☢ miss fortune : min sohyun : the awkward beauty

《miss fortune》 : min sohyun

korean name : min, sohyun
nickNAMES : 
♧ miso ; friends and family ; because miso, without the tofu is her favourite japanese thing. it might be the flavour but she loves it and it's also a mix of her name too.
♧ shorty ; kat and taller people, basically everyone ; pretty obvious what the reason is and is used to target sohyun's height 

birthdate : 24. 01. 1993 
AGE : 22
bloodtype : a-
ethnicity : korean
nationality : south korean
birthplace andong, south korea
hometown andong, south korea
languages :
♧ korean ; fluent ; korean is the only language that sohyun has ever learnt, besides from failing to learn english. korean is also her mother tongue.
faceclaim : IRENE BAE
Backup : ahn sohee
height & weight : 159.5cm & 46kg
appearance : sohyun is just a bit on the short side of the stick and just underweight by a bit, but sohyun doesn't mind it. she has nice smooth skin and often gets blemishes on her arms and legs rather than her face. sohyun has long straight black hair that she adores very much but for miss fortune's debut, the company had made her dye it into a nice pale blonde colour to accompany her pale skin.
stylE : sohyun's style is sort of boyish from her time in living in the countryside. she wears jeans all the time and thin long sleeve shirts too. but during formal occasions, sohyun would wear dresses and skirts to feel less out of place. but when she does, sohyun would wear blouses because they are the most feminine things in her closest besides dresses and skirts. on sunny days, sohyun wears snapbacks or normal caps and during all the times she wears normal clothing, sohyun wears sneakers. this woman still can't stand the fact she has to wear make-up for most of the events she attends and so her make-up is usually very light and natural looking compared to some members.

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personality traits :
( + ) : calm, joyful, subtle
( ? ) : quiet, talkative, boyish
( - ) : timid, passive, irritative
description :
(+) sohyun appearance-wise looks calm and that is what she is. she learnt to be calm throughout most situations and knows not to let her emotions override her. most of the time, sohyun can be quite joyful and lets others know that she is through her actions and voice. she tries to be joyful so others can feel the same way. usually her actions and behaviours are subtle and hard to notice, so sohyun tends to make her actions last longer or bigger and has a habit of saying things over again in different ways.
(?) the next two traists are contradicting but it fits sohyun well. because of her shy and passive  nature, she is usually quiet to people she doesn't know but once she's around others like miss fortune, sohyun will feel more comfortable and talk like the world is going to end. her last neutral trait is boyish, because sohyun's behaviours can be more boyish than feminine from growing up in the countryside. 
(-) as someone who doesn't really meet new people since her childhood, sohyun still finds the big cities quite intimidating and is shy and passive towards strangers and is even passive to close friends. her friends find it hard to believe that she is shy but when they met her father, who is equally as shy as sohyun, they figured out that it was passed on. sometimes, sohyun can be irritative. she can be slow at times with both response and actions so that could easily irritate someone and with her habit of explaining things subtly, it's twice as annoying.
(extra) usually after she realises that they are annoyed or angry at her, because sohyun is slow at realising people's emotions, she will immediately apologize and try to make them feel happier. sohyun is shy and timid for the reason that she grew up in a place where everyone knew each other and so everyone knew each other well. not saying that andong was a small town but she lived in a lively neighbourhood which was indeed like a family. sohyun is passive because nothing big ever happened in that neighbourhood and if something did, sohyun was always watching instead of helping the stop the problem because someone else is doing it. and because of her being slow, it takes a while to know that she's being used or being bullied and such. sohyun isn't really an independant woman and would most likely be close to kat or the leader of miss fortunate.
background :
sohyun lived most of her life in the farming town of andong in south korea. she went to school there and sometimes helped her parents with work in the town. when the mask dance festival would occur in the town, sohyun would often take part it in and loves dancing in the festival. when she was sixteen years old, a man scouted her younger sister for the show 'hello baby' and so they travelled to seoul with so saeryung could film for the show. originally, sohyun disliked the idea of her very young sister being put out on national television, but the person that had scouted her had also bargained a spot for her to model. once again, sohyun was against the idea but her father quickly encouraged her to take up the offer. after the show had ended, sohyun felt upset with herself because she had wanted people to know her name when she had started modelling, which started up internet forums about who she was but she was widely known as 'hello baby - min saeryung's older sister!'

in 2013, gongchan had met up with sohyun and her family to see saeryung again. when he came to meet them, he and his manager noticed sohyun and personally asked her to join b1a4 for their newest music video as the main actress. since she couldn't reject them since they had taken care of her sister for so many months, sohyun said yes and played a part in 'what's going in?'. afterwards, 
a pledis company scoutsperson (whateven) recognized her and asked to audition for their company. she reluctantly agreed, with the obvious help of her father and successfully passed her auditions. whilst she was training, she met katherine and they became friends easily. though after showing no improvements as in vocal and dancing skills, sohyun and the company mutually dropped the contract and sohyun was no longer under pledis. when she heard that katherine was under big hit a year later, she convinced herself that she would be better and pass the auditions, and so she did! 
sohyun still lives with her family in seoul. she regularly comes and goes from the entertainment building to train since she has large breaks in between and likes to talk with the trainees that she has been acquainted with. on saturdays, sohyun goes to a little cafe in a nice little cafe with gongchan.

family :
mother : min kyunghee ; 53 ; florist ; kyunghee and sohyun never really got along, even if sohyun was the first child. kyunghee had always favoured saeryung and didn't quite show the affection she had for sohyun compared to saeryung's ; closeness 4

father : min jaekyung ; 58 ; muralist ; jaekyung is like sohyun's best friend. he gives her the affection she needs and cheers her on through every occasion.   ; closeness 10

sister : min saeryung ; 7 ; child model ; sometimes, sohyun gets a little jealous of saeryung because she's much more sociable and is much more well known but she doesn't let that get between the two siblings. they are very close ; closeness 8

friends :
friends : katherine hemmings ; 16 ; trainee ; believe it or not, the two girl's meeting started with sohyun seeing katherine's diet and said, "yuck, i hate tofu" and katherine replied with, "i hate it too" in the dance room of pledis ; these two are quite close in terms of relationship. they share food sometimes and like to go out and eat foods together. wait, this is all about food. but they lean on each other when the other is in need of support and like to talk together ; 8

best friends : gongchan ; 22 ; member of b1a4 ; they met behind the scenes of hello baby when b1a4 was greeting the family of saeryung. at first, they weren't much friends but later on they went on coffee breaks and has casual meetups so that they could talk  ; gongchan and sohyun are as close as brother and sister, which often leads to people thinking that they are dating. the two get really flustered and shy whenever someone states that but nevertheless, the two love each others presence ; closeness 8
+ japanese food
+ korean barbeque
+ coffee
+ baby animals
+ writing and reading 
+ dancing

- sweet foods
- the heat and the cold ( basically weather )
- rollercoasters
- being in crowds
- being up at night
- tofu
habits : 
♧ speaking things several times in different ways
♧ kicking herself when she's bored or nervous
♧ tapping her left eyelid when she thinks
♧ waking up early and sleeping in early

hobbies : 
♧ looking up fashion ideas because sohyun is a fashionista at heart
♧ strolling or having a walk or jogging
 cooking food

trivia :
♧ sohyun is left handed but holds objects more with her right hand
♧ her hands get really sweaty when she's nervous 
♧ she's the lowkey fashion icon of miss fortune without realising
♧ sohyun said she wanted to become a fashion designer if she didn't want to become an idol
♧ sohyun wakes up early and makes a healthy breakfast for everyone
♧ can't tie ribbons or ties or bows
♧ wears velcro shoes whenever they train or work out
♧ she once took saeryung on one of her meetups with gongchan and she thought they were on a date 
♧ embarrasses miss fortune whenever people as her to dance because she's somewhat stiff
♧ sohyun once did ballet as a dance but was very bad at it
 she is very felxible and cando the splits with ease
♧ her specialty is dancing andong's folk dance ( mask dance ) and flexibility 
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stage name : SOMIN - the name is a short mix of her name 
bak-up plotline : THE SKINSHIP QUEEN
position : visuals, vocals, dancer 
back-up position : MAIN DANCER, LEAD RAPPER 
persona : THE SHY BUTTERFLY - because sohyun is very shy but talkative

singing twin : red velvet's irene
dancing twin : 4minute's jihyun
talking twin : red velvet's irene

trainee years : 
1 yr + seven months
one year ( pledis )

seven months ( bighit )

trainee life : sohyun never really made any friends while training, except for katherine. because of her shy personality, sohyun had wanted to stay in the dark and tried to focus more on improving her singing and dancing skills, since she was not particularly good in neither. though she did get one role in a music video but that was it.
her seven months of training at bighit dragged on slowly. she didn't get to see katherine much because they were in different training classes but often got to see each other in the hallways and after their schedules. sohyun's training became much more harder because she had told the vocal trainer that she had wanted her vocals to improve so she'd be much more relaxed during the monthly evaluations too. but besides her vocal skills, it seems that during her seven months of training, she may have moved down a class or two in the dancing department. 
pre-debut experiences : 
cherrykoko (2012-2013)
- b1a4's what's going on? (may 2013)
- nu'est's sleep talking (june 2013)

sns accounts : instagram - @minsoGOOD
she rarely uses her instagram and it's main purpose is to look for aesthetic pictures and fashion ideas.

"who needs love when you have friends?"
 —min sohyun to katherine hemmings, 2015
     "when you can have me instead of soonyoung?"
"shut up sohyun."

         "and so the lion chases the butterfly"

this is it. congrats!
last comments: i have no idea what this monstrosity is but i'll hand it in. i used the old app layout because i'm frickin late but whatever.
questions: hello? 
suggestions: nothing.

Scene requests: 

they are performing a relatively hard dance routine and the microphone slips out of sohyun's hands because she's nervous [ *dun dun dunnnn* ]
when sohyun reveals she had wanted to become a fashion designer if she wasn't an idol, people thought she was the next jessica jung
a scandal breaks out about gongchan and sohyun

password: really really by aoa
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shuttupsehun #1
gurl i thought no one else was gonna apply and then i saw this