#3 Happy New Year

It's the start of not only a new year, but a new life. 2016 is the time of renewing and leaving all regrets behind. It's now time for improvement, and I wish you all the best of luck. I know you'll all say no, when I ask you if you have any new year's resolutions, but actually, we all do. We just don't realise them.

I think the problem is that we think is 'cool' to believe new year's resolutions are useless, or we just don't have any. However, we really do have some plans for our new year. I mean, you might wanna get higher grades, improve in writing, cooking, or you may just want to get a boyfriend. After realising that I have a few resolutions, I'll share them with you.

  • Improve my drawing

This is something that I have already improved last year. However I want to continue to exceed in Visual Arts this year.

  • Improve my writing

I realised I had not written at all last year. Therefore, 2016 will be the time I will improve my writing.

  • Get a high grade

Last year, I got high grades. Just not high enough. I want to get the best out of me, especially after I've realised I have the potential.

  • Make friends

Making friends isn't something I'm great at. I want someone to talk to, someone to keep me company. But there's no one who is interested in being friends with me. But I guess I just come off as anti-social or snobby.


Now that I've said mine, it's time to say yours. You may think you have no goals for this year. However that's not true. You may want to overcome your bad personality, or want to get dux this year. You just don't realise that you really do have a new years resolution. Tell me what yours is!




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I love making lists so obviously, I also have a list for 2016 #bucketlist #goals
Let's do a lot this year!