Hala Swan


Hala ( main rapper , maknae , vocalist , lead dancer )






applicant. hala-bear

active rate [1-10]. 9/10

nickname. Hala

PASSWORD. lee jaehwan

plotline. I'm a survivor in more ways than you know

full name. Hala swan

HEIGHT&WEIGHT. 170cm / 60 kg

nicknames. choco , moon 

birthdate. 24/01/1994

birth place. algeria , northern africa

ethnicity.  1/2 chinese , 1/2 buddist

languages. english ( fluent ) french ( fluent ) arabic ( fluent ) korean ( basic ) chinese ( conversational )

face claim: ella eyre

<a href="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvFjTdk6wf_1Gvp3IpNNpgFoWuYSxC65s_qqgW4W85_zM7oboUGg">ella eyre</a>

<a href="http://musicscene.ie/musicScene/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Ella_Eyre_Academy_Dublin_2014_live_concert_date_confirmed_for_Monday_October_20th_singer_songwriter_gig_headline_show_solo_irish_tour_announced_buy_tickets_music_scene_ireland.jpg">lella eyre</a>
<a href="http://cdn03.cdn.justjaredjr.com/wp-content/uploads/pictures/2014/11/ella-asos/ella-eyre-asos-magazine-cover-06.jpg">ella eyre</a>


backup face claim: selana gomez


<a href="http://img.20mn.fr/eY7rHXhdQxSyFqXmPIV6PQ/648x415_selena-gomez-25-septembre-2015.jpg">selena gomez</a>

<a href="http://images.thehollywoodgossip.com/iu/s--f67-VY8d--/t_full/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_75/v1396549744/selena-gomez-smolders.png">selena gomez</a>
<a href="http://wallpapercave.com/wp/E6bOTnN.jpg">selena gomez</a>




— R&B music

— walking at the beach

— Chocolet ice cream.

— having picnics outside

— taking nature pictures

— Watching sunset because it represent the end of beautiful day and the begining of another





— bugs

— uncleaness

— lying

— blood

— being called stupid

— being called a foreigner


character history


When she was 10 years old people recognized her talent and her sweet honey voice and aggressive rapping that screams diva , but being the only child of a teacher as a mom and a high school director as a dad they didn't want her to be involved in the entertainment world so she had a lot of issues regarding following her dream . But when her father was sent to Korea for a business trip she decided to take the opportunity and follow her dream .She lost her mother on an early age and had to take care of herself so she learned how to be responsible at an early age and her father always told her that she resembles her mother a lot . when she got to school she had many difficulties to adjust to a new community and she became the target for bullies , they called her fat , ugly and a foreigner like its something to be ashamed of , so she ended up lonely and outcast-ed , she began cutting herself to relieve the stress she was going through and tried to take her life many times but the suicidal attempts were doomed with failure 


Her favorite girl group was 2NE1 she always wanted to become like CL the cool and strong feminine y female idol but she always wanted to be really special and leave her print were ever she goes so people could remember her since she was little 

 she studied in art university in korea in order to become a dance choreografer in case she didnt make it as an idol




character personality


she is always described as  mysterious and cold looking girl. When people first see her, she doesn't smile a lot or talk too much but once you start talking to her, you are wrong. She is a very loud and funny . Always wanting to others laugh and likes to know new people. She is always interested in the things around her . She just loves making jokes and enjoy every moment.  Which means she could be annoying sometimes. She would do what ever she wants.  She finds it extremely fun when she yells her heart out at a place where silence was made to be. She does the weirdest things. She also goes up to random people and say the most ridiculous things. She likes to embarrass herself and to do crazy and weird things.

She sometimes sound a little y for how weird the things she say sounds. She likes dirty jokes and is always saying dirty jokes that will make people gag. she is very loyal. She will stick by your side no matter what the consequence. She is supportive of what you do and need. She is someone you can trust even if she acts childish, she'll never betray you. She is a very helpful person who'd do something out of the kindness in their heart and would expect nothing in return. She is willing to help anyone in need.She is very protective of her loved ones and would not let anything hurt them Finally,  even when she is hurt She'd put a huge smile on her face and go.



love interest


love interest. kwon ji yong aka g-dragon

age. 28

relationship. sunbae / friend / crush

picture links:

<a href="http://static.tumblr.com/cf1307adda879a55bff9a26df41b9b33/yjoqvgz/J7Bn8rp8v/tumblr_static_e1efr29i5pckw8k0s4oog00ok.jpg">GD</a>

<a href="http://i.imgur.com/rjT6Rzt.jpg">GD</a>
<a href="http://40.media.tumblr.com/8ccca928aefecb7ceb5148a4d9116b0f/tumblr_n28z24TrAs1qjkkg2o1_500.png">GD</a>


PERSONALITY. as the leader of the world wide famous boy group big bang ,GD could be as hard as he wants; as cool as he wants, depending on his mood. He is the kind of cheerful guy; he could easily calm himself down. GD has a high self-esteem, he is easy going, talented, and has strong charisma. He also the one who could be relied on; lovable. He skill in songwriting doesn't only make him a member of a boy band but also a good producer.Although Bigbang has been publicly considered fashionable, especially for GD, he is the one who has the highest sense of fashion among others. likes his nickname "Kwon Leader"GD also often wears glasses a lot indoors . He really doesn't like people who value him only from his appearance. GD wants to be known because of his music rather than physical appearance.


MEETING. one day Hala was feeling really fed up with the hard workout and little rest she had , and the sleep

deprive when she stayed up all night to master the new choreography and failing every time at the same poin ,

she broke down crying and frustrated . GD was passing by and saw the lights in the practice room on so he got

curious then when he approuched he hurd faint sobs and when he peeked through the jared door he found

Hala crying her heart out so he decided to help her and approched her , he comforted her and helped her with

the steps she was doing wrong after she explained to him what was wrong , from that point on they become

goodfriends and on the way to that she fell for him but were very shy to confess  and afraid of his reaction if she

told him how she really feels about him ,and that how they met





layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes




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