aimashou : tilda : 8 of 10
NAME lee dohyun / 이 현
• ms know-it-all : because in school, dohyun used to know the answers to every question
• hyun : because it means clever and it is shorter and easier to use
BIRTHDAY april 17th, 1990 +  25
BIRTHPLACE seoul, south korea.
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea. 
• korean, fluent and it is her mother tongue.
• manderin, english, japanese, conversational and since dohyun spent most of her time studying, once of her subjects while studying were languages and worked very hard on learning the three languages until it was on a conversational stage of fluency. 
CHARACTER INTRO meet lee dohyun. the only child to a music prodigy and a pianist, this girl surely has to deliver. this girl is a mix of everything; she loves to study and at the same time wants to explore everything in her sight. dohyun is quiet yet tries to involve everyone in activities. lee dohyun is truly a mix and match to herself. accepting everyone for who they are and avoiding certain topics that causes fights or uncomfortableness, this certain know-it-all is certainly someone who you can't dislike.
FACECLAIM  park yeeun / yenny / ha:tfelt 
APPEARANCE  this girl is 165 cm tall and weighs approximately 54 kg. dohyun has a nice healthy glow to her skin and long silky brown hair that she takes pride in. though the brown colour is only from dye because she had it permanently died brown back when she was 20. dohyun's eyes are a bit slanted due to her asian enthicity and she has little crinkles when she smiles next to her eyes. her eyebrows are straight and a little pale compared to her normal hair. she has nice straight pearly teeth and nice thin but soft lips.
STYLE dohyun is the one to wear everything in a dark colour palette. not that she's emo or depressed, it's because she can't adjust to bright clothing. she wears everything; from skirts, to maxi-dresses to short-shorts, dohyun will wear anything and it will suit her. well, unless it's a bright colour of course. 
positive : studious, charismatic, individualistic
negative : tactless, blunt, forgetful
ELABORATION dohyun's personality is like a book. the general concept of her is that she is studious and  tactless. she loves to study and read books in her spare time, because to her, knowledge is the key. and because she doesn't socialise a lot, she doesn't know how to handle certain situations and whatnot.

then, her personality gets more complex. she is charismatic when she is doing the thing she loves to do. like on stage, people notice how easily she's playing and admire her or when someone disses her book; dohyun will say what she'll like about the book and eventually the person would have to admire how she doesn't give up without a fight. but when she does, dohyun can be quite blunt while doing so.
then the book is over. dohyun doesn't judge people by their appearance and takes them for what they are on the inside. this includes groups as well, because there are some nice people in a group of bad people and vice versa. dohyun can be forgetful at times; like forgetting the keys to the van to repeating the same line of the same book over and over again, because sometimes she just loses her focus and doesn't know what she's doing.
tumblr_nry7fwzj2n1rukjw7o1_500.giffor all her childhood, dohyun was raised to be the perfect child. to have perfect manners and grow into an independent lady. this was of course for her musician father, who had grown wealthy as he grew older. since both of her parents were musicians, her mother being a pianist for the local jazz bar, they decided to make her play an instrument and dohyun began taking up piano lessons. 
dohyun never really went out and about but when she did, it was only in her neighbourhood. that is where she met up with her friend eunsong. they often went to new places with her parent's permission, since dohyun didn't go out often and eunsong was dragged half the time they went out. when ever dohyun stayed inside her house she'd read and study. so when the little group was formed in middle school, her mother let dohyun out more to be with her friends.
years later, with dohyun staying with the same group of friends during grade school, she graduated high school but decided not to go to university because of her now sickly father. he eventually died months later, giving all his money and property to her mother and herself. dohyun soon earned a job by playing the piano during events like weddings and local bars and events.
• likes: r&b and soul music, literature, cats, nature
• dislikes: dogs, hip-hop music, crowded areas, ice
• habits: rubbing her arm when sad or nervous, covering her face when scared and surprised, stomping when angry
• allergies: dohyun is allergic to dogs but it isn't that serious, just a few itchy spots and sneeze.
• hobbies: she loves reading and learning or exploring new things and areas
• sports: dohyun is not much of a sports person and can't run very fast
• teeth: she had braces from the age of 13 to 16 because she had an underbite
• job: before going around south korea in a van, dohyun has played the piano at ten weddings, six in the local mall, three at a local festival and fifteen in the local jazz bar.

band member, choi yeojin, age, drummer : dohyun finds peace when she spends time with yeojin. in fact, half of her pieces of music are inspired by the little poems and rambles of literature. when the two are alone, dohyun can't find a topic to complain about and connect through silence.
childhood friend, go eunsong, 24, bassist : since they were young, dohyun had always pushed eunsong; whether it was to go to the new ice cream parlor or that she needed to stop drawing, dohyun always tries to involve eunsong one way or another. according to dohyun, isn't that what best friends do?
mother, lee joohee, 52, pianist : she is the one that continued dohyun's love of playing the piano. like any mother; joohee worries for her daughter but also wishes them to do their best and follow their dreams. sometimes, joohee will offer money to the girls for buying food, clothes and petrol when they need it.
HOW DID WE GET HERE since dohyun was eunsong's friend from the start, she doesn't remember whether she helped form the group because she'd often study most of the time and had a small circle of friends which were not that close to her except for eunsong. though she thinks she reccomended some people by saying, "yeah, that girl looks friendly."
LIFE WITH THE GIRLS dohyun enjoys her life with the girls because it's something she's never experienced before and she wants to cherish it. 
POSITION keyboardist
EXPERIENCE dohyun has been playing the piano since a young age and continued to play it all throughout her life. so when someone suggested they could like 'form a band' and travel across south korea to perform; dohyun actually thought they were joking because, how would you bring a grand piano everywhere? it turns out they were talking about a keyboard.  
WHO I AM dohyun is the one in the group to check all the instruments if they are tuned and ready to play. though she doesn't have to do it, dohyun insists. she's also the one to sit up front with the manager, holding a map as she tells her which road to go onto. in performances when there is a need of back-up vocals, dohyun will offer to do it.
ETHICS to her, practice means improvement and there's alway's room for improvement. dohyun pushes the group to participate and practice the song until it goes wrong, because if you do it until it's good - where do you go from there? before the girls perform, dohyun makes sure that any nervousness is gone from the girls by talking to them calmly.
LOVE INTEREST kang ryeojin / 강려진
BACKUP L/I kim myungsoo / 김명수
PERSONALITY ryeojin looks like he could kill you, but he's actually a cinnamon bun. intimidating and just a bit blunt but he has a kind-heart and good intentions. ryeojin is confident in everything he does and brings out the good in people. but when you get to know ryeojin, you'll know he is impulsive and arrogant at times.
INTERACTIONS to be honest, the two act like best friends. they fool around a lot and are purely platonic with each other. though around the subject of love, the two would blush and become awkward with each other. sometimes ryeojin will jokingly say, kiss me and dohyun would actually kiss him on the cheeks. dohyun would send him cute little goodnight texts while ryeojin would send the morning texts. their way of greeting each other are hugs.
LOVE STORY* ryeojin and dohyun first met in the gyeongsangbuk-do province in the city of pohang. dohyun had a fight with another member of the group about the direction of the band and whether it is worth it anymore and dohyun ran out of the van in hope to clear her mind. ryeojin found her alone and crying and so offered her some condolences and help though failed and ended up giving up his corndog that was uneaten. they ended up wandering the streets of pohang together and exhanged numbers.
STATUS strangers > friends
ENDING surprise please :)
for the faceclaim names you have to hover over the pictures
QUESTIONS nothing...?
CONCERNS i'm scared that my app isn't good enough or has some problems
SUGGESTIONS nothing...
SCENE REQUESTS tba (my brain is dead)


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