Help me [For reals this time]

Like how do I not be an overly shy and introverted person that's too afraid to talk to people?

It freaking not being able to get close with anyone. Like I thought I could deal with it and get over it but nothing has changed and it's kind of getting to me.

It just gets really lonely and it makes me sad and having all the free time in the world isn't help me.

It doesn't help that my whole family are taking break from work and are going out and doing fun stuff and I'm here home alone for like 7 hours because I can't deal with leaving the house

I have zero social life as in I haven't left the house in days and I have no friends that I talk to on social media. Like I literally talk to one person on facebook who is always working so I choose not to bother.


Like it's so annoying when I tell people how stressful it is being such a lonely, shy introverted human being with 0 skills in anything because people always tell me 'yeah i feel you, me too' and i'm just like no you are fine I can see you do things that i really really am not able to. Like look at me I get lonely but and kind of human interaction socialization is freaking exhausting.


Like does anyone else get really sad without cause and then you get really, really sad and then you can't not be sad but then it doesn't even matter anymore because your brain starts thinking about everything that makes your life because- yeah same. Is it okay to cry in the dark? UGHHH

Nevermind me. I just feel so low right now.




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pinkiepromise #1
i can totally relate... but honestly, this is a trait of ourselves that we just have to learn to get used to. I found that when I am by myself I learn so much about me and I have become so comfortable of my insecurities that I learned to love myself even more. It does when we feel lonely and that we want someone special to be there beside us and comfort us when we are feeling down, but we shouldn't seek that companionship just to fill the void in our lives. sometimes, you can be your own best friend. also, it is okay to be shy and timid, we don't all have to be social butterflies and there is nothing wrong with making online friends. my only friends are role play friends who are half way around the world from me, but even so i don't mind small casual talks, and even then when you get so attached to these people they understand your feelings and hardships too. it's also comfortable to tell them your feelings and complications as well, plus their insight can be uplifting. don't put yourself down and don't feel sad either, there are many people who can relate to you and i am sure they are all willing to give you an ear or shoulder whenever you need it. don't keep your feelings to yourself, even if we are all strangers here on aff, we are all people with feelings and compassion too. we are all here to listen. keep your spirits up and don't lose hope. i hope you have a wonderful day and smile.
im also shy and awkward but even if we cant talk face to face u could pm if it will make u feel better
toukyo #3
for me, venting out like this helps. i have a journal where i vent out all my frustrations in a somewhat poetic and profound way. when people are sad or lonely or angry, they tend to be more profound with words. but for me, writing it out helps because you're letting these feelings out of your system. so you should give that a try.

but, i don't recommend re-reading what you wrote unless you're in a good state or way ahead in the future. no actually, do not re-read what you wrote when you are feeling down because it might make you feel worse. i'm sorry to say that.

but for me, people feel lonely because like the saying goes "the grass is greener on the other side".
because of all the social media that surrounds you, you are constantly fed with the lives of other people, like what they are eating on snapchat, who they're with, or maybe, where they ask your friends tons of questions while you get none, same goes for instagram. this pretty much sums it up:
social media = destruction

it is not to say that all social media is bad, but you should not cling onto it too much and actually enjoy going outside. i have social media but i don't use it often, because i have my family to have fun with or friends to talk to. sometimes i feel lonely and sad because my friends have more friends than i do. but that's just the way it is, because we all have different personalities. you can try to change your personality, to open yourself more to people, or you could stay as yourself and be happy, feed yourself with positivity, not negativity. either choice is fine.

i hope you can take what i said into consideration and i hope for the best :)
I know how you feel, and this is like real talk okay.
I can never ever talk to people and be close to them! My friend says she's awkward too but she has friends wherever she goes like???
And honestly, I wouldn't think you're actually introverted and shy. You're like always out somewhere on Snapchat!

But like, for me, what I do is I try to talk to them and find their interests or something about them and just keep asking questions. Like this time I met this girl at a Filipino club meeting for university and I remembered her from my Korean class and so I asked her if she listens to KPOP and what group she likes and I just told her who I like from that group and kept asking her questions. I'm comfortable talking to her now but we're still not as close as I'd like us to be but-- I guess I'm just taking it slow!
I'm not just saying I feel you, same, bc of just-
My mom wants to have me married early, like her, she was 21 and idk mom you actly know the guy needs to like you back
And I'm also kind of no one's best friend, so I don't have someone telling me, let's hang out, unless it's partying, with more than idk 5 ppl where someone just says well she's in our clique and I told my mom every time I'm about to leave the house for a birthday I get terrible stomach ache.

I literally have stage-fright (well that would be meet-fright then), after a few hours it goes away, or when I smoke, what I shouldn't do tho......I still do it.
But really I feel you, usually you're on whatsapp like, every hour (don't judge, I used to be too) but then I noticed that all the ppl I know are leaving and my kind of best friend is gonna leave the coNTINENT
it all kind of started about two-three months ago (heavily) with a content we dealt with in English class, it's a long story, so it doesn't matter
What I'm saying is

I feel you, I really really do, bc I cry every night over....nothing, and I rly don't know, it just gets to me all at once
I'm also close to crying every time there's sth emotional on tv I have NEVER been like that, that's a first D:
Maybe you can slowly start by interacting with your family and try join in their activities?
eightaenine #7
I just rant this to God the other night and I cried ////sigh//// Being someone who is lonely, super shy and an introvert is depressing... :c