nayoung : park nayoung 
littlemisstrouble : mai : 8/10
full namePark nayoung
other NAME(s)
  jean   : her official english name
  walking stick   : she's a bit stiff when it comes to choreography, and it didn't help that she was tall and thin
  eyebags   : well, she gets eyebags from staying up all night doing who knows what, and that caused pretty much who saw her bare face to call her that. variations include, but not limited to: panda, gucci, black-eyed-young,
  name   : explanation.
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometownseoul, south korea
  korean   : native language/fluent 
  english   semi-fluent. she learnt this language from her mother who went to england for university, and from language classes from school and the company. she has a small korean accent due to lack of exposure from native speakers, but she tries her best
looks and visuals are fickle things, ever changing, ever so different.
faceclaimtwice's tzuyu
backuptwice's mina
height & weight171 cm ; 49 kg
being, well, asian, nayoung has naturally black hair, and brown eyes. currently, her hair is dyed a nice reddish-brown color. nayoung has a tall and skinny stature, despite being only seventeen. she's not as curvy as the caucasian/latina members, but her shape is decent. nayoung is naturally skinny, and she doesn't gain weight much. maybe it's because she doesn't eat much, or maybe all she drinks is tea. it's a mystery.
styleher style can be descibed as decent and cute. she likes clothing that hugs her figure, and shows her favourite feature in her body: her flat stomach. so she likes leggings, skinny jeans, crop tops and the like.
dorm :  1 2 3
casual : 1 2 3
dance practice : 1 2 3
airport : 1 2 3
formal : 1 2 3
go on, i'm listening
traits :
  yayy   : understanding, good-listener, soft-spoken, passionate/driven, caring
  nayy   : sensitive, envious, insecure, perfectionist, withdrawn/introverted, awkward, clingy
  neutral   : neat, quiet, creative, observant
  yayy    most people will describe nayoung as a gentle soul. she's pretty much her friend's personal therapist. she listens well to anyone who speaks to her. being the quiet one, she's quite used to being spoken over in conversations, and at this point it doesn't bother her anymore. she's the type of girl who rarely complains, preferring to stay silent. she gets really into the things she loves. when she sets her heart on something, she'll give her 110% everytime. she cares deeply for the people she loves, and will take extra care not to hurt them. 
  nayy    as quiet and reserved nayoung is, she is also sensitive. though she wouldn't say anything if she gets hurt by whatever you said, you would still see the hurt in her eyes and body language. this sensitivity correlates to her insecurity. her thoughts often run with ideas that she isn't good enough, or she was a bad friend or something. that's why people often avoid jokes directed to her. she's also rather introverted and withdrawn. she loves her friends to death, but sometimes solitude is just way better for her. she can also get jealous often. in the things she's passionate about, she wants to be the very best. if she isn't she'll become very frustrated.
  neut    fun fact about nayoung, she's quite a neat-freak. everything has its it's place, and it should stay in that place. she's also very artistically inclined. she likes painting, and music, and all kinds of arts. she's rather observant as well, especially when it comes to peoples body language.
coming from a pretty well-off family, nayoung didn't have a lot of problems growing up. she was the only child of her parents, so she got most of what she wanted. so she's used to be the center of attention. even stepping into school, she stood out, literally, because of her height. she likes being the center of attention, even though she would never admit it. despite this, she was always the quiet friend, or the friend you go to when you want to rant. her friends treasure her for that. 

from a young age, she was always artistically inclined. she painted, played the piano, played the guitar, and even attempted ballet(though she quit after a year, in favour of vocal training). she was also interested in poetry, and eventually poetry + music evolved to nayoung writing her own little songs. her parents always praised her for being a prodigy. if it weren't for her natural shyness, her ego would probably grow twice the size of her head. 

at twelve, a scout, well scouted her. the scout saw her rather eye catching looks and spoke to her about auditioning to midnight ent. he gave her a card that had information regarding an audition for midnight entertainment, and nayoung who was not that good with people, just accepted the card without so much as a word. for a long time, nayoung didn't even bother with the card, she just ignored it, until one day, the card caught her eye while she was cleaning her room. for another long period of time, she contemplated whether or not to audition. nayoung wasn't one for competion or auditioning, so the answer was always to just avoid auditioning. but one day, she was just feeling a tad reckless, and she just auditioned. she just went in and sang for the judges/talent scouts. she got accepted (yep, first try) and that's where our story begins.
  solitude   : being more introverted than not, nayoung prefers quiet, alone time for herself for at least half an hour everyday
  stuffed animals   : admittedly, even she thinks that she's too old for stuffed amimals, but that doesn't mean that she would stop loving it. she has probably 10 in her dorm of various animals. the names of her fluffy friends are all variants of describing words for softness and fluffines.  
  earl grey tea   : nayoung loves all kinds of tea, but earl grey is her favourite
  garage band   : she really likes the built-in program in her computer because she can make music in bed basically. the basics of her self-written songs often materialize in garage band in her bed at 2 am.
  full orchestrations   : she just loves hearing it. it makes her heart soar and it makes her really happy.
  wasabi   : it just ruins sushi for her
  vomit   : nayoung will try her best to never vomit, and she has been successful for two years, the last time when she over-exerted herself just before trainee eveluations
  over-exertion   : see above
  neon colors   : it makes her eyes bleed (figuratively)
  wearing glasses   : she prefers her contacts more
  DRAWING/PAINTING   : nayoung has always been artistically inclined, and drawing/painting was her first passion.
  playing her instruments   : nayoung plays the piano and acoustic guitar well, and she likes doing it often
  composing/writing her own songs   : i mean, why not?
  staying up late  
  cracking her knuckles  
  randomly says her thoughts out loud  
  001   : she has a turquoise portfolio that has all her "art", meaning her drawings, songs, compositions, poems, etc.,
  002   : she sleeps the latest and the least in cd
  003   : she doesn't like eating a lot, instead prefers to drink tea
  004   : she's a great swimmer, despite only taking lessons once from her dad
  005   : she knows how to rap (surprisingly), but nobody knows that but her
  006   : she likes cute girl groups
  007   : she has never joined a competition... ever
  008   : she has terrible eyesight
nayoung says
  001   : insert stuffed animal here is not just a toy! he's family!
  002   : tea is love, tea is life
  003   : i mean, if you say so...
  004   : when she says something weird. that's my logic! knock off it dude!
  005   : you know, i must really appreciate your company to be able to spend this much time with you
  006   : i slept for two hours! that's more than enough!
the people who surround us are vital in our personal development, or they could hinder it.
  parents   / park jiwon & sungwon / 45 / teachers / nayoung's relationship with her parents are pretty much identical. she wasn't that close with either of them. she loves them both, and vice versa, but they never had that spark that would bring them closer.
  best friends   / jung yoonmin / 17 / student / since she stepped into preschool, this girl has been her friend. other "friends" eventually leave, but not yoonmin. both girls are loyal to each other, and each other's emergency contact when they want to rant. yoonmin is pretty much nayoung's number one fan through thich and thin.
  " rival "   / jéssica rodrigues (jewel) / 17 or 18 / idol (or trainee in the beginning) / nayoung has always been regarded as the best vocalist in midnight entertainment, but that all changed when jéssica started training. nayoung has always resented jéssica for taking her unofficial title, and that caused her to avoid the older girl when she can. 
  squad   / chasing dreams members / 16-20 / idols (trainees in the early stages) / varying
you know what? i eventually got to this point, and that's what matters.
Chasing dreams contains the most talented girls from all around the world. How do you feel knowing you're one of them?wow~ does the public really think of us that way? of course it's an honour to debut in a beautiful group like this, with beautiful people, i'm inbeautiful company.
why did you decide to become an idol?i didn't. fate decided it for me, and i just took that chance. and look! it all worked out!
how do you feel about finally debuting?i feel ecstatic. this has been 4 years in the making, and now i'm finally here. sometimes, i have to remind myself that this is not a dream necause it's so surreal
if you weren't an idol, what would you be?probably a producer or composer. or maybe a university student studying design. i have no clue.
what was the hardest part about being a trainee?the extra sore feeling you get after dancing for a long period of time, but it's also a good thing! the greatest feeling is the relief of plopping to your soft bed with a really sore body.
what is your ideal type?i don't know... someone who can take care of me is enough~
would you date a fan? : that's an odd question to ask a 17 year old girl. my parents doesn't like the idea of their only daughter dating this early
where do you see yourself in 20 years?old. hahahahaha. i mean, i imagine myself either acting, or working behind the music instead of being the face of it, you know?
i have confidence that we'll shine as bright as the stars
stage namenayoung / HER BIRTH NAME
personaWALKING STICK / BECAUSE SHE'S TALL AND THIN, and a bit stiff and proper.
position second main vocalist
talent twin(s)
  singing   : hyorin of sistar
  dancing   : lee hi
  rapping   : hyorin of sistar
  acting   : eunji of apink
trainee years 4 YEARS
trainee life
trainee life was no walk in the park. she mostly had difficulty in dancing than anything else, so she practiced thehardest in that specific section, resulting in many days where her body was sore. she was often regarded as the best vocalist in midnight ent, so when jessica arrived and stole that title from her, she was frustrated. she held a grudge to the older girl for a long time, and she's always determined to be better than the older girl in everything.
pre debut n/a
scandals :
  there was a rumour that nayoung was taiwanese   | well, she's not. she just looks very much not korean even though she is.
never say "goodbye", always say "see you later"
commentsi'm really tired right now, so there might be a lot of mistakes~lol
scene request(s)
  001   : jewel and nayoung giving each other the cold shoulder and the members trying to figure out what's wrong
  002   : sub-units exchange songs/promotion. i don't know how to word it, but like the asian sub group who normally promotes out east, promotes out west, and vice versa
  003   : a reality show for chasing dreams, and there's an episode where the cameras shoot the bare faces of barely awake members
  name   : MOON & STAR
  SONG   : sledgehammer (by fifth harmony) & um oh ah ye (by mamamoo)


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