imadreamer : ray : 8
(배용희) : guitarist©
Lee Sungkyung
NAME Jude Bae Yonghee (주드배용희)
 Yongie, Byong, JB, JK - diminutives of her name.
▾ Yok-hee - she has the habit to cuss or talk in a very fast pace in English whenever she's badly pissed. "Yok" is "cuss" in Korean. Her best friends and people who knows this habit of her often about this nickname. 
BIRTHDAY February 12, 1988. 27.
BIRTHPLACE Belfast, Ireland.
HOMETOWN Belfast, Ireland (born-11), Seoul, SK (11-present)
ETHNICITY Korean - Irish
(Native; and yes, her Korean pronunciation is not as good as pure-Korean, but she can speak it well) English & Korean (as for Korean, her father and mother met in Seoul back when they were still in courting mode. Her father can speak Korean though his pronunciation is not really Korean. Her father and mother made sure she learned both language as both are her legacies)
 (advanced; she took courses for it at age 6 till now; she is experienced enough with the language to conduct business in it, and engage a native speaker of this language without offending them. she is able to take instructions in this language and carry them out without error) Mandarin 
CHARACTER INTRO At one glance, people will find themselves saying that she's arrogant, quiet, confident, and intimidating. But if people would just try to actually talk with her, their first impression of her would have a drastic change as they find themselves saying that she's friendly, kind, funny, and enchanting. Jude Bae is relatively quiet and reserved person, but her attitude really gives off the confident and independent vibe which kinda makes people feel intimidated. Not to mention that she's often seen sporting that resting face. She is the type to observe before doing something; so if you give off an unfriendly vibe, she will just stand there waiting for you to start the conversation, but if you give off a reserved-but-nice vibe, she will not hesitate to initiate the interaction with you. Being a charming, compassionate individual who has a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty, and always sees the good in everything, Jude Bae is kind, gentle and sensitive in her dealings with others, even with the trust issues she has. She is extremely observant and sensitive to others' feelings, therefore she knows how to speak to people's heart. Jude has a strong appreciation for art, and is passionate to be an artist in some form, as she is unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. She has a strong set of values (beliefs and accomplishments) which she strives to consistently meet in her life, and will rebel passionately when they are violated. She is original, spontaneous, and the one who lives in present, but tends to be living in her own way and is hard to get to know fully. But she's one of few who says "I'm going to be here if you need me" and actually means it. She is an action-oriented & fiercely independent individual. You can't leave out Jude's sarcastic and a tad bit too perfectionist side though, as she continuously thrives to be achieve the greater good.
FACECLAIM Lee Sungkyung of YGK+ (she's turned actress right...)
APPEARANCE she stands 176cm tall, and weighs approximately 56kg. Her eyes are naturally hazel in color, her natural hair color is golden brown, she also has small tattoos on each side of her lower hip: on her right is her parents' birthday date and initials 'RKVIIBJI' and 'aere perennius' on her left ('aere perennius'   means 'more lasting than bronze'; bronze is strong and durable, just like their relationship is).
STYLE she is very meticulous whenever it comes to fashion. Her style depends on her mood; she can look like an angel in an occasion and another occasion she looks like a personel of heavy-metal band, hence her fashion sense is considered as "quirky". There are no big differences between her on-stage and off-stage style, as she just goes with whatever her mood dictates, though she makes sure that her on-stage outfit is more chic. Most of the times she'll choose to wear pants and avoids wearing heels and fit-body clothes that shows her curves. She can never go out without applying lipstick or liptint though. Oh, she can't go out without having a bag/backpack attached to her as well (things inside is elaborated in trivia), unless when she's performingShe also has a thing toward headwears.
{+} altruistic, adaptable, compassionate, sincere, creative, witty, pacifistic
{o} family-oriented, independent, laid-back, down-to-earth, private, spontaneous
{-} competitive, perfectionist, disorganized, easily bored, idealist, sarcastic, unpredictable

“Listen to many people, but talk to few; love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Generally thoughtful and considerate, she is a good listener and put people at ease as she has a very deep well of caring and is genuinely interested in understanding people. This sincerity is sensed by others, making her a valued friend and confidante. With all that being said, she does have principles that make her incapable to fully invest her trust to anyone, but she treats everyone, even those she “doesn't like”, with modest professionalism and genuine respect; thus she is on good terms with almost everyone she has met or talked with. She's one of very few who says "I'm gonna be here if you need me" and actually means it, even when the latter is not her close friend. Nevertheless, due to her trust issue, she only really opens up to those who are really close with her. In one too many occasions, she blurts out several skeptical and sardonic statements toward people who sound like they're bluffing too much.  
“Why do you always have to look at the brightside?” “Someone has to.” As a young lady, it’s quite unusual to have such focus on making the world a better place for people, but she does. Her goal is to find out her meaning in life. She always thinks about what her purpose in life is and how she could best serve humanity. She is highly intuitive about people and is driven to help people and make the world a better place. Thus she has the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything. Even for the most unlovable, she is wont to have pity. She conceives of the world as an ethical, honorable place, full of wondrous possibilities and potential goods. Her commitment to the positive and the good is almost boundless and selfless, inspiring her to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something she believes in. As she doesn’t like conflict, she tends to go to great lengths to avoid it, though if she must face it, she will place little importance on who is right and who is wrong and focus on the way to solve the conflict instead. 
“...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” She is well-described as an “earthy free-spirit,” both in appearance and lifestyle. She is down-to-earth and is a big lover of nature, as she takes to the trails, mountains, and wilderness in hopes of passionately connecting with what she sees as the essence of life. As she is also a charming individual who has a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty, she is able to show her creativity in tangible ways with stunning beauty and grace. She has a gift for interpreting stories, as well as for creating them, and thus often writes in lyric, poetic fashion. However, sometimes she comes out as something of a “bohemian”. Be it looking as if she’s too insouciant with her belongings, or too carefree for her own sake.
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” As she is often seen living in her own world and doing things in her own pace and regulation, she is actually deemed pretty flexible and laid-back; until one of her values or goals is violated. She is an idealist and perfectionist competitor, who drives herself hard in her quest for achieving the goals she has identified for herself. At times, she has problems working on a project in a group, because her standards are likely to be higher than other members' of the group, and sometimes she becomes too naggy and controlling in order to meet her own standards. Also, in the face of her value system being threatened, she can become aggressive defenders, fighting passionately for her cause. Part of it is because the competitiveness that grows naturally in her as she continuously thrives to do better than she did before. Consequently, she is usually hard on herself, and doesn't give herself enough credit. 
“Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?" She is adaptable, always welcome to new ideas and new information, is patient with complicated situations, but impatient with routine details. Focusing on the here and now, she lives life to the fullest, cherishing the present moment and enjoying her surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. She is flexible and spontaneous, and like to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, she thinks about the present and about who she is now. With this, when it comes to the mundane details of life maintenance, she is typically completely unaware of such things. She might go for long periods without noticing a stain on the carpet, but carefully and meticulously brush a speck of dust off of her project booklet. She also has tendency to actively avoid planning for the future due to her nature of being easily bored of doing the same routines over and over again. Oftenly enough, she momentarily “abandons” what seems to be an endless routine to seek for something else that can pique her interest and vigor again.
— Early life which shaped her character. She was born in Belfast on February 12, 1988 to parents Bae Joohyun—a highschool teacher—and Riley Karaugh—an exclusive businessman. Her family was kinda wealthy, and they managed to live 'on easy street', even when the situation amongst her parents' siblings were not in a really good term. In spite of the uncomfortable circumstances in her big family, where even brothers and sisters betray each other and will do anything for money, her family was alright. With that being said, her parents made sure that she grew up strong but still graceful like a lady. As she experienced minor violence and harsh insults from her parents, she became a mentally resilient, boyish young lady and used to have more male than female friends.
— Immigrated for good and probably believing the magic of new beginning.
 As her mother personally prepared her for a continuum of learning and as she was a bright kid, she didn't go to kindergarten and went straight to elementary at age 5. She has always been the girl who dreams to be a musician or writer (for her keenness of the beauty of languages), therefore she took courses for foreign language (Mandarin; for it's considered as an international language as well) and instruments (guitar, violin, and piano) since she was 7. She was doing really well in her studies, but with good news came the bad one. In 1999 right a week after her graduation, her father's business went bankrupt as his colleagues stabbed him in the back with the help of his own brother, and with the little money left—after paying company's excessive debts and penalties for violating contracts—they moved all the way to Seoul where her maternal grandparents live at.
 Happiness is a matter of choice. Long story short, it's true that her parents became more cautious and strict ever since the incident. They became more harsher and more violent (wasn't major case of violence) as they demand her to grow up tougher, stronger, and better, because life is hard and it gives you a whole lot of surprises. Her only chill-pill/energy-pill/mood-booster/ones-that-keep-her-sane in Seoul were her grandparents, Bae Insung and Bae Hyojin as they took care of her really well (her grandpa deceased in 2007 while her grandma in 2008), and (are) her newfound best friends with whom she formed a band with. All the three years being a highschooler (2002-2004), she has written 12 titles of short stories and 5 titles of long stories which she uploaded into Wattpad and Fanfiction sites. In her second year in college (2005), she finally released a book officially entitled "The Perks of Being A Wallflower", which was written in English, (P.S. Yes, it's Stephen Chbosky's) and gained global attention as the book was published through MTV Books. As of July 2015, The Perks of Being a Wallflower has spent over a year on the New York Times Bestseller list, and is published in 31 languages.

→ Likes — 

→ solitude. She likes the serene feeling of solitude.
→ pocky sticks. She likes eating snacks, specially pocky.
→ cute stuff. She's a complete er for anything that's cute.
→ DoubleB (beef & bacon). Who doesn't like this combo though...
→ Being "one" with nature. Be it hiking, camping, or anything as long as it involves nature.
→ Hiphop (Kanye West, Jay Z, Omarion, Wiz Khalifa, Drake, YG artists, 1llionaire, Block-B, AOMG), ballad, RnB (Rihana), pop (Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Alessia Cara), bands (FOB, P!ATD, twentyonepilots, All Time Low, MCR, AM, Maroon 5, OneRepublic, The 1975, Coldplay, Oasis), EDM (David Guetta, Avicii, Zedd)

→ Dislikes 

→ Strawberry and its dairy products. She feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever she smells dairy products of strawberries. She can eat the fruit though, she doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes her dizzy.
→ Overly nosy person. She doesn't like the idea of someone trying to poke their nose onto someone else's business too much. 
→ Chauvinistic attitude. She doesn't like when someone underestimate someone else or being overly proud of their own kind. 
→ Doing sports. All she could endure is relaxed jogs around the park. excessive use of muscles and energy in sport is a no no ; u ; 
→ Cutesy. She dislikes the idea of doing such stuff. She dislikes the idea of those who become cute in order to please opposite too. 
→ Violence (unless for self-defense) 

 Hobbies —

→ eating snacks. 
→ writing stories or drabbles, lyrics, composing songs, and listening to music. Writing and music in general. She also tends to write or listen to music to express herself or vent out and to distract her from the harsh reality.

→ plays guitar, piano, or violin. She does it in order to vent out and distract her focus from the hard truths. fml.
→ She has always been good in social science and language; psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, and philosophy; thus her hobby is observing her environments and people around her, as well trying to figure out the balance of this Circle of Life informations about people, and seek to discover what they mean. 
→ her other hobbies are photography, reading novels (fantasies, fairytales, enthralling fictions, sliceoflife stories, classic books especially those written by Shakespeare, Dickens, Hemingway, Austen, and Fitzgerald), watching movies and sports (specially baseball, football, and basketball), and jogging around the park.

 Habits —

→ tends to clap her hands like a retarded seal whenever she laughs hard. 
→ sleeps anywhere and anytime she can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. She tends to fall asleep very easily if she really has nothing to do. 
→ she always looks into the other party's eyes as they're engaged in a conversation. Real eyes realizes real lies cuz.
→ cuss or talk in a very fast pace in English whenever she's badly pissed. 
→ purses her lips whenever she's thinking of an answer to a difficult question. 
→ lots of skinships. She will not hesitate to pat your for doing a good job.
→ applies lipstick/liptint before going out and always brings a bag with her wherever she goes.

 Fun Facts —

→ she is now focusing on her career with Camellia and on finishing her fourth book which she has scheduled to release in fall 2016.
→ she graduated from Seoul Institutes of the Arts, Bachelor Degree of Creative Writing in four years in fall 2008. She then attended SNU, Master Degree of Fine Arts and graduated in fall 2011.
→ Up to now, she has released three books, "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" (the only English book), "Please Look After Mom" in spring 2009, and "The Interpreter" in winter 2014.
→ her nom de plume is "B.K. Jude".
→ her catchphrases are:

> *when she's shocked* "w-t-f" (she spells it in English) 
> "No beep, Sherlock" 
> sarcastically / nicely good luck tryna figure it out: "Live long and prosper, dear."

→ she was named after a bit of both the book "Jude the Obscure" and the Beatles song "Hey Jude". Thanks to his father's love to Beatles and her mother's love to classic books. 
→ Her parents sent her to taekwondo and judo classes when she was still in Belfast and earned her blue belt in 1999, then in Korea, she continued the courses at school and eventually earned her 3rd degree of black belt in 2006.
→ the things inside her bag: first-aid kit, plastic bags, few pieces of tampons, a small notesbook, two pens, refillable water bottle, wallet (though most of the times she brings it in her pocket), an iPod and earphone, an umbrella, portable battery pack for her phone & iPod, a package of dry tissue and wet tissue, 7 bars of energy-boosting snacks, a bag of chips, two buns of bread, two boxes of pocky sticks. 
→ she can't swim for sh*t, bye.
→ she is actually an agnostic. She believes she has to do good, and her life motto is "love + peace = happiness". 
→ her favourite TV shows are Running Man and MBC Infinity Challenge; series are Sherlock Holmes, Game of Thrones, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Prison Break, Castle, Battle Creek, NCIS, and Grey's Anatomy. 

Fam. Her relationship with her parents are quite distant as she finds it hard to open up to her parents so.. her parents constantly check on her though, she just doesn't feel like telling her parents about everything. But I'm going to put it here since she's actually a family-oriented person. Her father's age is 52, occupation an English lecturer; her mother's age is 49, occupation a highschool teacher.
HOW DID WE GET HERE she met Yeojin early in the year when she immigrated to South Korea with her parents. Yeojin's house was right in front of hers so it was natural for her family to visit her house and introduced themselves as the new neighbors. Then in high school, she met Eunseong. As weird as it might sound, she thought it would be awesome to make music with the two since they literally had the same passion in art in general, music specifically. Despite the differences in personalities, they get along really well through music.
LIFE WITH THE GIRLS well, as someone who's pacifistic and always sees the good in everything and everyone, it's not hard for Jude to get in each of the girl's good side. She also poses as the mediator for everyone since she has the best understanding of each of their personalities. She is concerned about the girls' wholebeing and finds herself taking care of the others, but refuses to be referred as "The Umma" as she sometimes can be as weird as everyone are. When someone blurted out that all of them should just go on a tour, she excitedly agreed to the idea. She just loves the idea of being a wanderer, especially when she's accompanied by music and her valued friends whom she considers as family already.
EXPERIENCE has learned and played guitar since age 7.
WHO I AM she is probably the one who controls things, if not the second-in-command, as she possess the competitive and perfectionist trait. She works well with the manager; she always checks stuff up and makes sure everything and everyone is safe and sound and healthy. She is also the one who oftenly becomes the mediator if ever the other girls fight or something.
ETHICS she is the flexible but perfectionist one. When the others are joking, she laughs along, when the others are taking it easy, she does too, but she never slacks off and always tries harder than everyone else. She likes it when everyone is having fun... as long as everyone doesn't mess with the music and the lyrics. She will most probably become a control freak and strict when the ambience is not conducive anymore.
LOVE INTEREST Song Minho (송민호)
PERSONALITY assertive, humble, bold, emotional, determined, amiable, goofy, stubborn, expressive, thoughtful, generous, slightly childish, considerate, corteous, family-oriented. Minho is actually very grown-up. He’s mature despite his vibe which screams "I don't care and I live the way I want as long as I'm happy". Maybe it’s because he’s had a lot of practical experience but whenever he goes somewhere, he actually doesn’t seem like a mere reckless young man. He’s able to compromise and mingle with anyone from any generation. But he's still has that expressive and animated trait in him, “huge bundle of fun” in a nutshell. He is always thankful of everything that has happened to him or that he has now, and has a strong sense of justice. He is also always thoughtful towards his surroundings.
Present. They talk to each other a whole lot, be it through chat or phone call (and even video call). They have long night conversation over the phone at least once in a week, and they send at least one text per day to each other. He always tells her about his day, and he always texts her whenever he finds something hilarious / is experiencing something exciting, and vice versa.
Future. Her members and his friends (even when both her and him don't want anyone to know) know about their affair, but nobody ever speaks anything about it for they know it was best for both. Both of them agree to keep it platonic since they know how hard it is to maintain a long-distance relationship. They agree to stay committed to each other as they don't get tangled romantically with others.
LOVE STORY "she finds love in Chungcheong"
1. As both are avid lovers of nature, they met when they went hiking to Songnisan National Park (Boeun-gun, North Chungcheong). Well, actually, before reaching the mountain. Since she technically 'hitchhiked' in his (and his friends) rented camper VW Kombi. He and his friends were in business trip that time and they decided to sneak out to the mountain.
2. She got along with him and his friends well, but they instantly became the target of the teasings as they were the maknaes (he was, and he was the only single man there).
3. He watched over her throughout the trip and by the end of the hiking, they exchanged phone numbers and messenger IDs.
4. Since then they always send pictures to each other like what they are doing, where they are going to, what they ate as breakfast, etc.
STATUS strangers > friends > flirt-birds > casual relationship > platonic but committed.
ENDING "go on, make my day." I love surprises <3
replace with icon of your love interest, 120x120.
COMMENTS I'm crying I think I've overdone it fml I'm so sorry if it came out too long. OTL.
QUESTIONS have you two passed the exam period yet because screams Santa is coming to town with piles of papers I needa work on- weeps.
> Do I need to add in his birthday or not...? (anyway, his birthday is March 30, 1988)
> Why do boy groups sing meaningful songs while girl groups are (mostly) busy being cute and in love? (refers to my suggestion tbh)
CONCERNS doe my only concern rn is exam and the fact that it's global warming yet I can't swim for sh*t what if the flood comes... sighs. Other than that I'm pretty chill. I thank you guys for making this story <3
SUGGESTIONS Actually I imagined Camellia as a band which has songs with meaningful and inspiring lyrics. Songs which can help those who are suffering from depression, or those who are having problem believing themselves... Like 2NE1's Ugly, All Time Low's Missing You (female acoustic cover), Rachel Platten's Fight Song (it's the band cover and the vocalist looks like Junhoe pmsl), Epik High's songs are mostly inspirational, SNSD's Into The New World, and by Team B. But then again............ they are boy groups so...
1. Scene of being the mediator / control freak in the group, perhaps?
2. Scene where she and Mino is facetiming and the girls interfene / tease them?
3. Fighting <3
PASSWORD Sandara Park / Dara. (each word has its own link tbh)


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the only thing i have to say is you should fix the top of your app lol
that gray box should've been deleted