Girls Factory | Brand New Stardom Application



A p p l i c a t i o n

Character name: Jung Ah Rin
DOB: September 25, 1992
Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Languages spoken: 

  • Korean
  • English

Height: 166 cm
Weight: 56 kg

| One | Two | Three | Four | Five 
Used Ulzzang: Jung Hyun Joo
Back Up Ulzzang: Seul Ki


❖ Personality ❖

Ah Rin is a rebellious girly girl. Strange right? She is stubborn, a bit selfish, proud, and definitely hot headed. She's a loose cannon meaning that her actions are pretty unpredictable. She has a bit of a hero complex, wanting to help and save everybody, but at the same time she tends to be seemingly unwilling to do so. She tends to be a bit vain, wanting to look her best. She may come off snobby and rude because of her outside personality. She doesn't get along with a lot of people because they usually judge her by her actions.

In truth, Ah Rin tends to be very warm hearted once you break her shell. She tends to be very naive and foolish about things. Often people about that. She usually blows her temper and ends up in a pretty bad situation. She'll hold a grudge, but it won't last very long as she tends to forget it unless it's extremely terrible. When she reaches her breaking point, she'll break her strong facade and become the complete opposite of herself. This has only happened once and nobody knows why except her family.

She definitely can be funny but those moments are unexpected since it seems as though she has no sense of humor. If she does it while conscious of it, it'll turn out terrible. On the other hand, if she does it out of her sunconscious, it's pretty funny. 


  • Clothes
  • Make Up
  • Shopping
  • Texting
  • Music
  • Snow
  • Exercising


  • Rain
  • Messy rooms
  • Cooking
  • Crowded rooms
  • People who judge her
  • People who snore and sleep talk
  • Thunderstorms


  • Designing clothes
  • Taking selcas
  • Videotaping people 
  • Dancing
  • Hairstyling


  • Seems to be a bad mood almost always
  • Glares without noticing
  • Has a tendency to check every little thing before deciding everything is perfect
  • When she reaches her breaking point, she tends to cry which doesn't happen often


  • Has a mirror, make up, and comb on hand
  • Wanted to be a hairstylist and make up artist when she was younger
  • Completely adores Epik High and K-Indie
  • Has a fear of thunderstorms

❖ Family and Friends ❖
Family members: 

Jung Wan Hyun, 45 years old, father, lawyer

Jung Yoona, 40 years old, mother, teacher

Jung Junsu, 15 years old, brother, student

Family background: 

Ah Rin was reasonably well off, she wasn'r rich nor was she poor. Her life was pretty average until she discovered her love for dancing. Her parents didn't really know about that since they were pretty busy with their own lives. 

Best Friends:

(BIG BANG) Kang Daesung

She and him are really close almost as close as her and brother. They get along like an old married couple with Ah Rin being the father, and Daesung being the mom. Often they get mistaken for a couple, but they deny it. They're just best friends.


(INFINITE) Nam Woohyun and her are opposites, but they embrace their differences. They often give each other good advice on flirting, fanservice, and the like. They get along quite well when being mischeivous or match making.

F(x): Park Sunyoung (Luna) and Ah Rin are decent enough. They get along though Ah Rin can't stand Luna's personality at times.

F(x): Victoria Song becuase considering that they are both talented dancers, they have a competitions going on. It doesn't help that Ah Rin thinks that Victoria is a snobby and stuck up. Ah Rin can not like her no matter what, she just can't. 

(T-ARA): Jiyeon and her are what we call frenemies. They can get along though the littlest thing can get them going at each other.


(U-KISS) Kevin Woo and Ah Rin first met when they met each other at the dance audition. To say the truth, their first meeting was not we call a very good first impression since Ah Rin got into a fight with one of the contestants since she recognized her. The girl knew Ah Rin from school and knew about her brother. She insulted her by saying that Ah Rin is so stupid. Ah Rin got angry and basically started to yell at her. Finally Kevin broke it up. Ah Rin was angry still and said if you can beat me in dancing then I will apologize. The girl agreed, and Ah Rin blew everyone away. Kevin wanted Ah Rin to apologize to the girl, but she refused to until he said he would treat her to ice cream. That was when her resolve broke.

Kevin and Ah Rin are opposites but really? Kevin is really nice and uses aegyo around her which Ah Rin can not hate. That's her weakness, aegyo by Kevin. They act like pretty good friends though Ah Rin may accidently be mean to him. Ah Rin just ends up apologizing though. 

(INFINITE): Sunggyu and Ah Rin met by Woohyun. After all, Ah Rin was dared to force someone to take shopping. Woohyun's idea was to set these two up. They got along reasonably well though Sunggyu tended to be naggy. Ah Rin just ended up calling him Hamster Gyu.

They get along with fighting as weird as that sounds. They actually enjoy their fights because it bring a new perspective to their side of the arguement. Ah Rin tends to enjoy teasing him while Sunggyu tends to be very calm and mother like.

(B1A4): Ah Rin met Baro by visiting a cute little store. They met each other, and Ah Rin thought he was a pickpocket so she hit him in the head with her purse which hurt since she had a lot of things in there. Of course Baro tried to explain to her that he wasn't. Ah Rin refused to believe him until she saw him having nothing in his wallet. 

Baro and her get along like just regularly. They would joke around and tease each other if they are alone. Baro often apologizes to Ah Rin with a new accessory. He tends to mess up around her. Ah Rin acts as though the world is just regular.

❖ Pre debut ❖
How did you audition: Ah Rin wasn't exactly aware of the fact she auditioned. It was more like her brother secretly recording her dancing and sending it to the company. 
Her brother was twelve years old, but he was a lot more mature and intelligent than what you would expect. He often gave advice to Ah Rin on what to do. Her parents wanted her to become a doctor or a nother high paying job so she could live comfortably with her life. Ah Rin auditioned once for a competition and got in, but her parents didn't support her. That was her breaking point, she cried that day so much since she wasn't able to attend it. Her brother tried to comfort her, but to avail. Her parents were still strict, but they finally saw her determination and let her take the chance.

How was trainee life?: For Ah Rin, it was like being in school all over again. She often didn't get along with the other trainees because of her personality. It was hard since she often was ostracized by the others. It didn't really bother her though. She thought dancing was the only thing she needed not friendship from others. It was long, hard, and often tedious workk, but to Ah Rin, it was worth it. To be able to freely show the world her love for dancing.

Years training: Ah Rin was kicked out often for having bad behavior from companies. She spent six months at Starship. Another six months at DSP Media. Two months at LOENENT, and a month at Woolim. Finally her entertainment hopping was finally put to a stop at Brand New Stardom wit the condition that she would at least behave in the rules of society.

Past experience: Ah Rin had only two experiences with dancing. One, a dance audition, and two being a back up dancer for T-Ara.

❖ Stage ❖
Stage Name: Rina
Persona: Mischievous Diva 
Position: Lead Dancer
Talents: Dancing, clothes designing, make up, hair styling



Oh wow.... There is a thing you should know. I at making up personas....




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