username — stronghold

activity rate — 6/10


name — Baek Yisoo
STAGE NAME — Aris; his rapper name given by his sister. a  derivation from Ares, and since it's one thing that caused him to tell his best friend about.

nickname — 

soo — shortened form of his nickname.

birthdate — 02 March 1992
birthplace — Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea.

hometown — Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea.

ethnicity — Korean.


Korean — native.

English — getting better than in middle school.

Look presentable, your majesty

face claim — B.I.G Gook Minpyo

gallery — X

backup face claim — MYNAME's JunQ

gallery — X


appearance — other than black hair cut covering his eyebrows, he's tall and rather slender, so there's that for not being too much of an athlete. he's pale-skinned, also corporating to that, and probably saggy shoulders that gives in a very relaxed attitude. some people found his smile could be creepy, often thanks to the fact that his eyes have black underbags and is pretty wide. Yisoo isn't really a person that a lot of people would found uncomfortable, though. Stood in the height of 173 (he's short) and 57 kg. 

fashion style — he likes black and blue-ish hues, because he still thinks they're extremely cool and is safe, can be matched with anything he likes. he also wears denim jeans and jackets, one that he often cut or tear slightly to make it look, "vintage" or whatever it is to describe 'natural' things.

your favorite subject: YOURSELF

plotline — the robe

traits — 

the yin; perceptive, forgiving (of sort), loyal

the yang; obtuse, passive, nosy

do you need the scarf? yisoo is mostly takes things into his consideration, whether a person was just being slightly annoyed or they literally need help.  he takes in from his past experiences on what's wrong and correct, and this caused him to be able to see things into different angles or mirrors. and knowing whether people need help, he would try by asking them on their situation, and help them through it, so that they would be able to find comfort. and knowing misery is an absolute awfulness, he tries to erase them, to focus on their group's situation as a whole. humans are who they are, with their own flaws, and his job, is to take them out of that low points in their lives, even when other members on their lives are not aware.
but this also ended up causing him to get a little too rowdy at a point where the same people were supposed to be able to breathe a little while. what yisoo fails to see, is that, just because they need their old partners back, it doesn't mean that they should do it at that time. it tends to cause misunderstandings, where he honestly just wants to help the others, but knowing how things get a little too personal, especially knowing how yisoo himself wasn't much of a member that outshine, their reactions: anger.
where members would ended up lashing out at him, and there wasn't really anything much to say. at this point, his insensitivity is his charm; he takes in lashing from the left to the right ear, and just... didn't really think much of it. he just ended up forgetting a lot of the part afterwards, which, is partially thanks to his weakness. he also considers that going through things just didn't really work out well, so when members begrudgingly apologize, he lets them off. but this isn't what the world wanted. the world wants tooth for a tooth, leg for a leg; yisoo's dismissive attitude bores anyone and almost zero dramas ensued later on. this might be the reason why; yisoo tends to be rather okay with just anything, and coming to go...
as much that yisoo is a nosy guy, he also, odd enough, passive. he doesn't talk much when necessary, and has an awkward persona, since what he says tends to be very, very wrong (even with the correct contents and good intentions). his discomfort was helped by the fact that, ironically, while he takes in the fact that he tends to a little too much, when people told him to, "oh for f..k's sake, Yisoo! just shut up!", especially if this occured to people who are close to him. and he was supposed to solve their problems, not inducing fights that goes off months. so when it starts to involve him actually there, and then he goes way too blunt about it, he shuts up. his first defense mechanism was to be quiet, and thus, he just...  doesn't really stand out with his pasiveness. when the time does come when variety shows are more action-involved, he can show off a much, much nosier skills, more outgoing, etc. but when he really wants to talk, he never really wanted to. things go wrong, and he doesn't want it.

background —
born in the city of Pohang, Yisoo didn't have much of a past; he does have a family, and a younger sister; they lived off well, as his parents owned a restaurant, and his mother is a nurse. income is rather easy, even if she retires a few years later, living off at monthly pension. but yisoo had always liked how dancing is; something that give him a freedom to express himself. his parent ssaw this, and enrolled him into dance classes. Yisoo then make friends with a young boy named Ki Shinjae. both of them started by talking with slight trashiness, but things goes on and Yisoo kept on trusting shinjae.  they both are also close to Yihwa, Yisoo's younger sister, and the trio goes on with their childhood adventures.
But as they grew up, Yisoo started liking different kinds of songs; but the one that sticks out was those that he was able to dance at. there is a sort of excitement, and he greatly likes Pet Shop Boys, DJ Doc, etc. Shinjae was much more into rock music, but knowing how Yisoo really wanted to try, Shinjae encouraged Yisoo to try going underground; while originally doubtful of his own parents, finally agrees. in 2008, rapper Aris is born. Aris name taken due to Yihwa's suggestion. But none really lasts long. Shinjae died in 2009, where a car accident, which Yisoo also suffered (with his left leg broken, thus hindering his dance moves) albeit alive and in a coma after three months. After hearing the news, Yisoo broke down crying; Yihwa went into an antagonistic mode, where both are being extremely toxic to each other, Yihwa blaming him for Shinjae's death. Not only Yisoo grew really distant, which doesn't really help his career, but only after so much that, much later on, on his own words, that when he managed to come to Shinjae's grave, he felt that Shinjae was talking to him; in which he said, "continue. don't let your dreams go away."
met with a new strength, Yisoo continued as Aris in 2011, where he became a renowned underground rapper in two years, and this didn't went unheard for companies. in 2013, when he took the offer from YG, he managed himself well, knowing on how he might have a huge chance to debut in his favor. but dropping out quietly, feeling that YG wasn't going to debut him (no notions of his dancing whatsoever) along with amusingly awful bias the world hasn't seen yet. so a quick researching again, until late 2013, where he saw about Lemon, auditioned, and succeeds. but his social skills are still surprisingly awful, and thanks to this, he ended up being swapped from debut in Aurora and to Royal Court, where the company feels like he's going to get better.

likes — 
— rainy days; he likes the cold, earthly feeling of the weather.
— caramel; heated up and sticky, maybe slightly salty but still sweet, he loves this.
— rapping; with it, he feels on beating out rhythms like no other, telling people what he couldn't really tell in person.
— animation movies; disney, pixar, dreamworks, etc. seems childish, but he loves on how it retells the importance of friendship and family, although nobody knows about this. even he doesn't know why he likes them (although the reason is obvious).
— coffee; strong ones, without sugar nor milk.

— mocha; "weak losers."
— being ignored; when nobody hears you and there's nothing you could do, although at times it was thanks to his own attitude, he feels annoyed. he gets used to it, though.
— horror movies; takes piss on those things.
— amusement park; noisy, loud, hot, and so. many. childrens.

— childrens; he hates them thanks to the fact that they are annoyingly whiny and noisy. and overwhelming. don't expect him to go near them unless you want another ww3 between an adult and childrens.

hobbies — 

— rapping; no reason to talk about this.
— disputes; he doesn't talk much, but this helps him stand out... somewhat. he enjoys healthy debates that gets him to be put out. and probably rapping materials, who knows

habits — 
— rubs his cheeks when anxious. sometimes eyes too.
— drinks plain milk before every performances.
— if he is tired, he tends to laugh non-stop at lame jokes.
— tends to cry whenever he feels anxious. a hug could be really put in use.


— if he wasn't involved in the car accident years ago, he would've been a much more capable dancer than now.

— he dreams of going to Sweden and try skiing. Looks quite fun.

— good friends with mino, but unfortunately had a slight tension between Hanbin and Bobby of iKon (mostly Hanbin).

— drinks immediately from the original carton. members are not amused about this.
— can handle extremely spicy foods, although the sensation left him strangely empty. ironically cannot drink two cups of soju before falling to the floor.

— two things to note about him being tired: 1) he giggles at stupid jokes, 2) he tends to be slow at hearing news. don't really expect him to be as surprised as the others.

— drunkenly sings "back" chorus by INFINITE, in front of a very unamused Minjoon and laughing Borah. apologized later on, stating that he had no alcohol involved, although the incident is a closed one and almost no one but the managers and the leaders of Royal Court knew about this.
— cannot speak english to save his own life. his ability to act is the equivalent of a rock; plays dead.

— although he stays to the hip-hop culture, he also likes J-rock music; he truly likes One Ok Rock. Taka is his role model at certain point in his life.

— has always been interested in cars and airplanes since he was little. unfortunately, since Shinjae's accident, Yisoo has been taking sociology, per se a joke between him and Shinjae; Yisoo is so awkward he almost knows nothing, but in all honesty, sociology kinda ends up being helpful for his rap writing.

— some people compared him to Miles Teller in Divergent; kind of an . he himself wouldn't thhink much of it and is probably more of a Jeanine (sociology).

the royal blood


— Baek Yihwa | Younger sister | Korean | 21 | part of dance crew "JA" | Yihwa is atrociously fiery; sometimes a little too much, but she gets protective. awfully toxic around each other, Yihwa keeps on lashing out what has been nearly seven alarming years, and Yisoo tends to ignore her, although Yihwa herself had no idea that, even he himself is hurting in the inside on how his sister no longer cared for him, although Yisoo usually couldn't give a heck about anyone being angry, saying a lot about their relationship. She was going to forget the past, but Yisoo has a lot to do with them, and they'd frequently meet, and things are just going to get even more awful than before. But with unrelated things, Taehwan tends to flirt with Yihwa, and Yisoo doesn't like it, as much as he is at bad term with her.

the peasants

friends — 

Ki Shinjae | Friends without borders of life | 17 (at death)  | none | much more demure yet still outspoken, Shinjae is cheerful, and doesn't give up as much as Yisoo tends to want.  some says that this really changed a lot of Yisoo, along with his debut in Royal Court; and while the latter tends to hide his feelings, it's true that he genuinely miss Shinjae. and sometimes, at his definite low, he wishes it had been him who died, not Shinjae. and while Yisoo tries to forget, his nightmares are still there, at times going towards his minds without any warning, and finally, Yihwa adds the nail. but there are ways on coming to terms; they both love to dance. and his debut is just a saying; this is for him.

Song Minho | coffee mates | 22  | member of WINNER | tricky and mischevious, that's how Yisoo would look at Minho as. other than being pretty outgoing himself and may or may not have hurt Yisoo's feelings (but that's rare). they may hang out sometimes with coffee and all, but at least Minho did slowly took Yisoo out to be a better person; much more interactive, but it's going to take time before he's returning back. Minho's efforts are usually accidental and only considers Yisoo a slightly older, quite decent rapper. never really did a background check upon him. it never really matters.

Hwang Jaeha | much closer to him than others | 23 | member of AURORA | reserved but to be fair, Yisoo doesn't really complain about any quiet person. yet somewhat alike, with pointed out awkward situations and all, Yisoo had it much worse. and jaeha is a much more mature version of him. but in all honesty, he's awkward with all the girls (Noel being too sharp and all, although not as severe as the incoming tyrant, Meihui struggling with language barrier, Seiko whom was too secretive, and Dohee taken). Taehwan tends to flirt with any female, and Collin is too unpredictable, Haejin is too jaded. they both tend to just greet each other and waste time talking, although arguably, Yisoo can be a little too much to bear.

Royal Court | to be honest he doesn't think much about it? He treats everyone the same; he kinda didn't care on who is who and which is which, although there is a varying degrees on who shouts the most than the other; Eloquence being the loudest, and then probably the Tyrant much later, and the last being the sceptre, since he's pretty chill.

may i introduce you to your partner?

love interest — member of Royal Court.

backup love interest — one does not just simply have a love interest.


personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

it's almost time to go

comments/suggestions — I adjusted the profile page because it's quite hard to find a picture of Minpyo in that margin ;; so sorry. but i hope things goes well and fighting! oh, and maybe it'll be pretty interesting if Yihwa's dance crew is used somewhere in the fic (like for sub-units of Aurora or something) and they met and yeah. lmao.

scene requests
¡ where Yihwa and Yisoo meet, but since they were in front of public (this case, company), they only talk in the most awkward way possible. i'm not really hoping they'd not reconcile, but this is much later in the story, hahah. i'm okay with having Yihwa or Yisoo breaking down or just an understanding between two of them.

¡ Aurora and Royal Court interacting, that would be really interesting.

passwordABACK  #151B54

turn in — back to the story


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