Hm, tell me what you think?

I've been really bored these days that I started writing again. ( I used to write short stories and stuff but stopped after a year and haven't been writing since then. )

Tell me what you think about my short writing? (; I just wanna know if I should make a story to my writings or not.

* Please take note that the three following writings are different from each other. They're not from the same storyline.

“If you dare to hurt Jiyeon even a little bit, I’m going to kill you,” Jungkook threatened coldly, “You won't kill me,” Jieun smirked and caressed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck, “If you kill me, everyone’s going to resent you and you’ll lose your position as the king. You wouldn't do that just for a woman, would you?” 
At that, Jungkook didn't say anything but went quiet. 
“Told you so,” Jieun smiled in satisfaction, seeing that she was right. She let go of Jungkook and turn around, about to take a step but froze when she felt a quick sharp pain on her neck.
“J-Jungkook,” Jieun stammered, realizing that Jungkook had just cut her neck. It wasn't a deep cut that would kill her but it was deep enough for her to bleed and feel the pain.
“I'm serious about this woman this time. I'll do anything to protect her, even if it risks my damn position and life,” Jungkook hissed, pushing Jieun against the wall,“This is my one and only warning, understood?” 
Jieun gulped and nodded.
“Good, now get out of my sight and stay away from Jiyeon. This is an order,” Jungkook said.

“Please spare me,” A ten year old boy begged for mercy with his whole body shaking. 
Blood could be seen on the side of his head and there were large deep cuts on his body as his back was up against the wall. 
The girl said nothing but a smirk was plastered on her face, “Killing you and your family without sparing anyone is my mission so don't blame me. Blame your family for the cause of your death,” The girl spoke and with one swift move, she sliced the neck of the young child without feeling any guilt but rather satisfaction. She was satisfied that she had completed her mission once again.
The body of the child fell hopelessly onto the ground and a small smile formed on her thin lips. She wiped the blood off of her weapon, with a black cloth that had her name initials sewn on the corner, then threw the cloth away, leaving it right where she last killed her target. 
It was what she did as always. 
Leaving her cloth beside her last target; it was to let people know that the daughter of the Demon Lord had struck again and to be specific, she had struck successfully.

Irene’s Point Of View
“Why do you always avoid me now Irene?” Taehyung ask catching me off guard.
“I'm not,” I replied and avoided eye contact, hoping he would buy my lie but I knew better than that. 
Taehyung knew better than that.
He knew myself more than I did. 
“You're lying,” He let out a sigh, “Okay, I'm lying. I'm avoiding you, happy?” I confessed, “Why are you doing that? Avoiding me?” He ask, “Do you really not know or are you just pretending?” I sigh, “I really don't know,” He said sincerely and looked me in the eyes.
I bit my lip, deciding if I should be really honest or make up a lame excuse that Taehyung probably won't buy.
“Do you really want to know?” I ask after a few seconds of silence, “Yes,” He replied without hesitation, “Okay, well, I'm avoiding you because I'm still not over you Taehyung. My feelings may have stopped growing but that doesn't mean they're all gone. They're still there, just not alive as much anymore. I don't want you to be bother by it and push me away again like what you did last time. We became strangers for a whole month and after putting so much effort into trying to talk to you again, I finally did it. I don't want all of those effort to go to waste and I especially don't want you to push me away again. It's gonna kill me, just like last time,” I told him while looking at the floor, not daring to look up. 
There was a moment of silence and I let out a sigh once again, “See, I knew you were going to be shock and probably push me away again. This is why I didn't want to tell you,” I mumble, saying it quietly.
“I won’t,” He finally spoke up, “What?” I ask stunned. 
I expected him to say sorry and then leave and push me away again but here he is, still talking to me and telling me he won't do something.
“I'm not gonna push you away again like last time,” He said softly, “You are,” I said bitterly and faked a smile, “If you're just saying that because you're in front of me right now then don't. I don't want you to tell me you won't push me away and then push me away the next day,” I looked away.


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good job author~nim.
It's nice. I used to write short stories and enjoyed reading them. I hope you'll go on writing them.