Mystique Application: Hannah Lee/Yi Ha Na



Yi Ha Na




Username: -prince-

Name: Yi Ha Na
Stage Name:
Age: 24
Position: Lead Singer/Rapper


Name: Yi Ha Na (alternates with Hannah Lee, depending on who surounds her)
Stage name: Iris (A flower meaning "inspiration")
Nicknames: Ye-haw, Han 
Age: 24
Date of Birth: (06/10)

Ethnicity: 1/4 Korean, 3/4 African American
Birthplace: (Daegu, Korea)
Residency: Up until she was eighteen, Hannah and her family had lived in Detroit, Michigan. However, the family moved (back) to South Korea to be closer to her ailing grand mother, and to avoid the increasing decline of the City of Detroit. 

  • English | Fluent | Her entire (speaking) life |As an English and Linguistics teacher, Hannah's father seems to place a heavy importance on "proper" or prescriptive grammar. However, the two of them enjoy communicating using descriptive grammar.


  • Korean | Fluent | Her entire (speaking) life | Growing up, Hannah attended a Sunday language school in which she learnt the Gyeonggi dialect. However, as her mother's family were originally from Daegu, her mother would speak to her using the Daegu Gyeongsang dialect. 


Trainee Period: Throughout her childhood, and adolescence Hannah had taken singing lessons both in, and out of school. Following the move to South Korea, she lived in Daegu for a year, before taking her chances and moving to Seoul. It was during this year Hannah passed a Cube audition, and began to train under them.


(2) Main Vocalist

(3) Visual, Vocalist

(5) Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

(1) Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper
(3) Maknae, Lead Vocalist

Face claim: Chanel Iman, Model
Pictures: 1 2 3 4
Back up: 

Singing/Rapping Twin: Jessi (Soloist)
Videos: 1 2 3 
Back up: Cheetah (Soloist)
Dancing Twin: 
Bom, 2NE1 
Videos: 1 2 3 (**ie, she's a pretty weak dancing and needs to work twice as hard)
Back up: Jea, Brown Eyed Girls

Specialties: Hannah has exstensive book trivia knowledge, and flexible toes. She is also a skilled calligrapher, however, her former specialities are more "exciting". 


Prior to Hannah's birth, her parents had lived in Daegu, South Korea. Her mother working in a family-owned clothing store, and her father as an English highschool teacher. Despite her father's teaching skills, and the respect his students had for him, an outcry from concerned parents saw him lose his jobhis dark skin apparently besmirching his abilitiy to teach. Tired of unfair treatment, and stange looks on the subway Hannah's mother began to contemplate moving, perhaps a multicultural city would prove less discriminatory. However, it wasn't until Hannah was born that her mother was certain she didn't want raise her child in a place she'd probably be made to feel like an outsider. A few months after Hannah's birth her family moved to the United States, her father moving first then followed by infant Hannah and her mother. 

Despite the move, growing up Hannah was still subject to jests about her mixed ancestry and her darker skin; it seemed the United States was not all that accepting either. Hannah herself felt a pull from both of her two cultures, but at the same time their ideals would often clash. She was too dark to be Korean, but being mixed she wasn't black enough for some crowds. For a great deal of her childhood Hannah wished she had a place she "fit" and lamented her feelings of disconnect.

Though she'd always had a love of singing, Hannah played her first role in a school production when she was sixteen, entering the musical world as Dorthy in the Wiz. This opened up a new world of possibilities for her, and Hannah began to ferverently devour any information about music from Detroit, and Seoul, she would find a way to bring the two together. While she loved the choreograped dances, and flashing lights of K-Pop, she also loved the flow, and lyrical genius of rappers originating from her own little Detroit such as Angel Haze and Obie Trice. Starry eyed, Hannah vowed to herself she'd make it in the music scene, one way or another.

Her chance came early than she expected when together with her parents, she moved back to Daegu two years later to be with her ailing grandmother. 

A year after moving to Daegu, Hannah auditioned for Cube Ent. While her dancing was unimpressive, her tall height, symmetrical features and riveting vocal skills saw her take a step closer to her dream.She auditioned with a mix of Beyonce's Listen, and Nicki Minaj's Moment 4 Life. 


  • Erin Yi/Lee | 56 | Mother | Alive | Freelance painter | Hannah gets her love of the arts, and in particular calligrapy from her mother. Unlike Anthony, Erin is outspoken in her opposition to Hannah's training, though this opposition comes from a place of love and concern. Being half-Korean, and half-African American herself Erin wants to protect her daughter from the worst kinds of cruelty and discrimination she would face if she does indeed debut. As Erin knows Hannah is unlikely to give up this dream, there is one thing she has tried to drill into her daughter; to get half as much as they (people without mixed Korean ancestry)do, she'll have to be twice as good.


  • Anthony Freeman | 55| Father | Alive | English and Linguistics teacher and lecturer | Hannah and her father are quite close, exchanging puns with each other at an aggressive rate, much to the ire of her mother. While Anthony is unsure of the route his only child has taken, swears to stand by her through thick and thin.



Personality Traits:

The face: When she puts herself to it, Hannah can be rather charming, however, as she doesn't often see people as worthy of her charms, it is not a side many people are able to see. Consequently, Hannah is often isolated from those around her, keeping a professional wall up and keeping her distance. Despite this, once an individual has gained her trust and affection, they have it forever unless they do something irrevocably disappointing. She is committed, and has a secret hopeless romantic streak (though she'll deny the latter through clenched teeth.)

In the limelight, Hannah wisecracks but remembers to keep an aire of (practiced) hautiness. She projects the image of being an open-book, whilst in reality she often keeps to herself. She laughs at corny jokes, and constantly gives fans shout-outs, attributing them to the group's success. Never late to events, Hannah holds herself with an almost icy professionalism. 


  • Cats and Dogs
  • Cheesy romance dramas and soap operas
  • Reading books (both non-fiction, and fiction)
  • Listening to music
  • Winter
  • Puns
  • Eating food (she's a pretty poor cook herself)
  • Various kinds of paper


  • Dad jokes
  • Spiders
  • Open-toed shoes
  • Mornings


  • Reading (Hannah is a er for vampire novels, though recently she's begun to read books on intersectional feminism)
  • Caligraphy (She really loves reading and watching Barakumon)
  • Meditation
  • Visiting art, and history galleries


  • Tapping her fingers when anxious or impatient
  • Sufferer of "Resting- face"
  • Tends to get emotional quite quickly
  • A believer of "once bitten, twice shy", Hannah does not forgive easily, and even if she does, she does not forget

Pet Peeves:

  • Pretentious people who wax poet about paperback books, and hate e-readers
  • People who insist on telling her about her own lived experiences (ie, "that wasn't racism!!!!111!1")
  • Blissfully ignorant people
  • People who try to invalidate her background, or try to make her "choose" between Korean or African American



Name:Jang Hyunseung
Personality: While his public image depicts someone who is quirky, and perhaps just a little bit cocky, behinds the scenes Hyunseung is a humble, and good-natured person who not only cares about his bandmates, but does his best to extend this care towards other group members and trainees under the Cube lable.  
How they met: At the very beginning of her trainee days, Hannah's knowledge of the layout of Cube ent. was at best; limited, and at worse; terribly flawed. During one of Beast's dance practices Hannah had accidentally burst in, in a hurry because she was late for practice with the other trainees. While Hyunseung found her horror amusing, it was less funny considering there would be consquences to pay for being late. 
Interactions: They've had few interactions that went beyond greetings and bowing in Cube ent. corridoors. However, Hannah idolises Hyunseung due to his dance skills, an area that she feels she severely lacks in.


Hannah isn't interested in romance right now, and has instead self-imposed a dating ban.

How they met: 




Suggestions: A team-building exercise. The girls go karaoke singing; cue the cracking voices and  off-beat dancing. ~So much for training~

Scene suggestions: A series of unfortunate events;

1) Broken heels

2) Members covering for other members in their attempts to date

#) Dorm "sleepovers" where the girls get to know each other better, and talk about their future as a group.

4) Possible prank attacks from other members of Cube ent. or prank attacks on each other

Debut/Comeback song suggestions?
Suggested fan club name? Missterious  
Do you wish to be a side character if you're not chosen?
[Y/N](Please indicate by marking your answer a different colour!)





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