ㅤㅤcelebrity next doorㅤ—ㅤseol woorin「설우린」

seol woorin

creamcoloured- — NIC — 7 out of 10

Hello, who might you be?

NAME — son woori (손우리), zhang huimin (张慧敏)

BIRTHDAY — 01.02.94
AGE — 21

BIRTHPLACE — seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN — singapore, bukit batok

ETHNICITY — 3/4 korean, 1/4 chinese

FACECLAIM — aoa hyejeong
BACK-UP FACECLAIM — aoa seolhyun

— seolrin her name mixed up
— rin-ah  her partner calls her so
— baby face  she isn't even the youngest of the group but people think she is one of the youngest members.

— korean / fluent / it is her native language
— chinese / 75% fluent / she is 1/4 chinese and has lived in singapore for 5 years.
— english / fluent / she has lived in singapore for 5 years and singaporeans are billingual.



group name — Beauty (4 members)
position in group — main vocalist, lead dancer and face of the group
Stage name — Hui
PLOTLINE — the ex-files
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 169cm, 52kg
APPEARANCE — she was born with natural red hair (hyejeong during her confused days) and now she usually has brown hair. she also has black eyes and natural pale skin. she has '11' abs and has ear piercings like this: (x). her styling is urban styled like the example below. for shoes, she usually wears converses or heels. she doesn't wear anything else but that.
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 where my name, seol woorin comes to life  — woorin was born right on the day after her parent's marriage. yet when she was born, the family lost her mother's life and she passed away after giving birth to her. her father never had time for her, he always was working hard to support the family. since young, woorin and her brother learnt to work ever since young. her grandparents ran a stall in a foodcourt and she would spend her day sitting in the stall and watching them cook.

 where things turned good  
— her father's invesments turned out well and he earned thousands of dollars to millions overnight. her family turned from dirt poor to an average family that could affort good education. her father sent woorin and her twin brother over to singapore, hearing that the education there is good and the two of them worked hard at studying to make their father proud.

 where broken hearts form and where hearts get stronger  — as she studied, she grew up as a pretty little flower in schools. her first crush was in middle school when she was 13, she kept it a secret and hid her feelings for life. but out of a sudden, her crush confessed to her and she accepted it. the two dated for 2 days then the guy tells her 'you know this was an april fools joke right?'. woorin transferred schools and yet again fell for someone else. she didn't say anything but during her second year in the new school. on valentine's day, she bravely confessed to him but was yet again rejected. she was made fun of, laughed at, but she matured. but not enough.

 are things even getting better?  
— during her last year of high school, woorin was one of the silent queenkas in school. then, one of the kingkas approached her and asked her out which she agreed (which she still doesn't know why). then, through out the last year, they were the most popular couple throughout while receiving a lot of attnetion but yet mostly were unwanted attention. then, when the two went to different universities, they kind of drifted apart. also, woorin caught him cheating on her with her cousin. she vowed to stop dating and remain single for the rest of her life.


 yet again  — her first year of university started off badly. her ex-boyfriend (the one from middle school, the first one) yet again asked her out. woorin didn't do anything and kept avoiding him but he was persistent and she reluctantly accepted, just trying to chase him away by scaring him with her habits and stuff but he didn't the two dated till she was 21 and a half and naturally drifted apart without any bad thoughts. but then, she had second thoughts about dating ever. just thinking about her 4 different break-ups made her absolutely saddened and reserved.


 don't forget the good things  — the closest thing she has to her mother would be her 2 elder brothers. the two of them are probably the closest to woorin. to them, woorin is their child, literally. also, she had her talent with her. woorin was born to be an idol.


 born to be a star  — since young, woorin was naturally born to be an idol, even when she was 4, relatives already praised her beauty and her talent for singing and dancing. when she was born, she flew to singapore at the age of 6 and studied there till she was 15. (she arrived in korea a month before she turned ) then, she decided to return to her homeland, s.korea. then when she turned 19, she was scouted by a sm entertainment representative while she was shopping with her best friend and one of her elder brothers. the news went viral in her school and she became popular due to this.


 the path of thorns to fame  — when woorin was judged during her monthly evaluation for a song that she performed a song that she self-composed and her own choreography (pretend this was iu's good day) and became one of the better trainees of sm entertainment. due to that, trainees became jealous of her for her talent and beauty. woorin was bullied and solitated from the rest of the trainees. only when she decided to tell her brothers so, they immediately filed a complaint to sm entertainment. then, woorin was never looked down upon, she was like the rose among the thorns. then, through her efforts, she debuted only after a year of training.


 you reap what you sow  — the group woorin debuted in was called Beauty, when they debuted, netizens bashed them even before their performances, saying that the group was just a bunch of plastic dolls with no talent. then, when the group's mr removed was published, the group rose to stardom almost immediately. especially woorin, since she was chosen as the face of the group. she featured in mv appearances and starred in dramas and cfs.

 + active, disciplined, cheerful, vivacious, understanding, skillful 
 - stoic, critical, careless (in words), demanding (of herself), excitable, fickle 

woorin always needs to exercise regularly, she always manages her exercises and does many different kinds of exercise. she has a pilates appointment at a fitness center every week and on that day, she also goes to the gym to exercise. also, through training, she keeps herself healthy.

when woorin speaks, sometimes, she will drop a f bomb here and there or she might accidentally curse you even if she doesn't mean anything.

yet, woorin always keeps her feelings and emotions to herself, she always tends to not be herself and always think that other opinions are better than hers. when she is hurt by someone or if she was critisize, she doesn't cry nor retort, she always keeps things to herself and just smiles instead. 

woorin always has to learn the choreography finished within 2 days max. when she does something, she must finish it within a certain time frame or she will be moody for the entire day.

woorin always gives very critical statements, when she finds somehing that she isn't satisfied with, she will be very straightforward with you and tell you you , she won't cover up your mistakes and sugar-coat it.
woorin is very cheerful, she tries not to show that she is feeling sad or not and always tries to be positively happy.
woorin always wants the best of herself, sometimes, she expects way too much of herself. she expects herself to do the best or do as well as she can or she will keep practicing till she gets it, there's no stopping her.
woorin is also very lively most of the time, when she is happy, she can look stahely and naturally attractive. most of her fans are usually male fans because of her charming personality.
woorin always agrees to things readily, she gets very excited when you form plans and will agree even if she doesn't like it and regret it latetr.
woorin always tries to understand you, she will always understand your problems and attempt to help you solve them or she will come out like your mother and help you to solve the problem.
woorin can't decide on things readily, when she agrees on eating something, she might regret it and later ask for something else. this makes her come of as picky, but this usually isn't the biggest problem as this only happens sometimes.
woorin is very skillful, she picks up things very quickly and learns things very quickly, this was also why she was one of the top students in her middle school, high school and university.


— exo
they are her sunbaenims and she respects them very much, woorin always takes them as her inspiration and are close to them like friends due to being labelmates.
— salmon
salmon is a good food for losing weight, but it kind of ironic how she likes pizza and salmon. she earns back the weight she loses. XD
— singing and dancing
woorin's talents are singing and dancing, also, she is the main vocalist and the lead dancer of beauty. 
— air-conditioning
who doesn't?
— exercising 
she is active and always tries to keep her body in shape, due to this, she seems to have a hourglass-like body shape.
— learning the latest kpop songs
she was originally just a normal kpop fan, then, she became an idol that way. anyways, every idol loves their work and their music.
— pizza
pizza is her favourite snack, she would rather die than see her favourite food disappear from her world (okay, maybe not)
managing her own money
woorin is very particular about saving money, since she has been through finance difficulties to average overnight. also, she has learnt how to save her money for future uses since young.
the colour blue
it's a very calming colour that makes her relaxed and comfortable.


— sounds of people crying
woorin doesn't like it when people are sad, she wants everyone to be happy and live life to the fullest. this is always her motto in life: to forget about the hardships and continue doing what you love.
— soy
she is allergic to soy containing products or just soy in general
— pulling all-nighters
woorin likes her beauty rest, she needs her sleep of she will be cranky for the rest of the day.
— blood
it is not that she has a fear of them, she just doesn't want people to get injured.
— weak girls 
those girls who pretend to be weak and strengthless so that men can help them. usually, woorin does everything that needs strength by herself as she is very strong physically.
being sick
she gets a flu very easily, so she usually has the flu medication even before she gets sick.
— people who smoke
her grandfather died to lung cancer because of smoking.
— cats
woorin doesn't know why, they just seem scary to her.
— people who say she's gone under the knife before
woorin has gone to a plastic surgeon to get confirmation of her natural beauty, she gets infuriated when people say she's plastic.



— woorin nicknames people on their first meetings.
woorin sometimes surprised them when shs does so.
— woorin has a youtube channel where she does makeup videos
the channel's name is woominhuazhuang like this: (x)
— woorin has a predebut photo which went viral
the photo of her was when she did half of her training. due to this, sm entertainment immediately put her in the line-up for their latest debut.
— woorin plays dota
she's one of the known idol gamers like le from exid
— we got married
woorin wants to star on we got married and get married to another idol.
— favourite variety shows
she loves watching running man, law of the jungle and weekly idol
— music preference
she likes to listen to edm, pop and ballad. she's kind of open to everything but she doesn't really enjoy retro music.
— music playlist
her current playlist is: exo's sing for you, hello venus i'm ill, her debut song: expectation (original by girls day)
— imitating 
woorin can imitate a seal and a country dog (ref. to vixx ken), christina (ref. to exo lay on beatles code), and also girls day minah's high note from twinkle twinkle. when apink's eunji can climb on the doorway
— education
she studied in seoul yeonggwang elementary school (from 7-12)
she studied at raffles girls (from 13 to 17)
went to seoul jinna junior college
woorin has an iq of 150

— dangerous past
woorin used to parkour a lot. when her class was on the second floor and she was late, she'd climb up and enter the class through the window. she never got injured though.
— talents
woorin can hold a note for 20 seconds straight
woorin has learnt boa's only one (female dance part)
she likes to sing to songs with many members, she will sing differently for each members as well as the back up vocals, guitar riffs, the bass and head bangs to them.

— selca

woorin has some obsession with taking selcas
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▪ father / seol minhyuk / 57 / retired

woorin's father has tried to make it so that she doesn't feel different even though she has lost her mother, he has worked as an insurance agent till he turned 45 and retired. they talk to each other weekly because of her busy schedules.

▪ elder brother / seol donghyun / 36 / actor
donghyun is the over protective brother who feels insecure about woorin, everytime woorin is sad or angry, donghyun is the first to see it and would immediately approach her to comfort her.

▪ younger brother / seol dongwook / 18 / actor (adopted)

dongwook is the rebellious younger brother that doesn't give a heck about anyone, he always goes out by himself, not listening to anybody. though the only person who he will listen to would be woorin as he knows her sister has been through a lot and doesn't want to make her sad.


▪ elder sister / seol woohee / 28 / got7's manager

woohee is the sweet younger sister that can cheer the family up, woohee and woorin have been questioned to be sisters and have admitted it which netizens have talked about the irony (how the elder sister is in sm and younger sister is in jyp) woohee usually introduces woorin to jyp idols and woorin would introduce sm idols to woohee.)



▪ best friend / song juhee / 20 / trainee at sment

the two of inseperable best friends. they gossip about lazy trainees and the two used to be the visuals of trainees. the two spend every single time together and woorin is cheering for her debut.

▪ close friend / kang seulgi / 21 / idol of red velvet

they got closer to each other during woorin's debut party, the two had a dance-off and crazy singing challenges. the two became close friends instantly. seulgi always believed that woorin deserved her popularity.

▪ close friend / kim jongdae / 23 / idol of exo

the two also became close friends after woorin's debut party. he was really bright and lively which made woorin wanting to get closer to him immediately, yet, even though she is close to jongdae, she doesn't know every single exo member well.

naeun (from apink), sera (from nine muses),  junghwa (from exid)

▪ members / beauty / 17 (jimin), 20 (yeonah), 21 (woorin), 24 (gayoung) {I just used random idols, so yeah, you don't have to use them specifically) / members of beauty

they practically live with each other in their dorms. usually, woorin shares rooms with the clean yeonah so she has learnt how to be clean from her. they are like family due to having trained with each other. even though woorin trained the least among them, they don't feel the difference among themselves.

▪ labelmates / exo / 21-26 / idol

their relationships are like a senior and junior relationship at least thats what woorin thinks so. exo treats woorin like their sister and takes care of her.

▪ labelmates / red velvet / 16-24 / idol

due to seulgi, woorin knows them through seulgi. the two are like friends and naturally got closer to each other due to their similar personalities.


no, I obviously don't know her even though she's a yg entertainment's singer. /mysterious smile/, obiously I know her, you're asking if I know THE yeonji? hahahha, so yes I know kim yeonji. I first met her at music core during my debut days and I got closer to her through talking /smiles after freaking out the interviewer/

yes, I know who he is but I don't know him personally. he's the main vocalist of ikon right? /pd-nim: yes/ okay.

i want them to be careful of me. one day, i swear, i'll wake up on the floor of their house. or maybe i may accidentally steal their stuff. /looks into the camera sternly/ i would like to remind them to always make sure that i go back to my house. i may hide in your house and you will never find me. /laughs maniacly/ i want them to come visit me, things might get awkward here. COME TO MAMA!

I want to live with a male. /awkward pause and pd-nim starts laughing silently/ uhh... I've always want to live in jeju-do (jeju island). it is just so amazing. also, this may be the chance for me to hopefully fall for someome? /silent pause and some tears well up in her eyes/ yes, I think it would be very exciting for me to do so.



PARTNER NAME — kim jongin

BACK-UP PARTNER  — do kyungsoo
BIRTHDATE — january 26, 1994
AGE — 21

PERSONALITY — jongin is the sweet guy who is always looking out for you, even when you're completely safe. their age difference is by one month and technically they are chingus (friends) but he likes to call woorin by noona instead. jongin is very sensitive as well, when woorin is feeling moody or uncomfortable, jongin will adjust just for woorin. yet, sometimes, jongin is pretty forgetful, he could be using his phone and be looking for it with it in his right hand. most of the time, woorin looks out for him in that case. jongin is also very polite, during their first meeting in the show, he bowed many times even though the two know about each other and are under the same company. jongin is stubborn, he will insist on something until the other person gives in which woorin doesn't mind honestly. jongin also likes skin ship a lot, even though he acts like he's shy when people tell him to do more skinship, he naturally does them which reminds people of taemin (like how he surprised shinee with his boldness lmao). sometimes, jongin will just casually sling his arm over her shoulder or just hold hands naturally. due to jongin's initiative and woorin's 'i don't care' personality, the couple is the fastest advancing couple in terms of getting close.

— kai-oppa  even though jongin isn't really her 'oppa', woorin calls him oppa when she's doing aegyo which makes jongin flustered immediately.
— kim kai  woorin always calls him by that as a joke like: "Hey! Kim Kai! Stop that!". Yet, usually, she calls jongin by 'jongin' or 'jagiya'


 fate or coincidence  when jongin and woorin met, it was when they were at the airport, the two met at the entrance. jongin and woorin recognised each other, since they were from the same company. yet, jongin approached her first and offered to help her check in and also found out that they were going on the same flight, they were shocked and just believed that it was a sumple coin cidence.

 take care of me   —  after they knew that they were going to go on vacation together, they were both excited and yet nervous and awkward. even though jongin was being comfortable with woorin on the flight, woorin took the initiative right after jongin became awkward. after when woorin got a flu after spending the day on an airplane and feeling cold, jongin took care of her and their relationship turned better and the two got closer to each other.

 I'm getting closer to you  — on their first mission, the two finished it quickly and went on a stroll at the shopping mall, they literally stuffed themselves at the food and took a lot of pictures together at the beautiful scenery, at the end of the day, they went to jeju park for a short walk *yeah but didn't do the wish thing. or you can just remove this part lolz.*

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RELATIONSHIP  — their relationships aren't a burden, their skinship is natural and they actually don't mind being around each other. even sometimes, members of exo actually believe that they are dating. they all know it is somehow scripted and it will end badly but the two of them just decided to be who they are and what they want to be. yet as always, woorin fell for jongin. but it was a different feeling, it was the feeling where you would want to be with that person till death *I don't know how to phrase this.*

woorin finds even going out on a walk with jongin is a burden since he has way too many saesangs and fans, usually when the two go on dates, they just stay in their house and cuddle around with each other. jongin always asks woorin to stop using her phone and texting people because he is secretly jealous and worried that they will drift apart. (but mostly it is like a sweet jealousy that makes woorin think she is cute.)

the two are excited when cameras are off because then,  they are free to showcase their skinship. jongin always casually pecks woorin on the check and see her getting shy makes him think he is cute.


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CONCLUSION — just like every we got married season, the ending is sad and they want to continue doing whatever they were doing. at first, the lifes without each other were like always, but it seemed bland, no fun at all. being heart broken 4 times and falling for another? is it a coincidence? woorin decided to be bold with it and follow what her heart says. she confessed to jongin and they got together.


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— what are we called
their shipping name is heuijong (hui/heui)
— the real me
off-camera, the two of them have watched several movies together outside of filming and the show, fans have caught them visiting each other's dorms even after the show is over.
— I'm your star
when jongin is sad and moody, the only person who can cheer him up is woorin. when he is in a bad mood, woorin would do aegyo and call him 'oppa'. then, jongin will become normal again.
— I'm always here for you

on camera, woorin has told jongin about her 4 break-ups, despite hating crying and only does so when no one is looking, jongin comforted her and promised to be her 'fifth' boyfriend which touched woorin and the viewers.

yours or mine?

woorin sometimes wears jongin's shirts or use his jacket and goes to sleep. there was once where jongin wore woorin's and took it off after realising so which made woorin fall off the bed laughing. *inspired by yjs who said on running man that he bought ladies from the convenience store XD*

— sleep tight
at night, after the first month of sleeping together, jongin will hug woorin to sleep so that she wouldn't catch a flu. this is also because of woorin who caught a flu 2 times after 1 month of living in the new house.

— do you like dancing too?
during their first night at jeju-do, woorin asked jongin to dance for her which he didn't agree at first, but after woorin did aegyo and called him and 'oppa' after jongin called her 'noona' the entire day. almost immediately, jongin gave in to her because he was shocked by her cuteness.

— what's your name
in jongin's phone, woorin's name is saved as 'babe <3'  and in woorin's phone, jongin's name is saved as 'jongin-oppa <3' *kinda ironic since kai never saves contacts lmao*

— give me a hug~
when the two reach their house, the first thing jongin will do is just to hug woorin tightly *very tightly* sometimes when woorin is using her phone, jongin will kiss her on the cheek *like twice a month*  or rest his chin on her shoulder while back-hugging her. even viewers can't believe how fast the two got close to each other. some viewers even say they are the descendant of song jaerim and kim so eun couple.

— always with me
jongin's phone wallpaper is a picture of woorin taken by jongin on their second day in jeju-do (x) and his lockscreen picture is a picture of woorin performing her debut song (x). jongin was teased by exo members who said that he was a ert. woorin's phone wallpaper is a picture of jongin taken by woorin on their first night together (x) and her lockscreen picture is a picture of jongin on one of his performances in jeju-do *i know this doesn't exist but yeah* (x)

— keep this with you
jongin and woorin have bought couple phone covers and also couple bracelets and rings.
phone covers: (x)
couple bracelets: (x)
couple rings: (x)



COMMENTS — oh gawd, I was reading your application and legit when I saw foods in your likes part I thought it was s and freaking flipped out. XDD uhh, I chose hyejeong because she's like SO FREAKING PRETTY but always gets over shadowed by seolhyun D: hope you like seol woorin :D

"do aegyo to jongin-sshi!"
woorin refused it a lot but after jongin said "nuna, just try it.", she did it and everyone was shocked at how good she did it and yet she doesn't do it.
— truth or dare
during truth or dare with the other couples, they dared woorin to kiss jongin on the cheek and she does it and becomes shy while hiding her head from everyone for a period of time.
— noraebang time with noona
jongin bringing woorin to a karaoke and asks her to sing songs and cheers her on by saying "noona jiayou!" *he says it in chinese because hs knows that she used to study in singapore.*

— "jongin-oppa, saranghabnida!"
at a really fun waterslide (x), jongin challenged woorin to shout that out before she gets on the slide, then when jongin's turn arrived, she had to shout out woorin's name and go down the slide.

— "I'm angered, sad face."
jongin watched the video of 2pm jun.k and woorin's show *this is actually true, search up aoa hyejeong and 2pm jun.k* and woorin had to kiss his cheek during the first week of the third month together.

— don't talk, just eat
where jongin and woorin are at a bbq party and jongin and woorin just silently chug down food repeatedly.






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