
han : lee seonha
STronghold : canta : 7/10
full name : lee seonha (이선하)
Other NAME : seo sunyoung (서순영) — seonha's old name. very unlikely anyone but his older brother remember it, since seonha was five when he lost his parents. by subtle hints, however, seonha could remember some memories of being called sunyoung in the past.
nickname(s) :
seon-yi; almost similar to chun song yi in my love from another star, a drama which he likes to watch (and eating chicken with soda instead of beer.) almost no one but his older brother called him this.
birthdate : 27 february 1996
birthplace : seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
ethnicity : korean
korean; fluency with standard dialect due to living there for all of his life.
english; not used as an everyday language in his life, but managing to learn some while still in highschool kind of helps... as in, constant messing up of pronounciation while singing underground, or how a primary highschooler can write better than him. but still, he can understand what most phrases is (e.g. "how are you?" "where are you?" "i'm sorry" etc.), so there's his "fluency".
looks aren't that important
faceclaim : monsta x + im
backup up10tion + wei
height & weight : 175 cm & 59 kg
bloodtype : o+
appearance :
young yet somehow already worrying about his own height that is slightly below average, seonha's hair is still dark brown, not really changing to anything (and if so, would not do it). eyes often shaped crescent and face shows little emotion if not completely tranquil, and yet there are gleaming confidence or glumness in certain, rather personal cases that he preferred not talking about. slender but never really remark of his own body as somewhat of a , with chubby cheeks that is a target of dietary, and usually not shown due to long hoodies and baggy jeans; or for a classier style, plaids. yeah, someone better burn his flea market stuff, or his plain looks isn't going to help the group (#jk)
don't try to disappear
the jekyll - modest, innovative, perceptive
the hyde - rebellious, brutal, jaded
background through complicated situations that he couldn't remember himself, seonha was only left at an abandoned shack with his supposed biological brother, in which none of them had a house to live in or eat, but a kind old woman who named both brothers; 'lee seonha', due to seonha's rebellious yet energetic attitude (shin seonhan), while his brother was, 'lee yohan', for calm, much quieter traits (go yohan).
but as they slowly grew up, both boys started to find a passion that they both took a likening to; music. all starts thanks to misook's neighbor, who was a proficient former guitarist from japan, ended up moving to korea for personal reasons. the neighbor had seen both kids looking with curiosity, even when seonha was barely five and couldn't speak proper sentences, let alone do something much more complicated. against all odds, both of them continued, albeit several on and offs on, that, fast-forward, yohan was performing as a lead guitarist, barely nineteen as seonha continued school with much difficulty, nearly no money left (busking could only do so little) and only living as two people, their mother finding peace at old age. financial difficulties caused yohan to drop out of college, and having part-time jobs just to support both of them and seonha's education (in which, to this day, seonha felt guilty of), asking him to continue studying so he would be satisfied later on. seonha never understood, and always envied other students whom were able to live comfortably with their parents, while he endured misery that he wished to end, for him and his brother, who had to come home at night just for seonha to find out that, the next morning, he's already gone somewhere. various jobs are taken just to keep them alive, but loneliness is never a good thing for seonha. daily lives just kept on replaying like insane. his only consolation was singing; not always to the heart's content, but sometimes, it is.
at the age of sixteen, just quietly walking in the middle of the night, he heard about yohan in a car accident. the car swerved off road and flipped over. horrified, he was told by doctors, that while yohan would be alright, it might take time before he would wake up from the coma. feeling his world come crashing down, seonha had sleepless nights and felt the faint light dying from him. he felt like drowning, with barely anyone to even give a look towards him, the emptiness is real. but not all people let their heads turned somewhere; one of them is ahn jaemin.
knowing seonha as one of the best guitarist in their school, only to face dropout, jaemin wasn't going to let his talent to waste, even after hearing the circumstances of seonha's misery. persuading seonha to join was nearly a waste, as seonha couldn't really bother with a teacher that only wanted his talents. but slowly, jaemin himself started to understand seonha's pain, along with the crushing heartbreak on what he had done to himself, an empty shell of what was him in the past. the naive is cynical of everything, the curious becoming less interested in anything, and the pain is blamed to himself. but jaemin wanted to let seonha to be back to his old self, to be the light at the yielding walls. and only when jaemin's stalker-ish attitude finally turned into more than slight annoyance, seonha was willing to sit down, letting himself be trained, although still as half-heartedly as it goes. nightmares about ending his own pain still concurred, and there wasn't anything. jaemin couldn't reach seonha. the light is almost gone, until he heard of seonha's pained words.
just at the day where seonha was feeling confident enough about dying, with jaemin never noticing anything, only to hear seonha gently singing, almost gone with the wind, but audible, one that still captivated him, although by the time he ended, the shards of pain hanging across jaemin, who was taken away, but came to a saddening realization, that, seonha didn't come back; just standing in a place. he came around, much to seonha's surprise, but when he lashes out, jaemin didn't goof out like usual; he quietly asked seonha to sit back at the bench afterwards, the school's park strangely quiet as tension occured. and only for jaemin to give a reassuring pat in the shoulder, eyes unwavering with sincerity, like the unsaid words of, 'it's going to be alright.' and with that, seonha teared up, the pain months ago starting to lift up, disappearing as the light finally tear down the wall. the hardest part is over. later on, at night, he let seonha to leave and stay inside his. the painful process, is just starting, but so does the future.
jaemin, in all of his capabilities, helped on polishing seonha's singing and even asked an acquaintace to help, one whom is coincidentally a vocal trainer from another entertainment company. impressed with his singing, he asked seonha to make the big shot somewhere; even the three. originally doubtful and fears being left alone again, he refused. but just as jaemin let him heal, he wanted seonha to follow what his heart said. and with that, after several failings (which he didn't take too well), jyp looked at his tape and approved. he became a trainee in jyp, circa. 2014
"...a person is driven to suicide by a whole bunch of different things, which build a wall around them, piece by piece, until the last piece falls into place and the wall is sealed so that there's no way out. Sometimes we look at all the problems that build up someone's wall of hopelessness and think there's no way any of the insignificant things we could do would be able to take it all down. But to break the illusion of there being no way out, you don't need to take down the whole wall, you just need to make one crack in it. " - Christina H, eight tiny things that stopped suicide.
likes :
lame dad jokes; a bad pun and he'd probably crack a smile or stifle his laughter outside. there's no big deal about this, but he just had a strange sense of humor. one way to be a friend of his; do this. he'll be your friend in no time.
rock music; its been in his veins ever since he was a young kid. don't be too surprised about him bopping to rhcp, beatles, one ok rock, scandal, etc. sometimes it gets a little metal-y, sometimes it doesn't.
reading; something about the way the words worded and set up gives a certain beauty to him; but really, most of the times, its comic books.
red velvet; as in the group. he had guilty pleasure from the songs 'happiness', but it wasn't until 'dumb dumb dumb' that he was quite impressed of them.
guitar playing; much more than singing, since he's still shy about it.
(being told); unless you had all the best reasons to, never tell him off, especially if the tone is demanding. seonha works awful under pressure and definitely doesn't need a repeat in everything he does.
(dancing); he has never really experienced dancing in his life, so it's only a matter of time before people realized how stiff he is whenever he does so. some said his dancing is extremely awkward and he's embarassed about it. he gets better fast, though.
(diet); starving him for days would only make matters worse. hunger is a hard temptation to blow over. he also hates how it felt like being told off repeatedly not to, which drives him up the walls.
(cold weathers); not very immune to flu, seonha hates extremely cold winters and would rather stay back at home than go take casual walks around the neighborhood. he falls off to flu rather easily and his vocals get nasal.
playing guitar; it relieves his stress and being able to play since he was eight (12 years to now) is impressive towards other people. he wanted to be able to play drums.
reading; beyond YA novels, but mostly comics. hey, that also counts as reading! (marvel ones)
habits : 
+ mostly insomniac (no pun intended) whenever finishing late night concert (double pun not intended).
+ drinks a glass of warm water before sleeping.
trivia :
+ his first legit horror in horror movie was MAMA. also, he likes Pan's Labyrinth.
+ ideal type? so far... he would say either naeun of apink or fei of miss a.
+ favorite artist? emeli sande and ailee.
+ favorite band to date: arctic monkeys, one ok rock, scandal, etc. 
+ he can't cook as good as others, but he's decent at rice and instant curry. but he's keeping the dorm clean, at least, so that is good.
+ he would greatly look up to VIXX N; that guy is a great person with a big heart.
+ his best birthday gift to date? a horror movie named conjuring with bad subtitles.
+ if he could go anywhere, he wanted to go to US.
+ he doesn't really have any special treatment towards night members... mainly because he isn't exactly close with them and he tends to have a false alarm about trust.
+ between his vocals and guitars, being a singer was definitely not a first choice, and a lot of netizens had criticized his singing technique for being stiff, along with a rather shy attitude at variety (basically male krystal). but on the other hand, seonha loved making new songs, and although soohyun had came around first, seonha is catching up fast.
+ somehow managed to live out two years without making a single fuss towards any trainees. and when he's chosen for the line-up, nobody really expected it to be him. and to this day, he felt uneasy whenever  meeting with them, since they seemed to dislike him a lot.
+ christian by faith, but has only recently begun developing a stronger interest towards the intended religion. almost no one knows about this except for jaemin.
+ ideally his fans are rather huge; the idea of an awkward guy in his 20s somehow appeals to fans. and he had no idea why.
+ is rather anxious whenever people drove cars and he's inside it. don't really expect him to talk whenever he's inside vans.
+ around his adoption; he couldn't manage to relocate his biological parents due to finance issues, but his older brother managed to remember most, if not all; their father, seo junil, a firefighter, died in line of duty when seonha was a baby; back then named sunyoung, while yohan's name is juyoung. their mother, kim heejoo, took care for them for five years before dropping both of her children to a shack before dying from a battle of heart complications. seo juyoung, or lee yohan now, choose not to reveal anything about his past. seonha himself never knew of his real father either, but knew a mysterious figure that could only be his only mother.
broken connections
relationships :
lee misook : surrogate mother : retired civil worker : deceased
"mom, thank you." "seonha, i'm so sorry."
"i'd seen you not being comfortable with your parents?" "if you could contact heaven, please tell her i love her."
misook had no children nor a husband and found both boys out from a shambled house; ten-year old boy carrying a much younger one. having a small portion of food, she gave it to both of them, whom she gently asked of their names, and why they were there. yohan didn't answer, which misook took as not knowing. misook took them in as her 'sons'. yet things weren't easy; social stigma about adoption, about how her children are not of 'pure blood', or how she'd be able to keep them alive. but nothing is impossible, and her compassion was strong. dying when seonha was twelve, she was, one of his lights. always kind and willing to listen, although at times regretting not treating both boys better, but in reality, anyone who had taken care of him and his brother deserves the biggest thank you, something that  seonha would not be able to return, but always supportive of what seonha wanted, maybe it's his chance to prove that, he loves her.
lee yohan (seo juyoung): biological brother : ex-lead guitarist of spades : alive
"hey, promise me you'll be back someday." "ya, cheon seonyi."
"seo juyoung?" "call him all you want, but he's still my brother... my family."
once a fiery, passionate lead guitarist, yohan is now in a coma for a few months, with seonha having to repay debts of putting him in the hospital. a huge hatred was intense at first, one for putting him in debt, but the other one for being gone from his life. bitterness started to disappear as seonha started healing, and now only wishes for yohan to be awake... one day, like what the doctor predicted. yohan had to pay to survive both of them, and while he genuinely cares for seonha, didn't have the time to say something about it. his own maturity had gone leaps and bounds, even beyond a supposed young adult. tight and responsible, he dreamt of a happy life; but an irresponsible drunkard, one whom even seonha never knew was a trainee, ended up crashing and nearly killed yohan. the soul wonders around, only sometimes to gently stop by a sleeping or crying seonha at the night. and while seonha never believed in supernatural antics, he wondered, whether in those lows, someone was wrapping his arms around his shoulder. and debuting, is just a saying; he achieves his dreams.
ahn jaemin : mentor : music teacher : alive
"punk, where have you been?" "remind me that i am not your bros."
"you hated him?" "he's my teacher, i hate him. he's my friend, and i'll always be with him."
reason why seonha was able to enter jyp, with an extremely awful ordeal that occured only years ago, jaemin also started changing; a petty coward who was egoistical became a much kinder, sincere teacher, just as seonha stood to his own feet. secretly paid for yohan's hospital fee while still whining to seonha to sometimes visit him, jaemin is a wacko. but sometimes wackos goes 300 m just to make himself welcomed by the desperate, and while sometimes seonha wished not to acknowledge jaemin's often provoking presence, but he'll always remember jaemin for saving him, that day. seonha finds him trusted and most comfortable to talk with, in down or up days, while jaemin supports him, psychologically, and financially. seonha appreciates the former more.
yoo jungyeon : betty and veronica : twice member : alive
"so how's your waist?" "how's your sympathy?"
"you know, you could always be with my family this christmas." "... thank you."
uncanny friends. dietary was not even easy for normal people, let alone much more intensive ones for trainees. so when a bold girl suddenly felt like stealing his just-bought bread, he didn't really have the greatest image of her. but only for her to bring another bread back when she came after a music show, seonha observed her; bold if not slightly reckless, and mostly, kind-hearted. they have quite the awkward relationship, but his wits and  her pluckiness outwit their barriers, and finally managed to be close, if  stop-snarking-oh-you're-boring kind counts.
joo yimin : unwilling friends : foreign team; jyp trainee : alive
"look, seonha -" "i'm not sure i know you that well."
seonha never really developed any friendship around yimin, although, to be fair, he never really did anything about the night members. he still had an odd tendency to poke yimin little here and there; or just calling him by his name, thinking of it as sweet-sounding. yimin tends to misunderstand; and things aren't really that good.
star in the spotlight
stage name : han; people thought of it from his 'ha' because seon is awkward (ha being even worse), but han was really yohan's name, to give him a somewhat honor for his, 'success'.
persona awkward han
position lead vocalist
backup position main vocalist
talent twin bap's youngjae (history's yijeong) 
trainee years 1 year 2 months
TRAINEE life  seonha 's training period is relatively shorter, and having the main vocalist placed first, while he himself had a great voice, put him as a potential lead vocalist. training as a korean was relatively easy compared to the foreign team. however, he still do part-time jobs when in need to repay hospital fee. but he's getting decent at it, while struggling to forgive himself amidst a steadily rising fear that things would not change. interactions are little to none, him trying to focus on things first before getting a comfortable life.
participate in king of masked singer - eliminated early 2015.
drunk driving — seonha's relative (yohan) in a drunk driving accident. true, but the reality of the whole accident was that yohan is the victim; nobody really knew on who actually did it, though some people thought it was a former jyp trainee/insider. and while this is news to seonha, he's going to find out, probably. soon. or maybe, never. jyp has never released any statement regarding this (mid-2015).
adoption — seonha and yohan was originally adopted by an unwed woman. true. domestic adoption, especially since both boys were unregistered when abandoned, along with being taken care of a single woman, was faced with stigma; netizens left out demeaning comments against him for being adopted instead of the long-standing 'purity', nearly triggering him into cutting again. revealed through overheard conversations and accidental slip-ups. had the scandal not being fueled by hate from netizens, its not going to be blown out of proportion. fans and night members continued support towards him, and he finally felt most of his demons are gone. (future)
love interest : uhm none because he really needs to do something about himself, yet i guess i could put someone in, maybe. jungyeon is not close enough with him that she would be his lover.
everything is so awkward
comments : yeah i made several revisions, other than just the coloring. so was thinking whether throwing several things give you ideas.
scene request(s) :
what if in the end, like in a night concert, seonha sang a written song, one he wrote basically about 'families', night members and yohan included, and when seonha finishes, he saw jaemin lending a hand to find yohan smiling, and raced to hug him in tears? idk but i feel so warm at that.
seonha teasing yimin in a well-mannered way, but things gets awkward and it takes a few days before seonha awkwardly apologizes and told yimin that he wasn't trying to be awful.
fellow member of night asking for the lines at his arms. he wasn't able to retell the story. somewhat a convincing way to live on?
bonding time for everyone.
seonha braving himself up and allowed night members to visit yohan at the hospital, where he whispered to wish them good luck in their showcases?
songs...? maybe it'll be fun if they do covers and stuff. absolutely awkward fanfic  they came across?
! songs: hero, trespass, amen by monsta x, the chaser, destiny (whole ed) by infinite, tba.
password myungsoo


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