username — WishIWasAzn

activity rate — 7-8


name — Hyun Declan
STAGE NAME — Hwaseong (or Mars)

Sajingi (사진기) | Means: Camera | Declan is practically attached to his camera, always taking pictures of anything and everything. It sometimes causes a problem when the rest of his friends want to keep going | bandmates and trainees
Geopuk (거북) | Means: Turtle | Despite his speed with his rapping, Declan tends to take things at his own pace outside of his persona and, going along with his addiction to taking pictures, he likes to stop and smell the roses. | bandmates
Professor | Because his parents are scholars, he tends to know a lot of random facts that a normal person would not know. Coupled with his high IQ and general awkward nature, the nickname came about. This side of him especially comes out during quiz shows and trivia games that he plays | friends and fans
Hwaseong (화성) | Means: Mars or Star of Fire | A tip off to his natural red hair as well as his star quality on the stage as the main rapper and lead dancer. | Lemon Ent., fans, bandmates

birthdate — March 17, 1991
birthplace — Limerick, Ireland

hometown — split between Limerick, Ireland and Suwon, South Korea

ethnicity — Irish-Korean

language — 
Korean - fluent but has an accent, can sometimes mess up his pronunciation because of his accent
English - fluent, native language, has a thick Irish accent when speaking and can be a little difficult to understand when he talks quickly
Gaelic - basic, he knows a few words, enough to string together a sentence or two and some just to throw into random conversation

Look presentable, your majesty

face claim — Park HyungSeok

gallery — Gallery 1 | Gallery 2

backup face claim — Won JongJin

gallery — Gallery


appearance — At 173 cm and 63 kg, Declan is of average size and height for a typical guy. He is a little on the short side because of his Irish heritage but not short enough to be too noticeable unless he is standing next to extremely tall idol guys. He has natural red hair though he darkens it a little to make it look like it is dyed so he won't get excessive questions. He hates dying his hair different colors because, although he hides it, he rather likes his unique hair. He has pale skin and can tan easily, which he seems to be prone to as he spends a lot of time outside taking pictures. He has dark green eyes and thin lips with slightly big ears. He also has a few freckles across his nose and cheeks though they usually end up being covered by make-up when he performs. His nose is slightly crooked from where he broke it when he was younger. 

He has a few tattoos that are usually hidden because his parents are unaware that he has them. The latin phrase "Alis grave nil" between his shoulder blades meaning "Nothing is heavy to those who have wings." He also has a tribal clover in dark green over his heart, showing that his heritage is close to him. Finally, he has his sister's name tattooed on his left ribcage in hangul in the colors of the irish flag. 

fashion style — Declan prefers the casual yet semi-classy look. He has always dressed rather well but prefers comfort over most things. He tends to wear a lot of flannel and plaid shirts with jeans or khaki pants along with Converses or Vans for shoes. The colors he prefers tend to lie in the darker range of blues, blacks, and dark greens with some red thrown in. He tries not to wear anything pink or orange as it tends to clash with his hair colors. Surprisingly, most reds for clothing match with his hair. If he is really trying for effort, he'll wear a dark jacket over some sort of printed tee and a bit nicer choice in pants with black shoes. All in all, he is usually seen as a well put together university student rather than an idol. 

For practice and when he is just hanging around the dorms, his outfits only change enough to be more comfortable. He tends to wear basketball shorts or sweatpants (sometimes he wears sweatpants over his shorts until he figures out the temperature of the room) with a light t-shirt or short-sleeved hoodie. Around the dorm, he goes for sweats and a t-shirt or hoodie. Sometimes he'll wear jeans if he feels like he might go out later.

FInally, for his accessories. He has his ears pierced though his hair covers it up usually and he only wears small studs (usually either four leaf clovers or emeralds) so they don't stand out. He doesn't wear much else jewelry wise besides a ring that his mother gave him (a simple silver band with a gold ring in the middle of a celtic knot) and a necklace that he was given by his sister when he went into the entertainment industry (a silver chain with a silver four leaf clover attached). If he wears hats, he usually matches his style to the weather. In Autumn and Winter, he prefers beanies of monotone colors, usually black or grey. In the spring time, he tends not to wear hats but in the summer he prefers snapbacks. He does love to wear sunglasses (Aviators to be specific) even when it isn't needed.

your favorite subject: Yourself

plotline — The Robe

traits — 
The Bright Side :  accepting, listener, hard-worker
The Middle Ground : intelligent, 4D airhead, Blunt
The Shady Side : stubborn, bad temper, indecisive

personality — 

"It's alright, everyone has their wierd sides." He could have gone the complete opposite direction with this part of his personality with the amount he was made fun of in school when he moved from Ireland. However, Declan takes the world in stride and accepts even the strangest of things as something normal and useful to the world. If someone's strange tick or habit comes out while they are with him, he'll just brush it off with a small smile and move on as if it was natural. He is especially drawn to those who seem to be like him, rather introverted and a bit different from the "normal" person. He embraces the differences in people because he truly believe it is the strange things about a person that makes them who they are. An interesting quirk that comes along with this is that he tends to be extremely polite to everyone around him and it takes awhile before he feels comfortable addressing someone informally.
"If you ever need someone to talk to..." Naturally, Declan seems like the quiet type who sits back and watches the world go on around him. His nickname, Geopuk, only furthers to confirm this idea. While he does like to observe the world, he much rather prefers to listen to other people talk about themselves and their lives. He does have a rather bad habit of eavesdropping when not directly involved in the conversation and bringing up little things that those people might have talked about in later conversations. Along with his accepting side, he is a very good listener, not just when other people don't realize he is listening. He offers his ears and mind when he notices that something is upsetting a friend or person close to him and tends to give rather good advice based on the situation at hand. Though he usually isn't fond of people ranting for no reason, if there is a clear and certain reason behind the reason someone is upset at something or is in need of advice, he doesn't mind a little ranting.
"Once more, please." Every band has one of those people, the ones that stay late past the other members to make sure that a note or particular dance move is right, the ones that arrive early to ask questions about new material, the ones that practice even when they are just waiting for the airplane. He's always been a hard worker, even when he was younger, putting his full concentration and effort into making whatever job or task he has been given done to the best of his ability. He does tend to get lost or somewhat in a trance when he works and it takes some time for people to get through to his brain when he is in "practice" mode. But because of all of this practice, it makes him one of the best at his position in the entertainment world. 

"Isn't this stuff basic knowledge...?" Declan has a rather abnormal understanding of what a normal intelligence is. Not only are both of his parents esteemed professors at an internationally ranked college but he also has a rather high IQ, over 140. Though he doesn't have a photographic memory, he finds it very easy to understand things and remember bits of information. He doesn't like to show it very much because he doesn't want other people to think he is looking down on them but when someone says something blatantly wrong, he tends to interject without realizing it himself. In those brief moments, he can come off as a bit arrogant but it goes away as soon as he is done. Mostly, this side of him comes out when he is asked questions for quiz or game shows or asked about his family.
"Wait, could you repeat that?" Seemingly contradictory to his intelligent aspect and his hard-working personality trait, Declan tends to be a bit of an airhead in the 4D sense. When outside of a practice situation and very frequently when the group is a guest on a variety show, he tends to get lost in his thoughts, in his own little world and when he brings himself back, he has missed an important part of the rules or whatever has been said and usually ends up asking strange questions for clarification. He also can become very childish when just hanging out in the dorms and even the pictures he takes of himself have a childish air, especially when he is with his groupmates or friends. In essence, he embraces his oddness and makes sure that other people know he enjoys being himself. Being himself also means that he can be rather clumsy at times, odd because he is so well put together during performances. He can even trip over nothing.
"To be perfectly honest..." Declan grew up in a family that was always honest to a fault, which made him become a rather blunt person. This can be good and bad. He is honest about everything but will tell some white lies when he picks up on the rare social cue. He is very upfront about the advice he gives and isn't afraid to tell someone something that might hurt their feelings, especially if he feels it is the best thing for them. His bluntness causes a lot of problems between his friends and people he knows because he always says what is on his mind about certain things and it can come off rather harshly because he tells it as if it was pure fact and it isn't hard to deny it when you look at his intelligence.

"No, I can do it!" Since he was younger, he has always been told that he can't do things and has set out to prove that to be false. He doesn't give up on things even when they seem to be hopeless and, though many times it doesn't work, those few times that he manages to complete the task, he feels an extreme sense of pride and tends to rub it in other's faces (though not to an extreme extent, usually he will make a snarky comment). This stubbornness can sometimes cause a problem, however, especially when it comes to practice. On one hand, he is a hard worker but when he can't fully grasp something, he will work and work until he has exhausted himself and even then he will say that he isn't tired. Maybe it goes along with his high intellect but he hates not understanding things or falling behind others so he works until he does get it.
"Can you just shut up for a second?!?" Though admittedly it takes awhile for Declan to get to this point of anger, once he snaps, everyone around him should watch out. He speaks harshly and tends to lash out when he is in such a state. It usually comes from being stressed out and someone says something at the wrong time or he just gets frustrated with himself and someone asks "What's wrong" at the wrong moment. When he becomes like this, it takes him awhile to calm down. While he can still focus on his work, he prefers not to talk to people and, just to make his point, he will lapse into English and ignore people. The only thing that can calm him down is a few hours alone and his favorite ice cream.
"Maybe this one...no....maybe not..." With his intellect and 4D nature, it's no wonder that he has difficulties making decisions without other people's input. No one should ever ask him to make a decision that could potentially have a big impact on someone other than himself. Not only does he hate make decisions, when forced to make decisions he has to analyze every situation that could possible come out and it usually takes him quite awhile to actually come to a final conclusion. His bandmates have given up on taking him to new places to eat or when they do, they just order for him so they won't be sitting in a restuarant for hours, waiting for him to make a decision.


background —

The way Declan's parents met was a typical college meeting. JoonWon was a top student at his high school in South Korea and decided to study architecture in Ireland and that's where he met Caoimhe. She was a teaching assistant in JoonWon's architectural history class. The language barrier was a problem at first but they both learned each other's langauges and when they spoke to each other in their native languages, that was when their true relationship began. The two of them got married when JoonWan graduated (when he was 21 and she was 25). A year later, Declan was welcomed into the world, crying and wailing like any other normal child. His early years were a bit strange as his father was working towards his PhD in Architecture and his mother was already a history professor at the University of Limerick. 

As a child, Declan was raised primarily by his father during the day (at least when he was very small) and his mother at night. Once he was old enough, he went with his mother to work, allowing his father to take more classes and finish his doctorate earlier. It was clear that he was a little smarter than the rest of the kids his age when he began reading early and talked later, but in full sentences. He was a rather quiet child so it was easy for his mother's TAs (teaching assistant, those who help grading papers or help students who need the extra push to succeed) to watch him while she taught and then she would take care of him between her lectures. One of his mother's TAs happened to be a dance major (minoring in history) and one day, his mother's lecture ran over and her TA took him to one of her dance classes. It was here that he learned of his love of dancing, even though he was only 5 years old. Instead of waiting in his mother's office, he would hang around the music department and the students would teach him the basics of dancing and some of the male students would teach him about rapping. 

When he was 7, his father finally finished his PhD and post graduate research as well as his education degree. That was when the family decided to move to Suwon, South Korea. Caoimhe and JoonWon both got offers to teach at KyungHee Uni. His little sister was born 2 months after they arrived in Suwon, given both a korean name and an irish name unlike Declan. His mother took some leave in order to take care of MyungKi while he started getting settled into his school. He was teased for being smart and having strange colored hair. Somedays it was easy to push through but others, it got the better of him. Instead of clamming up, he imagined how his dad must have felt going to a school in Ireland and pushed through so that he advanced classes faster than his peers. He also focused on improving his dancing and rapping, every day. He practiced so that he could forget about the teasing and move forward so that he could be someone who wouldn't get teased anymore.

Unlike him, his sister grew up normally, she was born with dark hair and bright green eyes and was seen as beautiful to all of her peers. Declan is very protective of his younger sister (as evidenced by his tattoo) and loves her with all his heart. His fascination with photography started here. As they grew up, he started to take pictures of her and the places he took her to show his parents when they were too busy teaching. Once she started going to school, Declan's love for photography moved on to landscapes, skylines, people, and nature in general. He graduated from high school when he was 15 and instead of going straight to university, he hung around his parent's offices and the campus in general. He didn't want to go through the same teasings being younger so he just helped his parent's students and hung around the music building. This was where he finally began to develop his own dance style and really get into the rhythm of rapping. He learned from classes he watched and groups on campus that let him practice with them. He began to smile more and realize what he wanted out of life but he hid it from his parents.

Though not overbearing, his parents wanted Declan to do something with his intellect, something other than music. They were fine with it as a passion but they thought he should aim for a more "stable" career. He decided to humor them and went to school for architecture when he was 18, something he loved but could never see himself doing as a career. He managed to keep up the charade for his parents that he was a good student, which was easy for him, but his main focus was dance and rap, honing his skills and participating in competition under the stage name of Mars, kind of like his hair color. It was at one of these competitions that he was scouted by Lemon Entertainment for his dance skills. He accepted their offer without consulting his parents but they were fine with it, knowing about his musical exploration for quite some time as they had heard rumors across campus. They were rather proud of him, though still wished that he would complete his degree. He promised that he would when he got the chance and decided to enter the world he had always been drawn to.

likes — 
1 - landscapes, skylines
2 - challenging his knowledge (chess or trivia mostly)
3 - strawberry ice cream
4 - Disney movies
6 - Epic Rap Battle of HIstory
7 - Soccer (playing and cheering for his favorite team)
8 - searching for four leaf clovers
9 - sunshowers (raining but no clouds)
10 - candy, especially gummy bears and twizzlers
11 - reading manga/watching anime
12 - listening to music on high volume
13 - any music with a beat (especially english rap music)
14 - Studio Ghibli movies

dislikes — 
1 - the old starburst commercial (he gets a lot of jokes because he is irish-korean and gets mistaken as scotch-korean because of his accent)
2 - the hate that comes with ignorance
3 - bullies, especially those that pick on those who are different
4 - being mistaken for being scottish (it's an irish thing)
5 - people staring at him because of his unnatural hair color
6 - not knowing things that he is "expected" to know
7 - being underestimated because of his off stage personality
8 - extremely cold weather
9 - his accent messing up his ability to be understood
10 - covering up his freckles
11 - lyrics that don't have any meaning to them
12 - mushrooms and spinach
13 - ladders and heights

hobbies — 
1 - photography
2 - drawing buildings/floorplans
3 - sneaking out to take walks by the river
4 - studying history and architecture
5 - playing video games (dance games and rhythm games but he also enjoys Legend of Zelda)
6 - cooking for the group

habits — 
1 - pulling on the strings of his hoodie while listening to feedback on his dance or rap
2 - eavesdropping when sitting in public places
3 - snapping a picture absentmindedly and not knowing he has done it
4 - using Gaelic to remember his routines and the rhythms for his raps (he speaks it outloud when practicing sometimes and makes the other group members confused)
5 - when he is nervous or embarrassed, he rubs the back of his neck before messing up his hair

1 - He is Irish-Catholic though does not practice as often as he should.
2 - He used to go with his mother and father to work when he was really young and he would go to KyungHee Uni after his own school had let out instead of going home. He would sit in on his mother and father's classes or sit in their offices and help out their students if his parents were busy. The students don't really like it all that much but Declan has been around his parents for so long, he understands how they teach and how to make it easier for other people to understand it.
3 - Since coming to Korea, he has only been back to Ireland a few times and very widely spaced out. Ever since his sister was born, they had a harder time trying to find time to go and when Declan entered the industry, it became nearly impossible.
4 - He graduated high school two years early but only went to university for two years, having entered the entertainment industry while in school. He was studying architecture when he left and hopes to one day continue his studies.
5 - He can get very into soccer when he watches it, he seems almost not himself with the amount of passion and anger he feels when a bad call is made or his team loses.
6 - His photography has been featured in some magazines and newspapers but he hopes that one day his landscape photography will be featured in National Geographic or a travel magazine for  Korea. 
7 - Contradictory to his high intelligence, his handwriting displays a very childlike appearance (his hangul at least, his english writing is extremely messy). Sometimes he has to explain what he has written, especially when it is instructions on how the dance at a certain part should be or what the exact words to his rap are. 
8 - When he is alone, he tries to imitate famous singers or rappers while singing along to their songs. He gets really embarrassed when someone catches him doing it. He does this in order to improve his skill.
9 - Though he was born on St. Patrick's Day, his parents decided against naming him Patrick because it seemed too cliche for an Irish boy to have the name Patrick, especially with his unique background.
10 - He will never ever leave his room without his camera. Even though he has a smart phone, he prefers taking pictures with a real camera and then loading them onto his computer. His group mates can get annoyed with the amount of pictures that he takes but he can't help it, especially when they are in a new location.
11 - He says that the speed at which he raps is reflective of how fast his mind works when the day is going by (which is fairly fast, he is known for his speed rapping. He hopes to one day be as fast as Outsider.
12 - [IF NEEDED] His rapping twin is Zelo (B.A.P.), his singing twin is Gary Lightbody (english), James Graham (Gaelic) and Zico (Block B), his dancing twin is Hyunseung (BEAST), and his speaking twins are Colin Morgan (english) and Kevin Woo (korean).
13 - He is a little claustrophobic when it comes to crowds. If he is on stage it is fine but being in the center of a lot of people makes him anxious.
14 - Declan is very superstitious. He has a pair of lucky earrings, he never walks under ladders or on cracks in the sidewalk, and he always makes people go through the same door they came in when they leave.
15 - He isn't really looking for love. Sure, one day he wants to fall in love and maybe start a family but the way his life has played out, he isn't really expecting someone to fall for him. However, this isn't to say that he won't fall in love.

~Relationships with Royal Court Members~

- The Throne : She reminds him a lot of his younger sister so he is a little more protective of her than the others though she does get on his nerves quite often. His actual younger sister thinks this is hilarious and hopes to one day meet The Throne
- The Sash : Though not always approving of the way he takes things, Declan is always impressed by how thorough The Sash is with everything he does. He likes to have conversations with him about a lot of things but makes sure to keep his guard up
- The Jewel : He sees her as someone to learn from. He knows that she is one of the most talented members in the group even though she isn't well recognized and he wants to get tips and information from her on how to improve. Even if she is younger, he treats her more like a sunbae.
- The Sceptre : Even though he is the leader, Declan doesn't always treat him as such. He's more like the friend that likes to hang around and chill out instead of going out or doing something exciting. The Sceptre likes him because Declan doesn't cause many problems
- The Tiara : Declan is friends with her as the other main rapper in the group. They make sure to write a lot of their raps together to make sure they flow properly and sometimes even intermingle them. He's one of the people that is always in between The Sash and her.
- The Tyrant : He isn't on the most friendly of terms with him simply because he is the one that usually gets yelled at to get out of dream world. The Tyrant doesn't really like him because he cusses too much for his liking so Declan irritates him by either speaking English or using big words when arguing against him.
- The Eloquence : The big sister he never had (even if she is younger). She always sticks up for him when The Tyrant is yelling at him to get out of dream world and he appreciates it a lot. He is rather close to her because he enjoys helping her out with song writing especially when it comes to English phrasing and putting meaning behind the words
- The Sword : Probably the closest guy of the group that he is close to because he can see past the "scary" facade. He loves that he has a big heart and loves to just spend time rapping with him. The two of them spend a lot of time together just sitting and talking about things because they are the most non confrontational group members
- The Gloves : The two of them are always together when it comes to pushing through fans because of her past experience and his claustrophobia. They aren't the closest of people but he has let her know that if she needs to talk about anything, his ears and door are always open.

the royal blood

family — 

— Caoimhe (Kee-va) Whelen Hyun | Mother | 52 | Irish | History Professor at KyungHee Uni, Suwon Campus | Kind, Smart, Stubborn, Supportive | SHe is very maternal, it comes from both being a mother and a professor. She believes in everyone, especially her husband and her children. She always doted on Declan because he was her first child and he was "special", knowledge wise. She didn't think she would ever have children so he is a bit of a favorite to her. She wants him to be happy but she doesn't want him to go far away from her, a reason she was wary of him becoming an idol. They do love to discuss different things about history and Declan has memorized almost all of her lectures (though he'll never tell her that).

— Hyun JoonWon | Father | 48 | Korean | Architecture Professor at KyungHee Uni, Suwon Campus | Hard Worker, Smart, Protective, Airhead | Declan and his father are very close, personality wise and relationship wise. This causes some problems and they get into arguments a lot, never anything too major. JoonWon was the one that was most against Declan going into the entertainment business because he believed in his potential for architecture. Their similar personalities cause the most clashes between them and they have been a bit awkward since Declan entered the entertainment world but his father is always proud of him, though he is bad at communicating that.

— Hyun Niamh MyungKi | Younger Sister | 18 | Irish-Korean | University Student, KyungHee Uni - International Relations | Childish, Happy, Accepting, Kind | SHe's always loved her older brother and she is always the first to want to see his pictures or a new dance or rap that he has created. They were very close when she was little but it drifted apart slightly when he was trying to figure things out about himself but she always supported him and they became close again. He dotes on her and she loves being selfish around him. They have a very close relationship and they supprot each other in their endevours. He supports her decisions about wanting to study in order to work abroad and she supports him in music, even more so than their parents. She teases him a lot to his face and sometimes makes fun of him, playfully, but she will always defend him.

the peasants

friends — 

— Jang YooSuk | Two Left Feet Geniuses | 27 | Dance Instructor | Arrogant, Hard Worker, Insecure | He was the first person at KyungHee who noticed Declan's skill at dance. He was also the leader of the dance team that Declan was on when he was scouted by Lemon Entertainment. YooSuk helped Declan find his own style and is a little jealous of how good Declan is at music and his studies. He was a history major at school and Declan had to help him a lot on how to pass his mother's classes. He hides his insecurities from everyone but Declan and in turn Declan has him help to practice the fundamentals of dance. No one knows how these two are so good at dancing because they have been seen together on multiple occasions tripping over nothing.

— Son Haejin | Twins Separated At Birth | 17 | Maknae of AURORA | Shy, Driven, Cold | Out of all of the members of AURORA, Declan is closest to Haejin. They look remarkably alike for two guys who are 6 years apart in age. He can see right through Haejin's shy nature and enjoys talking to the younger boy whenever he sees him in the studio. He tries to help him open up a bit more and work through his self-consciousness because he is sure that this kid is going to be a top star one day.

— Callan McGonven | Foreign Relations | 24 | Photographer | Happy, Charming, Smart | Callan is the only friend Declan really had in Ireland that was his age. They went to school together when they were small. He is the son of another professor at the University of Limerick so that is how they met first. They kept in contact through letters when they were younger and now they email and Skype sometimes. Their respective busy schedules make it difficult. They do trade photographs through email, sharing a love of photography. Callan has also become interested in the KPop scene because of Declan.

— Moon Borah
 | Scary Noona | ?? | Royal Court's Manager | Strict, Hard Working, Determined | Declan is pretty close friends with Borah even before she was named the manager of Royal Court. He was on the older end of the trainee's so he enjoyed the company of someone around his age. He admires her hard working nature because it reminds him of his parents. She does scare him a lot when she gets into her determined mode but he thinks she is a kick manager all the same.

may i introduce you to your partner?

love interest — Member of Royal Court (Tiara, Eloquence, or the manager [if she isn't too much older] preferably)

backup love interest — No Love Interest


personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

it's almost time to go

comments/suggestions — I hope you like my character! Let me know if you need me to explain more or edit anything that seems wierd. I kept losing my train of thought for some parts so if something doesn't make sense please let me know. Good luck choosing your characters and thank you for considering mine!

scene requests — 
- Foreign concert in Ireland
- Eloquence sticking up for him against Tyrant
- Declan getting to meet Outsider
- The group members having to pull him away from taking pictures
- Any sort of variety show where he surprises everyone with how smart he is
- The guys in the group trying to flirt with his little sister
- The sort of sister/brother fighting relationship between him and Borah

password — Martians + #008000 Irish Green

turn in — back to the story


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