liimerence prompt (jungsis)

endure, they said.
endure, they cried.
but to endure is not what she's made of.
brushing locks of her hair, Soojung took a quick peek on the bright airport. the endless crowds moving towards and beyond her, but her slower footsteps had been a hassle to just about no one but herself. strays of her bangs still got stuck at the forehead, she pushed herself through the empty space provided by their security.
but that hollowness was kept hold with an unsteady fear; there was barely anyone but scrutinizing fans taking pictures of her. she herself wasn't assured whether she had been ready for people to expose her. clothed with long sleeved jacket and dragging a suitcase, the airplane isn't going to be ready after a few hours, where time keeps on running and her body isn't going to ogle in mercy much longer. knowing how the schedule goes, concert seems to be the least of her priority. the dramas takes much longer hours, much more work, and much more skill before netizens typed their keyboards in dissaisfaction on what disgrace of her acting.
yet the year of disaster didn't really have any mercy on anyone. it takes all the groups down, especially the big guy. their group just lost someone. and while Soojung had all of her chances to be angry at the member, person she wished not to menttion as for now, the damage has been done, and nothing in her power she could stop. letting the news go as they just found their near-success, she hold it.
and as soon as the girl left, what remains has been four people. some said it was less of a burden. some said nothing really changed, hate burning against Soojung, all who was deemed 'weak' as a vocalist. and maybe they're correct. maybe they're not. even her own members just didn't feel like sisters anymore; their supposed 'mother' had been in and out acting at her homeland, their 'pillar' still busy with musicals, and the only one who had been there for her, the 'tomboy', was the only one who still acknowledged her presence, albeit a supposed spotlight for her own had diminished that care. she endured.
but nothing hurts her more than being compared to one person; her sister.
the same people had praised and gave glory to her sister, the same person who was supposed to be 'much better' than her. much kinder and excitable, more talented, more... everything.
but this is the same person who continually texts her whenever she felt beyond the fine times, where she would give her a call on just reassuring whether Soojung felt comfortable or not. she knows reality says another way around at times, her sister still wanting to pursue a career, but she understands. Everyone has their own dreams and she's letting it go. that's alright by her.
and yet only earlier in the week, where her sister suddenly left a cryptic message, where Soojung was told to, 'take care' and in the lines of 'i'm sorry', and her empty, unpacked bags below, that she came to the harsh, harsh reality; her sister is out. as in, out from the company, and possibly from her homeland.
true, when out, Soojung could just call her again one more time, but the things that occured, all the incidents, and everything that's going to happen... Soojung didn't want that. and with all that has been happening, once is once. never twice, nor thrice.
now only one could wonder; what if, one day, when she couldn't see her anymore? what if her phone is confiscated? the latter almost having as much reasoning as a lazy excuse, but when one day, that her sister couldn't come or contact her anymore?
what will happen, for that one day?


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