❝ Bae Yonghee as The Mommy ❞


Oh you adorable thing, let me love and pamper you. 
Knock! Knock! Who's there?
Name — Jude Bae Yonghee (English name: Jude Karaugh)
Yongie, Byong, JB, JK - diminutives of her name.
Yok-hee umma - she has the habit to cuss or talk in a very fast pace in English whenever she's badly pissed, but she has the image of a nagging mother nevertheless. "Yok" is "cuss" in Korean. Her close friends often about this nickname.
Strawberry - she's weirdly allergic to strawberry, which is why her close friends started calling her 'strawberry' to .
Master Yongda - a pun of Master Yoda. She earned the nickname because most of her friends say she's a young woman who is full of wisdom.
Birthday & Age — 12 February 1992 (23)
Occupation — Writer, Author, Screenwriter, Director
Ethnicity — Korean-Irish
Faceclaim — Park Shinhye
Back-upLee Sungkyung (Model of YGK+)
Appearance — she stands 174cm tall and weighs approximately 52kg. Her eyes are naturally hazel in color but she wears lenses to look more Korean, her natural hair color is golden brown, she also has small tattoos on each side of her hip: on her right is her parents' birthday date and initials 'RKVIIBJI' and 'aere perennius' on her left ('aere perennius' means 'more lasting than bronze'; bronze is strong and durable, just like their relationship is.).
Style — she is very meticulous whenever it comes to fashion. Her style depends on her mood; she can look like an angel in an occasion and another occasion she looks like a personel of heavy-metal band. Most of the times she'll choose the sporty/boyish looks. She can never go out without applying lipstick or liptint, and wearing her favorite Chrome Hearts accessories though. Oh, she can't go out without having a bag/backpack attached to her as well. Casual 1 2 3 4 | Home 1 2 | Formal 1 2
Spirit, Body and Soul
Personality — 
{ + } altruistic, adaptable, compassionate, sincere, creative
{ o } family-oriented, independent, laid-back, down-to-earth, private, spontaneous
{ - } 
competitive, perfectionist, disorganized, easily bored, idealist
“Listen to many people, but talk to few; love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Generally thoughtful and considerate, she is a good listener and put people at ease as she has a very deep well of caring and is genuinely interested in understanding people. This sincerity is sensed by others, making her a valued friend and confidante. With all that being said, she does have principles that make her incapable to fully invest her trust to anyone, but she treats everyone, even those she “doesn't like”, with modest professionalism and genuine respect; thus she is on good terms with almost everyone she has met or talked with. She's one of very few who says "I'm gonna be here if you need me" and actually means it, even when the latter is not her close friend. Nevertheless, due to her trust issue, she only really opens up to those who are really close with her.
“Why do you always have to look at the brightside?” “Someone has to.” As a young lady, it’s quite unusual to have such focus on making the world a better place for people, but she does. Her goal is to find out her meaning in life. She always thinks about what her purpose in life is and how she could best serve humanity. She is highly intuitive about people and is driven to help people and make the world a better place. Thus she has the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything. Even for the most unlovable, she is wont to have pity. She conceives of the world as an ethical, honorable place, full of wondrous possibilities and potential goods. Her commitment to the positive and the good is almost boundless and selfless, inspiring her to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something she believes in. As she doesn’t like conflict, she tends to go to great lengths to avoid it, though if she must face it, she will place little importance on who is right and who is wrong and focus on the way to solve the conflict instead.
“...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” She is well-described as an “earthy free-spirit,” both in appearance and lifestyle. She is down-to-earth and is a big lover of nature, as she takes to the trails, mountains, and wilderness in hopes of passionately connecting with what she sees as the essence of life. As she is also a charming individual who has a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty, she is able to show her creativity in tangible ways with stunning beauty and grace. She has a gift for interpreting stories, as well as for creating them, and thus often writes in lyric, poetic fashion. However, sometimes she comes out as something of a “bohemian”. Be it looking as if she’s too insouciant with her belongings, or too carefree for her own sake.
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” As she is often seen living in her own world and doing things in her own pace and regulation, she is actually deemed pretty flexible and laid-back; until one of her values or goals is violated. She is an idealist and perfectionist competitor, who drives herself hard in her quest for achieving the goals she has identified for herself. At times, she has problems working on a project in a group, because her standards are likely to be higher than other members' of the group, and sometimes she becomes too naggy and controlling in order to meet her own standards. Also, in the face of her value system being threatened, she can become aggressive defenders, fighting passionately for her cause. Part of it is because the competitiveness that grows naturally in her as she continuously thrives to do better than she did before. Consequently, she is usually hard on herself, and doesn't give herself enough credit.
“Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?" She is adaptable, always welcome to new ideas and new information, is patient with complicated situations, but impatient with routine details. Focusing on the here and now, she lives life to the fullest, cherishing the present moment and enjoying her surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. She is flexible and spontaneous, and like to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, she thinks about the present and about who she is now. With this, when it comes to the mundane details of life maintenance, she is typically completely unaware of such things. She might go for long periods without noticing a stain on the carpet, but carefully and meticulously brush a speck of dust off of her project booklet. She also has tendency to actively avoid planning for the future due to her nature of being easily bored of doing the same routines over and over again. Oftenly enough, she momentarily “abandons” what seems to be an endless routine to seek for something else that can pique her interest and vigor again.
Likes — 
→ solitude.
→ pocky sticks.
→ cute stuff.
→ DoubleB (beef & bacon).
→ (Collects:) Chrome Hearts accessories, Adidas shoes, Chanel shades, and albums of her favorite musicians (Beyoncé, Jay Z, Wiz Khalifa, Rihanna, Omarion, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, FOB, P!ATD, twentyonepilots, the 1975, Maroon5, All Time Low, Justin Bieber, Drake, Bigbang, 2ne1, Epik High, Zion-T, MFBTY, AOMG, 1llionaire)
→ Strawberry and its dairy products.
→ Overly nosy person.
→ Colour pink.
→ Chauvinistic attitude.
→ Doing sports. (except jogging and air sports).
→ Cutesy.
→ Violence (unless for self-defense)
→ Flying in aircrafts. Because it means she hands her life to someone else (the pilot ofc).
→ writing blogs or drabbles. Writing in general. She also tends to write to vent out and to distract her from the harsh reality.
→ archery and shooting. She does them in order to vent out.
→ psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, and philosophy; thus her hobby is observing her environments and people around her. 
→ her other hobbies are photography, reading novels (classic books, especially those written by Shakespeare, Dickens, Hemingway, Austen, and Fitzgerald), watching movies and sports (specially baseball, football, and basketball), and jogging around the park.
→ tends to clap her hands whenever she laughs hard. 
→ sleeps anywhere and anytime she can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. she tends to fall asleep very easily if she really has nothing to do. 
→ she always writes story while listening to music or TV. Yes. Listening to TV.
→ she tends to shut down whenever she's upset and spends her time alone (because she strongly refuses to let anyone sees her 'weakness') to vent out (most likely to cry alone).
→ cuss or talk in a very fast pace in English whenever she's badly pissed.
→ lots of skinships.
→ always brings an umbrella and first aid kit in her bag.
Fears — drowning; being a disappointment for her family
Fun Facts
→ her nom de plume is "K.B. Jude". She always writes her stories in English.
→ with the money she had earned, she bought a house for her grandparents and parents to live in Seongbuk-dong in December 2013. She also bought a condo in Hongdae after the release of her movie.
→ her catchphrases are:
> *when she's shocked* "w-t-f" (she spells it in English)
> "no beep, sherlock"
> "oh you adorable thing, let me love and pamper you."
→ She was named after a bit of both the book "Jude the Obscure" and the Beatles song "Hey Jude". Thanks to his father's love to Beatles and her mother's love to classic books.
→ she is often mistaken as a flirt because she can easily mingle with boys without feeling awkward at all. when asked what's the trick to be that easygoing, she only answered with "i grew up with boys and i don't catch feelings so easily, i think of everyone as a possible friend instead of a possible lover. so probably that's that". in actuality, many have confessed to her and got rejected, but remains good friends with her.
→ she went to taekwondo classes when she was still in Belfast and earned her 4th rank black belt in 2004.
→ she feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever she smells dairy products of strawberries. She can eat the fruit though, she doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes her dizzy.
→ her perfume signature is Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel.
→ she loves Italian and Japanese foods, but she always consumes Chinese take-outs in emergency situations. She can cook any kind of pasta though.
→ her role models are Beyonce and Oprah, but her spirit animal is Rihanna.
→ her SNS accounts (twitter & instagram) have the same username: BYBJ212
→ her favourite lipsticks are Bobbi Brown's and MAC's matte colours.
→ she can't swim for , but she loves the idea of flying (except flying in aircraft). In fact, she enjoys air sports.
→ she is actually an agnostic. She believes she has to do good, and her life motto is "love + peace = happiness"
→ her favourite colors are black, gold, and red.
→ her favourite TV series are Sherlock Holmes, Game of Thrones, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Prison Break, Castle, Battle Creek, NCIS, and Grey's Anatomy.
→ during the production of her book into movie, she didn't have to stay in the US because she handed the whole production to the film crew, including the screenplay, just like how GRR Martin handed the whole production to the Game of Thrones crew. Anyway, she did fly to the US for a week to explain everything to the film crew just so they can understand the story fully to interpret it into a movie. In cinematography term, the crew has "bought" the copyright of her book.
Nature's Growth and Surrounding
History — 
— Her family. Her parents are Bae Joohyun, UK Vogue Editor-in-chief and Riley Karaugh, a jazz musician who's quite reckoned worldwide. Her family is kinda wealthy, and they manage to live 'on easy street', even when the situation amongst her parents' siblings are not in a really good term. In spite of the uncomfortable circumstances in her big family, where even brothers and sisters betray each other and will do anything for money, her family was alright. She grew up into a boyish girl too for she experienced minor violence and harsh insults from her parents, and she used to have more male than female friends. Her parents made sure that she grew up strong but still graceful like a lady.  
— Her immigration and education. As she was a bright kid (she didn't go to kindergarten and went straight to elementary), she took courses for foreign languages (Mandarin and French) since she was 6. She attended St. Joseph's Primary School. At age twelve right after she graduated primary school (August 2004), she and her family immigrated to Gwangju due to her grandparents' request (at that time, her grandfather told them that grandmom was pronounced to be having a low-stage skin cancer). All the three years being a senior highschooler, she has written 12 titles of short stories and 5 titles of long stories which she uploaded into Wattpad and international Fanfiction sites, as well submitted to and won various international writing competition. She graduated in June 2010 with noticeably high scores especially in literature, Math, and social science. 
— Her first book and movie. By the end of her third year in high school, she sent a draft of her self-written book entitled "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" (P.S. Yes, it's Stephen Chbosky's) to MTV Books. It was finally published by MTV Books in January 2011, and was an immediate popular success with teenage readers; by 2012, the novel was MTV Books' best-selling title, and The New York Times noted in spring 2013 that it had sold more than 700,000 copies and "is passed from adolescent to adolescent like a hot potato". As of May 2014, the number of copies in print reached over two million. The book has been removed from circulation in several schools and appeared on the American Library Association's 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 lists of the 10 most frequently challenged books. Her book eventually was made into a Hollywood film and was released on September 21, 2014, to positive critical response and commercial success, earning $33.4 million to a budget of $13 million. As of July 2015, The Perks of Being a Wallflower has spent over a year on the New York Times Bestseller list, and is published in 31 languages. (Cr: Wikipedia with small changes on years; because I use Stephen Chbosky's book as my character's book)
Current Life
August 2010 - present. With her parents and grandparent's permission, she moved to Seoul. Her parents bought a small apartment in Hongdae for her and she lives alone in Seoul up till now (she is currently living in a condo in Hongdae). She attended Seoul Institutes of the Arts, and took Creative Writing major. Due to her confidence after releasing a phenomenal book, she tried to connect with a film producer and eventually got the screenwriter's spot. She has worked as the screenwriter of these movies: Dogani (2011), A Werewolf Boy (2012), Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2013), and a drama "It's Okay That's Love" (2014). She was actively involved in the drama making as she posed as the second director. Due to her excessive spending of time on work in the drama making and The Perks of Being a Wallflower's movie, she inevitably took a full year leave from University and finally graduated in September 2015. She is now working on a drama "Dear My Friends" which is scheduled to air in May 2016.
→ Father "Dad": Riley Karaugh || 50 || Professional jazz musician || They barely talk to each other about how their days went, but they deeply care for each other. The two share the same trait of not capable to speak out their feelings. Yonghee respects her father so much. She is a goody-two-shoes and obedient when it comes to her father.
→ Mother "Mom": Bae Joohyun || 46 || Formerly Vogue UK Editor-in-chief; Currently a florist and freelance writer for Vogue Korea || They barely talk to each other too, but her mother always asks about her day which she responds with short answers each time because she doesn't like the idea of making her parents worried of her. Besides, she thinks that she will not meet her mother's expectations when she spills out the truth.
// notes: she spends more time at her grandparents' house instead of her own. Her relationship with her grandparents are a lot closer than hers with her parents. In general, she can't hide her sadness/sorrow/pain from her grandparents.
→ Grandma "Ma": Bae Sandara || 64 || Florist || An advocate for tranquility, she is a humble and altruistic soul. Deeply moved by the sorrows she sees around her, she is empathetic to other people's strifes and desires to impart hope to them. Yonghee loves her Ma very much and she often asks to be pampered. She acts so babylike and touchy to her Ma. She does a lot of cute things too whenever she's with her. Though, most of the times her Ma will be the target of her pranks alongside her Pa.
→ Grandpa "Pa": Bae Jiyong || 65 || Military veteran || He is normally polite and modest to anyone he meets. Empathetic with almost everyone he encounters with, he easily gains the people's trust and support. Insung and Yonghee's relationship are more like siblings most of the times. Yonghee and her Pa are the partner-in-crime to prank or tease Ma. They often spend time together watching sports and comedy shows on TV, or even discuss stuff while watching news.
Others — 
→ Bestie "Anjehoon": Ahn Jaehyun || 21 || Model of YGK+, Actor || Goofy, kind, caring, bold, open-minded, courteous, charismatic, assertive, selfless, determined, excitable, clumsy, impulsive || They are childhood friends as his house was next to her grandparents', and currently he lives in Seoul too. Jaehyun and Yonghee are like the twins who seem to stick to each other almost all the time. Aside that Jaehyun is one of the only capable ones to know Yonghee's moods from her eyes, they are also partner-in-crimes. They do silly things together. Most of the times he receives a whole lot of affection (in form of advices, skinships, and naggings) from her. She sees him as a very trustworthy company, while he sees her as a very valuable friend. Jaehyun knows every single thing about Yonghee since Yonghee always makes sure to keep him updated about things, including the ones which can't be spoken to her parents. Trivia: he didn't go to college and moved to Seoul in 2009.
→ Bestie "Wooppa": Kim Woobin || 24 || Model of YGK+, fashion blogger || Witty, creative, wise, diligent, temperamental, impatient, determined, cool, family-oriented, fatherly, caring, responsible, reliable, trustworthy, humorous, skeptical || He was a senior in highschool who confessed to her but got rejected. Woobin can tell whether Yonghee is in good or bad condition only from looking at her eyes. Being older by one year, Woobin always keeps an eye on Yonghee, scolds her whenever she does something wrong, and gives an advice whenever she needs one. Yonghee often acts like a brat whenever she's with him by teasing him, but deep inside she adores him much more than anything. Woobin is overly protective towards her. Woobin also knows every single thing about Yonghee since Yonghee always makes sure to keep him updated about things, including the ones which can't be spoken to her parents. Trivia: he moved to Seoul in 2009 after graduating college in only three and a half years.
Bestie The shaman's kid "Hajime": "Hajime" and Yonghee are like sisters and Yonghee personally admires "Hajime". Oftentimes, Yonghee feels like there's no age-gap between them because "Hajime" treats her like a friend and they hangout often. They tease people (their mutual friends, and even friends of each other they know little about) at times. Despite being younger by two years, Yonghee doesn't hesitate to nag "Hajime" for her mischief.
→ Bestie The mystery "Fumika": Yonghee really cares for "Fumika" and oftenly she is drawn into her even when "Fumika" doesn't talk to her at all. Probably because "Fumika" doesn't talk nor show her feelings often that Yonghee wants to protect her and help her all the time.
→ Bestie The happy go lucky "Kyoko": "Kyoko" receives a lot of indulgence and gets pampered a lot by Yonghee due to her clumsiness and her bright personality. She's Yonghee's personal energy pill and mood booster. Yonghee often calls her as "my daughter".
→ Bestie The cocky "Yuki": Yonghee almost always facepalms and rolls her eyes because of "Yuki"s antics. In spite of this, though, Yonghee finds herself taking care of this brat and protects "Yuki" from any harms, even those that she (unintentionally) created herself.
→ Friends (from movie & dramas she had worked on): Gong Hyojin, Jo Insung, Lee Kwangsoo, Song Joongki, Park Boyoung, Kal Sowon
Unexpectedly A Beautiful Answer
Name — Lee Jongseuk (Actor)
Birthday & Age — 14 September 1991 (24)
Occupation — Interior Designer
Back-up — Jung Yonghwa (CN Blue)
Caring, intelligent, artistic, reliable, trustworthy, humble, outgoing, creative, charming, adventurous, perfectionist, earnest, quite impulsive, positive, enthusiastic, laid-back, loyal, funny, romantic.
→ He has always been an enthusiastic and brave youth, and he matures into a resolute and debonair individual with positive mind. He is known as a gentleman who likes to live freely because sometimes he seems reckless with his actions (he is deemed as quite impulsive), but is actually a reliable and kind individual. He is humble and he treats everyone, even those he doesn't like, with modest professionalism and genuine respect; thus he is on good terms with almost everyone he has met or talked with. Even sometimes some people misunderstand his intention because he takes care of people very well. 
→ Acting as though he is always frivolous with his life, he is actually faithful toward his beliefs (justice and virtue; because he is an atheist), and actually a valiant man when it comes to pursuing his goals in life. He uses creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people's hearts. He is able to show his creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty; he has a way of visualizing things that resonates with his audience. However, he can be very strict, as he cannot forgive betrayals or excessive ineptitudes easily due to his keenness to perfection. He is also devoted and tenderly attached to his love interest when he has one. A charming and trustworthy man overall.
Background — His father is a fireman while her mother is a highschool teacher. He is an American-born Korean who immigrated with his family from Palo Alto, CA to Ulsan at age 6. Being a kid with creative and artistic mind, he took particular interest in drawing and painting. Eventually he attended Ulsan Art High School and won some painting and art competitions amongst schools in Ulsan, and even South Korea. In 2009, he moved to Seoul by himself right after he graduated from high school, it was when he met Jaehyun and Woobin and live with them up till now (the two men originate from Gwangju and were pursuing the same goal, so they share an apartment in Seoul). He attended Seoul National University, Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, five year program of Bachelor Degree in Architecture; and graduated in September 2013 with " Laude" title. He is now doing his two years on-the-job training in order to get his licensure in interior designing. He has taken a part on designing Lotte Hotel Seoul alongside some of his fellow "Top Ten Final GPA in SNU's Architecture". He is now working in Baroco Construction Korea Co., Ltd. after finally getting his license in October 2015.
First meeting — They have met each other in 2011 when Yonghee came to Woobin and Jaehyun's place for the first time. (Despite being best friends for so long, Yonghee rarely visits them in their place. They usually hangout at Yonghee's place or outside). That's that. Besides, he was busy with his study and pursuing his goals so... He only came with Jaehyun and Woobin to hangout with Yonghee at most four times. She thinks that he's a decent young man and he thinks that she's a charming young woman. They'll meet again later when she asks Jaehyun / Woobin to deliver her harddisk that they borrowed to watch movies (ok she downloaded those movies; cries; she's not pirating movies) but both of them are having photoshoots so in the end they ask Jongsuk to deliver the harddisk to her place instead. When he arrives, she offers him to come in and drink a mug of hot chocolate before leaving. He agrees. She continues writing her story in her laptop while sitting on the carpet (her laptop on the couch). He sits next to her watching TV. He is about to leave but he sees her has fallen asleep with her head on the couch. He covers her with the blanket (which was there since last night because she slept on the couch last night), then her grandma and mother come all of a sudden. Both mothers think that he is her boyfriend because he is wearing a matching sweater with her (that damn sweater be either Jaehyun's or Woobin's because the Jaehyun, Woobin, and Yonghee bought matching sweaters as a friendship symbol; cries). He takes his leave, leaving both women to smile to themselves.
— Off-"stage" & their interaction in general. After Yonghee told Woobin & Jaehyun about the plan, they hold a pronto meeting at the men's apartment in order to make the two main characters get to know about each other. Woobin even requires Jongsuk to take notes of things he's going to spill about Yonghee and Jaehyun elaborates a lot of things Yonghee needs to know about Jongsuk. Ever since, Yonghee and Jongsuk talk to each other a whole lot through chat. They have long night conversation over the phone at least once in a week, and they send at least one text per day to each other. He always tells her about his day, and he always texts her whenever he finds something hilarious / is experiencing something exciting, and vice versa. But being the girl with two men bestfriends, she takes a reaaaaalllly long time before realizing that Jongsuk is not acting, at all. He does have that affection towards her. Her petname for him is "Jjong" while his petname for her is "Byong".
— On-"stage". Jongsuk has some of his clothes and stuff being 'displayed' at Yonghee's apartment just so people believes that they are living together. He always comes to her place whenever her family comes to visit. They always wear an engagement ring whenever and wherever (the rings are originally his parents' engagement rings; he brought her to his cousin's wedding party a week after they agreed to be fake couple and he told is parents he's his fiancée; he wasn't pretending, he's indeed planning to make her his fiancée. YEHET). || Whenever she's in foul mood, he will become gentle and sweet or even silly to boost her mood; she always knows whenever he's troubled and she will pinch his cheeks and say "you know i'm here with you". Apart from that, most of the times Jongsuk is the carefree-and-funny one and she nags at him a lot, which often ends with them bickering over small matters. Oftentimes, he asks her to pamper him and she becomes the one who wears the pants. He always looks at her with those pair of smitten-puppy eyes and he always links his fingers with hers whenever possible. Due to his romantic side, he is the only one who can brings out her 'cute' side other than Woobin. But then he becomes his funny-not-so-funny self and asks to be pampered again. She never complains though. She does pamper him and does a whole lot of skinships with him. She doesn't even hesitate to hug him or kiss him on the cheek for the sake of convincing people about their relationship. Despite being the romantic one, he blushes whenever she initiates the skinship. She goes to his workplace often to bring lunch for him and is often seen wearing his clothes. Their chemistry is not to be questioned about, even Woobin and Jaehyun who know about the real deal become confused as their pretense don't seem pretentious anymore.
How both got into agreement — well for the sake of love to Ma, she says yes when Ma and Mom asked her if the fiancé she's talking about is the man who just left her apartment. (Yes, they came all the way to her apartment to tell her about Ma's sickness. Her skin cancer has turned into cancer and apparently it has spread kinda badly). After all, in order to make them believe that she's not lying to them, she has to choose someone who's husband-able enough, right? After Ma and Mom left, she immediately calls Jongsuk and ask him to come back to her apartment if he was not in rush. He comes back and she tries to explain the whole situation but he stays still with face stoic of expression. He's totally against the idea of lying to her parents and grandparents, but seeing the desperation on her face, he couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh and agree to be on-board in the catastrophe ship. And after all, he holds this little crush on her. He sees this as a chance to actually get to know her and perhaps, make this little stage they're going to play to be real in the end.
Are you ready?
Nickname — Ray
Activity rate — 7.5
Comment/Question/Others — OMG I hope it's not too long and too confusing to read ; n ; I spent half of my day doing this because I really have a lot of imaginations in mind but in the end I came up with this mess- I'm sorry for any errors if there's any ; n ;
Scene Requests — if they happen to be a real deal, please make them getting tattoo of their initial on their ring finger? Just like Stephen Curry has his wife's initials tattooed on his ring finger :'>
Keyword cutey. ...sob with me.



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