「ㅤ게임제로。ㅤ올리버 요한


aimashou : tilda : 8-10
 full name  oliver john / 올리버 요한
 other NAME(s)  jongkook / 종국 / this was the korean name that his mother had given him when he was born and what he used eventually when he came to south korea. though it is an official name, oliver never uses it in other countries than korea.
oliver twist : he used to cause much mischief in his neighbourhood by stealing little things and then giving them back : his family and close friends
forever an extra : because when oliver is offered a role in a music video, he's always the extra that is in the background : foreign team
ollie : it is a shorter verson of his name and because the only move oliver can do on his skateboard is a ollie : family and yimin
nickhun 2.0 : in some instances, oliver looks like a younger version of nickhun and so people nicknamed him that : jyp trainees
 birthdate  january 2nd, 1999
 birthplace  jakarta, indonesia
 hometown   sydney, australia
 ethnicity  indonesian - korean 
korean : fluent : he stayed in korea for five years since he was young, so it was easy to learn and it stayed with him throughout his years and was learning the language before he even moved to south korea.
english : fluent : staying in australia for eleven years, it would be hard for him to not know the language and still ace his english classes. when oliver moved to korea, he still practiced his english skills and improved them too.
indonesian : basic : when he found out that he was part indonesian, oliver was intruiged and wanted to learn the language. however; he didn't have much spare time to learn it but learnt the basics of the language.
 looks aren't that important 
 faceclaim  hyunkyung + romeo
 backup  sunyoul + up10tion
 height & weight  184cm & 65kg
 bloodtype  b+ 
 appearance  oliver is standing at 184 centimetres tall and has a healthy weight of 65 kilograms. most of his looks come from his mother and takes after her more than his father, appearance-wise. oliver has sharp features such as his nose and jawline. his lips are thin but plump at the same time and his eyes are framed with his almost feminine eyelashes. oliver's skin has a healthy pale tan colour and his natural hair colour is dark brown. the only features that resembles his father is his eyebrows (like what even?), eyes and nose.
don't try to disappear
positive : amiable, individualistic, reliable
negative : indecisive, irritable, sensitive

oliver is someone who loves being nice. from your first meeting to your last, this boy would constantly have a warm smile on his face and will be kind to you no matter what. oliver is also someone who looks past social status and group rankings to see the individuals inside. when he wants to know someone, he wants to learn to know them for who they are and not what their group pushes them to be. oliver is also very trustworthy. as oliver wants to learn about other people, he learnt to not tell their secrets and often shares his opinions about what's good in his mind and tries to be as reliable as he can whilst trying not to hurt the person who has trusted him.

he can be indecisive sometimes because sometimes the wrong answer could be the right path to choose and so it takes oliver a while to choose from a choice to another. the next trait developed from his relationship with his close friend yimin. they would often tease each other to the point where oliver just gets irritated by it and so it just became a part of him. with that being said, oliver just gets annoyed easily. with that trait, it's very easy for oliver to just retaliate and become sensitive. don't worry, oliver would often apologize straight away and try to make them feel better if he insulted them.

 background   oliver was born in jakarta, indonesia on january 2nd in 1999. he was one week late in his mother's pregnancy but was perfectly healthy when he was born. six months into his life, oliver's mother moved to sydney, australia without his father because oliver's parents weren't married yet. when his mother arrived in sydney and bought an apartment there, she met a man and instantly bonded with him, forming an intimate relationship with one another. oliver lived a happy life; he had many friends and even joined the drama and dance groups in his primary school. he often had the leads for dance which made him ecstatic! when oliver was four, the man who his mother fell in love with proposed to her and they got married. nine months later, oliver got a baby brother named benjamin.
when oliver was eleven, he found about auditions for a korean entertainment company and his new father encouraged him to go and audition for his dancing. when he auditioned, oliver was flustered and spoke in korean, which surprised everyone in the room. after he had danced, oliver was told he was accepted and could move to south korea with his family to become a trainee under jyp entertainment. so then, in 2010, oliver moved to south korea. ( trainee life in trainee life section ). in 2014, oliver reached his puberty and his features became more defined and he finally grew taller, almost 30 centimetres taller. he became more sociable with the girls in jyp and met tzuyu through a mutual friend, becoming friends quite easily. from the start of 2015, oliver was surprised to find out that his father was his english teacher was his father, oliver complained to his principle. 
- turtles; oliver just likes how incredibly shy and slow they are.
- neonbunny; he admires the k-indie artist neonbunny. his favourite song is it's you from the same artist and it will make him feel better.
- disney; oliver loves disney movies! everytime a new movie comes out, he'll get all excited and whine to get to watch the movie.
- pop; he has a collection of bobblehead pops in his room consisting of bmo, baby groot, aurora, honey lemon and even more ( ? )
- birds; because magpie season is horrible in australia that oliver still can't forget the beady black eyes of any bird. 
- opera; oliver doesn't hate the genre, it just hurts his ears sometimes
- horror; he absolutely hates horror! nothing scary for oliver because it will make him faint.
- teasing: thank you joo yimin, because of him oliver dislikes teasing. if you , he'll tease you back and it won't ever stop.
- oliver loves busting out a move while listening to his favourite songs and he doesn't care what time it is, even if it's one a.m in the morning he could be dancing in the dark.
- he also loves drawing too. although he can only draw from the neck up, hey! at least he enjoys drawing and is good at it too!
- when oliver is surprised; he'll point to the thing or person that surprised him with a shocked expression and probably become tense in the process
- puffing up his cheeks when angry
- pouting when sad or bored
- his mother divorced once so oliver's surname changed to kim and then to john after two years.
- ethinicity-wise, he is part chinese, indonesian and half korean; because chinese-indonesian is an ethnicity in indonesia but oliver just likes to say indonesian to not confuse anyone.
- charlie was one week late in his mother's pregnancy and caused him to be born in 1999 instead of 1998.
- he only did one year of highschool in australia before he moved to korea.
- if oliver did go by his mother's maiden name, he would have the same name as kim jongkook, the singer. 
- his instagram is @olliejohn_11
 broken connections 
mother : yoojung john (nee kim) : 48 : stay-at-home mom : yoojung and oliver are like any pair of mother and son. oliver whines, yoojung scolds him. yoojung says 'i love you', oliver says the same thing back. yoojung cares for oliver deeply and that was one of the reasons for moving to australia, so he could have a better education. so when oliver said he was accepted into jyp ent, yoojung didn't hesitate to move to south korea. yoojung is also oliver's disney rerun partner, no wonder oliver loves disney - because his mother does too!
step-father : matthew john : 51 : english teacher : matthew is single-handedly the most embarrasing father there is alive - according to oliver and benjamin. he's a child man and loves unintentionally embarrassing his children and doing childish things that makes people laugh. but oliver had to admit it was embarrassing when he found out his english teacher was his father and so when matthew said to oliver once when he wasn't behaving, "i'll make sure your parents hear about this!" matthew had to correct himself because he was oliver's parent.
half-brother / benjamin john / 12 / student / being oliver's little brother is like a  guaranteed safehaven. oliver takes care of benjamin and is very fond of him. oliver would often tease benjamin and lend him his belongings. although benjamin doesn't appreciate his overprotective brother, he's glad that he has one.

close friends / joo yimin / 19 / jyp trainee / when yimin came to jyp, he instantly bonded with oliver. though oliver said his name was a girl's name and offended yimin in the process, so yimin called oliver a midget; because back in 2011, oliver was only 155 centimetres tall. because of this, their relationship was basically a competition to see who could tease each other the most. eventually, yimin stopped calling oliver a midget because in 2015, oliver was four centimetres taller than him. 
friends / jake o'farrell / 16 / student / although jake is still in australia; he, benjamin and oliver would still call or video chat with each other. even if he's a really good skateboarder and oliver calls him jakey o' feral, they'll still be friends. mainly because jake still can't wait to see his childhood friend become famous and say, "i grew up with that guy! i tripped him over in class but it was still funny! yeah, it's that guy!"
ideal type / he prefers women of any size and looks, as long as they can spend time with him in a way that they could bond and can be peaceful too. but anonymous sources ( cough joo yimin cough ) stated that he likes girls with a prominent jawline ( cough tzuyu chou cough ). but oliver has said on instagram that his animation crush was honey lemon from big hero 6.
 star in the spotlight 
 stage name  oliver
 persona  prince charming
 position  lead dancer, sub-rapper, sub-vocals
 backup position  lead dancer, sub-vocals
 talent twin  hyuk - vixx  ( peniel - btob )
 trainee years  five years
 TRAINEE life when he moved to south korea and began training, oliver was very nervous and alone since he was unfamiliar with the area and because he was only eleven. nevertheless, oliver tried his best in his training and cracked his voice multiple times while practicing his singing. in the first few weeks 0f oliver being in jyp, a group of foreigners introduced themselves to him and accepted him because he was a foreigner and had trouble speaking. not that oliver couldn't speak korean at the time; it was just everyone was talking so fast he couldn't understand and reply without them having to repeat themselves again.
2012 : extra in wonder girls' 'like this'
2015 : extra in miss a's 'only you'
2015 : extra in 2pm's 'my house'
romance isn't for everyone
 love interest tzuyu chou & idol ( twice )
 backup love interest joo yimin & jyp trainee / night member
 personality  timid, independant, passionate
 background  tzuyu and oliver first met when a mutual friend of the both introduced them to each other. the two instantly clicked and often went out to do fun things in seoul when the two weren't inside the practice room dancing. oliver was the first person to break tzuyu's shy shell on the first meeting and it made him very proud ( everything does ). over the months, the both of them started realizing that they both started to have feelings for each other but both of them don't want to ruin their already established relationship. sometimes, tzuyu will ask with a timid voice for a kiss in a private area, just for the experience and oliver will comply. they both give each other tight hugs and they'll be intimate with each other in private or where there are no cameras around. they aren't dating, just really close. after all, it's all platonic, right? when tzuyu was in sixteen, she often visited oliver in the limited spare time she had or texted him because it was hard to visit. oliver kept cheering her on though. it was the same situation with tzuyu's debut. the two missed each other and talked on the phone through long nights. 
 relationship status  best friends / platonic relationship 
everything is so awkward
 comments  don't make me choose just one person for the pw... ;o;
i'm really nervous about this. it's pretty rushed! please tell me if there are any mistakes or anything bc oh god, im pretty helpless.
 scene request(s)  
a big group fight over something that isn't relevant (like who ate the last cookie, we have no more money to buy more)
- the fans find out about tzuyu and oliver being bestfriends but suspects there's something more to that and the hashtag #tzuver (tzuyu x oliver) is now a trend on instagram 

 suggestion(s)  tba. 
 password  kim seokjin


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