✲゚。.☆.。₀:*゚✲ㅤㅤan overdue message to yumi ito! ♡


thank you for existing. i love you. 
to my dear stupid aries yumi, 

can you remember when we first met in atom? i was mingyu and you were seulgi.. i really didn't like you and you really didn't like me, pmsl. i'm still sorry for that time, i'd take it back if i could. but yeah. how did we get close tbh? i don't actually remember either, ,, sweats. i remember when i was on fl whenever i saw you talking to lin during your airouette days i'd be like in panic mode and whisper to myself 'must avoid! must avoid! red alert!' i think i even dmed lin to ask 'is that yumi seulgi from atom?' imagine how i felt when i realized that airouette was actually 0-milk on aff.... the one whose applyfic i applied for. nice going, arielle. i really really can't remember how we got close. i'm trying so hard to dig through my memory but it's failing on me at a time like this. ugh hh. why. fun fact: tbh i really hate people who say '' or stuff like that because of an incident that happened to me when i was like, 11, but for some reason when it came from you i didn't mind at all. you're so vulgar tbh. yikes. yumi, plz stop. t_t jk. ily. don't change anything about yourself, ily.

anyways, i don't think it really matters. honestly, you're the only person i've known online that i trust this much. i'm really not kidding when i say i trust you with my life, and my mom'd probably slap me if she found out, rip. my dad's told me so many times, it doesn't matter what goes on online. in the end, all that matters and comes back to you is real life.. and yeah, i get what he means. i think one day i'll finally be able to leave aff and rpw / flw in general for good, but still. maybe it's because we're the same age or something, but you're probably the person i feel most comfortable around.. i bet we'd be really awkward if we did meet up in real life one day, but that's beside the point right now, rip. i'm really bad at this thing, oh my god. why do i keep getting off-topic. 

i really didn't expect that bomb of a blogpost to drop, and honestly, reading it made me feel so sad because even though you're my closest friend i haven't been able to do all that much for you. and although you might feel like you haven't done much either, you'd be dumb to think that ahaha. i don't say this a lot, and i feel like you take every one of my 'ily's lightheartedly, but i really mean it, okay. every ily i say is sincere. i was really so touched when i read that blogpost on residence on my birthday tbh, i think i almost cried ahaha. my parents claim to know me so well and i'm like the crybaby of the family since i cry very easily for no reason sometimes. .. yet when i actually am on the verge of tears no one notices a thing. during my birthday i was still in bangkok on vacation, yeah. tbh this sounds stupid and it probably is, but i don't remember what happened at all. i think it might be the worst birthday out of the 14 years of my life, lmao. my best friend ooc's birthday is on the 14th of december so i stayed up to 12am and called her and sung her a birthday song and all that and , and i wonder why i even did that.. she's not even the type to like those type of things. but oh well. i know this sounds really childish and stupid of me, but it's okay. i'm only a kid. a dumb and stupid kid, so yeah, i'm just gonna. be childish and rant for a while. why am i even ranting, this is supposed to be my letter of gratitude to you. my best friend and i.. we're like complete opposites, tbh. she's introverted and i'm extroverted (well, according to 16personalities), she's capricorn and i'm sagittarius (i love astrology). it's quite funny, actually. she came from the elementary school directly opposite mine (literally there's just a road between our old schools) but while her school is one of the best in sg and it's known for producing students with good grades and stuff.. mine is like a nugu school known for what?? lmao badminton maybe. i don't even play badminton. anyways.. ahh funk i'm just gonna rant some other time. i don't wanna spoil the mood of this. breathes. i'm just going to skip to the most important part - i was so touched by the letter tbh. it might sound stupid but with everything going on outside of life and stuff, it seemed like you were the only one that cared about me, ahahha. isn't it ironic? my dad says only real life matters, but why is it that it's the people online that i feel know me better than the people off? it's wishful thinking on my part, but oh well. 

remember the whole illest thing? now that i think about it.. ah. i don't even wanna think about it. i'm just glad it's over. you blocked the guy, right? wait no.. you deleted kkt. 

i remember when you were on your apply spazz phase you said something about how your apps - which is a lie, tbh. i think your apps are great, and the fact that you can speak english so well is great already, lmao. my second language is chinese and it's nowhere the amount of skill you have for english, rip. if you asked me to do an app in chinese i would probably faint. i don't know why i'm mentioning this but ah. the little things count, right?

tomorrow is my first day of school in 2016. actually no.. i'm supposed to start next monday, on the 11th, but i have to go back because i got chosen as a orientation group leader for the /cringes/ new juniors coming in this year. i really don't want to go, oh my god. i don't even like the person i'm paired with. it's like.. this guy who's really loud and has really bad b/o and stuff. some people find him cute but i think he's just gross rip. you can have him, i don't want him, thanks. 

i should really stop being so selfish, honestly. oh my god. i keep talking about myself.. that's one of my 2016 new year resolutions, did you know. anyways, uhm.. i'm really worried for you.. i hope you're okay. your last message on snapchat really scared me. i really want to text you and ask if you're okay but.. i lost my phone and it's 2am, ,, my mom's gonna come after me if she finds out i'm still awake because i have school tomorrow otl. i'm praying for you 2589km away, okay.  i love you. don't give up, i believe in you.

like your letter to me said.. i don't know if we'll be friends for long. in my life, people have come and go, ahaha. my friends all have friends that they say they have known for 9348 years, have tons of history together, have been best friends for the light of day, but me? i'm just.. yeah. it's okay. ah.

honestly.. we're just two fourteen year olds out of the 8059382059 other people in the world (i tried googling how many there were but i gave up) and everywhere we go you say you're more childish than me but tbh that's not true ahaha, you're way more mature than me. and that's okay, you know? it's okay to be childish, it's okay to be stupid, it's okay to not be perfect, it's okay. we're just kids, what do we know, right? it's okay to give yourself a break, yumi-ah. things might seem terrible right now, and it might seem like things won't ever improve, i know, it's that way for me too.. but it's okay. let's hold on a little bit more, don't give up. please don't give up. please. this is me being selfish again, but i don't think i can let go of you just yet. i don't know if i can do without you.. please don't go. please stay. please don't give up. you're way stronger than me, you've been through so much more than me, and i don't know if this'll be enough, but it's worth a shot anyway, right? i love you.. please don't give up. i believe in you. you can do this!!

there was so much more i wanted to say to you but i'm so sleepy and i can't remember anything.. i doubt you'll read this immediately so. maybe i'll update it tomorrow. i don't know. ah.

from arielle :^)
don't give up!


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haha....... cute...... imy
wtf youre so cute
[ insert four icons of hanbin jongin krystal and hyuna here ] i promise i will fix this tomorrow i am a terrible person good night
there was so much more i wanted to say to you but i'm so sleepy and i can't remember anything.. i doubt you'll read this immediately so. maybe i'll update it tomorrow. i don't know. ah.

from arielle :^)
honestly.. we're just two fourteen year olds out of the 8059382059 other people in the world (i tried googling how many there were but i gave up) and everywhere we go you say you're more childish than me but tbh that's not true ahaha, you're way more mature than me. and that's okay, you know? it's okay to be childish, it's okay to be stupid, it's okay to not be perfect, it's okay. we're just kids, what do we know, right? it's okay to give yourself a break, yumi-ah. things might seem terrible right now, and it might seem like things won't ever improve, i know, it's that way for me too.. but it's okay. let's hold on a little bit more, don't give up. please don't give up. please. this is me being selfish again, but i don't think i can let go of you just yet. i don't know if i can do without you.. please don't go. please stay. please don't give up. you're way stronger than me, you've been through so much more than me, and i don't know if this'll be enough, but it's worth a shot anyway, right? i love you.. please don't give up. i believe in you. you can do this!!
i should really stop being so selfish, honestly. oh my god. i keep talking about myself.. that's one of my 2016 new year resolutions, did you know. anyways, uhm.. i'm really worried for you.. i hope you're okay. your last message on snapchat really scared me. i really want to text you and ask if you're okay but.. i lost my phone and it's 2am, ,, my mom's gonna come after me if she finds out i'm still awake because i have school tomorrow otl. i'm praying for you 2589km away, okay. i love you. don't give up, i believe in you.

like your letter to me said.. i don't know if we'll be friends for long. in my life, people have come and go, ahaha. my friends all have friends that they say they have known for 9348 years, have tons of history together, have been best friends for the light of day, but me? i'm just.. yeah. it's okay. ah.
remember the whole illest thing? now that i think about it.. ah. i don't even wanna think about it. i'm just glad it's over. you blocked the guy, right? wait no.. you deleted kkt.

i remember when you were on your apply spazz phase you said something about how your apps - which is a lie, tbh. i think your apps are great, and the fact that you can speak english so well is great already, lmao. my second language is chinese and it's nowhere the amount of skill you have for english, rip. if you asked me to do an app in chinese i would probably faint. i don't know why i'm mentioning this but ah. the little things count, right?

tomorrow is my first day of school in 2016. actually no.. i'm supposed to start next monday, on the 11th, but i have to go back because i got chosen as a orientation group leader for the /cringes/ new juniors coming in this year. i really don't want to go, oh my god. i don't even like the person i'm paired with. it's like.. this guy who's really loud and has really bad b/o and stuff. some people find him cute but i think he's just gross rip. you can have him, i don't want him, thanks.
i'm only a kid. a dumb and stupid kid, so yeah, i'm just gonna. be childish and rant for a while. why am i even ranting, this is supposed to be my letter of gratitude to you. my best friend and i.. we're like complete opposites, tbh. she's introverted and i'm extroverted (well, according to 16personalities), she's capricorn and i'm sagittarius (i love astrology). it's quite funny, actually. she came from the elementary school directly opposite mine (literally there's just a road between our old schools) but while her school is one of the best in sg and it's known for producing students with good grades and stuff.. mine is like a nugu school known for what?? lmao badminton maybe. i don't even play badminton. anyways.. ahh funk i'm just gonna rant some other time. i don't wanna spoil the mood of this. breathes. i'm just going to skip to the most important part - i was so touched by the letter tbh. it might sound stupid but with everything going on outside of life and stuff, it seemed like you were the only one that cared about me, ahahha. isn't it ironic? my dad says only real life matters, but why is it that it's the people online that i feel know me better than the people off? it's wishful thinking on my part, but oh well.
i really didn't expect that bomb of a blogpost to drop, and honestly, reading it made me feel so sad because even though you're my closest friend i haven't been able to do all that much for you. and although you might feel like you haven't done much either, you'd be dumb to think that ahaha. i don't say this a lot, and i feel like you take every one of my 'ily's lightheartedly, but i really mean it, okay. every ily i say is sincere. i was really so touched when i read that blogpost on residence on my birthday tbh, i think i almost cried ahaha. my parents claim to know me so well and i'm like the crybaby of the family since i cry very easily for no reason sometimes. .. yet when i actually am on the verge of tears no one notices a thing. during my birthday i was still in bangkok on vacation, yeah. tbh this sounds stupid and it probably is, but i don't remember what happened at all. i think it might be the worst birthday out of the 14 years of my life, lmao. my best friend ooc's birthday is on the 14th of december so i stayed up to 12am and called her and sung her a birthday song and all that and , and i wonder why i even did that.. she's not even the type to like those type of things. but oh well. i know this sounds really childish and stupid of me, but it's okay.
anyways, i don't think it really matters. honestly, you're the only person i've known online that i trust this much. i'm really not kidding when i say i trust you with my life, and my mom'd probably slap me if she found out, rip. my dad's told me so many times, it doesn't matter what goes on online. in the end, all that matters and comes back to you is real life.. and yeah, i get what he means. i think one day i'll finally be able to leave aff and rpw / flw in general for good, but still. maybe it's because we're the same age or something, but you're probably the person i feel most comfortable around.. i bet we'd be really awkward if we did meet up in real life one day, but that's beside the point right now, rip. i'm really bad at this thing, oh my god. why do i keep getting off-topic.
to my dear stupid aries yumi,

can you remember when we first met in atom? i was mingyu and you were seulgi.. i really didn't like you and you really didn't like me, pmsl. i'm still sorry for that time, i'd take it back if i could. but yeah. how did we get close tbh? i don't actually remember either, ,, sweats. i remember when i was on fl whenever i saw you talking to lin during your airouette days i'd be like in panic mode and whisper to myself 'must avoid! must avoid! red alert!' i think i even dmed lin to ask 'is that yumi seulgi from atom?' imagine how i felt when i realized that airouette was actually 0-milk on aff.... the one whose applyfic i applied for. nice going, arielle. i really really can't remember how we got close. i'm trying so hard to dig through my memory but it's failing on me at a time like this. ugh hh. why. fun fact: tbh i really hate people who say '' or stuff like that because of an incident that happened to me when i was like, 11, but for some reason when it came from you i didn't mind at all. you're so vulgar tbh. yikes. yumi, plz stop. t_t jk. ily. don't change anything about yourself, ily.
hello yumi i gave up on trying to find a solution to fix the codey thing so i'm just going to paste the rest of my message here and regret this later when i wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love life