character description : jude bae is probably the one namjoon the kid champ needs in order to survive in the tournament, for she is his super loyal best friend even when she thinks he is pretty worrysome who stays with him and protects him through it all. as the sorting hat eventually sorted her into the house of ravens and its claws (after considering whether she is more of the fiery dauntless or the wise smartass), she possess a noticeably high intellect and is pacifistic. but still we can't leave out her 'gryffindor' nature which makes its appearance whenever necessary. all in all, she is a compassionate jack-of-all-trades who can lure you to come to her side without breaking any rule like a boss lady. a cunning charmer she is.
btw ugly emotional sobbing at the password. like always.
questions : do you happen to dream about sirius black becoming your father or uncle too? pmsl he's just so purrfect.
password : after all this time.
Lee Sungkyung





imadreamer | Ray | 8 |

[hagrid voice] yer a wizard harry jude!
birthname   : jude bae yonghee (english name: jude karaugh)
preferred NAME   : jb / jude
nicknames   : 
: Jude, jb - diminutives of her name
: jk - oftenly referred as "just kidding" instead of "jude karaugh"; courtesy to her close friends (pmsl)
gender   : female
birthdate   : february 12
BLOOD STATUS   : half blood 

ethnicity   : irish - korean
nationality   : irish
current place of residence   : belfast, ireland 
languages   : 
: (native) korean
: (learned from age 7 until she received the hogwarts letter; conversational; can understand but can't express well) Deutsch

School attending   : hogwarts
SCHOOL year  : 6th year
role in triwizard tournament  : namjoon's mom supporter of namjoon and the friggin hogwarts

face claim   : lee sungkyung of ygk+
back up fc   : bae irene of red velvet

appearance   : she stands 176cm tall. Her eyes are naturally hazel in color, her natural hair color is golden brown, she also has small tattoos on each side of her lower hip: on her right is her parents' birthday date and initials 'RKVIIBJI' and 'aere perennius' on her left ('aere perennius' means 'more lasting than bronze'; bronze is strong and durable, just like their relationship is). her nails, are painted black. all the time.

fashion   : overall, she is very meticulous whenever it comes to fashion. Her style depends on her mood; she can look like an angel in an occasion and another occasion she looks like a personel of heavy-metal band, hence her fashion sense is considered as "quirky". Most of the times she'll choose to wear pants and avoids wearing heels and fit-body clothes that shows her curves. She can never go out without applying lipstick or liptint though. She also has a thing toward beanie. so yes, after school she'll immediately change into something more casual and fashionable. she almost always tie her hair into a ponytail, braids, or a messy bun as well. as for her sleeping attire... she wears casual but relaxed clothes that will make you think she's going to chill by the pool instead of going to bed; because you never know what will happen right... she just can't risk looking like a hobo when something urgent happens out of the blue.

it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be
{+} intelligent, altruistic, loyal, wise, adaptable, compassionate, creative, witty, pacifistic, curious, caring, genuine, positive, adventurous, charming, brave, courteous
{o} extremely observant, family-oriented (besides her real family, her friends are the family she chooses), independent, laid-back, down-to-earth, private, bold, open-minded, action-oriented, intuitive, mischievous, honour-bound, boyish, feisty, manipulative when necessary, doesn't want spotlight but appreciation and recognition is highly desired appreciated
{-} competitive, perfectionist, disorganized, easily bored, idealist, sarcastic, unpredictable, skeptical, fluctuating ambition, careless, somewhat control-freak whenever her value system is violated, stubborn, noncomittal as she's a fiercely independent free-spirit like that (unless it's to something reaaaalllly good), quirky, impatient with close-mindedness
CHARACTER TROPES   : jack-of-all-trades; spirited young lady, the charmer
MISC PERSONALITY ACCESSORIES   : intellectual archetype, infp, blood type o

significant life events   :
  • she was born to pure-blood (korean) mother and half-blood (irish) father, and is the only child. her mother is the professor of dark arts in durmstrang institute while her father is a healer in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
  • her mother stays in sweden most of the time and only comes home in school holidays, while her father mostly spends his time in london and only comes home once (thrice at most) per week so basically she was nearly always home alone.
  • but thanks to her single maternal aunt who voluntarily lived with her and took care of her. though sometimes jude finds herself taking care of her clumsy aunt more. her aunt, casey, works as a journalist in the muggle world in belfast, despite being a pure-blood (she said she doesn't have any interest in the wizarding world anymore since the you-know-who's death).
  • casey basically takes a huge part on dispensing knowledge and advices to jude.
  • sometime later, though, casey became an editor in daily prophet as jude enrolled to hogwarts at age 11. jude receives whole lotta pieces of information regarding hogwarts' from her aunt as her aunt always sends owl to jude from time to time only to tell her about the newfound info.
WAND   : Beech, 12 3/4 inches, unicorn hair, bendy
CORPEAL PATRONUS   : Merlin (Although the Merlin is a fierce predator, it is also tameable, infused with a deep sense of loyalty and belonging. it is a symbol of the strength within oneself: one is loyal and honour-bound, but that does not make her any less brave or strong-willed. she is quick-thinking and sharp-witted, but know when to hold her tongue and back down from a fight.)
FAVORITE SPELL   : spongify (sleep anywhere yash), vulnera sanenturfianto duri
specialty subject   : basically since she's pacifistic and also an avid lover of nature, she has more interest in defense and healing thus her aptitude in dada & herbology.

trivia   : 
→ Likes — 
→ solitude. She likes the serene feeling of solitude.
→ cute stuff. She's a complete er for anything that's cute.
→ strolling around diagon alley to visit the shops or plainly observing her surroundings.
→ Being "one" with nature. Be it hiking, camping, or anything as long as it involves nature.
→ spending time at hagrid's place, and spending time annoying min yoongi and pampering kim namjoon.
racing flying with her firebolt supreme broom.
→ rain.
→ Dislikes —
→ Strawberry and its dairy products. She feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever she smells dairy products of strawberries. She can eat the fruit though, she doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes her dizzy.
→ Chauvinistic attitude. She doesn't like when someone underestimate someone else or being overly proud of their own kind. 
→ Doing sports unless it's air-sports. excessive use of muscle is a no no pmsl.
→ Violence (unless for self-defense)
→ Hobbies —
→ eating snacks. it's like... she always has snacks with her and she even smuggled snacks when she's in class.
→ writing stories or drabbles, lyrics, and listening to music. and yes, she literally writes it without using magic. it helps her to express herself and to vent out.
→ She has always been good in social science and language; psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, and philosophy; thus her hobby is observing her environments and people around her, as well trying to figure out the balance of this Circle of Life informations about people, and seek to discover what they mean. 
→ her other hobbies are reading books, watching people and sports, and chillin at hagrid's place.
→ Habits —
→ tends to clap her hands like a retarded seal whenever she laughs hard.
→ sleeps anywhere and anytime she can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. She tends to fall asleep very easily if she really has nothing to do.
→ she always looks into the other party's eyes as they're engaged in a conversation. Real eyes realizes real lies cuz.
→ becomes quieter than usual whenever she's badly pissed.
→ purses her lips whenever she's thinking of an answer to a difficult question. 
→ lots of skinships. She will not hesitate to pat your for doing a good job (which namjoon and yoongi experience a lot)
→ Fun Facts —
→ she had learned quite a lot about dark arts from her mother, and was told to come to durmstrang instead of hogwarts, but in the end she chose hogwarts and takes interest in dada. she has proven herself proficient of the subject.
→ she tried out for ravenclaw's quidditch team and attained the seeker position. she is the only female in the team.
→ she and yoongi are two of hogwarts' reps to go for this year & next year's quidditch world cup.
→ she calls hagrid "uncle" and in fact has introduced him to her aunt, casey. they remain good friends and work hand-in-hand to take care of jude.
→ she has a blue-eyed snowy owl named "jade". it's a he though. she just likes the idea of jude and jade.
→ her catchphrases are:

> *when she's shocked* "w-t-f" (she spells it) 
> "No beep, Sherlock" 
> sarcastically / nicely good luck tryna figure it out: "Live long and prosper, dear."

→ she was named after a bit of both the book "Jude the Obscure" and the Beatles song "Hey Jude". Thanks to his father's love to super legendary muggle band the Beatles and her mother's love to classic muggle books. 
→ she went to taekwondo and judo classes when she was still in Belfast and earned her blue belt at age 11 right before she enrolled to hogwarts
→ as she is excellent in herbology, she is pretty close with professor neville longbottom and in fact, he was the one to introduce her to the potter boys.
→ she can't swim for sh*t, bye.

name   : min, yoongi
BLOOD STATUS   : my other half blood
School attending   : hogwarts
SCHOOL year  : 6th year
role in triwizard tournament  : the i-solemnly-swear-i-dont-give-a- supporter of hogwarts even when the champion is worrysome

Relevance to your character  : he is one of the slytherins, and is her best archenemy friend. they are both seeker of their respective quidditch team and it is known that they are tight rivals. this year she catches the snitch first, the next year he does, and it goes on up till now. he lost to her in this year's annual quidditch cup. other than that, they are almost always together (when he isn't busy with his slytherin's crew). be it chillin or anything best friends do, even (sometimes) bickering too. he calls her jk, she calls him grandpa.
NAME   : kim, namjoon
BLOOD STATUS   : purely my son blood (?)
SCHOOL YEAR  : 6th year

RELEVANCE TO YOUR CHARACTER  : he is jude's very best friend as both have known each other since the train trip to hogwarts back then. though they don't end up like hermione and ron. anyway, she always keeps an eye on namjoon and takes care of him. when he was chosen as the champion for hogwarts, she was dead worried, but she felt proud of him too. she became more protective and attentive toward him after the selection. after the selection also: she starts calling him "chimp". a pun of champ, ofc.
Dylan O'Brien <3
NAME   : potter, james sirius
BLOOD STATUS   : half blood
SCHOOL YEAR  : 7th year
ROLE IN TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT  : the trickster captain of gryffindor's quidditch team who comes to give his enormous support for hogwarts

RELEVANCE TO YOUR CHARACTER  : they've been friends since 6 years ago. he is the prankster big brother figure for her, who at times also watches over her and even gives her advices regarding quidditch. they often spend time together at hagrid's place. he also never misses out opportunity to prank her from time to time. he's known for his poor timing and knack for interfering with other people's love lives, so it would be natural of him to interfere with jude's love story later pmsl. he calls her jk, she calls him joker.
Lucky Blue Smith
name   : cumberbatch, joshua
BLOOD STATUS   : pure blood
School attending   : hogwarts
SCHOOL year  : 7th year
role in triwizard tournament  : the manly but casanova captain of ravenclaw's quidditch team who comes to give his enormous support for hogwarts

Relevance to your character  : he is the chaser as well the captain of the team. he has held a huge crush on jude for as long as he could remember. later, he will ask her out to come to the yule ball with him, to which she refused, as she'd been forced to promised to go there with yoongi.
Song Minho
birthname   : minho song meino (english name: meino sigmund)
preferred NAME   : mino (mee-no)
nicknames   :
: huge boy (he's the "genius bruiser" trope out of the team)
: moinmoin (slang of "mooi" which means beautiful in deutsche; he earns the nickname because he's just that good at quidditch)
gender   : male
birthdate   : march 30
BLOOD STATUS   : purely mine blood

ethnicity   : bulgarian - korean
nationality   : Bulgarian

School attending   : durmstrang
SCHOOL year  : 6th year
role in triwizard tournament  : came to support durmstrang wholeheartedly; he's the chaser of the great bulgarian national quidditch team anyway; of course he has to attend the ball
{+} assertive, humble, determined, tough, reserved, faithful, enthusiastic toward things or people he believes in, appreciative, courteous, secretly caring, attentive, fair, gentle, thoughtful
{o} bold, serious, helplessly romantic, private, quiet, secretly sweet af, brave, honest, tactful, dominant
{-} stubborn, moody, surly unless he deems you're worth keeping company or you impress him, idealist, temperamental, overcritical, resentful and tends to hold grudges toward things / people he really dislikes / those who have hurt him and his persons in some ways

first impression   : he was delighted of her skill in flying and being the seeker itself while she was enchanted to know that he is actually very kind behind that rough, cold looks. not to mention his contagious smile which looks like an innocent kid's that you can't help but mirror it.
love story   
  • basically the quidditch teams of each institute were gathered at the school yard and decide to play a fun-friendly game. he quietly watched her when hogwarts played against beauxbatons and he was delighted to see her skill in flying and being the seeker itself.  when he was up to play against beauxbatons, she sat there with yoongi and namjoon. when he was done, however, he couldn't find her so he asked to namjoon where she was. but before namjoon could answer, joshua came and asked him why would he want to know where she was. mino kept his silent and dismiss the conversation. later, namjoon told jude about what happened so she basically ended up looking for him to ask what business he might have with her. she found him chilling with the other scary looking durmstrang boys. she wasn't sure of how to approach him but he noticed her and initiated to approach her first. they ended up talking while strolling around the school and she even invited him to come to hagrid's place.
  • the news spread about the famous mino and the only female ravenclaw's quidditch team "going out". Thus, their arrival at the Ball together caused a stir, as mino was durmstrang's pure blood and she was hogwarts' half blood. and they are supposed to be rival for merlin's bead's sake they are going to meet in this year's quidditch world cup.
  • upon knowing that her mother is actually his professor, he decided to connect with her mother and so whenever possible, he'll send letter to her with the motioned picture of him and her mother.
  • they keep sending letters to each other despite being rival, though they are careful not to spill about any of their respective school's internal infos.

ideal ending   : happy ending, please.

relationship trivia  :
1. so basically she pleaded to yoongi just so she could attend the ball with mino and yoongi grumpily said yes and let her. however, joshua felt betrayed and basically he kept on following jude and mino closely behind wherever they went to during the ball. eventually namjoon and yoongi who was forced to tag along distracted joshua from the pairing.
2. mino noticed joshua and asked her why he was following them to which she shrugged. mino then asked again "does he like you?" she blinked at him and said "do you?". he laughed. the ever so cold mino laughed in front of everyone, guise. so yes basically his teammates approved their relationship. her teammates, however, were a bit skeptical about it especially joshua but they eventually approved too because hey they are cute ok.
3. one day he sends a letter to him. inside was a motioned picture of him and her mother. her mother said "mino keeps coming to me and takes care of me, when will you?" and laughed. jude replied to the letter with hagrid talking to another strange creature he's taking care of in background with a motioned picture of her saying that she misses her mother and mino. 
4. another letter in which her mother says something like "when are you two going to get married?" and mino wrote below the picture: "i didn't expect it to come that fast. i miss you. let's meet."
5. aaaaaaanyway a week after that, he literally paid a visit to hogwarts with flowers and jude's favorite snack in his hand, and it became a big deal in hogwarts because awwww this cold-scary looking man is actually pretty sweet, thoughtful, and gentle aye?
6. ever since the pairing became a big deal at hogwarts, casey (her aunt, in case you've forgotten about her) keeps on pestering jude to tell her about everything, to which jude responds with a love smitten smile or a "sshhh. secret!".
7. holiday finally came and karaugh family is gathered in their sweet abode in belfast. but look who's tagging along with jude's mother? yes, it's none other than mino. he stayed for a week at jude's house. then in the end, courtesy to her mother's and casey's persuasion, she agreed to come along to mino's house in veliko tarnovo, bulgaria.
8. she did and she spent a week there.
9. both parents have approved their relationship (just like how weasley parents  approved hermione's and ron's. aw)
10. she calls him Süsse (sweetie) while he calls her Schatzi (treasure). (p.s. i cringed too)

your amortentia   : a tint of petrichor, old book, sheer of a freshly brewed coffee, and a mix of bergamot and cocoa.
their amortentia   : damp earth combined with old fallen leaves, bulgarian rose,  very subtle vanilla, and thick smell of nectar mixed with spearmint.
ah ha! so you thought you would be able to escape me?
fear not children, the greatest reporter rita skeeter is here to get the dirt on the latest and greatest here at the triwizard tournament!

so, who are you?   I'm ravenclaw's jude bae and is a supporter of hogwarts. (/flashes a radiant smiles)

okay, that's nice.. now how do you feel about the tournament?  (/her smile gradually uplifted more, revealing her pearl whites between her rosy lips) i'm excited because my best friend kim namjoon is participating, but also worried. i hope there will be no other incident, since you-know-who has long gone too (/chortles feebly) i hope everyone will have a good time though. we are after all one huge family. (/nods, still with a radiant smile adorning her visage)

what an opinion you have there... so who are you taking to the yule ball? Any plans on what you're going to wear?   oh.. (/tucks her hair behind her ear with a bashful smile plastered across her face) a kind-hearted, charming man from durmstrang. (/chortles feebly with her fist hovering above ) meino sigmund.
i'm wearing...

ooh! sounds fun. anyways, what do you think about cheating?   (/purses her lips as she considers a fitting answer) i think cheating is considered as a form of dishonesty, and i personally prefer honesty all the way. for me, Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. so, yeah.

hmm. that's interesting. what do you think about winning?    (/pauses a bit) Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is. if you do keep going and fight back, you win. winning is not to yield to the idea of surrender itself (/smiles)

but WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT losing? be honest, tell me!    (/chortles) personally, i don't like losing, but I'm just gracious about it. I'm aware that setbacks have an upside. they fuel new dreams (/curls a confident smile) honestly, just keep trying.

alright. now, who do you think will win this year's tournament?    i root for my best friend, so.. hogwarts for the win! yaaaaayyyy (/cheers gleefully)

oh i see. well, whoever wins i still have my job [she laughs obnoxiously]. but thank you for your time! do i have permission to use your name and face in my artilcE?    (/smiles awkwardly when rita laughs) uhm, if i may ask a favor... no. (/chuckles)

to be frank, you never really had a choice! but i felt i needed to ask otherwise. haha! well i got to go and thank so you so much.. uh.. child.    ah... (/smiles and bobs a curtsy) thank you and you're welcome. keep up the good work, miss.
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