aimashou. tilda. 8-10.
full name. sachiyo yamaguchi / 幸代 山 /  사치요 야마구찌
◎ chiyo; everyone; it is easier to say and shorter.
◎ sachie / chichi; kyori. jiyoon, jaehoon; cuter, shorter and is a pet name.
◎ kimchi; jaehoon, sayako; because it fits with her name and was one of the foods she first adapted to eating in korea minus ramen.

birthday. 240796 + 20 [korean age], 19 [international age]
birthplace & hometown. shichigahama, japan + seoul, korea [4 years]
nationality. japanese
◎ japanese; fluent; her mother tongue.
◎ korean; intermediate; by present day, sachiyo is great at korean and her vocabulary and grammer is up to standard. she can keep up with a rapid conversation and understand it thoroughly. though she tends to have mistakes here and there.
◎ vietnamese; under basic; sachiyo can only read and say phrases in vietnamese, but she can't translate it. so the problem is, sachiyo can only read and say it but not understand what it means. 
faceclaim. minatozaki sana [twice member]
backup fc. kim dohee [ulzzang]
extras. everything is alike except for a few things. sachiyo has two scars; one on the left side of her right foot that is approximately two centimetres from having a piece of glass stuck in side of her foot and one on her collarbone. the one on her collarbone is less serious than the one on her foot as the cut was much more lighter but it is on the left side of her collarbone. (i can't explain it so i drew this in the middle of the night with legit no light except from the screen, i ruined my sana sketch but whatever it was bad. here, its that weird line on her collarbone.)
fashion. overall styling tip! sachiyo often covers up her collarbone because of her long scar. except for practices, where they are in a private space. afterwards she'll wear a jacket to cover it.
◎ casual x. x. x.
◎ practice x. x. x.
◎ formal x. x. x.
◎ airport x. x. x.
personality traits. 
positive  ◎ conscientious, tolerant, empathetic, humble
negative ◎ dependent, sensitive, emotional, submissive
◎ sayako is the go-to-person if you need any help with anything; from boy troubles to homework, she'll be the one that can help you and make you benefit from it. she understands problems and emotions well and will think more of others than herself. and although some people have their own opions, sachiyo won't judge them for it. in her family, they say that they have a similar trait that they all have; and its a hard-working type of trait.

she is pretty easy to approach, but is overall hard to know her as a friend. 

◎ moving onto her negative traits; sayako is completely dependent. she had been so used to someone leading her that she never actually had grown into that stage of becoming independent. you could say she is a goody-two shoes, but it's actually because sayako doesn't want anymore trouble for anyone so she tries to prevent a situation before it gets any bigger. sayako can also get very emotional easily and is sensitive to her past and anything of the sorts; including harsh comments and critisism.
background & lifestyle. 
◎ it all started in 1996, when a married couple with a five year old daughter came into the small town of shichigahama. there, sachiyo was born. she lived a fairly easy life when growing up in the small water-front town. she and her sister used to go with their father while fishing and even ride their bikes around the whole town when they weren't tired. she attended the local schools there. unfortunately in 2011, shichigahama suffered a tragic incident. the town had received an earthquake and a tsunami. sachiyo remembers that day clearly, when she and her family shook in her under the dining table. by that time, her sister had moved to korea for a law scholarship and sachiyo was 15. though her town was not as badly hit by the earthquake and tsunami, the fright was evident. during the tsunami, as the yamaguchi family rushed to safety, sachiyo was separated from her parents. it was only then in an evacuation centre that she was told that her parents were both found dead in the town. a few months later, she moved to korea to live with her sister.

◎  when she arrived in korea, sachiyo didn't understand a thing. it took her a while to adjust to large and subtle changes alike. though she kept quiet throughout most of her time through the first few months. nothing could be the same after the incident. sayako, her sister, noticed that brought up one of their hobbies they used to enjoy before she left japan; dancing. sachiyo used to dance in a secluded area in a park whenever she needed to have time to herself or when she was bored. it was until one day that someone had spotted her dancing. it turned out that person was a bighit scout representative (this is from the teaser?) and scouted them. sachiyo followed the woman's instructions and went to the bighit auditions, successfully passing and signing a contract to the company. 

◎ sayako often spends her day inside the apartment she and her sister (+ brother-in-law) live in; reading her favourite books, napping, listening to music and playing with her kittens. she'll go to the park and dance at times around one to three if it's not raining. usually in the morning, she'll go to the cafe with one of her books and order tea before starting to read. every tuesday nights, sayako, sachiyo and jaehoon would go out and eat jjajangmyeon together.

◎  sister | jung sayako | 24 | japanese language teacher 
sayako is sachiyo's older sister by five years. the two live together and along with her husband of four years, take care of sachiyo when she is not training at the company. sachiyo and sayako share a very close bond ever since their parents had left them orphaned and jaehoon had often remarked as a joke that he felt like he was watching lilo and stitch all over again.
◎  brother-in-law | jung jaehoon | 27 | security guard
jaehoon is sayako's husband and he loves the sisters with all his heart and wouldn't want to do anything to hurt the sisters, even if it meant losing his pride by doing silly girl sleep overs. in one sentence to describe jaehoon, "looks like he could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon bun"
◎  friends | moon kyori | 19 | bighit trainee 
they entered bighit the same time and are the same age (mate i just realised they have the same birthday but whatever). they instantly clicked. the two often had classes in the company together but kyori would be the more out-going one between the two while sachiyo would watch over her. 
schoolmates | na jiyoon | 18 | bighit trainee
sachiyo and jiyoon first met at highschool and was what jiyoon called a 'kohai and senpai' relationship. which irked sachiyo a bit but she didn't make a big fuss. either way, when they met again in the bighit company building, sachiyo was surprised but was delighted to find someone she knew later and helped jiyoon adapt to training at bighit.
◎ 'father' figure | bang 'bang pd' shihyuk | ?? | bighit ceo
bang pd is like sachiyo's father figure as she trains in the company. he's one of the people she goes to when she has a hard time doing things while training and he quickly solves her problems. 
◎ fears; sachiyo is scared of drowning, creepy crawlies and horror genres. 
◎dancing; sachiyo used to dance in her childhood but quit and started dancing again when she entered south korea.
◎ favourite drinks; water, green tea and juice
◎ favourite foods; salty egg ramen, kimchi, jjajangmyeon, potato salad
◎ kittens; she owns two kittens named chizu and another named hamu.
◎anime; this japanese girl loves all anime, except for horror because horror anime is over the top scary af. it was her childhood and something she will keep on watching in her spare time.
◎ bikes; sachiyo loves riding her bike in her free time.
◎ voice; her voice is soft and more suited to ballads and r&b music.
◎ music; sachiyo loves the openings of anime shows and can never skip it.
◎ choreography; she learns any choreography quite easily.
◎habits; bowing her head when sad, balling her fists when nervous, covering her face (with anything) when surprised, kicking herself when angry, hands over each other when bored.
◎hobbies; sachiyo loves reading, napping (there is a difference between sleeping) and riding her bike.
◎idols; unlike other girls, sachiyo doesn't keep up with the latest news. one time she was chatting with bang pd and he spoke about how bts was a success and she said, 'bangtan sonyeon-who? no really, who?"
◎ eggs; she's in love with gudetama and has a gudetama jumper
◎ meanings; her name translates to 'happy generation' and her last name 'mountain opening'
stage name. chiyo; simply because of bang pd's mistake of calling sachiyo 'chiyo' for three years straight. when he was discussing the stage names for upcoming group members, he was embarrased and mumbled to sachiyo, 'let's keep it short, okay? chiyo it is.'  + also, the full korean spelling for the sachiyo is complicated.
position. visuals, lead dance
training years. 3 years
trainee life. 
◎ sachiyo had a pretty good time in bighit entertainment. when she came into the training program, she met many people the same age as her and she was well aquainted with almost everyone in her classes. 
◎ the japanese girl has a bond with bang pd. he would often go around and check the trainees and once he heard about sachiyo's recent history, he came to her and created a similar bond that a daughter and father would have. though the whole time, bang pd thought her name was chiyo yamagu for three years. 

comments. if you'd like for me to change the d.o.b, i can :)
scene requests. 
◎ choo gets overworked by bighit staff and knetz take the matter into their own hands; a scandal arises with the working habits of the staff taking care of choo.
◎ sachiyo breaks down as someone mentions the tsunami that changed sachiyo's life and they didn't say the topic in a nice tone.
◎ during a fanmeeting, fans give sachiyo gudetama dolls and plushies.
◎ going on running man, weekly idol or even having an onstyle show.

password. ikanaide or even rising hope 
(note. i put covers of the song instead of the original because in sachiyo's mind, she'd be singing these renditions or thinking of them while she sings.)


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