celebrity next doorㅤ—ㅤ배용원

Bae yongwon /  배용원

imadreamer — ray — 8


name —  Bae Yongwon 배용원

birthday — February 14, 1995
AGE — 20 y.o

birthplace — Miami, FL, USA
HOMETOWN — Miami, USA (born-14) Seoul, SK (14-present)

ethnicity — Korean

faceclaim — Song Minho of WINNER

— One ; basically because his American friends couldn't spell his name correctly so in the end he came up with this nickname (Won is pronunced one in English) ; he friggin knows it's awfully lame but his 6 years old self thought it was cool ok he felt like he was gonna be one of dem awesome rappers out there.
— Don Won (Korean) / Don One (English)  ; a pun of Don Juan, it rhymes..........doesn't it > _ > anyway, his homies a lot (Korean homies call him Don Won while American homies call him Don One) because he's popular amongst girls and he knows his way to charm people so yea
— Yok-won ; he has the habit to cuss or talk in a very fast pace English whenever he's badly pissed. "Yok" means profanity  in Korean.

— 엄친아 (omchin-a) ; abbreviation of 엄마친구아들 (omma-chingu-adeul), meaning "the son of my Mother’s friend", generally used to mean someone who is good at everything ; he's a Jack-of-all-trades and he knows it (though he always tries to keep it cool). B)

— Korean // Native
— English  (sounds somewhat ghetto though, since he used to live in Miami. Miami b*tcheeeesss!!) #SWAG // fluent; he is experienced with the language to conduct business in it, and engage a native speaker of this language without offending them. He is able to take instructions in this language and carry them out without error, and also discuss important topics with thesaurus vocabularies when needed.

Song Minho of WINNER


OCCUPATION — model in K+ (currently YGK+) since 2012
PLOTLINE — Your Next Mistake
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 183 cm ; 67 kg
APPEARANCE — Appearance-wise. He looks like dem Gods out there girls would get pregnant only by looking at his eyes or his smirk. His hair is raven black in color, combined with somewhat tanned skin. His eyebrows are jet-black and quite thick, not to mention that they look pretty condescending. His piercing eyes are completed by a dark onyx orbs, just like the color of a deep night sky. He has a firm posture and sorta domineering aura oozing around his body, part of it courtesy to his high cheekbones. His jaw... Well his jaw is not strong but it can dig its way to your heart it's onpoint. He has a pair of well-shaped toned arms and somewhat broad shoulders, even when his body is considered quite lean. He doesn't have chocolate abs, but his abs are pretty visible. An exotic hottie fosho.  Fashion-wise.These flawless features are supported by his choice of style, which looks attractive and... uber hot. You can tell him to wear such outfit that will look weird when peasants like us we wear it, and he still manages to look uber good in it. He has a knack on fashion for he's a model himself, that charisma and that outstanding fashion sense will surely make people lay their eyes on him. He's not a fan of extravagant things, and thankfully he's one of those who's gifted with the ability of mix-and-match-ing simple looking clothes into a set of fashionable attire. Anyway, when we're talking about Bae Yongwon, we will also talk about his keenness of headwears, shades, and black. His style is a mix of edgy and hiphop overall. P.S. you will never see Yongwon wears shorts outside his house. P.P.S. He also couldn't go out without wearing his beloved Chrome Hearts necklace he got from his parents when he was 12.




First thing first. His first spoken language was Korean, since his parents made sure he learned about his mother language before anything else. As he was a bright kid and has a knack for music courtesy to his artist-mother, he has learned to master English and Korean, as well how to play drums and piano since he was 6. In fact he was also a member of local dance crew consisting of 6 kids which was quite recognized in Miami. He attended Brickell International Academy at age 3, Sunset Elementary School at age 5 (went straight to first grade though), and International Studies Charter High School at age 9 (middle school until freshman). Something big occured when he just finished his freshman year and his study was put into a halt.

Early life, the fallen, and the rise. Yongwon was born in Miami, Florida, USA on Valentine's Day, 1995 and became the first of two siblings born to Korean parents. His parents are Bae Insung, an American-born Korean business tycoon, and Gong Hyojin (née), a former kid singer in South Korea. His family was wealthy, given the fact that his father owned an international venture firm and was a successful one. They managed to live 'on easy street', and led a happy life. Until one day in his freshman year's summer break, his parents passed away because of car accident. With the help of his bestfriends' parents, he and his younger sister were able to relocate their parents' abundant inheritance to their own bank accounts when they're at legal age, and immigrate to South Korea where their grandparents live. At age fourteen (March 2009) he and his younger sister immigrated to Seoul and lived with their maternal grandparents (because their paternal grandparents had deceased couple years earlier), Gong Jongsuk and Gong Shinhye. Both him and his sister were depressed and won't talk to anybody for few months after the immigration. All they got was each other. But gradually they opened up to their grandparents because of their grandparents' persistence and patience in taking care of them. After a whole year full of tears and sorrow, they finally carried on with their lives. He attended Seoul High School at age 15 and was always bright in both academic and non-academic fields. He graduated from Seoul High School with noticeably high scores (in Math, social sciences, English, and Korean literature), and was one of Top-Ten high-ranked students all over Seoul. With that, he received scholarship and attended Seoul National University at age 17.

 Making a living, and making a life.  In late 2011, he and his sister were scouted by a JYP rep to become a trainee and in the end only his sister agreed, whilst he turned down the offer because he was not into idol life. In fall 2012, he was scouted by K-Plus modelling agency while he was chillin at Hongdae with his homies. He eventually signed a contract with the agency in January 2012 with the thought of trying something new, as well making a living. He began to model in a lot of CFs, magazines, and even few run-ways in Seoul Fashion Weeks and was dubbed as the rookie-monster model for his charisma and presence on stage and on photoshoots only a year after his debut. He also has starred in some dramas as supporting roles.



 +   // hardworking, sincere, kind, courteous, witty, loyal, compassionate, creative

 o   // charismatic, down-to-earth, independent, laid-back, zealous, mischievous, pacifistic

 -   // idealist, tactful, unpredictable, sarcastic, rebellious, stubborn, skeptical, non-comittal


“Listen to many people, but talk to few; love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”  Generally thoughtful and considerate, he is a good listener and put people at ease as he has a very deep well of caring and is genuinely interested in understanding people. This sincerity is sensed by others, making him a valued friend and confidante. He is an insightful individual with a big sense of humor, who is gifted with quick wit, excellent communication skills and a inquiring mind. His silver tongue is one of his best assets and it helps him cleverly express strong beliefs and views. He is able to carry out any kind of conversation and makes people feel good about themselves. With all that being said, he does have principles that make him incapable to fully invest his trust to anyone. At the end of conversation, you'll find yourself wondering that you haven't fully known him but he has heard a lot of you. He treats everyone, even those he “doesn't like”, with modest professionalism and genuine respect; thus he is on good terms with almost everyone he has met or talked with. He's one of very few who says "I'm gonna be here if you need me" and actually means it, even when the latter is not his close friend. Nevertheless, due to his trust issue, he only really opens up to those who are really close with him. In one too many occasions, he blurts out several skeptical and sardonic statements toward people who sound like they're bluffing too much.
“Why do you always have to look at the brightside?” “Someone has to.”  As a young man, it’s quite unusual to have such focus on making the world a better place for people, but he does. His goal is to find out his meaning in life. He always thinks about what his purpose in life is and how he could best serve humanity. He is highly intuitive about people and is driven to help people and make the world a better place. Thus he has the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything. Even for the most unlovable, he is wont to have pity. He conceives of the world as an ethical, honorable place, full of wondrous possibilities and potential goods. His commitment to the positive and the good is almost boundless and selfless, inspiring him to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something he believes in. As he doesn’t like conflict, he tends to go to great lengths to avoid it, though if he must face it, he will place little importance on who is right and who is wrong and focus on the way to solve the conflict instead. 
“...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”  He is well-described as an “earthy free-spirit,” both in appearance and lifestyle. He is down-to-earth and is a big lover of nature, as he takes to the trails, mountains, and wilderness in hopes of passionately connecting with what he sees as the essence of life. As he is also an individual who has a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty, he is able to show his creativity in tangible ways with stunning beauty and grace. He has a gift for interpreting stories, as well as for creating them, and thus often writes/expresses in lyric, poetic fashion. However, sometimes he comes out as something of a “bohemian”. Be it looking as if he’s too insouciant with his belongings, or too carefree for his own sake.  Well, after all, he is very independent, any attempt to hold him down or restrict him will cause him to flee. He certainly needs to be free to be on his own and lives in his own accordance. Independence is not just desired by him, it is essential to his well being.
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”  As he is often seen living in his own world and doing things in his own pace and regulation, he is actually deemed pretty flexible and laid-back; until one of his values or goals is violated. He is an idealist and perfectionist competitor, who drives himself hard in his quest for achieving the goals he has identified for himself. At times, he has problems working on a project in a group, because his standards are likely to be higher than other members' of the group, and sometimes he becomes too naggy and controlling in order to meet his own standards. Also, in the face of his value system being threatened, he can become aggressive defenders, fighting passionately for his cause. Part of it is because the competitiveness that grows naturally in him as he continuously thrives to do better than he did before. Consequently, he is usually hard on himself, and doesn't give himself enough credit. He also tends to rebel just for the sake of having his own way. His stubbornness sometimes causes his failure, because at times he will continue to do something his way even though others have proved it is wrong. He is very smart and he does know it is wrong, but he will continue just because it is his way. He is very fixed in opinion and stubborn when confronted. Despite his stubbornness and fixed opinion, he will never impose his ideas on others; he has respect for everybody's differences.
“Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?"  He is adaptable, always welcome to new ideas and new information, is patient with complicated situations, but impatient with routine details. Focusing on the here and now, he lives life to the fullest, cherishing the present moment and enjoying his surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. He is flexible and spontaneous, and likes to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, he thinks about the present and about who he is now. With this, when it comes to mundane details of life maintenance, he is typically completely unaware of such things. He might go for long periods without noticing a stain on the carpet, but carefully and meticulously brush a speck of dust off of his project booklet. He also has tendency to actively avoid planning for the future due to his nature of being easily bored of doing the same routines over and over again. Oftenly enough, he momentarily “abandons” what seems to be an endless routine to seek for something else that can pique his interest and vigor again. He loves to experience new things and is often distracted from his previous enterprises by something new that just came up. All in all, he just treasures his self confidence and freedom of thought and doesn't allow any pragmatic endeavors or the ordinary stand in his way.


— rain. He started liking it after his parents' death. It gives him solace and serenity.
DoubleB. Beef and Bacon. Nobody resists to this combo.
Headwears and Chrome Hearts accessories. He has an abundant collection of them.
Hiphop & Music in general. His favorite musicians are Beyoncé, Jay Z, Wiz Khalifa, Omarion, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Justin Timberlake, Zedd, Calvin Harris, Coldplay, David Guetta, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, FOB, MCR, P!ATD, twentyonepilots, All Time Low, One Ok Rock, the 1975, Maroon5, Justin Bieber, Drake, YG artists, Zion-T, Block-B, MFBTY, AOMG, 1llionaire...and anything that screams hiphop. Yehet.
— Food. #Foodislyf #LyfisFewd #nuffsaid


TV shows!  Running Man, Infinity Challenge, BBC Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Castle, Battle Creek, CSI, Prison Break, Lost, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, NCIS, Grey's Anatomy, Doctor Who, Supernatural.

Movies. He's a movie buff for dear life, he could even tell you about the trivia infos of movies he has watched/is watching; or even pinpoint the mistakes in movies which everybody doesn't notice in one glance; or even reenact a scene of a movie perfectly. He has a 1TB external harddisk full of his movie collection with each movie saved in its own folder, complete with the ratings he has given to the said movie.

Lee Sungkyung. A boy can have a crush on an older woman, can't he? :'> His ideal type is Lee Sungkyung, as he has told the interviewers...

Black, red, gold. #SHWEG


— Strawberry and its friggin dairy products. He feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever he smells dairy products of strawberries. He could eat the fruit though he doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes him dizzy.
— Overly nosy person. He dislikes it when people tries to poke their nose onto someone else's business. "WYD FAM. R u gonna pull me down using my own words or whut."
— Chauvinistic attitude. EQUALITY FOR THE WIN!!! Everybody's a constant learner after all. He thinks an act of thinking of oneself is higher than the others is totally uncalled for.

Males who is violent to females. Real men don't hurt women. Aye.

Boys who tries to court his sister. LMAO. Over protective brother we got here. #YeShallNotPass #ShooYerAssFromMuhSis



— His current study: he's still attending SNU, Bachelor Degree in Psychology. He took a semester leave in 2012, and is currently in another semester leave. He's scheduled to graduate in Fall 2016 or Winter 2016.

— Whenever he's at home, he has the habit to remove his tops and just go around the house garbed in only shorts / pants.

— his catchphrases are:

*when he's shocked* "w-t-f" (he spells it in English)
"no beep, Sherlock."

*sarcastically or nicely good luck tryna figure it out* "Live long and prosper."

— His habits:

→ Tends to clap his hands like a retarded seal whenever he laughs hard. 

→ Sleeps anywhere and anytime he can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. He tends to fall asleep very easily if he really has nothing to do.
→ He tends to shut down whenever he's upset and spends his time alone to vent out.
→ Cuss or talk in a very fast pace in English whenever he's badly pissed. (But then again, he's pretty laid-back, so...)

→ Blurts out philosophical sentences in one too many occasions. His homies call him "Won Khalifa" each time he does so.
→ Lots of skinships. He does it with his bros and his sisters (yes, Yeonji included), and with anyone he feels very comfortable with in general.

— His hobbies:

→ He has the habit of rapping random songs when he's focused on doing something, and actually has a  depthful voice.

→ Any activity that involves nature.

→ Eating snacks. It's like... He always has snacks with him.
→ Listening to music (mostly bands and hiphop) and writing lyrics.
→ He has always been good in social science and language; psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, and philosophy; thus his hobby is observing his environments and people around , as well trying to figure out informations about people, and seek to discover what they mean.

→ HIs other hobbies are photography, reading books, watching people and sports, and chillin at his room.

— He went to taekwondo & judo classes when he was still in Miami and continued his lessons in high school. He received his legitimate certificate of earning nidan—3rd degree of black belt—on both field at age 17.

— He loves Italian and Japanese foods, but he always consumes Chinese take-outs in emergency situations.

— His SNS accounts (twitter and instagram) has the same username: by_one

— He big time at drawing. Music is ok, just don't tell him to draw. He'll come up with two mountains and something that looks like a flock of flying birds. Bye.

— He is actually an agnostic. He believes he has to do good, and his life motto is "love + peace = happiness"

— His homies often by saying "he was born on Valentine's Day, maybe that's why he's full of love".

— His homies are mostly not from entertainment industry. Jack is an exception.

— In modelling: (MAGZ) GQ, Arena, Bazaar, Esquire, L'officiel hommes, Vogue, Elle, Nylon, Marie Claire, InStyle, Singles, Cosmopolitan, Ceci, Urbanlike, Conceptzine; (COMMERCIALS) Anydays, Everland, Evisu, Samsung Galaxy S IV, Homeplus, SKT Hoppin, Sky Vega X; (PRINT ADVERTISING) Innocosma A24 (Exclusive model), Joff Kappa, Kolon, Rex Diamond (Exclusive model), Uniqlo, Unix; (FASHION SHOWS) Seoul Collection, Ha;Sang;Beg, push BUTTON, the studio K, Paul & Alice, Gissen, Enzuvan, Roliat, Kaal E. Suktae, D.gnak, Beyond Closet, General Idea, Kwak Hyun Joo, RE.D, Steve J & Yoni P, Big Park, Jaison Couture, Mag & Logan, s=yz, Jayho, Metrocity; (SHOWS) Calvin Klein, Fendi, DKNY, Vivienne Westwood, Adidas, DEBB, Folli Follie, Kim Hye-soon, Puma, K Collection, Kuho, Obezz, Ballantyne, Amsale, Cotton Day 2013, Kolon, Bally.

— Awards: 2012 Korean Model Association - Most Promising Newcomer Model; 2013 CFDK Fashion Awards - Best Male Model of The Year;  2014 Asia Model Festival Awards - Model of The Year.

— In acting: (MUSIC VIDEO) 2013 Gentleman model parody, 2013 Instant Romantic Floor - Ma Ma Disco teaser, 2013 IU - The Red Shoes, Friday; (DRAMAS) Webdrama: We Broke Up (2015) . [A/N for acting, I use Jang Kiyong's works as references.]




▪ Bae Insung and Bae Hyojin in early years. (FC: Cha Seungwon & Choi Jiwoo)

▪ Gong Jongsuk / Supposed to be 74 this December / Military Veteran (FC: Ahn Sungki)

His grandfather had deceased in early 2015 of old age.

▪ Gong Shinhye "Ma" / 69 / Former military nurse (FC: late Kim Jaok)

He madly respects and adores Ma because she is one truly amazing woman that he ever encountered in his whole life (after his mother, of course). She's an advocate for tranquility, a humble and altruistic soul. Deeply moved by the sorrows she sees around her, she is empathetic to other people's strifes and desires to impart hope to them. He deeply cares for his Ma and actually, he was about to turn down the offer from K-Plus agency too, had it not his Ma insisted that he should just do what he wants to do instead of taking care of her. So he did. He always tells her about his day and he can never hide anything from her. It's like he finds home in her. He just loves his Ma very much and he often asks to be pampered. He acts so childish and touchy to his Ma. He does a lot of cute things too whenever he's with her.

"Did you meet a girl in your working place today?" Awh, Ma...

▪ Bae Danah "Princess" / 18 / trainee in JYP (FC: Song Danah, sister of Song Minho)

Hell breaks loose if Danah is harmed. Yongwon is the epitome of "over-protective" itself and he knows it. He loves Danah so much and he always wants the best for her. He acts like a mother and father to Danah, oftenly making the younger girl blush because he just doesn't care about his own image. Heck, he even accompanies her to buy underwears, and he doesn't hesitate to buy tampons for her either. She's his priority and her safety is paramount to him. He often acts like a fool for his own sister, or teases her until she is bloody mad at him, or becomes clingy to her like a new boyfriend. All of those he does because he wants her to be happy. She's his happiness. (AWWWW).

"OPPA I'M SO GOING TO RUN AWAY FROM HOME IF YOU TRY TO SABOTAGE MY DAYOUT WITH *insert her new male close friend's name here*!! He's just a friend, for God's sake!"




P.S. To reduce confusion, I'll only list his closest friend despite him being friendly and has a lot of friends. B')

▪ Leroy Jacques Overland "Jack"  / 20 / Model of NEXT (FC: Lucky Blue Smith) - currently living in NY.

The Overland's family was the main reason why Yongwon and Danah are still alive, safe and sound in their grandparents' embrace. Yes, Jack has been a childhood friend of Yongwon and Danah since basically, Jack's parents were working as Yongwon's employees. Not to mention that their house is just next to each other. Jack was grateful because Yongwon's family was the reason why his family didn't experience poverty while Yongwon was grateful because Jack's family was the reason why he and Danah are still alive. They are the bromance for life. They always catch up with each other and since both are pursuing the same career (modelling), they often skype or chat each other only to ask how they are doing. Jack is the only one who can get closer to Danah because Yongwon knows Jack wants to protect Danah as if she's his own sister. The epitome of Spongebob and Patrick brothers. A.K.A. Dumb and Dumber brothers. The rank is changed depends on situation tho. PMSL. Jack and his family used to pay a visit to Yongwon and Danah in Seoul after their immigration often, but then since Jack became busy with his work, Jack only come to Seoul whenever he has the chance to. On summer breaks, Yongwon and Danah would fly to Miami to meet the Overland's family.

"Yo, bro, how ya doin? Another heart you broke?" always  begins their little catch-up time via skype with this question. Such a blabbermouth.

▪ Wang Jackson "Dude/Bruh/Jackie" / 21 / Idol (GOT7)

Much to Yongwon's dislike, Jackson just won't stop pestering Yongwon to let him court Danah ever since both of them met in 2011 after they became trainees of JYP. At first it was Jackson being the meek boy that he is, trying to make Yongwon like him but in the end he just became himself and Yongwon finally let Jackson does as he wish (part of it because Yongwon was super annoyed of Jackson persistence Yongwon just can't, he gave up). Yongwon and Jackson became good friends too. They often hangout with each other and spend time playing basketball together with Yongwon's friends or with other JYP trainees. Despite Jackson being older by one year, Jackson is clearly intimidated by Yongwon's charisma. Seriously, if you want to put it into words, their relationship is like Squidward and Spongebob. Yongwon wish Jackson would stay still but Jackson being Jackson... Sigh. Until when Jackson debuted as GOT7. Yongwon just couldn't help but worry over Danah because Jackson's closeness with Danah will bring his malicious threats (no jokes).  So Jackson and Yongwon's friendship is pretty much like a protective father-in-law with a boy. Though, Yongwon respects Jackson for his hardwork and his honesty. P.S. Both of them often communicate in English. P.P.S. Being "so international", Yongwon doesn't call Jackson as hyung, but "dude/bruh/Jackie" instead.

"Bro, may I go to amusement park with Danee?" "No." "Bro, may I go to-" "No." "Bro-" "No." "...Yah, Yongwon, please?" Jackson literally sticks his body to Yongwon's. "...bruh. Whatever. I'm gonna kill you if something bad happens to my princess aye."


Trouble Next Door "Dale Hyung"   (I'm going to refer him as Dale in the desc)

"Give me a break, hyung" is Yongwon's catchphrase whenever Dale is around. "Dale" is known in the rest of America as Pitbull's catchphrase, the expression can mean a lot of things depending upon the context. It could roughly translate to "let's go," "hit it," "come on," "do it," or "give it." It can be used encouragingly, flirtatiously, or simply as a way to say goodbye. Anyway, due to Dale's dorkiness and his habit of barging into Yongwon's bedroom whenever he wants, Yongwon mostly uses "dale" as a reference to "get lost". PMSL. Dale is a neighbor of Yongwon and they have spent years being together as good friends. Dale knows about Yongwon inside out, since Dale (and Yeonji) was always there when Yongwon and Danah just moved out. In fact, Dale was the one helping Yongwon to carry on with life because this older boy just wouldn't leave Yongwon alone. Sighs. Despite being goofy, Dale actually nags and gives a lot advices to Yongwon, especially about Yongwon's habit of being kind to everyone--which makes girls misunderstand his intention every single time. Little did he know, Yongwon actually admires his musical talent. P.S. Their bromance is also strong given that they spend so  many days together. P.P.S. Both are avid fans of hiphop and they even have tried composing and writing songs together. P.P.P.S. Yongwon often visits YG Ent to visit Dale in his studio.

"YONGWON YO YO YO I JUST CAME UP WITH A SONG TRY LISTEN TO THIS BRO!" Dale barges into Yongwon's bedroom. It's 6AM in the morning. Friggin 6. A. M.

"Get lost, hyung."

Dale doesn't listen and plays the melody from his phone. He nods his head while listening to the song. Yongwon eventually hums too.

"It's good. Perhaps you could add a layer in the so it doesn't sound so plain hyung." Dale beams and tries to peck Yongwon's cheek as a gratitude, which Yongwon strongly refuses. Dale runs out of the room without closing the door.

"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!" *Dale has fled back to his own abode, leaving Yongwon grumpily closes his bedroom's door*

 ▪ He is friends with some people he met in modelling field: SooJoo, Kim Yoojung, Irene Kim, Song Jihyo.



Kim Yeonji / 18 / solo singer in YGE "G baby"

They have known each other since 2009 when Yongwon and Danah immigrated to Seoul. Basically since Yeonji and Dale often visit Yongwon and Danah to help them carry on with life, Yongwon has also grown fond of Yeonji. To be friggin honest, Yeonji is a girlfriend material too and Yongwon acknowledges it. Though, he isn't interested in making Yeonji his girlfriend. Instead, he makes Yeonji the target of his mischief and affection. He was surprised when Dale came to him warning him to go away from his sister. Yongwon was only being kind and caring to Yeonji because he feels protective towards her too, but seems like Dale has mistaken it as an act of courting. In the end he clears the misunderstanding between him and Dale (off-cam, of course). Long story short, he continues to protect Yeonji just like he protects Danah, though in the show, he's shown courting her... and the other two girls.


"OPPA DID YOU EAT MY LAST SLICE OF PIZZA?!?!?!" (Definitely Yeonji...)

▪ The Ex Files. "Honey Noona"

First, because she's also a model, of course Yongwon will approach her and ask her about her modelling career. At first Yongwon shares her knowledge about fashion and modelling in general which makes Honey admires him even more. When he takes care of her and pays attention to her almost all the time, he's truly just being a kind person that he is, no other intention. Even when he calls her as "Honey" as a petname. He thinks she's sweet like honey and she's very loving and stuff so yeah, the urge to protect her from any harm is strong. Truthfully (and maybe he will confess later in the show) he likes seeing her smile, so he instinctively does things that will make her happy. He unconsciously (unintentionally) leads her into the idea that he's fond of her, not to mention that the show really does its job on showing how much of a "playboy" he is.

"SERVE YOU RIGHT, JERK." (Danah, Dale hyung, and Yeonji ganged up on him)

▪ Lee Sungkyung "Bright Noona" / 25 / Model of YGK+

Lee Sungkyung is an amazing woman who has a lot of charm and has captivated Yongwon to the point where he always tries to be close to her. Well, they are close, since Sungkyung practically helped him develop his modelling skill as his senior. Their relationship are merely good noona-dongsaeng type, where Sungkyung continuously proves herself as a good and caring noona to him, though Yongwon secretly holds a crush on her.

"Sungkyung noona has a boyfriend named Bae Yongwon, though she doesn't know that Yongwon is her boyfriend," Dale said. Cries.

▪ Yongwon is acquaintanced with GOT7, 2NE1, and people who have worked with him in modelling besides YGK+ models (actress Kim Sohyun, Park Shinhye, Ailee, Shin Minah, Bae Suzy)




(/answers without hesitation with a straight face) She's a brat. (/bursts into laughter when Yeonji shoots him a glare) Nah, she's a lovely dongsaeng of mine. So yes, I do know her.

I've only met him once or twice since we're pretty much one big family now (/chuckles feebly) I met him in Nona9on Party back then in 2014 too. But that's probably that. We haven't really talked to each other.

First thing first, it feels good to be able to mingle with YG artists, they are legends, you know. (/quirks up a lopsided grin) As for G, I've been living next to her since 2009 so it's not a problem for me. In fact, I was glad to know that she'll be in the show too. Familiar face makes you feel at ease. (/tilts head as he considers an answer regarding Junhoe) As for Junhoe-ssi... I'm looking forward to bond a brotherhood with him (/nods and smiles) Bromance, perhaps? Hahahaha.

I thought it would be a turning point for me. I've never been out of the modelling world before, I've only appeared few times on TV screen for CFs and that's that. I always want to try discovering my other talents, so when my YG sajangnim and my CEO offered me a spot in a variety show, I agreed right away. (/gives a confident smile then bows to the camera from his sitting position) Please take care of me.



back-up PARTNER  — GFriend's Yerin
BIRTHDATE — March 24, 1997
AGE — 18

personality — She is recognized and loved by many people but she’s still humble. She is naive and makes people comfortable even though she’s a popular person. Despite her age being 18, Mina is a mature and sensible young teenage girl who desires to become better each time. Intelligent and elegant, she appreciates the value of patience and planning. She genuinely loves her friends and will do everything in her power to help shoulder their burden. Generally reserved, she doesn't like conflict and would normally not want to perpetuate it. However, since she wants to protect her loved ones from harm, she is willing to step into the conflict.  To her friends and loved ones, she is quite generous and can be quite nurturing. Despite her composure, Mina has been shown to be quite sarcastic at times but she never openly chastise those whom act selfishly or insensitively. She also actually has little patience for those whom underestimate her, but she rarely expresses it due to her reserved trait. She takes great pride in her skills and learning abilities.

— Meow / Munchkin ; Yongwon just couldn't help but call her with this nickname. Her chubby cheeks and happy-go-lucky personality is so adorable and he *coughs* wants to hug protect her because of that.


— They once met in 2014 when Yongwon paid a visit to JYP building to check on Danah. Danah was busy talking with fellow trainees by then and when Yongwon came, Danah happily introduced him to Mina. Mina was displaying a definite sense of shyness as she was rather quiet, though that could easily be attributed to her lack of familiarity with most of the trainees, and the language barrier (she just immigrated to South Korea around that time). Being the Don Won that he is, Yongwon easily opened up a conversation for them and eventually she was able to break the ice too as she could talk in English with him and Danah. Mina was thankful of his presence and his effort to break the ice with her.

— Danah used to invite Mina to their grandparents' house to have dinner together after a long period time of training and Mina agreed. After all, Danah was the closest to her because they could communicate in English. However, Yongwon was never around. Whether he was busy with his school projects and works, or busy hanging out with his homies. He has already debuted as a model after all. So basically their relationship hasn't made any significant progress before. Oh, only that one time when Yongwon asked Danah to send his congratulatory message to Mina for her debut.

relationship  — 

— At first encounter, Mina is shy as she actually developed a crush back then when he was being accomodating for her. Not to mention that Danah told her that her brother sent a hello and congratulations. So yeah. She is being her timid and shy self while trying so hard not to blush. BUT AGAIN ("He is Don Won, duh," Dale quipped) he is the one who initiates the interaction and he asks her a lot of things to catch up with her so she tells him about her sixteen days and her debut days. Once again, he makes her feel comfortable around him. After a while, he suggests to have lunch together and off they go. On the way to the restaurant, she walks on the outer side of the road and he immediately goes behind her, holds her shoulders to make her move to the other side, and walks on the outer side of the sidewalk. Mina feels touched because he is very gentle and thoughtful. At first he could sense that Mina is somehow uncomfortable when he touches her, but later she gradually lets loose and even initiates the skinship with him though mostly it's a very trivia gesture such as when she laughs she will lean against him. As a result, he doesn't hesitate on doing skinship with her and he will not hesitate to hold her hand when they're walking in a crowded space just so he could make sure she's safe, or when they're watching TV he will pull her closer and rest her head on his chest, or when he just came back from a schedule and is tired, he will pull her to the couch and rest his head on her lap.

— As time goes on, they talk to each other a whole lot. They have long night conversation over the phone at least once in a week, and they send at least one text per day to each other. In fact, he is the one who can brings out her cute and baby-like side. True that they only have one year ; they also bicker about small things often, but actually, she finds herself relying on him pretty often. He always tells her about his day, and he always texts her whenever he finds something hilarious / is experiencing something exciting, and vice versa. Their chemistry and synergy are not to be questioned about. They understand each other to spiritual level that he always knows whenever she's having a foul mood, and he will become gentle and sweet or even silly to boost her mood; she always knows whenever he's troubled and she will pinch his cheeks and say "you know i'm here with you oppa". 


CONCLUSION — since both of them understand that it will not be convenient for them to start a relationship that soon, especially when she oughta focus on her career first, they agree to keep it casual. Though they stay comitted to each other as they don't get tangled romantically with others.

— She never brought up the topic of him being the Don Juan that he is, but he once asked her to tell him if she feels uncomfortable with the rumours going around. So in the end she told him that she feels anxious about his "non-comittal" trait. He told her that he will try to make her feel better. He did stop going around collecting jar of hearts afterwards. Though he couldn't help being nice to everyone, unexceptionally girls too, and she learned to understand that side of him too.
— They receive a lot of couple gifts from their fans after the third episode. Fans call them as MinWon couple.
— They always upload their we-fie on SNS every time new episode aired. "Chapter 1" "Chapter 2" "Chapter 3" so on. The fans however, manage to notice that the uploaded pictures are definitely not taken when they're filming the show. Aha.
— She calls him "Baebae oppa"  while he calls her "Munchkin".

— They often get teased by others when they cast on programs. "What is that person doing?" "Who?" "The one you share room with ehehehehehe A _ A" ... pmsl


comments — I hope it's fine :') I had fun writing this, really. I hope you'll have fun reading this too, author-nim :'>

scene SUGGESTIONS — a scene where the roommates are gathered in someone's place and they play truth or dare or something that will reveal each other's feeling? EHEHE.

passCODE —  187622

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