity. Her dance became more precise and natural, eventually being the one sought after to help with the dance formation. It did not matter that she nearly bled or that her knee injury came back, it would all be worth it when she debuts. Her acting was worked on properly until Siwon returned from his military service, but she made sure to practice on her own by imitating various drama scenes from her laptop and recording herself. With the hiatus of the acting lessons, Dambi used the time to take the chineses lessons provided by the company, especially after Henry's insistance. Being one of the oldest trainees, age wise, made her the sought after Unnie. She wouldn't scold them but knew how to keep them from trouble and focused, and was always willing to help out, if they asked nicely. Dambi was not one of the best trainees or a favorite among the SJ members, but there was this unknown charm that made her interesting and likable.

WHY SHE WAS CHOSEN:  Dambi was picked by Shindong, someone she was not expecting. Upon Shindong's discharge, he took over the trainees dance and variety lessons. One of the trainees that stood out to him was Dambi, and upon looking up her file he was surprised by her training history. The dedication and hard work she puts in her singing and the passion in her dancing really leave an impact despite her quiet demeanor. Shindong felt that Dambi could bring balance and fill in were the others members cant. Be it in dance, vocals, variety, or at the dorm. Plus she is the only trainee ready to debut that was personally scouted and trained by Ryeowook, wouldn't that make him feel better?

Choi Yian ( Ian)/ Younger Brother / 20 / Student majoring in photography, trainee at Woollim, future member of Omega/ Fun, Determined, Caring, Blunt / alive / 9/10 The two youngest members of the Davis/ Choi family are inseperable. They've been through puberty, struggles, heartbreak, and joys. He  knows everything, like everything, that Dambi has been been thru and the  struggle she went thru after leaving JYP. He suggested he quit as well, but Dambi stopped him, saying aty least one of them should reach their dream. He is her shoulder to lean or cry on. Always ready to listen and give advice or scold her, and she will do the same for  him. They enjoy teasing each other  and they often communicate thru text or calls. They even go on friendly dates for fun. People often mistake them as a couple instead of sibilings, especially since Dambi likes alternating calling him oppa or Ian-y and Ian does the same with noona or gabby. They act so close that its hard to tell who is older out of the two.
Mathew Davis / Dad / 53 / English Proffessor at SNU / Reserved, Hard Working, Understanding, Soft Hearted / alive / 8/10
Choi Joohyun / Mom / 50 / Piano and Vocal Teacher / Loving, Understanding, Kind, Opinionated / alive / 8/10
Choi Hyunsuk  (Alexander) / Older Brother / 28 / Doctor / Ambitious, Hard Working, Caring, Silly /
 alive / 8/10 


Got7 / Best Friends / 21-24 / Idols / A Huge Mix of Everything / alive / 9/10- She has trained with all of them and worked with them at some point while trainig at JYP. She's really close to all og them, but especially close to JJ Project and Mark. JJ Project basically helped her in djusting to the training system. An Mark because the joined aroun the same time, so they shared the pain and confusion. They also shared some beautiful moments when they dated.She enjoys hanging out with Jackson and BamBam to just chill and have a fun talk. She openly adores Yugyeom and firmly claims he is the cutest and most hard working, leading the others to get annoyed. Dambi has a bit of a sibiling relationship with Youngjae. To them Dambi is their go to girl when they want to talk and is a really special sister that is their #3 on speed dial. They are ready to confront anybody who messes with her, even if its one of them.

Twice / Closest Friends / 20-23 / Idols / Another Huge Mix of Everything / alive / 8/10 - She is pretty familiar with all of the girls but obviously closer to some more than others. She is really close with Jisoo and Nayong, both close to her age and friends with her for some time. Mina and her both grew up in the states so hearing them speak English to tease the others was fun. She and Dahyun automaticly clicked, like really if Dambi were a guy she would totally date her,  and Momo was her favorite dancing partner. The other girls knew DamBi was a great unnie and with some aegyo they could win her over. And just like the guys of Got7, they are ready for any emergency girl talks thru confrence calls, group chats, or (god forbibd) sleep overs.

Choi Minho / Platonic Close Friend / 23 / SHINee Rapper/ Actor / Passionate, Competitive, Friendly, Charming / alive / 8/10  - These two met when his little sister joined the label. The two got along quite nicely and after some more visits to his sister, they exchanged numbers.mSharing similarities in their family make up the two really understood each other. The two share a platonic friendship, in which both of their younger sibilings enjoy teasing. Like come on, sure they care for each other and worry for each other's well being but nothing more. 
Kim Namjoo / High School Best Friend / 23 / Apink Sub-Vocalist / Blunt, Silly, Hardworking, Tolerant / alive / 8/10 
Henry Lau / Close Friend / 28 / SJ-M Maknea/ Entertainer/ Soloist / Silly, Friendly, Level-headed, Creative / alive / 7/10 
Amber Liu / Close Friend / 26 / F(x) Rapper/ Soloist / Friendly, Motherly, Silly / alive / 7/10 
Yoo Chanmi / College Best Friend / 23 / Fashion Photography Assistant / Optimistic, Caring, Persuasive / alive / 8/10 

Oh Sehun / Close Friend / 24 / EXO's Maknae / Laid Back, Hardworking, Silly / alive / 7/10
Kim Jongin / Close Friend/ 24/ EXO's Main Dancer / Adorable, Hardworking, Shy / alive/ 7/10

Ok Taecyeon / Close Sunbae / 29 / 2PM Rapper / Kind, Hardworking, Friendly / alive / 8/10 - ( Currently in military service. Letter exchanges and (his) holiday meet ups.)
Kim Ryewook / Sunbae/ Teacher/ Role Model / 30  / SJ's Vocalist/ Soloist/ Radio DJ / Kind, Friendly, Attentive / alive / 8/10- He scouted Dambi and helped  in her growth in vocal range techniques. Encouraged her to not give up her training after he leaves. He was a sweet guy towards her and grew worried she might not debut due to his leave.Keep contact by letters.  
Shindong / Sunbae/ Teacher / 32 / SJ Rapper/ Radio DJ / Friendly, Silly, Hardworking / alive / 8/10 - The one who picked her as ready to debut. After given notice, Dambi became really thankful towards him and seeks him for advice. Shindong gladly listens and does not regret his choice.
Cho Kyuhyun / Sunbae/ Teacher / 30 / SJ Vocalist / Soloist / MC / Sassy, Observant, Dedicated / alive / 8/10 - Kyuhyun is partly responsible for Dambi's emotional immersion to a song. As well as the snappy combacks she has learned to divert questioning.
Kim Heechul / Sunbae/ Teacher / 35 / SJ Cinderella / MC / Sassy, Carefree,Blunt / alive / 7/10 - The variety master that taught her how to deal in any given situation and still be cool. Sure him calling her BiBi was annoying at first, but considering he is close with another Dambi she let it slide.
Leeteuk / Sunbae/ Teacher / 35 / SJ Leader / MC / Silly, Friendly, Dedicated / alive / 7/10- If Ryewook was an angel sent from above then Leeteuk was an archangel, thanks to him Dambi was allowed to train as both an idol and actress. Leeteuk kept an eye on her improvement and Dambi made sure to exceed his expectations in order for hi to not worry.
Yesung / Sunbae/ Teacher / 34 / SJ Vocalist / Soloist / Hardworking, Observant, Dork / alive / 8/10- After Ryewook left he took charge in Dambi's vocal growth. He witnessed her hard work and damage. Dambi thanks him for her expanded vocal range and increased lung capacity.
Kangin / Sunbae/ Teacher / 33 / SJ Real Man / MC / Witty, Hothead, Dedicated / alive / 7/10 - Not exactly her favorite teacher, but he did teach her the importance of taking things slow. After all he was the one who scolded her the most when she damaged and sprained her knee again.
Sungmin / Sunbae/ Teacher / 32 / SJ Cutie / Married / Friendly, Understanding, Patient / alive / 7/10 - He heeled Dambi embrace her unknown natural Aegyo, having and older brother and a younger one really helps. But she learned from him how to make it seem simple, yet deadly.
Donghea / Sunbae/ Teacher / 32 / SJ Handsome Fish / Adorable, Hardworking, Naive / alive / 7/10 - Him being a bit shy made things a little awkward between the two. The only way Donghea would talk with her was if Eunhyuk was present.
Eunhyuk / Sunbae/ Teacher / 32 / SJ Dancing Machine / Witty, Hardworking, Optimistic / alive / 7/10 - Eunhyuk was. always amazed at Dambi's ability to maser the key movements or a routine quickly and still be able to make it her own. Dambi's cheerleading history really help when he would ask for formation ideas from the girls.
Siwon / Sunbae/ Teacher / 31 / SJ Statue / Dork, Tolerant, Dedicated / alive / 7/10 - Siwon was amazed at Dambi's high level of acting. His doubts on any potential actresses among the trainees disappeared once his one on one lesson with Dambi happened. He was shocked she hadn't already debuted, but understood her reason when he read her file and talked to her about it. Dambi appreciates her teacher, but sometimes can't stand his high fives and changes in behavior.
Zhoumi / Sunbae/ Teacher / 31 / SJ-M Vocalist/ Actor/ MC / Soloist / Sassy, Friendly, Dedicated / alive / 7/10 - If there is one thing Dambi has learned from Mi sunbea is how to be both chic and laid back. Truthfully, who else can be a gentleman helping you down some stairs one minute and a total diva spazzing over a new line of clothes the next.

Forget about the little things.

Sweets: She might be slim, but she loves her sweets. Especially cookies and ice cream. She'll love you if you buy her either of them. Candies are acceptable too, but preffers sour worms or watermelons and dark chocolate.
Flowers: Wether she buys them or receives them from somebody, she loves flowers. It could be a bouquet or just a single simple flower, she'll love it. There is always a small flower vase on her side of the room. And makes sure to water the few plants in the dorm and even SJ building.
 — Food: She loves a good meal. Like a full meal. Its amazing how much she can eat and not gain weigth. Anythings good pizza, burgers, french fries, sangyetang, bibimbap, fried chicken, sangyupsal, and kimchi jigae are some of her favorites 
 — Snacks: She loves cookies, chocolatechips and macaroons are her favorite, and is known to carry some in her bag. Pringle are her weakness, especialy the original flavored ones. And she enjoys ice creame all year round, coockies ad crea, vanilla, strawberry...the list can go on.
Music: Nothing calms her down or pumps her up like listening to her playlist. Her phone, ipad, and laptop are full of her music. Raging from Clasical, Piano Instrumentals, Indie, Pop, Hip Hop, R&B, Kpop, EDM, Ballads and others are in her library. She makes an effort to purchase some of her favorite artist albums or merchandise and even attend some concerts. Having a musical loving mother helps develop multiple music prefences.
 — Fashion Magazines and Blogs: Being in the lime light means needing to dress well. And these are the best leaning material. She loves keeping up to date on current fashion do's and don'ts. She also likes looking at her model and designer editorials to have something to remind her of her other dream.
 — Films and Dramas: She enjoy watching them and takes the opportunity to fangirl over her favorite actors. Park Sejoon, Kim Soohyun, Yoo Ah In, Zo Insung... Plus, this was the only way she could practice her acting since the acting lessons were in hiatus. But she won't complain.
 — Shopping: Be it clothes, shoes, accesories,basic necesities, or food. joy it, but there is a catch. She like goung to farmer makrkets, flea markees, thift stores, anywhere she can find a bargain or arange a bargain. 
 — Stuffed Animals/ Plushies:  Especially teddy bears! Ok, so shes a kid at heart. But what girl can say no to a stuffed toy no matter how ugly it might look.
Light/ Soft/ Neutral Colors:  Any color is seriously fine, she'll wear it if she has to. But there are obviously colors she prefers. Those colors usually consist of light soft shades of color. To be a bit more specific maybe pastels, like femine colors. Thatt doesn't mean she won't go for bold colors, but thereis only so much she can allow herself to wear.

 — Hot Chocolate, OJ, Tea, Iced Coffee: These are the drinks that keeep her awake. For some reason she can only enjoy drinking iced coffe or those frapps, even in cold weather. And she's more than happy with a glass of OJ in the morning and a cup of hot chocolate during a hard day. If she has to work late, hit her with some green tea or lemon grass tea.
 — Fall, Winter, Spring: She loves these seasons. Being able to wear her favorites. The smells those seasons bring. Being able to stay indoors or walk around witha different sound each step you take. The holidays spent with family or close friends.Being able to do nothing even just for one day depending on the mood the weather brings. She loves when it rains or snows, preferably lightly of course.
 — Skinship: This girl loves to cuddle. She's not clingy, but if she notices you suddenly sulking or stessing out she won't hesitate to pat your back or head, massage shouders, or give hugs. Back hugs are her specialty though. She might suddenly hold your arm or hand to walk and put her head on your shoulder if shes tired and you happen to sit next to her. She often greets with hugs and a kiss to the cheek. She likes receivng them as well, but will blush if kissed on the forehead and given an unplanned hug or back hug. (She loves this when its they guy she likes!)

 — Summer: She dislikes the heat of that season. She hates how sticky she feels she gets and the humidity it brings. She struggles enough to take care of her skin and hair, the summer weather makes her want to shower more than twice a day. She thanks whoever invented air conditioners for making the season bearable.
 — Unnecessary Noise: Like don't most of the members have enough with the loud music in the dance room? Do they need to blast it also in the dorm? Or their head phones? If they did there would be no need for yelling to get ones attention. Reason whyy she then has to come in between to mediate. Things would not escalate if they would just tone it down.
 — Hot Coffee/ Apple Juice: She dislikes how it feels going down . Its too bitter for her taste buds. Its weird she can drink it with ice , but thats ecause the ice waters it down to a cleaner taste. She dislikes the after tastes of apple juice and how sweet and concentrated it is. Just don't hand her hot coffe and Apple juice, you'll save yourself from seeing her glare at you.
 — Open Water: She knows how to swim and enjoys it. But she is terrified of swiming in open water or deep water. She is tramatized after an accident she had were she fell into the water and due to shock could not bring herself to swim. So close to drowning.
 — Beer: She'll drink anything else, just don't force her to drink beer. She dislikes the sour taste and horrid smell it has. The most shell drink if she feels like it is one can or one glass when eating fried chicken. Because i all honesty, that chicken tastes great with beer, unfortunately.
 — Messes: Sure her side of the room might not be the neatest, but all the important things are neat and clean. She knows whats where and why the stain on the floor was caused by the makneas. Fell free to ask about it when she is not busy.
 — Neon Colors:  NOPE! Well... unless the concept calls for it. But otherwise, no. They really aren't her favorite tings to wear. But are nice colors to accesorize with.
 — Fur / Synthetic Fur/ Animal Print: She loves animals, so why would she like wearing them. Sure she does own a pice or two, but she does not enjoy wearing them. Besides they were gifts from family or friends and its rude not to accept them.
 — Salty or Too Spicy Food: She loves food, but she can't and won't eat it if its salty or too spicy. Eating too much salt makes her feel extremely thirsy and wake up with a bloated face. She likes spicy food and normaly enjoys it, but there is only so much spice she can handle. if she reaches the point were her tounge goes numb at the first ibte, she'll drop the spoon and never raise it to again 
 — Pointless Arguments: Even with whning and faied ayego, Mircle still has to practice. No point in arguing when one wll still end up doing it. Be it both at the SJ building or at the dorm. Come on, we are a girl group we can't be as messy as a boy group, right?  

 Nose scrunches up and her nostrils widen a bit when focused.
 Blushes when emberrased or teased.
  Her toungue tends to stickout a bit when she daydreams.
  When she speaks and gets exited, se begins using her hands to decribe.

If a song she likes is playing, be it in the car, on the street, or on her ipod or phone, she wont hesitate to lipsynch.

 — Walking or Sitting in the Park: With or without music, its all the same as long as she feels the soft breeze play with her hair, some well desrved sunshine, and the smell of nature. The best way for her to forget about her work and stress. A good way to think if she needs to or to not think at all.
 — Taking Pictures: Having mjored in photography, its only naural. it's not like she takes professional pictures. NOPE! She just likes taking pictures of things she finds pretty, cool, or interesting. The pictures range from flowers, food, animals, that cute baby or kid over there, Jungsu and Heechul arguinng, Hyukjae pouting at Donghea to go out, or the trainees doing their lessons or chatting, and selfies. You know, the usual.
 — Reading: Be it a fashion magazine, an online blog, essays, books, or fanfiction Dambi will read it, if shes interested of course. It relaxes her brain and eyes from having to read scrips, songs, and hearing :"Ok! Again! But this time hold the note a bit more",  "Good! Lets do it from the top again!"
 — Composing: Being able to play the piano allows hr to mess around with the keys. Especially enjoys when she messes with her laptops music program. And loves it when Donghee givves her the chance to use the copany computers and sound sysytems. She has a decent amount of compositions, but doubts they  are any good.  


  She is a former JYP trainee. Began in Sept. 2009- Ended July 2015.
 She began learning Japanese while training and continued to take lessons after leaving at school.
  Still remains in contact with some JYP artist, especially Got7 and Twice. She trained with them.
 Reason for leaving JYP was that they suggested she focus on an acting debut instead of an idol debut. ("Them" meaning the higher ups, not J.Y. Park or the trainers)

   Decided to leave the company and focus on her studies. As a way for her to rethink what she wanted to do.
 — Attended Dongguk University and majored in Photography.
 — Attended Seoul Arts High School.
  Close friends with some 95-line and 94-lineidols who attended the school. 
 —  July 2016, was street casted by Super Junior's Ryewook. Auditioned two days after and began training two days after that.
 — Clsoe friends with some of the english speakers in the industry, thanks to Henry and Jackson, of course.
 Was a former cheerleader. Began at age 4, in the states, and stopped when she began training under JYP.
   Can play the piano. Began learning at age 4 from her mom.
  Mom is a piano and vocal instructor at a private music academy.
  Dad is an English proffesor at Seoul National University.
Has an older brother and younger brother.
 Her older brothere is a cardiactic  doctor and baby brother is a triple threat trainee under Woollim who will debut in the new boy-group Omega . 
  Her and sibilings used their mothers last name in their korean legal names.
  Her English name is Gabriella Davis.
   She has two cards: One provided by her parents and one provided by her brother. DON'T TELL THE OTHERS!!!
 — Owns an iphone, an ipad mini, and a mac book. (Courtesy of her parents.)

 — Likes wearing colored contacts, usually picking hazel, honey, and brown as her favorites.
  Owns several pairs of eye glasses. Each a different design in frame and color.

 — She has astigmatism.
 — Her hands are very cold during the winter. Shes warm all over, but her hands don't seem to heat up. Gloves don't help either, but enjoys messing with others by placing her hands on their warm neck.
  Having majored in photography sh hopes to one day be in charge of Miracle's photobook.
 At JYP, the higher ups claimd she had reached her potential as a singer and dancer, so acting was her best option.  
  But at SJ Label, her vocal range broadened, her dancing has become more smooth and precise, and her acting... well lets say that one on one lessons with Siwon have beared fruit.
  When acting lessons went on hiatus, she decided to begin learning Chinese.

 At the dorm she is usually in charge of washing the dishes. That does not mean she cant cook. 
  Might have the highest alchohol tolerance out of the members (two soju bottles)


If you like me, then say you like me.




PERSONALITY: JB is a cool and confident guy on stage and infront of a camera. But off camera he is a silly dork. When it comes to work and getting the crazy members in line he won't hesitate to take charge and be firm about his choices. He is serious about his responsibility as leader, but sometimes is self-concious about his abilities as a performer. He is scared of failure and sometimes lets the higher ups plan what ever they want, even if he might not like it (pushover). Acting has allowed him be more tacful in his decisions and observant of the others actions and moods. He might have a calm and cool demeanour, but when his repressed anger is released its terrifying. He is very kind and caring towards s and worries for their well being. JB is a respectful gentel man, who is passionate about his work and dedicated to his fans.

RELATIONSHIP:   — Dambi joined JYP a little over a year after JB did, they met by chance. Dambi  was using one of practices rooms, she got caught up in the moment and forgot about the time limit she had and the next dancing session she had. JB had reserved the same room and was to use it after her. He arrived early to the room and opened the door abit. He noticed a girl was passionatly in the room practicing her singing and playing the keyboard. So he decided to enjoy the show. Dambi finished her song and was startled by JB's clapping and cheering. Bowed in thanks and apoligized for taking up too much time. Introduced each other and Dambi rushed out to her dancing session leaving a smiling JB in the room.
 —  The two began seeing each other often and would seek each other for help and confidement. They were often paired up for their acting lessons and Dambi improved in the smoothness of her dancing due JB's one on one tutoring. Skinship and teasing was common between them, and continues to be seen when they meet up. The majority of the trainees, especially their close friends, could tell the obvious attraction they unknowingly had for each other. But they both were too dense.
 — When JB told Dambi of his acting and idol debut, she was beyond happy for him. But as Dambi began seeing less of him, she slowly realised her feelings for JB could be more than a friends love. Dambi is not sure if he feels the same, eventhough her trainee friends told her otherwise (Mainly the future Twice members). They didn't see each other as often, but still keep in frequent touch thru phone and when he's not busy they'd hangout to talk. At that time, the trainees were some of the now Twice members and the remaining Got7 memebers, whom she spent a lot of time with to forget JB.
 — Due to the distance between Dambi and JB, and confusion on her feeliings towards him, she agreed to be Marks girlfriend. Upon hearing and seeing the two together, JB got a wake up call from his own unknown feelings towards Dambi. The two still remained friends and Dambi eventually developed feelings for Mark. But that did not mean she completely forgot JB, eventually Mark and the rest of the Got7 members debuted. Dambi and Mark relized they would struggle to keep their relationship going especially since they began treating each other as friends again and not as lovers. They ended their relationship after dating of about three years and remained close friends.
 — Despite Dambi's nice breakup with Mark, JB was hesitant to make any moves. Much to the frustration of his memebers and the newly formed Twice,and yes it included Mark. The guys talked it over with the girls and agreed to take matters into their hands after Twice debut promotions ended. But what they all did not expect was Dambi's leave from the company. With Dambi not being in the company any more JB felt he lost his chance. Dambi realized her feelings for JB were still there as well, but she could not do anything now. 
— After leaving, JB made sure to always text Dambi when he can. The other Got7 members and Twice do the same, so she knows whats going on. They were the first to know after her family of her training at Label SJ. They couldn't meet up as often, but were persistant in messaging her anytime they could. When Dambi imformed them of her debut, they guys quilckly told Twice and both groups quickly planned an outting. With the two possibly promoting at the same time, the chances for Got7 and Twice to play matchmaker between their friends should be interesring. Much to Got7's surprise, JB asked fro help getting a chance in Dambi's heart, he did not want to let her go again.

—   Leader and vocalist of Got7.
—  Born January 6, 1994.

—  Height: 179 cm / Weight: 66kg
— Joined JYP in 2009.
—  In charge of having the chic image, but is really a dork.
—  If he wants to, he can be just as loud as Jackon.
—  Has a short temper
—  Has debuted as an actor and was the lead in "Dream High 2" and "Dream Knight"
—  Debuted as part of JJ Project before joning Got7 along with Junior
— Knows how to B-Boy 
—  Wears glasses
— Likes Kiimchi jigae, samgyupsal, korean beef, fried chicken
— Has a loud laugh
— Nicknamed the 'grandpa' of the group
— Close friend with Mark and shares room with Yongjae
— Likes traveling around on the bus
—  Enjoys taking pictures
— Attends Geonguk University and is majoring in film
— Has had a crush on Dambi for a long time and has tried to move on, but when on a date with others she comes to mind
— Despite his cold appearance, he takes good care of s.
— Rather shy about admitting his feelings for others 

And all these little things.


POSITION: Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist

FANCLUB NAME:  SWEETZ (Dambi means "Sweet rain")
#ccccff   (lavender or lilac...i think.)




COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: Hello! Finally someone thought of an applific with the SJ members involved somehow. Thank you for creating this. Its a nice concept and really look foward to what you have in store, especially with the teasers you relesed. So I hope you like my character. Her profile is a mix of all the apps i've done before, but alot more neat. Some setions are more thought out than others. So don't hesitate to ask me about any misunderstandings. I apologize if its too long and for the y personalities and love interest section, im not the best at those particular sections. Some sections might seem incomplete, but i like leaving somethings open for authors to fill in, i like creating characters, but like seeing how authors complete them and interpret them. Sorry if there are any mistakes and i'll wait for your review. Thanks and good luck! ~ Lexi     P.S. If you want me to elaborate more on her idol sibiling i can or any of the other people i will.

SCENE REQUESTS: - Interactions with her brothers, especially her idol brother.
- Helping one of the members get out if trouble
-Beong interviewed and asked about her experience at JYP
-Auditioning or being casted in a drama with JB in it as her love interest.
=maybe doing a special stage or interview or show with her brother as her partner.

- Miracle performing a special stage at a music program/ award show/ or gayo daejun of a classic SJ song. (Like Sorry Sorry, Miracle, U, or Mr. Simple)

- Or same as the one before but other SM artists, or role models.

PASSWORD: The first song i ever heard and the one that made me fall in love with them. I would not be into K-pop without them. X


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