zodiac ✯ Gemini, Park Chae

Park Chae
" Understanding me wont ever be easy. "
( Dawnfeather / Lizzy / active / イッカク。 )
the basics
( Park Chae ) :
( Full name ) : Park Chae
• Echo / When she was younger she would always repeat what others said. / Friends and family.
( gender ) : Female
( dob / age ) : 06-19-1993 (22)
( birthplace ) : Seoul, South Korea
( hometown ) : Anseong, South Korea
( ethnicity ) : Korean
( languages ) : Languages
• Korean / native language / fluent English / Had housekeeper who was an american / Fluent
( height ) : 160.02 cm
( weight ) : 49.9 kg
( appearance ) : anything relevant to your character's appearance?
the face
( faceclaim ) : Lizzy (After School)
( backup faceclaim ) :Park Min Young
( intro ) : Hey, i'm Chae. If you need to know anything about anything you can ask me, i'm sure to know it.
( style ) : She is a tomboy so shes not afraid to get her clothes dirty or ruffed up; shes one of the guys. But she also likes to dress up and get all dolled up. Her favorite colors are red, black and white/silver so she tries to have at least one of those colors in her outfit. Sometimes she will even change throughout the day to suit her mood.
( extra? ) : She likes her hair long and straightens it. If she leaves it natural then it is wavy. She likes to dye it.
the deep end
" I'm good at making up my mind. Most of the time. Well... "
( persona ) : Dual personality- Cute & y.;
( personality traits ) :
     positive : Kind, Expressive, Curious, and Affectionate.
     negitive : indecisive, mischievous, Nervous, Moody, and Impulsive.
( elaboration ) : Chae is as nice as pie. She will smile when you walk past her and shes sure to give you a compliment. She is very expressive with her face, shes like an open book. She loves to find out new things so she always has a book with her, or her laptop to look things up. She is also very affectionate. Once you become good friends shes all about the touching, whether it be holding you hand, cuddling you or jumping on your back, she's fine with skin-ship. While she is all those great things shes also indecisive. She'll make up her mind and then change it, then change it again and again. She also loves to play pranks on her friends, and joking around with them. But she also gets nervous when it comes to preform. Shes scared that she will miss a note or miss a step and it's really nerve wracking for her. At times she also gets moody so dont be surprised if she snaps at you if a moment ago she was cuddling with you. She also makes snap decisions so every once in a while she gets in trouble.
( background ) : She is an only child raised by her father. Her mother died in child birth and her father never remarried.
( trivia ) :
       ✯ She talks to her father throughout the day, texting him, calling him and sending him pictures.
( likes/dislikes/habits/hobbies ) :
likes - at least 3
  ✯ Reading.
  ✯ Listening to all types of music depending on her mood.
  ✯ Spending time with her friends and family.
dislikes - at least 3
  ✯ Mean people.
  ✯ Messing up performances.
  ✯ Not knowing things.
habits - at least 3
  ✯ Chews/bites on lips and nails.
  ✯ Twirls hair with fingers.
  ✯ Always tries to high-five members before shows.
hobbies - at least 3
  ✯ Reading
  ✯ Talking to her dad.
  ✯ Baking.
the interview
" We're family. Forever and no matter what. " ( )
Answer all in 1st person with at least a sentence
What made you join jellyfish ent? : When I was younger I would always put on little shows for my dad and I would love how he would smile and be so happy and as I grew older I wanted to bring that same happiness to others.
desired position? : Visual, dancer and vocals. What ever i'm needed for.
how well do you get along with others? : I get along with everyone, but we do have our fights.
who is your favorite sunbae? : I cant pick just one! I like everyone, but my favorite has to be P.O. from Block B. He has such a strong voice.
how many years have you trained? : 2 1/2 years.
how's your aegyo? : Sometimes it amazing other times it's so-so, depends on my mode.
can you write lyrics/compose? : /Blushes\ I can.. But i'm not sure how good it is...
the romance ( optional )
( love interest ) : Min, Yoongi
( backup ) : Kim, Taehyung
( gender ) : male
( personality ) : Suga is blunt. He tells it like it is. He also likes to sleep so Chae likes to call him a cat. But when he gets sleepy he likes to cuddle which suits her affectionate side. She loves his grumpy face.
( meeting ) : They were seated in the same area during a show that both groups attended.
( interactions ) : They dont tell anyone at first about them but that goes down the drain when Chae blurts it out in front of both groups after BTS was teasing Suga for liking another Zodiac member. He comforts her when she freaks out in his calm tone. She always cheers for him and BTS.
( relationship ) : When they meet its mutual crushing but it eventually leads to a relationship.
( status ) : Single
the goodbye
( comments ) :
( questions ) :
( concerns ) : m / f
( scene suggestions ) : 
When Chae freaks out because she keeps messing up on her part and Suga is there to comfort her and wipes her tears away while encouraging her. Suga gets jealous and walks up to her and gives her a big kiss and thats how the public found out that they where dating.
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet ) — ( source code )


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