My writings style

Over the passed few years on AFF, I can honestly say that I love writing! duh! Haha.

It started as a fun oneshot for a friend, and it expanded.

If you've read all my stories,you'd probably can tell that my writing styles, my vocabulary and quality varies and fluctuates.

I've improved in some cases, but I've lacked in others. There is inconsistency.


When I read back my old writings, before AFF, I noticed that I was better then, than I am now. In terms of my vocab and flow.

My fluctuations, it bothers me actually. I'm getting rusty.


I was thinking of taking a class for writing poetry and short stories this semester, but I'm not sure if I should since I might get stressed because of it.

I am not an english major, or literature major.

I am still thinking though.


I miss writing. Though I am currently writing my stories, I miss it.

I want to write so bad, and my ideas are exploding in my mind. Wanting to write a bunch of stories at the same time.

But because of that, I get stuck.

And that kind of bothers me. Sigh.


Since the semester is starting soon, I feel I should write loadssss.

But I also feel that I need to take it slow and chill.


Whatever this love of mine will direct me, I hope it'll still be something I love to do. No matter how confused I am with it.




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i feel the same. too many ideas too little time