dont joke about mental illnesses

ps: sorry kalau aku ada salah kat mana mana, feel free to correct me. share this around if u dont mind! its time to knock some sense ;p



title. nope. just dont. its disgusting and so low. its not something we can joke about. listen, mental illness is a serious matter okay? tak kisah la mental illness apa sekali oun, depression ke, anxiety disorder, bipolar, eating disorder, whatever. JUST DONT. you dont know what theyve been through and. AND! the phase "ni mesti tak jaga solat" nope. you're not helping at all. stop. and hearing someone said "tak ingat Allah ke" to someone who is depressed NEVER fails to drive me mad. you are supposed to help them, not bringing them down. people need to wake up, its almost 2016.


im dealing with depression and anxiety and panic disorder. and even eating disorder. depression --> suicide attempt. thats how serious it could be. i am not educated sangat pun pasal benda ni but at least i know. okay, yes, i understand its wrong when you harm yourself and orang pun ingat kita bodoh but unfortunately, this is one of the cons when you deal with depression. depression is a REAL thing. truth to be told, mate, orang putus cinta pun boleh depressed. DONT JUDGE TOO QUICKLY. you dont know what is in their head. orang mesti "putus cinta je pun. belum tentu tu jodoh" ye betul but its life la when you put your happiness in someones hand. you dont know whats gonna happen. 


what if aku cakap THATS THE ONLY SOURCE OF THEIR HAPPINESS? what if dia ada broken family? lepastu putus cinta. that adds it up. leads to depression. aku taktau macam mana nak explain but... be a little bit open minded. yes, bercinta sebelum kahwin dalam islam tu tak bagus but some people just cant help it right? rather than marah marah diorang, slowtalk. its hard but try. at least ada effort.


and!! dont la go around and capture pics of your wrist yg penuh darah sebab kau putus cinta and upload it on social medias. thats not what it should be. thats attention seeking pada pendapat aku. depression is not something yang bila kau sedih nak mampos terus kau label diri kau depressed. no mate no. ada beza being sad and feeling depressed. ada beza. go search it up. aku marah bila orang pandang rendah mental illness ni. macam jijik sangat. thats wrong okay? contoh, racism. orang marah kan kalau kita mengata bangsa lain? kita kutuk org cina, india apa semua tu, diorang marah and kata kita kurang ajar. SAME GOES WHEN KAU MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE YANG ADA MASALAH MENTAL HEALTH. ok? 


sorry if im not making any sense but i hope you understand what i am trying to say :)


and no, bukan aku yg depressed sebab putus cinta tu. its just an example


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apa yang cakap semua make sense dan betul.. lagipun benda camni bukan boleh buat main..tapi tulah sesetengah manusia fikir benda camni leh buat bahan lawak..manusia sekarang dah tak tahu mana satu benda serius mana satu benda yang boleh bawak bergurau..Stay strong dear