Carwyn bae yonghee

imadreamer — ray — 7.5


name — Carwyn Bae Yonghee


Yongie, Byong - diminutives of her name ; made by her Korean friends.

 YB, BC - diminutives of her name, made by her friends in Belfast and US.  (P.S. "BC" for "Bae Cupid" HAHA #no)
Yok-hee - she has the habit to cuss or talk in a very fast pace in english whenever she's badly pissed. "Yok" is "cuss" in Korean. Her close Korean friends often with this nickname.
Strawberry - she's weirdly allergic to strawberry, which is why her close friends started calling her 'strawberry' to .
Master Yongda - a pun of Master Yoda. She earned the nickname because most of her friends say she's a young woman who is full of wisdom
Godly counterpart — Eros (God of Love, a.k.a Cupid)

birthday & age — February 12, 1992 (23)

birthplace — Belfast, Ireland

ethnicity — Korean-Irish

language(s) — 

→ (native) Korean, English
→ (fluent because she took courses & learned from age 7) Mandarin, French.

face claim & backup — Lee Sungkyung / Bae Suzy

me, me, and me. 

appearance — she stands 176cm tall and weighs approximately 54kg. Her eyes are naturally hazel in color, her natural hair color is golden brown, she also has small tattoos on each side of her hip: on her right is her parents' birthday date and initials 'RKVIIBJI' and 'aere perennius' on her left ('aere perennius'   means 'more lasting than bronze'; bronze is strong and durable, just like their relationship is.).

style — she is very meticulous whenever it comes to fashion. Her style depends on her mood; she can look like an angel in an occasion and another occasion she looks like a personel of heavy-metal band. Most of the times she'll choose the sporty/boyish looks. She can never go out without applying lipstick  or liptint, and wearing her favorite Chrome Hearts accessories though.



(+) : pacifistic, courteous, compassionate, curious, mischievous, witty

(o) : family-oriented, independent, easygoing, bold, observant

(-) : skeptical, unpredictable, moody, fluctuating ambition, easily bored


personality — 
(+) Pacifistic, courteous & compassionate. Business aside, she's actually a very pacifistic and caring young lady. She easily relates to others' emotions, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict. She is also sympathetic towards conflicted friends and family, and always wants to give hope for them. She does have principles that make her incapable to fully invest her trust to anyone, but she treats everyone in the same friendly, welcoming way. She's one of very few who says "i'm gonna be here if you need me" and actually means it, even when the latter is not her close friend.
(+) Curious, Mischievous & Witty.  She is not overly curious about people's business, she only gets curious of things that take place in life.  She has a lot of unexpected ideas as the outcomes of her curiosity, and she uses creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people's hearts. When she is caught up in something exciting and interesting, she can leave everything else in the dust. She is able to show her ideas in tangible ways and with beauty and grace, and sometimes mischief too.

(/) Family-oriented. For her, even when the whole world is against her, she knows that she will always have her family. She oftentimes chooses to come home to her parents rather than going to parties or hanging out with her colleagues whenever she's having a foul mood.
(/) Independent. Having been raised under the circumstance that it’s wiser to trust in no one — blood nor water, it doesn't even matter anymore nowadays; and in a hard way — she learned to rely on and only on herself. Even sometimes she finds others rely on her too, as many of her friends come to her for advices or simply to tell her about their problems. She is a mentally resilient young lady who bears the responsibility of enduring several hardships.

(/) Easygoing. Her “live and let live” attitude naturally makes her likable and popular. Her compassion towards others might be her weakness, and in actuality, many have tried to misuse this trait to bring her down. She has lost some, and has won some; she always knows when to hold 'em and knows when to fold 'em. She might appear as unforgiving, but as a matter of fact, she barely takes anything to her heart — she doesn't wear her heart on a sleeve — so for her, the past is past, though things might not be the same in second chance. Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, she thinks about the present.

(/) Bold. Her boldness makes it easy for her to achieve her goals. She takes action, so if she says she’s going to do something — you bet your , she’s going to do it. Her my-way-or-the-highway attitude and complete self-competence at times makes others feel small. Long story short, she's not someone anyone could mess with whenever it comes to business.

(/ & -) Observant and Skeptical. Due to her environment while growing up, she grew up with trust issues (note that her definition of "friend" and "family" might be slightly different than the average due to her trust-issues). She's the type who will literally listen to every side of a story and conduct the facts from her own observation before jumping into conclusions, which results to her being the most objective, rational, and neutral person in so many occasions. She also has strong intuition so ofttimes her hunches turn out to be right, especially about people's feelings. Though in one too many occasions, she blurts out several skeptical and sardonic statements toward people who sound like they're bluffing too much.  

(-) Moody & unpredictable. "An uptight alpha female" and "subtle " are the most said sentences when you ask a colleague about Carwyn; however it wouldn't be the same as the words you'll hear about Yonghee. She tends to bottle up her deepest feelings because she refuses to show her 'weakness' to others, but at times she will shut down completely and will disappear from any radars as she lock herself up to vent out alone.

(-) Fluctuating ambition & Easily bored. She finds it hard to do the same routines over and over again without feeling bored, so she tends to do something crazy or unusual every once in a while to stop her from going awfully bored. She also actually has problem adjusting herself into long-term commitments and plans. She has the tendency to actively avoid planning for the future, which causes strain in her romantic relationships and financial hardship in some occasions.


likes — 

→ solitude.
→ pocky sticks.
→ cute stuff.
→ doubleb (beef & bacon).
→ (Collects:) Chrome Hearts accessories, Adidas shoes, Chanel shades, and albums of her favorite musicians (Beyoncé, Jay Z, Wiz Khalifa, Rihanna, Omarion, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, FOB, P!ATD, twentyonepilots, the 1975, Maroon5, All Time Low, Justin Bieber, Drake, Bigbang, 2ne1, Epik High, Zion-T, MFBTY, AOMG, 1llionaire)


→ Strawberry and its dairy products.

→ Overly nosy person.

→ Colour pink.

→ Disastruous fashion (or looks overall).

→ Doing sports. (except jogging and air sports)

→ Cutesy.

→ Violence (depends on the situation tho)
hobbies — 

→ writing blogs or drabbles. Writing in general.
→ archery and shooting. She does them in order to vent out.
→ psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, and philosophy; thus her hobby is observing her environments and people around her.
→ her other hobbies are photography, reading novels (classic books, especially those written by Shakespeare, Dickens, Hemingway, Austen, and Fitzgerald), watching movies and sports (specially baseball, football, and basketball), and jogging around the park.

habits — 

→ tends to clap her hands whenever she laughs hard.
→ sleeps anywhere and anytime she can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. she tends to fall asleep very easily if she really has nothing to do.

→ cuss or talk in a very fast pace in english whenever she's badly pissed. 
→ she tends to shut down whenever she's upset and spends her time alone (because she strongly refuses to let anyone sees her 'weakness') to vent out (most likely to cry alone).
→ lots of skinships.
fears — 1. Dark. 2. Becomes a disappointment for her parents.


→ "Carwyn" means "fair/holy/pure/white love"

→ her catchphrases are: (she speaks in English)

> *when she's shocked* "w-t-f" (she spells it)

> "no beep, sherlock"

> *sarcastically* "live long and prosper, fam"

→ she is often mistaken as a flirt because she can easily mingle with boys without feeling awkward at all. when asked what's the trick to be that easygoing, she only answered with "i grew up with boys and i don't catch feelings so easily, i think of everyone as a possible friend instead of a possible lover. so probably that's that". in actuality, many have confessed to her and got rejected, but remains good friends with her.

→ she went to taekwondo classes when she was still in Belfast and earned her 5th rank black belt in 2007.

→ she feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever she smells dairy products of strawberries. She can eat the fruit though, she doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes her dizzy.

→ her perfume signature is Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel.

→ she loves Italian and Japanese foods, but she always consumes Chinese take-outs in emergency situations.

→ her role models are Rihanna and Beyonce.

→ her SNS accounts (twitter & instagram) have the same username: BYBC212

→ she always has first aid kit in her bag.

→ she has dressed as Cupid once in a Halloween Party. In fact, the picture above was taken at that very party. Xian was the one who took the pic.

→ her favourite lipsticks are Bobbi Brown's and MAC's matte colours.

→ she can't swim for , but she loves the idea of flying. In fact, she enjoys air-sports.

→ she is actually an agnostic. She believes she has to do good, and her life motto is "love + peace = happiness"

→ her favourite colors are black, gold, and red.

→ her favourite TV series are Sherlock Holmes, Game of Thrones, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Prison Break, Castle, Battle Creek, NCIS, and Grey's Anatomy.

home is where the heart is. 


Her family. Her parents are Bae Joohyun, US Vogue Editor-in-chief and Riley Karaugh, a jazz musician who's quite reckoned worldwide. Her father initially wanted a son, thus explains her boyish name, Carwyn. She grew up into a boyish girl too for she experienced minor violence and harsh insults from her parents, and she used to have more male than female friends. Her parents made sure that she grew up strong but still graceful like a lady. Her family is kinda wealthy, and they manage to live 'on easy street', even when the situation amongst her parents' siblings are not in a really good term. In spite of the uncomfortable circumstances in her big family, where even brothers and sisters betray each other and will do anything for money, her family was alright. 

Her immigration and education. As she was a bright kid (she didn't go to primary school and went straight to elementary), she has learned  foreign languages (Mandarin and French)  since she was 6 from an international language institution, and received a certificate as she became fluent in both languages at age 13. At age fifteen right after she graduated JHS (August 2007), she and her family immigrated to Palo Alto, CA due to her mother being transfered from Britain Vogue to US Vogue. She attended Henry M. Gunn High School. All the four years being a highschooler, she has written 12 titles of short stories and 5 titles of long stories which she uploaded into Wattpad and Fanfiction sites. By the end of her third year, she finally released a book officially entitled "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" (P.S. Yes, it's Stephen Chbosky's) and gained global attention. She graduated in June 2011 (because US high school system has 4 years) with noticeably high scores especially in literature, Math, and social science. 

Her first book and movie. It was published by MTV Books in 2010, and was an immediate popular success with teenage readers; by 2011, the novel was MTV Books' best-selling title, and The New York Times noted in spring 2012 that it had sold more than 700,000 copies and "is passed from adolescent to adolescent like a hot potato". As of May 2013, the number of copies in print reached over two million. The book has been removed from circulation in several schools and appeared on the American Library Association's 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 lists of the 10 most frequently challenged books. As of July 2015, The Perks of Being a Wallflower has spent over a year on the New York Times Bestseller list, and is published in 31 languages. Her book eventually was made into film, in which she wrote the screenplay, and was released on September 21, 2014, to positive critical response and commercial success, earning $33.4 million to a budget of $13 million. (Cr: Wikipedia with small changes on years; because I use Stephen Chbosky's book as my character's book)

August 2011 - present. With the money she had earned, she bought herself a medium sized flat and lives alone in New York up till now. She attends Columbia University, and takes an English and Creative Writing major. Due to her confidence after releasing a phenomenal book, she tried to connect with a film producer and eventually got the screenwriter's spot. She has worked as the screenwriter of these  movies: Amour (2012),  The Great Gatsby (2013), Divergent (2014), and Insurgent (2015). Due to her excessive spending of time on work, she inevitably took a semester leave and is scheduled to graduate in February 2016.


family — 

Father: Riley Karaugh || 50 || Professional musician || Stern, responsible, temperamental, charismatic, determined, family-oriented, creative, slightly arrogant, cautious, suave, open-minded, compassionate, intelligent || They barely talk to each other about how their days went, but they deeply care for each other. The two share the same trait of not capable to speak out their feelings. Carwyn respects her father so much. She is a goody-two-shoes and obedient when it comes to her father.

Mother: Bae Joohyun || 46 || Vogue US Editor-in-chief || Creative, naggy, humble, religious, tad bit conservative, skeptical, tough, clever, tidy, courteous, caring, slightly egocentric, firm, honest, emotional, stubborn || They barely talk to each other too, but her mother always asks about her day which she responds with short answers each time because she doesn't like the idea of making her parents worried of her. Besides, she thinks that she will not meet her mother's expectations when she spills out the truth.


relationships — 

Bestie#1: Xian Montague || 24 || (Chinese-Irish) Actress, she appeared in Premium Rush (2012) as Nima, TV Series Once Upon A Time (2012-present) as Mulan, X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) as Blink, and Teen Wolf (2014-2016) as Kira Yukimura || Tough, blunt, decisive, motherly, suave, stubborn, carefree, forgetful, sensitive, dominating, cynical, lazy, glamorous, witty, sophisticated || They are childhood friends. Xian and Carwyn are like the twins who seem to stick to each other almost all the time. Xian can tell whether Carwyn is in good or bad condition only from looking at her eyes. Xian always keeps an eye on Carwyn, scolds her whenever she does something wrong, gives advices whenever she needs ones. Xian knows every single thing about Carwyn since Carwyn always makes sure to keep her updated about things, including the ones which can't be spoken to her parents.

Bestie#2: Joshua Cumberbatch || 26 || (Irish-American) NEXT's Model || Goofy, kind, caring, mature, bold, open-minded, courteous, charismatic, assertive, irreligious, ambitious, youthful || He's a senior in highschool who confessed to her but got rejected. Aside that Joshua is one of the only capable ones to know Carwyn's moods from her eyes, they are also partner-in-crimes. They prank people at times, and they do silly things together. Carwyn often acts like a brat whenever she's with him by teasing him or being super childish, but deep inside she adores him much more than anything. Josh is overly protective towards her.

→ Close friend (Aphrodite): Darielle Song  || 23 || (2012) Josh introduced Carwyn to Belle when Carwyn came to NEXT's building to hangout with Josh, because at that time Josh was talking to Belle. At first Carwyn was always cautious because she could sense that there was something more about Belle, but then after spending what felt like forever conversing, they actually share similar minds about some aspects in life. When Carwyn's first movie was released, Belle was invited to the VIP premiere. They don't talk a lot to each other, but they are almost there whenever one needs the other, be it to listen to their problem or just talking out of boredom.  Oh, and they always invite each other to their birthday bash.

→ Business relationship: Hades

Good friend - Brother at heart (Ares; had a somewhat romantic past with him): They met in 2011 when he was laying unconscious near her apartment. She didn't bring him into her apartment of course, and decided to treat his wounds outside. She literally sat down and wait for him to wake up, sacrificing herself to somehow froze due to the cold weather because she used her jacket to cover him. When he woke up, she insisted to treat him a dinner. As a form of gratitude he obliged. He came over to her apartment next day. And the next day. And next. They eventually became unofficial lovebirds for a year and a half before eventually parting ways. The reason became they are not walking on the same path. They remain good friends up till now.

→ She is acquaintanced and friends with some Korean actresses, actors, movie directors who make it into Hollywood scenes. But I guess they are not really relevant with the story so.. Anyway, I'm just going to list them:

> Good friends: Danniel Henney, Bae Doona, Bang Joonho

> Acquaintances: Lee Byunghun, Kwon Sangwoo, Park Chanwook

→ She is also acquaintanced and friends with some models and Hollywood celebs because of Josh and Xian, and because of her active participation on making Hollywood movies. But I guess they are not really relevant with the story so.. Anyway, some of the good friends are Cara Delevingne, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Ezra Miller, Shailene Woodley. 

the one and only.  

love interesT + FC — Jang Kiyong
*english name — Bayle Jang ("Bayle" means beautiful)

backup(s)  — Nam Joohyuk.
birthday — August 7, 1992

personalitY TRAITS — Caring, witty, youthful, reliable, trustworthy, humble, easygoing, self-sufficient, masculine, charming, adventurous, bold, perfectionist, earnest, impulsive, enthusiastic, carefree, laid-back, loyal.



→ 190cm tall, 75kg in weight.

→ Is one of IMG Models.

→ Came from a wealthy family as his father is a CEO of a venture capital firm in Palo Alto, CA, and his mother is a former supermodel.

→ Good friends with Zeus as they live in the same neighborhood. 

background  — 

→ Life before reincarnation.  He is a reincarnation of a Psyche (a mortal) who, according to myth, was the wife of Eros. He fell in love with her when he grazed himself with his own magic arrow. They started a relationship in secret, but Aphrodite found out and she wasn’t pleased. Aphrodite didn’t think she was good enough for Eros. She set about challenging Psyche. Psyche, with the help of Eros, passed the tests. Zeus was impressed by the efforts Eros and Psyche had made. He smoothed things over with Aphrodite and made Psyche immortal so that she and Eros could be together. This psyche was said to have a butterfly wings and had a very beautiful appearance .

Current life. They have known each other since 2014 as she came to Paris Fashion Week 2014 by Josh's invitation. She got to go backstage after the runway to meet Josh, but Josh was at the restroom. So she sat on Josh's chair and waited for him then suddenly a man approached her asking if she was indeed Carwyn Bae or not. It was Bayle and he was posing as her fan. He told her that he likes reading and when he stumbled upon her book, he became interested right away. Another factor became the author being a Korean. They clicked right away as both share the same age, and both being half-Korean (he's half American). So they talked in Korean and the other models were teasing them by calling them "K-Pop couple".

interactions  — they talk to each other a whole lot. they have long night conversation over the phone at least once in a week, and they send at least one text per day to each other. In fact, he is the only one who can brings out her 'cute' side other than Josh. True that they share the same age, they also bicker about small things often, but actually, she finds herself relying on him pretty often. He always tells her about his day, and he always texts her whenever he finds something hilarious / is experiencing something exciting and vice versa. They also understand each other to spiritual level that he always knows whenever she's having a foul mood, and he will become gentle and sweet or even silly to boost her mood; she always knows whenever he's troubled and she will pinch his cheeks and say "you know i'm here with you". Though, most of the times, Bayle is the childish one and she nags at him a lot, which oftenly ends with them bickering over small matters.  As petnames, they call each other by their Korean names; Bayle as Kyongie and Carwyn as Byongie.

endgame  — It's up to you, Belle. C; I'm not okay with deep angst, tbh.

last messages.

comments/suggestions — I hope this plotline is okay. I really had a hard time choosing a plotline because I like one God/ddes idea, but I don't like the other. So eventually here goes nothing my made up plotline. This is a mess too. Cries.

scene request — 

1. When she's chillin with Belle then suddenly Ares calls her to hangout too and she invites him to join them. She has no idea that Ares and Belle have had a one night stand before, but she does recognize the slight awkwardness from Ares.

2. Scene where she is chillin' with Josh and Belle then she sees a pair of model walking together and she casually blurts out that they look good together they must be a couple in another life. She playfully clicked her index and thumb and at that very moment, the female model tripped and the male model saved her from falling. Rumour has it that after that day the relationship of both have grown closer and more intimate. Lel.

3. Scene where she pranks on Xian with Josh. They come to her place without any notice telling her that they would go on an impromptu vacation trip to London. She is surprised but packed her bags instead. In the end they don't go to London, they don't even go to airport. They go to Carwyn's apartment and eventually spend the night together.

4. She secretly pairs Josh and Xian together, so some scenes where she teases both of them?

Anything else? — Eros and Psyche.

turn inback to story


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