I present you the self-proclaimed Hugeboy
Bae JunhOE (배준회)
the dark guy bohemian who looks like he can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll


ray / yong
His guts? His carefreeness? His silliness? His darkness? :')
→ June ; it's a diminutive of his name ; his family and friends call him with this nickname.
→ 엄친아 (omchin-a) ; abbreviation of 엄마친구아들 (omma-chingu-adeul), meaning "the son of my Mother’s friend", generally used to mean someone who is good at everything ; his classmates refer him as omchin-a due to his ability to maintain his good grades and rumour has it that he has beaten some of The Behemoths.
→ ㄷㄷ (duh duh) ; an onomatopoeia from the word 후덜덜 (hudeoldeol) describing the physical shaking due to coldness, shock, or being scared, meaning "making me shiver" or "shivers down my spine." ; he doesn't speak much so most of his schoolmates say he's weird and his presence makes them shiver. Not to mention his resting assh*le face-
미친놈 (michinnom) ; means crazy bastard ; he doesn't speak much, he's technically an outcast, but he's actually the only one who can be in the top ranking list alongside The Scepters, and rumour has it that he has beaten some members of The Behemoths, also that he's actually wealthy.
Crow ; another nickname from his schoolmates ; he has somewhat tanned skin and his hair is raven black and his presence sends shivers. So yea.
BIRTHDATE March 30, 1998 / seventeen
birthplace Seoul, South Korea
hometown Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity Korean
(native) Korean
(advanced; he took classes and courses from age 6) English, Mandarin
blood type O
myers briggs ISFP

face claim Song Minho (WINNER)
backup Goo Junhoe (iKON)

appearance he stands 182 cm tall and weighs approximately 68 kg. He has toned arms and somewhat broad shoulders, and his hair is raven black in color. He doesn't have chocolate abs, but his abs are pretty visible. His skin is quite tanned.
fashion he's often seen garbed in so unusual outfit, mostly making him looks like a hipster, a bohemian, or a thug. In actuality, he is whatsoever about fashion and (technically) he just grabs whatever he lays his eyes upon, but surprisingly still manages to look oddly good. He often wears beanie and snapbacks. He always has a backpack attached to his back wherever he goes. He also always wear his necklace which he got on his 17's birthday.
Sometimes his silliness equals life too :'>
(+) : pacifistic, courteous, compassionate, curious, witty
(o) : family-oriented, independent, easygoing, bold, observant
(-) : skeptical, unpredictable, stubborn, fluctuating ambition, easily bored
→ Having been raised under the circumstance that it’s wiser to trust in no one — blood nor water, it doesn't even matter anymore nowadays; and in a hard way — he learned to rely on and only on himself. He is a mentally resilient young man who bears the responsibility of enduring several hardships. His boldness makes it easy for him to achieve his goals. He takes action, so if he says she’s going to do something — you bet your , he’s going to do it. His my-way-or-the-highway attitude and complete self-competence at times makes others feel small. He tends to bottle up his deepest feelings because he avoids conflicts. He finds it hard to do the same routines over and over again without feeling bored, so he tends to do something crazy or unusual every once in a while to stop him from going awfully bored. Long story short, he's not someone anyone could mess with whenever it comes to achieving his goals.
→ However, if one would just approach him and actually talk to him, one would surely get to know that Junhoe's actually a very pacifistic and caring person. He is also sympathetic towards conflicted friends and family, and always wants to give hope for them. He does have principles that make him incapable to fully invest his trust to anyone due to his trust issues, but he actually treats everyone in the same friendly, respectful, welcoming way. He's one of very few who says "I'm gonna be here if you need me" and actually means it, even when the latter is not his close friend. He might appear as unforgiving, but as a matter of fact, he barely takes anything to his heart — he doesn't wear his heart on a sleeve — so for him, the past is past, though things might not be the same in second chance. Practically, he always knows when to hold 'em and knows when to fold 'em. He's also the type who will literally listen to every side of a story and conduct the facts from his own observation before jumping into conclusions, which results to him being the most objective, rational, and neutral person in so many occasions.
> His family has a situation amongst his parents' siblings, in which they are not in a really good term. In spite of the uncomfortable circumstances in his big family, where even brothers and sisters betray each other and will do anything for money, his little family is alright. His parents made sure he grew up to be strong so at times they become a little violent, strict, and harsh to him. Though he understands that his parents just want the best for him.
> He is known as one of the outcasts in school, but not because people bullies him; he becomes so due to his "insouciant" looks. He doesn't gather with any clique in school and he literally walks, sits, and eats alone. He is in taekwondo and judo club, but that's that, he doesn't show up in club's activities that often either. He joined the clubs by the principal's suggestion after all (due to his legitimate certificate of earning his nidan—2nd degree of black belt—on both field at age 16). So one day, after uncounted days of being a loner, he was chilling at the cafetaria. It was one of those days that he sit near the Kwon siblings, who oftentimes sit on that particular spot. Like usual, he caught snippets of their conversation and eventually when Taehee yelled at Taewoo, he emitted a laugh. Taewoo, being the super chill guy as ever, joked about his sister and the two guys ended up laughing together. Ever since then Taewoo would greet him whenever they met at the corridor or elsewhere, and Taehee would throw him a scowl. When he heard that the Kwon siblings are forming a new clique, he decided to join without further ado. First reason: he badly needs to try something new, second: it's a chance to actually making significant changes in his highschool life, so why not?, third: he finally feels he finds some-clique where he belongs, fourth: being friends with the Kwon siblings sounds great after all.
→ solitude.
→ food in general.
→ doubleb (beefs & bacons).
→ watching sports, specially basketball, football, and baseball.
→ watching comedy shows / movies.
→ Sherlock Holmes, Game of Thrones, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Prison Break, Castle, Battle Creek, NCIS, and Grey's Anatomy.
→ strawberry and its dairy products.
→ overly nosy person.
→ violence (depends on situations).
trivia –
- He works part-time in a Chinese restaurant as the errands boy.
- The rumour is true #1. He was in his way to deliver a Chinese take-out when he saw five Behemoths surrounding two freshmen girls from school. The Behemoths were actually asking the girls to hangout with them but the girls refused. The girls were scared af so he deemed it was necessary to show the hooligans some of his taekwondo and judo moves. (CRIES- imagine mino's and junhoe's sassy face) Ever since then, the Behemoths have been trying to connect with him and scout him but there ain't no way he's going to join the clique.
- The rumour is true #2. He actually comes from a kinda wealthy family, his father (Bae Insung, 42) is a Deputy General Manager at Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd., while her mother (Bae Hyojin, 40) is the Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Korea. With that being said, he dislikes the idea of using his parents money to get what he wants.
- He's the only child.
- Tends to clap his hands whenever he laughs hard.
- Sleeps anywhere and anytime he can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. He tends to fall asleep very easily if he really has nothing to do.
- He actually does a lot of skinships with his family and his close friends.
- He has six close friends who don't go to the same school as him; they be Kang Seungyoon (19), Kim Jinhwan (19), Kim Jiwon (18), Lee Seunghoon (17), Jung Chanwoo (16), Nam Taehyun (16). They are the neighborhood brothers as the seven of them live in the same neighborhood in Seongbuk-dong.
- He feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever he smells dairy products of strawberries. He could eat the fruit, though he doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes him dizzy.
- He loves Italian and Japanese foods, but he always consumes Chinese take-outs in emergency situations. That was the reason why he works part-time at Chinese restaurant. (FREE FOOD FOR THE GOOD BOY YEHET)
- He actually collects various snapbacks and beanies, and he hold them dearly. But sometime later, he gives one snapback to Taehee and one beanie to Taewoo.
- He eats snacks when he's bored, he eats again when he's doing his homework, he  eats again when he's laying in his bed. He actually eats snacks a lot. He confidently spends his money to buy snacks or (mostly) pizza. (#PIZZAISLYFANDLUV)
- He can't swim for . Bye.
- He has the habit of humming random songs when he's focused on doing something, and actually has a beautiful singing voice. (Junhoe or Mino = my luv) As a matter of factly, he does sing in public for money alongside his six close friends when they have nothing to do.
- He always has backpack attached to him. What's inside: a binder book for notes, a pencil case which comes in complete package with its stuff, lunchbox from Ma, wallet with money he earned and his credit card from Pa (though most of the times he brings it in his pocket), an iPod and earphone, a Nintendo Wii U, an umbrella, portable battery pack for his phone & iPod, a package of dry tissue and wet tissue, few bars of energy-boosting snacks, a bag of chips, a bun of bread.
- The reason he still manages to look good even when he is whatsoever about his looks: her mother makes sure he doesn't go out of the house with odd-looking attire. She helps him to look more presentable, at least. pmsl.
#BAE Junhoe AW YISS /shot
love interest Bae Joohyun (Irene of RV)
clique the scepters
She is recognized and loved by many people but she’s still humble. She makes people comfortable even though she’s a popular person in school. Despite her age being 17, Joohyun is a mature and sensible young teenage girl who desires to become better each time. Intelligent and elegant, she appreciates the value of patience and planning. She genuinely loves her friends and will do everything in her power to help shoulder their burden. Generally shy and timid, she doesn't like conflict and would normally not want to perpetuate it. However, since she wants to protect her loved ones from harm, she unintentionally steps into the conflict.  To her friends and loved ones, she is quite generous and can be quite nurturing. Despite her composure, Joohyun has been shown to be quite sarcastic at times but she never openly chastise those whom act selfishly or insensitively. She also actually has little patience for those whom underestimate her and chauvinistic attitudes in general, but she rarely expresses it due to her reserved trait. She takes great pride in her skills and learning abilities.
Being (probably) the only one who knows about Junhoe's address, since they turn out being neighbors after all this time, she surely doesn't know how to act around him. Around their neighborhood, Junhoe will throw casual greeting or smile at her, but in school... He doesn't even look at her, let alone smile at her. Unknown to her though, he always keeps an eye on her and protects her from the hooligans and whoever wants to harm her. She's the popular one, he's nobody. Who is he to talk to her in school? Unknown to him, she wants to talk to him in school and actually changes him into more of a people person (because she thinks he's a good person).
0. Her father is the CEO of a five-star international hotel in Seoul, "Novotel Ambassador Gangnam", while her mother is the hotel's executive chef as well the hotel's vice president.
1. They live in the same neighborhood but different block. Their houses are only few feet away from each other, though.
2. Their parents know each other, but because he never shows up whenever both houses hold a small families gathering in thanksgiving and christmas, she never figured out that he's a neighbor. Until one day...
3. They met at the intersection in their neighborhood street. It was the first time of her being late for school. She initially didn't want to come due to her headache, but her classmates told her that there would be a pronto quiz so she immediately took her leave. She didn't realize it at first, but actually when they were in the train, she was unconsciously leaning herself against him the whole ride. Or to be precise, he intentionally sits next to her because she looked so pale. When they step out of the train, he gave his lunchbox to her and told her to eat meds too. He then walked away leaving her dumbfounded.
4. She returned his lunchbox the next day, but she couldn't see him because he was going out with his friends.
5. But he saw her. He was watching her from Taehyun's house (which is right in front of his). That time, the seven boys are chillin' at Taehyun's room. Junhoe really got teased badly because of this.
6. His six friends refer her as "Junhoe's girlfriend". Jiwon sometimes adds "who doesn't know that she has Junhoe as her boyfriend". (PMSL)
7. It was one of those occasions where he would sleep at the school building's rooftop during lunch break. She followed him and has been hiding near him, waiting for him to fall asleep. She eventually approached him and sat next to him. He was not asleep, and he knew she followed him. With eyes closed he said, "Thank you". She was startled but she asked ,"What for?" Still with eyes closed, he replied, "For not telling anyone." She smiled and nodded her head. He opened his eyes and smiled at her too. They spent lunch break sitting side by side enjoying the wind. (AHAHAHA Gahd- I read too much shoujo mangas)
8. Her birthday is on March 29, while his birthday is on March 30. Unknown to them, their parents decided to hold a birthday supper for both of them on March 31, 2015. They came to the restaurant (it was in VIP room) not knowing about the plan so in the end both families had supper together yehet both parents ship their children too. He wasn't awkward at all and actually he showed his childish and bubbly side of him in front of the parents, so eventually Joohyun also opened up.
9. In that very supper, their parents joked "We're Bae family, you know." to them and they were like "He he he.". Junhoe wished his parents would stop being so lame while Joohyun wished her parents would stop embarrassing her any further.
10. Again, in that very supper, Joohyun parents gave a birthday present for him, which was the necklace he always wears everywhere (CHROME HEARTS BABY). While his parents gave birthday present to Joohyun, a necklace too (SOBS IT'S ROSE GOLD NITEZ N DAZE) (P.S.again. damn dem $$$).
backup love interest nopey. Initially I wanted him to have no love interest. PMSL. But poor Junhoe shall he become forever alone. And besides, Mino and Irene look really gooooood tgt. But just in case, it's Kim Yoojung the actress for Junhoe. I mean, Goo Junhoe the face claim.
    SO CUTE    So ethereal ; u ;    HER SMILE ; u ;
Coffee, rain, aroma therapy candle, and a book.
Bae insung < Pa / 42 > Deputy General Manager at Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd.. He is normally polite and modest to anyone he meets. Empathetic with almost everyone he encounters with, he easily gains the people's trust and support. Insung and Junhoe's relationship are more like brothers most of the times. Junhoe and his father are the partner-in-crime to prank or tease Ma. They often spend time together watching sports and comedy shows on TV, or even discuss stuff while watching news.
BAE Hyojin < MA / 40 > Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Korea. An advocate for tranquility, she is a humble and altruistic soul. Deeply moved by the sorrows she sees around her, she is empathetic to other people's strifes and desires to impart hope to them. Junhoe loves his Ma very much and he often asks to be pampered. He acts so childish and touchy to his Ma. He does a lot of cute things too whenever he's with her. Though, most of the times his Ma will be the target of his pranks alongside his Pa.
Kang seungyoon < yoonie hyung / 19 > Bright, optimistic, lazy, sweet, bubbly, thoughtful, cute. Lives five houses away from Taehyun. Goes to Seoul Institutes of the Arts, taking Creative Writing major.
Kim Jinhwan < Jinan Hyung / 19 > Crybaby, compassionate, warm, lovely, timid, mature. Lives eight houses away from Junhoe. Goes to Seoul National University, taking Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Kim Jiwon < Kimbap hyung / 18> Confident, independent, goofy, carefree, laid-back, friendly, sociable. Lives two houses away from Taehyun. Goes to Yeouido High School.
Lee Seunghoon < hephaplionhoonie / 17 > Independent, humble, unpretentious, careless, clumsy, funny, excitably. Lives in the same block as Joohyun. Goes to Gangnam’s Gukak High.
Nam Taehyun < namtae / 16 > Mischievous, sarcastic, blunt, unpretentious, funny, assertive. His house is located right in front of Junhoe's house. Goes to Hanseong Science High School.
Jung Chanwoo < maknae chan / 16 > Reserved, polite, obedient, naive, kind, emphatic. Lives in the same block as Joohyun and Seunghoon. Goes to Hanseong Science High School.
Kwon taewoo < woo / 17 > Junhoe respects him a lot because he has this charm and presence of a leader, not to mention that he actually can go out from his comfort zone for his own sake. Junhoe sees Woo as a man of his word and he's very cool. "Oh brother, Woo, I love you."
kwon taehee < hee / 17 > Junhoe and Hee are definitely the Tom and Jerry. Ever since he laughed at her sulky face back then, she would always try clawing at him whenever they meet. Though sometimes when she's in a really good mood, she and Junhoe will have an animated conversations about literally anything. Other than that, Junhoe will laugh at her scowly face and she would try to pick a fight with him. 
why do you want to join jump?
Why not? I finally found some clique where I belong. Dude, this is the chance for me to actually go out of my comfort zones. (/bumps his fist onto Woo's shoulder's lightly) Besides, I fell in love with you. (/waggles eyebrows and laughs) 
whata are you hoping to achieve in high school?
Initially I wanted to just get it over with. Go get them good grades to enter a high-quality university. But now that I actually want to be a part of the community, I think I want to make good friends. (/glances to Hee) I just hope all the girls aren't like her. (/flees from Hee)
(/rubs his palms together and flashes a lopsided grin) Bring it on! (/chuckles feebly and pulls Woo and Hee into an embrace in each side of his arm) I love you guys.
  Courageous, grunge, hipster, black and white, mysterious, nature, art


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narcissas #1
hear my sobs