min taekyung

username  aimashou (previously minchami)

activity rate  8-10


name  min taekyung
STAGE NAME  t.k : coming from taekyung.


- mintae : a mixture of min and tae from his name but also came because you can always smell a distinctive smell of mint on him 
- taetae : made by his friends and brother to make him feel happier when he's down

birthdate  august 6th 1997 + 18 years old (korean)
birthplace & hometown  seoul, south korea

ethnicity  korean


- korean : taekyung never had the time to learn to learn other languages as he's always learning what he's missing out on because he never went to school. 

Look presentable, your majesty

face claim  monsta x's minhyuk

gallery  here

backup face claim  teen top's l.joe

gallery  here


appearance  taekyung is a very simple guy. he has a natural medium-sized aegyo-sal under his very average korean eyes. taekyung's nose bridge is straight and a very defined jawline. taekyung has pale coloured lips and his teeth have a slight overbite but is not that noticable enough to notice the first time you see it. his height and weight is 178 centimetres and 61 kilograms. taekyung gets blemishes around his knees, elbows and feet often from everyday activities.

fashion style  taekyung's style is not too extravagant. he wears plain clothings and always will, it's his style. wearing classic jeans with a plain t-shirt is what taekyung wears everyday and he's fine with it. sometimes he'll wear soccer jerseys with his denim shorts when he goes out with his friends. 

your favorite subject: Yourself

plotline  the tyrant

traits  challenging, forthright, hardworking. secretive, insecure, foolish.


taekyung is a direct person and isn't afraid of speaking out what he thinnks of people and opinions. as someone who doesn't experience things that other people experience, he is very challenging of himself and pushes himself to be the best he does. that is also part of taekyung's hardworking trait. he will work hard until he knows when to stop, because he knows his limits.

onto his negative sides; taekyung is very secretive. afterall, people will take sympathetic for him if they know his past and so he tries his best to avoid saying things about his past. because of his father, who used to abuse him, taekyung is insecure about himself and because of this he retaliates back but it's often by instinct. he is foolish because he will take something like critisism wrongly and then he'll insult the person of being too harsh. although he knows his limits for working himself out, taekyung doesn't know if he's hurting someone's emotions.

sometimes, taekyung will snap like his father did. though when someone says this or says to him that he scares them or something of that kind, taekyung will soften up but then realise that they are basically like his father and storm off. he wouldn't necessarily forgive them but he would expect the person he snapped at to simply forget his outburst and act like it never happened. when he is confronted about it, taekyung would just stay quiet but fidgety.


taekyung was born in seoul, south korea with his family already in a financial crisis. taekyung was not supposed to be born, he was considered an accidental child and his mother could not get an abortion because it was illegal in south korea. his father disliked taekyung, because one child was already enough and he couldn't take care of two children. instead, when his father was drinking his stress off, taekyung's older brother took care of him despite being five years old. ten months after taekyung's birth, the family moved to a share house because they could not afford to pay for their home loans. taekyung and his older brother, taehyuk was cut off from education because the payment for any school was expensive for the family. luckily, a women who lived in the same sharehouse was a teacher and didn't hestitate to teach them at home for free,  insisting that education was important and they couldn't afford to be dumb in their future. so for taekyung's life, he was being taken care of by his mother and brother, tutored by teacher in her spare time and that was it. he occasionally travelled to their local library to learn by himself when the teacher was busy. 

meanwhile, taekyung's father continued to drink his alchohol but it came with consequences. when he was drunk, he locked the family inside their bedroom; because they shared one room together and he abused them but it was mainly taekyung's mother. he often blamed her because of their financial crisis. over the years of this happening, taekyung was spitting back insults and cussed at him back and grew more independent while his brother tended to their mother and tried to get help from the other tenants of the house. the tenants obviously felt bad for the family and tried to raise some money for the family so they could move away, in a good light and also tried to cut kihyun's alcohol streak. in the end, when taekyung was sixteen, his mother fell down the stairs due to his father finding out that she wanted to runaway with taekyung and taehyuk and fainted from the abuse along with recieving multiple minor injuries. the tenants, who had raised enough money for only one plane ticket gave the money to her so she could go back to her hometown of daegu so she could escape the abuse. at first, she was against it because she'd be leaving her sons with a tyrant of a father but taehyuk and taekyung both agreed with the tenants and watched her leave seoul. 

at first, taekyung's father was outraged that his wife left but soon realised it was pointless and his consumption of alchohol doubled because of it. after this, he never really cared anymore because his muse in abusing the family was his wife. though his verbal abuse kept happening, taekyung's father never tried to harm them physically. at the same time his mother moved back to daegu, taehyuk found a job so he could support the family. it wasn't the best job and taekyung was very against it but he was rewarded with a hefty amount of money. taehyuk was in a drug gang. though his job was very minor compared to the other jobs in that industry. he wasn't flying to other cities or countries, just plain walking around. he was given small packets of drugs which were easy to conceal and he'd walked to the red light district to get the money off people. simple. then late 2014, taehyuk was caught with the client and was arrested. taekyung visited taehyuk whenever he could but he realised he now needed to support himself. in the following months, taekyung managed to find small jobs and earned some money but he overheard his friend saying stuff about 'aurora' and how that their company is holding auditions. when he questioned her about how much idols make, she answered with a large amount of money and so he persisted her to audition with him. unfortunately, his friend didn't make the cut while taekyung did. when he announced to the tenants in his sharehouse, they were proud of him but also had another announcement; that taekyung's father had started to be more kinder and stopped drinking alcohol. taekyung didn't believe them but agreed that was the better route for his father.

- mint
- meat and noodles of any kind
- literature
- peacefulness

- alcohol
- rude or inconsiderate people
- sweet foods
- tight clothing

- reading; surprisingly from a guy like him, reading is one of his favourite hobbies including learning. is it because he didn't have a proper school teacher to bug him about assignments and homework? probably. 
- stargazing; one of his favourite things to do is to go out at night on the roof or a park and watch the stars. though in a city like seoul and there's not much to see, he enjoys most of the little things in life you don't really notice in the big city.

- stress; when he's stressed, taekyung will squeeze his fist tightly to the point where his fingernails dig into his palm. sometimes he'll break a stress ball easily too.
- sighing; he often does this when something does not go his way and he'll tilt his head upwards and then sigh.

- he only joined lemon entertainment for the money being an idol but learnt to love his talents
- taekyung is a triple threat but his skills go from rapping, dance, singing from best to worst
- he has a nokia slide phone, mainly because he couldn't afford much and that smartphones strain his eyes
- taekyung wants to learn other languages in the future but wants to focus more on learning by himself
- he lives in the poorer suburbs of seoul
- taekyung's visiting times for his older brother is once every week
- just because he didn't attend school, doesn't mean he's dumb. he has a basic awareness of most topics people learn in school.
- has a fear of spiders and drowning, his fear of drowning coming from almost drowning in a bathtub when taehyuk wasn't looking when he was bathing taekyung

the royal blood


— min kihyun | kihyun is a strange man. he prefers to keep his emotions behind a cocky mask and his drinking problem has gone off the charts. however, after taehyuk's arrest, kihyun felt a need to be more of a father to his sons and try to resolve their relationship.  

— min joohyun | though they haven't seen each other in years, joohyun cares for her son and tries to communicate with them via letters and whatnot.
— min taehyuk : taehyuk is taekyung's older brother by five years. he cares for taekyung with all his heart and tries to get them out of their little family crisis. but ever since he got into jail, taekyung's been the one taking care of him mentally and taekyung makes sure to release his emotions to him so he knows whats happening outside of jail.

the peasants


— jung miyoung | miyoung is the daughter of the teacher that tutors taekyung. she eventually took her place when her mother resigned from her job and loves spending time with taekyung because he wasn't like the other boys their age. she offered taekyung a job in a small café as a janitor so he could work with bohyung and herself.

— kim bohyung | bohyung has been living at the sharehouse his whole life almost like taekyung and was fairly shy when he met miyoung and taekyung. although he didn't attend miyoung's tutoring sessions with taekyung, they still did stuff together and he was the one who suggested the plane ticket idea to the tenants, since at the time, bohyung was interested in airplanes.  

it's almost time to go

comments/suggestions  hey i'm minchami! remember from aurora i applied as collin? also please tell me if there is anything missing or wrong with taekyung!

scene requests 
- royal court is in daegu to perform, he notices his mother in the crowd and he breaks down from seeing her.
- taekyung gets stuck with the equolence and they have to get along
- taehyuk is released from jail and taekyung reconciles with his father

password  A.T (all together) &  #333366 

turn in  back to the story


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