If B2ST Was In A Drama TOGETHER!

There would be the cool, untouchable main lead: YongJunhyung who everyone falls in love with but he, himself has trouble deciding

The rich, beautiful, princess: JangHyunseung whose fallen in love with Junhyung and will do anything to get him

And his trusty, strong body guard: Yoon Dujun (whose secretly in love with yoseob but is too proud to admit it)

The second main lead the cute, loveable, always happy: Leekikwang who fell in love with hyunseung  and is trying to win his heart

Then comes along the irresistable, squishy, bunny: Yangyoseob who can get anyone but has his eyes only on one:

And now enters the foreign exchange student with the godly looks and charisma: SonDongwoon who tries to win over yoseob by force 

made by: b2utylovesb2st @ tumblr!


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FairytalePerfection #1