The best so far...

Yet another fab tag I got from Tigress <3


Pick and Paste the best that you've written!!!


Best FUNNY moment

 Well of course, it has to be a scene from my comedy ‘Cos I Like You. There’s a few moments that competed in my mind but I honestly think this one, with a particularly hapless N and a startled Leo is the best haha ~ I wonder if it’s still funny out of context :3 Heads up; Leo is selectively mute in this fic, anything with forward slashes is something he’s written for N to read.



N is a good waiter. Really, he is – he co-owns the café for goodness’ sake – so when he trips over a coffee table it has nothing to do with his skills as a waiter. It has everything to do with Wonshik’s irritating habit of moving the furniture around ever time N gets used to the layout. It feels like it happens in slow motion as he lurches forward, the saucer falling from his hand, his apron fluttering dramatically and the scalding hot coffee he just made splashing across the front of Leo’s pure white shirt. After that it feels like everything happens in double time. N crashes to the ground, the cup still clutched in his right hand, somehow managing not to land on any of the shards from the now shattered saucer.

Leo let out a small gasps of surprise, gazing down at his previously white shirt, eyes filled with discomfort and dismay.

"Aahhhh, no! It’s gonna burn!" N scrambles up from the floor, disregarding the cup in favour of trying to stop Leo from getting a nasty burn. Hissing, he tugs the wet material away from Leo's skin, not even registering Leo freezing as all his focus is on stopping the hot liquid from seeping through Leo’s thin shirt (which he totally hasn’t noticed is going see through, not at all).

N s the shirt to try and stop the coffee from burning. Leo, still frozen in place like an exceptionally beautiful statue just blinks at him even as N presses a hand to the skin of his chest to check the temperature.

It’s at this point, with his hand against the pale skin, that N finally realises what he's doing and looks up, panicked to see Jaehwan and Wonshik returning from their break. They take one look and turn around and walk straight back the way they came. He looks back at Leo to find the other staring at him with wide eyes and a slight trace of fear.

Leo leaves promptly afterwards, most likely to get a new shirt and simultaneously get as far away from N as possible.


Best SAD moment

Well this will have to be from my angst fic ‘Will you remember this in the morning?’ in which an unfortunate Kai has to put up with Kyungsoo’s drunken antics. It takes a sudden swerve into angst at the end so here’s some of that :3 MASSIVE SPOILERS BTW!!



“W-will you tell me what's wrong?” He ventured, pulling his legs up onto the bed so that he could properly face Kyungsoo. He waited, watching the brunette fidget a little, throwing a tear filled look at him before turning away again.

“It's you.” Kyungsoo sobbed. Kai was taken aback. What? What had he done? He tried to think of how he could have upset the other but even as he opened his mouth to release the flood of questions, Kyungsoo continued. “I like you, I think I-I think I love you…” His voice cracked and Kai felt as if his mind had been sent into orbit. He didn't understand. Kyungsoo liked him? Then why was he upset, he must know Kai liked him back, where was the problem? “But I c-can't!” A loud sob broke up his words. “I don't want to.” And in that moment, it felt as if the smaller man had plunged a dagger into Kai’s heart. All of the hopes that had suddenly risen up inside of him were quashed, obliterated by those words. “Don't make me.” Kai choked on his own sob before shuffling closer.

“I won't.” He said, struggling to keep his tone neutral. He could sense that this was the alcohol talking, it must be, but at the same time he knew that incredibly drunk people usually speak their mind – they no longer have the capacity to lie.

Kai settled next to Kyungsoo, laying a hand on his shoulder once again.

“I won't make you do anything.” Kyungsoo looked up, hope showing through the tears gathered in his eyes and flowing freely across his face. He shot up and into Kai’s lap, burying his face in Kai’s chest. Kai’s arms automatically encircled him and held him close, even if Kai’s thoughts had gone into a tailspin and he was somewhere out in space. Kyungsoo’s next words brought him crashing down.

“I can never be yours, Kai.”

“That's okay.” With that lie, Kai could feel his own heart breaking, one little piece at a time. All of the previous rejections he had received from this man put together paled in comparison to this one. He sat there, holding in his tears, comforting the source of all his heartache and he stared at the wall dully. “It's okay.” His voice was flat but the brunette didn't seem to notice.


Best ACTION sequence

Uhh…. Well now I wish I’d posted Pulling Strings already (who am I kidding I’ll never post that) Uhm the closest I can get to action is one of the scenes from Drugs & Loneliness I suppose… Even though it doesn’t quite fit, have some of that instead.


He reached out for something, anything, to hold onto to halt his fall but there was nothing to grab, so he plummeted gracelessly below the surface in a rush of cold. Just before his face slipped under, he in a desperate breath of air.

There was a burst of pain in the back of his head. Sharp at first but quickly dulling to a low ache. His mouth momentarily opened with the shock. Mildly stunned, Chen looked up at the multitude of bubbles leaving his mouth and clothes, rising through the green blue swirling water at a leisurely pace, swimming in and out of focus. Everything seemed to be taking place in slow motion. The freezing water around him felt more like treacle as he struggled to move his limbs, to achieve an upright position and swim to the surface, drifting further down and away from the surface all the time. The ship’s hull sat far beneath the surface, such a large vessel would of course sit low in the water. He felt a flash of fear at the thought of slipping under that ship, the hostile water smashing his limp body against the vast expanse of wood like a rag doll.

Cold water ran over his skin, into his ears, rushing into his nose and mouth. He felt the grip of panic take hold as he saw that the bright light of the sky above seemed further away than before. The ship, Ambrosine he supposed, was absent but that didn’t matter – it was of no consequence anymore. His eyes widened and his lips parted involuntarily allowing more water to flood in in droves. He was still sinking. His jeans were saturated and so, so heavy. A chill crept through his body, firing up his thoughts, feeding logs of terror and hopelessness to the flames. But at the same time, a soft voice was whispering into his ear; 'do not be afraid… sleep child… all is well…' The voice lilted, rising and falling like the waves far above, echoes and discordant harmonies repeated the words in canon, imperious and alien but somehow comforting.

Chen's worries melted away. The water cradled him, surrounded him in a salty embrace. He breathed in freely and exhaled another storm of bubbles, entranced by their lackadaisical ascent. The voice continued; 'do not fight… relax, you are safe here… submit…' He was calm - serene under its influence. He could stay here forever. He had no need to escape, what a strange and futile idea that had been. What was there to escape from? No harm could come to him here, under the waves… He could sleep… Be at peace… No need… to think… about anything…


A distant, but urgent voice.


Closer this time. Chen could feel the suppressed panic emerging and making its way to the fore. He was suddenly aware of the water in his mouth and nose, headed for his lungs, he felt the icy grip on his numb limbs. He thrashed his arms and legs. He had to get out, he had to get up to the surface. He could feel the throbbing of his heartbeat in his entire body as fear overtook him. He didn't want to drown!

Hands reaching towards him. 

He couldn't breathe. Please, please just let me up! He was screaming internally, lips pressed tightly shut against the influx of water. He could feel it in his lungs. Cold and deadly. His clothes were dragging him down.

Those hands. 

The water had tricked him, fooled him into a false sense of safety and tranquillity. He had been wrong.

And then the hands were on him, grasping the front of his shirt pulling him up and away. His head broke the surface and he was sitting on white tiles, head lolling back and limbs splayed as Xiumin shook him by the shoulders.

"Chen! What the hell!? Are you okay?" Chen couldn't answer as he sat up suddenly almost head butting the other before reeling over to one side in a coughing fit. 




Well I actually already used up one confession in this list (and there I was an hour ago thinking I hadn’t written any kekeke). So the one I’m using now is the last scene from ‘Cos I Like You, it's cute, right? Obviously, this also contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for said fic ;) Heads up; Leo is selectively mute in this fic, anything with forward slashes is something he’s written for N to read.



The next time Leo comes to the shop, Jaehwan once again makes an attempt to persuade his useless hyung to communicate with Leo instead of avoiding him so pathetically. After about ten minutes of frustratingly circular conversation, Jaehwan shoots Wonshik a look, begging his boyfriend to do… something. Wonshik strides over with a determined look on his face. With no warning, he sweeps N up in a fireman’s lift and, for once, the elder is stunned into silence.

Wonshik sets N down in front of Leo and walks away as fast as he can without embarrassing himself. N doesn’t really notice his legs giving out. He just finds himself on the floor, kneeling awkwardly and staring up at Leo with puppy eyes.

Leo watches him impassively for a long moment before suddenly letting out a soft laugh. N is enthralled by the melodic nature of the sound. He’s never heard Leo properly laugh before; he’s just heard him snort or scoff or huff at him. Leo’s laugh is already a treasured and unique sound to him.

Leo shifts himself forward and gently pulls N up onto the sofa next to him, arms wrapped around the elder's waist. N clings onto him subconsciously - it's the first time Leo has voluntarily touched him outside of hitting him or trying to get his attention. This is not perfunctory, the nature of this touch is very different.

A hand drops on his knee and he looks up, shyly unwinding his arms from where they are slung around Leo’s neck as the other looks about for his notebook. The hand withdraws as the blonde starts to write and N would be lying if he didn’t miss the warmth.

/You didn't have to avoid me./

"I-I uh-" N stutters dumbly but Leo's still writing.

/I wanted to thank you./

/You stopped me from getting burnt./

/Even if it was your fault from the beginning./

N splutters, sliding back off the sofa onto his knees and folding himself into a formal bow at Leo’s feet.

"I'm so sorry Taekwoon." He says to the floor.

He hears Leo slip down onto the floor beside him, followed by Leo's hand barely gracing the back of his head. At the touch, N hesitantly starts to get up, sitting back on his heels to face the blonde man kneeling in front of him.

Leo gazes at him steadily for a moment, a warm smile growing on his face. He hesitates and then does something N would never expect.

He speaks.

"You're annoying, Hakyeon… But I put up with you... ‘Cos I like you…" His voice is soft and lilting and N has to strain a little to hear the precious words but all he can think is that those are the most beautiful words he has ever heard (even if he’s being insulted - he'd pay to be insulted by Leo).

Leo hits him on the shoulder before reaching up to drag his notebook from the sofa into his lap, smile still in place.

/Stop zoning out, idiot./


Best story (do not paste the passage here, just say which story!)

Haha well since I only wrote one proper , it’ll have to be that! I struggled so bad to get this fic out. I could think up the scenarios easily but writing it made me cringe so so so bad haha ~

I’m a lot more comfortable with writing now haha.

So yeah, it’s After Practice.



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I loved reading thissss <3
HAHA I loved that scene from Cos I Like You <3
Aww that KaiSoo was so sad!!!
Oh wow. That water scene, that's scary 0.0