klise sangatlah budak

Hai. Aku just nak cakap yg fanfic malay sekarang nie kebanyakannya mmmm x best. Sbb too much fanfic kahwin paksa , hero n heroin mula2 x suka then in the end happy forever after. Ohhh mannn. Klise sangatlah. And most author is budak2 lagi mcm baru darjah 6 ngn form 1 (budak hingusan agaknya) tulah pasaii. Haishhh influences drpd drama melayu sekarang nie yg ntah pape2 agaknya. Oh god..  Aq x suka fanfic mcm tu .Seriously..  Fanfic yg pertama aq baca fanfic yg mengisahkan lovely couple berkahwin , pelbagai dugaan dorang kena hadapi and in the end one of them died. I was like 'wow superb gila fanfic nie'. Then ada jgk aq baca fanfic exo friendship. My reaction was like 'kyaaaaa so cute diorang nie. Sweet plak tu' ( u know that feeling right?)

tbh, aq create acc nie just nk baca fanfic. ( I am silent reades fyi) and aq bknnya pandai nk tulis fanfic pon. Just subs fanfic yg aq rasa best je. Recently aq ada baca ff pasal KrisTaoHan. Owh damn. That author tu mmg terbaik ah. Sedih lak aii ff dia tu. Double thums up ! 

Btw anyone can u recommend ff like those? Since aq nie pompuan of course lah aq nk k idol drpd grup lelaki sbg karakter (wakaka) Mmm the rated-M tu x digalakkan sangat.

Anyway i am a fan of exo infinite bap n vixx. (The most)

Pissed off?  Offend?

I am really sorry. My mistake. My bad. But face the reality lah dude.

Okay then. Bye. Thanks.


Fandom of Exo-L Inspirit Babys n Starlight


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