I don't know why

I think of myself a very erratic writer, or rather, an impulsive, near-hypergraphia kind of person when it comes to writing. But lately, I've been in a slump. It not just the motivation to write has lessened but I feel burdened by what I do to some very unreasonable extends, and I don't know why. 

It's so bad that I am starting to think to just hide most of the stuff I have now, and hopefully, if I am ever ready, get back in the spirit of things, if I do.

I don't want to be the person that updates once every 3 months, but I don't want to sacrifice my quality, or leave people hanging. I've been on the other side of that, waiting and waiting and then wait some more, even after one measly chapter has been uploaded, and I don't like it.


So, for me, at the moment, is all or nothing.

I know it's terrible, but...well, hopefully I grow out of it, but I might just take a one week break see if it changes. If not, well, we'll see. 

I am so confused.


Sorry for rambling. 


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nakamichoco #1
It's no wonder you've been in a slump. You've wrote so much and it's impressive how far your creativity goes.
Most authors struggle to write that many (interesting) chapters... You've been doing great and I hope you can rest your mind,
pushing the block can only do so much, right? No matter what conclusion you'll come to, know that your stories have been great and i'm thankful for the read.
Take your time! We'll totally understand. Focus on you and figure yourself out for a bit. Because at the end of the day it's not really about us. You write for your own creativity freedom. Please don't force yourself to spit out chapters especially if you aren't satisfied with them. We want you to be comfortable and confident with what you put out. Don't worry about us we'll definitely around love.