A heartfelt message

If it won't be that hard: Look back at this year.

You could've got a lot of hurt, could have had the most happiest and the most saddest times, some would have found their speciality (i found out mine to be writing ^^) and some would have given up on their dreams.

This was a year of happiness rather than sadness, I have to say 2014 was really a bad year.

Look back at the 'you' who's been through this year, and tell them: I've come all through it. I've come through the hardships, the happinesses and the sadness of this year.

So long, 2015. And welcome me with a smile, 2016.


[woooo that ended up sad~ OTL im sorry T~T! was just being too much emotional i guess >-<... Anyways don't mind this sad post and go enjoy the day and have lots of fun~! ^~^]


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star046 #1
In India more half an hour is left for new year. So a early new year wish. Happy New Year :-):-)
Happy new year dear Unna~ <3
Happy new year! I hope 2016 is better~